super golden eye

Chapter 350 Problem Solving

Chapter 350 Problem Solving
Chapter 357
"It's you!" As the teacher in the black suit walked in front of him, Lin Jun raised his head in a daze, and then saw the teacher's surprised face, which finally turned into a surprised face.

What kind of expression change is this? It's a bit strange, isn't it?

"Excuse me, teacher." Lin Jun said that he didn't know the instructor who was wearing a black suit a few years ago, and he couldn't help asking softly: "May I bother you?"

I was standing at the door of someone else's classroom just now, and I must have been stopped because I disturbed others.

Hearing that the instructor didn't speak, Lin Jun continued to explain tremblingly: "I am the student representing the Chinese team to participate in the Olympiad International Competition. Today, I was asked by the Chinese side to communicate with foreign students. I accidentally went wrong. road, that's why..."

"Come with me." The foreign tutor understood what Lin Jun said, and his face was still unconcealably calm, and then he also used 17 slightly awkward Chinese language, and led Lin Jun to another place.

Looks like he's going to be out of luck.

He followed the foreign tutor for a long time. After passing through the long corridor, he turned a corner and entered a large office.

The design of the office is all in retro style. On the wall on the far right, there is a large bookshelf in front of it. There are many books densely packed on it, and there are probably more than 1000 books.

He was very surprised by such an office decoration. Around the studio, he found that there was only one desk in it. Does that mean that the entire office belongs to the foreign tutor in front of him?
It seems that the treatment of foreign tutors is really good, and the domestic and foreign countries are indeed one heaven and one underground, the difference between clouds and mud.

When he was really sighing, he heard the foreign teacher say again: "Are you one of the representatives of the Chinese team to participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad this time, the national college entrance examination champion Lin Jun?"

In fact, Lin Jun really didn't know the person in front of him, but when he heard her say that, he could only nod immediately, indicating that he was indeed.

"Then let me introduce you. I am the editor of Nature Magazine and a specially appointed professor of mathematics at Stanford." The so-called foreign tutor introduced himself clearly, and then asked Lin Jun to sit down next to the stool.

It turned out to be the case.

Although Lin Jun already understood, he still couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, and couldn't help asking: "So you recognized me from the beginning, called me, and then brought me here?"

Lin Jun was still puzzled that the magazine editor could recognize him.

"In the beginning, I just thought you were a student who was about to leave before finishing the class, but after I saw you, I realized that you were Lin Jun, the number one student in the college entrance examination who solved one of the world's seven major problems." The editor of the magazine did not say anything. Any concealment, although the Chinese language is very awkward, but he has been to many places, so he is used to it.

In addition, I often discuss some mathematical problems with some Chinese people, and it is inevitable to use Chinese language, so I have learned it a long time ago.

"Cough," Lin Jun coughed lightly to cover up the turmoil in his heart, and then asked him softly, "Then tell me, professor, why did you ask me to come here? The exchange between Chinese and American students is over, and I still have to meet them."

Every word he said was humbly and courteous, so that no one could pick out the slightest mistake.

"Help me see if this problem can be solved." The foreign professor took a piece of letterhead and came over. There was a large string of words on it. It was a math problem that looked very difficult, and the way of argumentation was very complicated.

But in Lin Jun's eyes, with a light sweep, all the complicated methods are in his mind, and he already has the answer in his heart.

"It can be solved, give me a few minutes." Lin Jun was very humble in front of the foreign professor, then he picked up a pen, sat down and began to write the formula argument.

Probably because the way of argumentation is too complicated, so there are many steps to write. More than 20 minutes have passed, and a whole piece of letterhead has been written, and I changed it again, and continued to keep up with the previous rhythm.

Someone also passed by the door. Seeing the foreign professor in the office, he couldn't help walking in to say hello: "Professor, are you out of class today?" After seeing Lin Jun, he wanted to say something suspiciously, but was stopped by the foreign professor.

"He's working on a problem, let's all be quiet." The French professor looked at Lin Jun with a very admiring expression, and another Stanford teacher also saw it clearly, so he stood aside without speaking, waiting quietly for Lin Jun Do a good job.

At Stanford School, all the teachers here have doctorate degrees. If you call any one, you can completely crush the teachers of any school in Huaxia. The rest are all specially hired professors.

Recruited professors have independent offices, the best treatment in the whole school, and can be respected by all teachers.

After a few more minutes, Lin Jun finally put down the pen in his hand, and then handed the letterhead filled with two pages of solution steps to the foreign professor, smiling softly: "I have already solved this problem, you See if my steps and the final argument answer are correct."

The foreign professor's face was full of shock, and he immediately took the two pieces of paper in his hand, and another teacher came over, and the two of them carefully looked at the solution steps and demonstration methods of the question.

After watching it again, the faces of the two 080 people showed surprise and a little joy.

"As expected of China's national champion and top scorer in the college entrance examination. Last time you solved one of the world's most anticipated problems. I have also read it. The solution method is very complete, so I have always been very impressed with you." The tone of the foreign professor is full of embarrassment It's appreciation, nodding while talking, agreeing with Lin Jun very much.

He had noticed just now that Lin Jun had already answered all the questions in just 15 minutes, and none of the steps was wrong.

He knew this question for a long time, and he would indeed answer it, but when he studied this question, it took him a day to figure it out, and it took another two days to write out the solution steps.

More importantly, his solution steps are not as complete as Lin Jun's.

Lin Jun glanced at a teacher and a professor standing in front of him, and couldn't help saying modestly: "Actually, I just happen to know how to solve this problem."

The foreign professor felt that Lin Jun was too modest. Just when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, there were already many students' voices outside.But it’s not like university, where they are all laughing, but they gather together in groups, and the discussion is not on star TV series, but on the topic of the last class and so on.

Lin Jun was ashamed, this is the biggest difference between domestic schools and foreign schools.

(End of this chapter)

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