super golden eye

Chapter 375 This is how the bow is used

Chapter 375 This is how the bow is used
Chapter 382 The Bow Is Used Like This
After hearing this, Jiao Xiong nodded very seriously.

"Wang Er. The eldest son of the Wang family. I understand. My name is Jiao Xiong, and I am the one who wants to kill you." He said.

The next moment, the corner of Jiao Xiong's mouth suddenly curled into a sinister smile: "Now, you can go to die."

As soon as the words fell, he strode forward and rushed towards Lin Jun.

In an instant, a gust of wind blew up.

A group of people stared intently at this scene, they really wanted to know what kind of capital this mysterious person had to speak out.

"Who is he, a member of the Yaozu or a disciple of our sect." Someone asked.

"It should be from our sect, right? Think about it, if it's a family, who is free to hit each other's heads?"

"That makes sense." Hearing this, the man couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

The others watched without saying a word, they really wanted to know if this mysterious man in black armor was really powerful, or if he was just trying to use his tongue.

Then, a strange scene appeared.

The two camps that were still fighting and killing before unexpectedly stopped fighting in a very tacit understanding, and quietly became a bystander, and even discussed with each other, trying to analyze it.

"He drew the bow! He drew the bow!" someone shouted.

Everyone hurriedly looked at it, holding their breath and concentrating on it, very absorbed.

"Strange, he doesn't have a bow and arrow!" Someone wondered.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately discovered this fact.

yes!How can he shoot arrows without a bow?

In the distance, Lin Jun naturally didn't know what everyone was thinking, even if he knew, he would just laugh it off.

Not to mention that he really doesn't have one, even if he wants to make a batch on a whim, he can't use it!

The Moon God Bow was made by the ancient God Clan. With spiritual power as the arrow, bows and arrows made of non-divine materials can't bear it at all, and they will shatter in an instant when they are pulled apart.

Isn't it useless?
No matter what everyone was discussing, Lin Jun had no intention of paying attention to it. At this moment, he held the body of the bow with one hand and put the other on the string of the bow, his mind and mind were united, and the true energy in his body was spinning wildly.

He has long black hair that moves without wind, and what is surprising is that his aura is very restrained, as if nothingness, making it impossible for people to detect it.

"Why does this man draw a bow but not an arrow?"

Not far away, the scorched bear running wildly thought inwardly, obviously he also had this question.

At the same time, Lin Jun's fingers on the bowstring finally moved.

He pulled the bowstring slowly, thinking: "Moon God Bow, don't let me down!"

Suddenly, a joking voice sounded in his head, "It's destined to disappoint you."

"What?" Lin Jun was surprised.

However, before he had time to think about it, the distance between Jiao Xiong and him was already less than three steps away.

Lin Jun's eyes were fixed, and then his fingers resting on the bowstring suddenly pulled.

"Huh???" Lin Jun was taken aback for a moment, and he was shocked to find that he couldn't pull it a little bit.

"This?! What's going on?" Lin Jun was shocked and asked frantically in his mind.

At this time, the voice of the small wooden box came: "How can you use the Moon God Bow with mere Qi Sea? If you want to use it, you must at least have the source of gathering..."

Lin Jun was no longer in the mood to listen to what was said later, because Jiao Xiong had already charged madly in front of him.

"Why don't you draw the bow?! Are you looking down on me, Jiao?" Jiao Xiong shouted, very dissatisfied, but his hands kept moving. For him, as long as the opponent has a weapon in hand, as long as he hits him Die, that's all.

The crowd was in a commotion, and everyone looked a little exciting.

"Why doesn't that man draw his bow?" A teenager asked while rubbing his head.

"Didn't you see that he has no arrows?" A demon clan shook his head, very determined.

"What is this man doing?" Bai Chengye frowned.

"Wait...wait..." Lin Jun stretched out his palm and shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Jiao Xiong sneered, "Wait xxxx! You are here to tease me! I won't smash your head into pieces today!"

"What did you say?" Lin Jun was furious when he heard this, and the experience of speed and passion came to mind again.

In a fit of rage, he actually... directly moved his right hand down, held the end of the Moon God Bow in his hand, and swung it violently at the charging scorched bear.

In front of him, Jiao Xiong twisted his body, obviously trying to dodge.

However, he had just smashed the halberd into the air, so he had no time to react.

In such a split second, Lin Jun seized the opponent's gap, and Luna bowed firmly on the scorched bear's head.

With a bang, after Scorched Bear was hit, his head was pushed back by an impact force, and then that impact force pulled him even more, causing his whole body to be ejected like a cannonball, and then In an instant, it disappeared into the mountain clouds and disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, a loud noise came from a distance.

There is a non-stop ringing around!
Seeing this scene, everyone, even Bai Chengye, was dumbfounded.

The light in Bai Xiao's eyes burst out, and he kept waving his fists: "You're so handsome!"

Not far away, He Qianshan, who was dressed in dark blue, was also taken aback when he saw this scene.

The crowd was silent, as if a needle could be heard clearly when it fell.

It took a long time for someone to respond.

"So... that's how bows are used?" A bow-wielding monster looked down at the big bow in his hand and murmured.

Hearing these words, everyone came back to their senses, and there was a commotion in the battlefield.

"My God, does he use a bow and arrow as a mallet?"

"This senior brother is so fierce!" Someone's eyes sparkled with admiration.

"Brother Jiao Xiong, is he alright?" Some monsters asked worriedly.

"It's alright, it's alright...this senior brother is so handsome!" said a girl from the Yaozu nympho.

"You!" The demon race stared at him with regret, "You actually speak for the human race?"

In the crowd, the big bald snake Nine was numb. He felt that this scene was too familiar, as if he had experienced it before.



Lin Jun strode towards the Zongmen side, and the young men from the Zongmen camp looked excited.

"He is indeed on our side, but I don't know which sect he is from." Someone murmured.

Suddenly, there was a roar in the distant forest.

"Boy! I'm going to kill you!"

Hearing this voice, Lin Jun stopped, and he turned his head to look around.

In the mountains, a burst of red light shot up into the sky.

A burst of incomparably violent breath stirred all around.

Then, a giant bear appeared on the edge of the horizon.

The giant bear had red hair and exuded an extremely powerful fighting intent, but his eyes were blood red, full of undisguised killing intent.

"Zhantian Bear Clan?" The voice of the small wooden box in Lin Jun's mind suddenly sounded, and then he seemed to be talking to himself, and denied it again.

"No, the blood is not pure, it should be a descendant of Zhantian Bear Clan."

Lin Jun was about to ask a question, but at this moment, the giant red bear in the distance jumped up into the sky.

With a whoosh, it came towards Lin Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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