Chapter 328

Chapter 335 I Want You To Kill

At the door of the emergency room, Jenny Lin and Jun Lin looked at the door of the ward, looking at each other speechlessly.

"Let's go." Lin Jun sighed.

"I want to go in and take a look." Lin Zhenni was really worried, worried and guilty, "If his family members have no money to pay for the medical bills, wouldn't he have to wait to die?"

"Then who can be blamed? Blame you?" Lin Jun was a little helpless, "Everyone has to be responsible for their own actions, and you don't have to pay for other people's mistakes."

"I'm the teacher, you still educate me?" Lin Zhenni couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"At this time, do you remember that you are a teacher?" Lin Jun couldn't help being speechless.

"You still dare to talk back?" Lin Zhenni blushed pretty, glared at him, raised her hand and punched him.

"Don't, don't, don't do this, I'm scared." Lin Jun was startled, and hurriedly moved away from her.

If Meng Xiaowan was alright, he couldn't accept her flirting like this.

He wanted to get away from her immediately.

But in this situation, if he leaves, Lin Zhenni is afraid that she will fall into the pit.

Let's take a look first, at least go back to school with her first, and then don't worry about it.

"Deng deng deng"

A series of hurried footsteps came from the corridor, and then two men and three women rushed over.

The two men are both in their 40s and [-]s, with strong bodies and fierce looks.

With a black tattoo on one arm and a scorpion on the other's face, it's not easy to mess with.

The three women should be an old woman and two daughters-in-law, all with sour faces.

"It was you who broke my dad?"

Seeing Lin Junhe and Lin Zhenni standing in front of the emergency room, two men and three women rushed over immediately, trying to beat them up.


Lin Jun turned around immediately, took a step forward, and shouted coldly.

"Ding——Don't panic when in danger, calm and composed, momentum +10."

The invisible coercion spread out, immediately causing the two men and three women to panic, and subconsciously stopped.

"Did you hit my dad?" The burly man with scorpion tattoos shouted in a low voice, staring at Lin Jun, his eyes bloodshot.

"No." Lin Jun snorted coldly.

"I heard what my brother said." The scorpion man stared at Lin Jun and Lin Zhenni, his expression became ferocious.

"It was a man and a woman who knocked down my dad. The man is wearing a school uniform, and the woman is very beautiful. How dare you say it wasn't you?"

Lin Jun shook his head, "It's really not true, your father ran over by himself on an electric bike, and then hit himself like this."

"I'm sorry about your father." Lin Zhenni took out the responsibility statement and handed it to the scorpion man.

"This is the responsibility certificate issued by the traffic police. Your father is fully responsible. I just stopped by to visit him."

The scorpion man glanced at the responsibility certificate, his expression became even more angry, and he raised his hand to tear the certificate into pieces.

"I don't care who issued it. If my father dies, I will demand your lives!"

"Yes, let them pay for their lives!"

The three women immediately followed suit.

Lin Jun has seen it, it turns out that people can be so rascal and so unreasonable.

Your dad hit himself like this, we didn't let him pay for the car repair, you still want to kill us for revenge?

Is this about our birds?
What is a sudden misfortune?

What is an indiscriminate disaster?

That's it.

But, it doesn't matter, if you dare to do something, I dare to kill you.

"I can understand your grief." Lin Jun guarded Lin Zhenni behind him, and glanced at them indifferently.

"So I can forgive you for once, for your insults, and for threatening your life."

"However, don't think that you are very powerful and awesome, and you will kill someone if you speak."

"It's really going to kill people."

"And, it's definitely you who will die."

Lin Jun's cold words, under the boost of 10 points of momentum, made the scorpion man and the other four family members truly feel the weight of his words.

"As a student, you dare to imitate the underworld and show off its prestige here?"

Seeing that Lin Jun's figure was not very strong, and even looked thin, the scorpion man immediately gained confidence.

With a roar, he stretched out his hands and grabbed Lin Jun's collar.

"Lin Jun!" Jenny Lin exclaimed behind Lin Jun.

"Hum..." Lin Jun snorted coldly, raised his hands, and easily clasped the hands of the scorpion man, and shook them lightly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the scorpion man suddenly screamed again and again, cold sweat quickly broke out from his head, and his face turned pale.

Seeing this, the other four family members were all covered in cold sweat from fright, and they often took a few steps back with frightened expressions on their faces.

"Keep quiet in the hospital." Lin Jun put his hands away and said expressionlessly.

The scorpion man took a few steps back in a hurry, looking at the bruises on his wrists from Lin Jun's grip, his heart sank.

"Let's go, such a person is not worthy of your help." Lin Jun turned to Lin Zhenni and said.

Fearing that she would continue to be a virgin and be tricked by others, he grabbed her wrist and forced her to go.

Lin Zhenni blinked, lowered her head shyly, and was led away obediently by Lin Jun.

So domineering, so imposing.

Also so gentle.

Seeing Lin Jun's power, the family members didn't dare to stop them and let them go.

"Boom..." Just then, the door of the emergency room was pushed open, and a doctor in green surgical gown came out.

"Who are the family members of the patient?"


"The patient is too old to support his body. I'm sorry. We tried our best."

Outside the emergency room, there was a dead silence.

"My wife! You died so badly!"

The old woman lay on the ground and howled.

"I am going to kill you!"

The scorpion man was dazzled by his anger, took out his dagger, and stabbed at Lin Jun and Lin Zhenni with grief and indignation on his face.

They were already close, but when the knife stabbed suddenly, Lin Zhenni was immediately frightened.

Her eyes were wide open, and she stood there stiffly, at a loss.

Lin Jun's face darkened, and he pulled Lin Zhenni into his arms and hugged him, and his other hand clasped the scorpion man's wrist like lightning.

"Don't have a long memory?"

"Then I will let you have a long memory!"


Lin Jun directly twisted his wrist, and then kicked out, hitting his chest.


The body of the scorpion man slammed into the wall directly and fiercely, with such terrifying force that he knocked the wall out of an obvious pit.

And he himself was seriously injured and vomited blood, and fell to the ground.

The dagger fell in front of him with a "bang", shining with a faint cold light.

"Huh..." Lin Jun hugged the frightened Jenny Lin in his arms, and turned to leave.

In the corridor, only a bunch of dumbfounded doctors, nurses, and family members were left.

What a scary person.

Such a strong man.

Several young nurses looked at each other in blank dismay, and they all saw the admiration and admiration in the eyes of other nurses.

The so-called heroes save the beauty, nothing more.

What girl wouldn't want to be protected by such a powerful and domineering man?
This kick gave off awe, arrogance, and a man's unique charm.

Holding Lin Zhenni out of the corridor, Lin Jun put her on the rest chair in the hall.

Lin Zhenni looked at him absent-mindedly, and suddenly hugged his neck and began to cry.

"Woo Lin Jun, I'm so scared"

"Don't leave me, I'm so scared"

She was frightened and stupid before, but now that she regained her senses, the emotion of fear emerged.

After all, it was a gleaming dagger that could kill her.

(End of this chapter)

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