super golden eye

Chapter 313 How is he worthy of you?

Chapter 313 How is he worthy of you?

Chapter 3 How is he worthy of you?

"stop fighting!"

An angry shout sounded, accompanied by the sound of books hitting the table, which immediately quieted down the noisy classroom.

Song Jiaxin, the girl who made Lin Jun fall from the altar, the girl who was supposed to be by Lin Jun's side but abandoned him, was angry.

Under Meng Xiaowan's comparison, she stayed away from Lin Jun when Lin Jun needed her most.

This kind of shameless and unrighteous behavior alienated her from her former good friends, and she was not welcomed in class.

She was once cheerful and lively, so she became gloomy.

She knew that leaving Lin Jun was very unrighteous both morally and emotionally, but what could she do?Be with Lin Jun forever?

Can Lin Jun's brain heal on its own?

Can he still go to university?
Can he, an orphan, support himself?

She's realistic and she knows it, but what can she do?
Her family is also poor, and her parents have no resources or ability, so she can't help Lin Jun at all.

She was afraid of poverty, and she didn't want to tie her life's happiness to a fool.

She can only use the reason of "to let her family live a better life" to convince herself to reduce the guilt and guilt in her heart.

Just finished high school.

Just go to university.

Just get out of here.

Meng Xiaowan is more beautiful than her, has better grades than her, has more talents than her, and her family background is countless times better than her.

In front of Meng Xiaowan, she would not be able to lift her head with low self-esteem.

She didn't understand why Meng Xiaowan, who had no contact with Lin Jun before, would suddenly burst out with a virginal heart and take the initiative to take care of Lin Jun, a fool who had lost hope.

It was precisely because of Meng Xiaowan's diametrically opposite behavior that she was thrown into hell overnight, losing friends, classmates, and even everything.

Even walking on the road, people would cast contemptuous glances at her.

The closer Meng Xiaowan and Lin Jun became, the more shameless and injustice she showed, and the more irritable and angry she became.

She even suspected that this was Meng Xiaowan's revenge against her, because the two competed for study committee members in the first year of high school.

She was selected because her personality was more lively, cheerful and popular, while the gentle and weak Meng Xiaowan was rejected.

It must have been at that time that Meng Xiaowan started to hate her, and then revenged her so viciously.

"Meng Xiaowan, what are you looking for in him?" The more she thought about it, the more angry she got up, staring at Meng Xiaowan and Lin Jun who were showing their affection with red eyes.

"Ah?" Meng Xiaowan was taken aback for a moment, and then the corners of her mouth turned up slightly. In Song Jiaxin's eyes, this smile was undoubtedly full of sarcasm.

"Why should I tell you? What if you rob me?"

She asked a somewhat playful rhetorical question, which stunned the whole class, even Lin Jun.

"The devil wants to snatch it from you!" Song Jiaxin stomped her feet frantically, and roared angrily: "He has no family background, no background, and no brains now. How can he be worthy of you?"

Meng Xiaowan looked down at Lin Jun in her arms, and Lin Jun also looked up at her.

"She's right. I don't have anything. What do you like about me?"

"You really want to know?" Meng Xiaowan asked playfully.

"Of course." Lin Jun nodded.

"Do you need a reason to like someone?" Meng Xiaowan asked with a chuckle, her smiling eyes gleamed with a sly light.

"Don't you need it?"

"Need it?"

"Don't you need it?"

"Need it?"

"Okay, I know I'm infinitely charming." Lin Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it seemed nice to have such a playful and domineering girlfriend.

However, although he and Meng Xiaowan are so close now, the relationship has not been confirmed yet.

He also knew very well that based on Meng Xiaowan's family background, they would have to go through many tests if they wanted to get together.

Of course, he doesn't need to worry about anything now, because he has a system to make up for what is lacking and come up with what he wants.

Lin Jun would not think that Meng Xiaowan fell in love with him just because of the saying "I don't need a reason to like someone".

There must be something he doesn't know, or something he has forgotten, that made Meng Xiaowan secretly promise him.

After he was injured, he took the initiative to take care of him, tirelessly helped him with his homework, and comforted him gently after he failed the exam.

What exactly is it, now he has no clue, so he can only ask slowly in the future, now Meng Xiaowan obviously doesn't want to tell him.

Song Jiaxin saw that the two were so affectionate that they ignored her, the resentment and anger in her heart became more vigorous, and her eyes almost burst into flames.

"School is not a place for you to show your affection. In the name of the study committee, I order you to sit down!"

Lin Jun finally noticed her and sighed softly.

"Now you are really like a cursing shrew."

Meng Xiaowan slightly raised her eyelids, glanced at her, and said softly: "You really should take a mirror and look at yourself to see what you look like now."

Song Jiaxin trembled all over, immediately collapsed, covered her face, and rushed out of the classroom crying.

"Actually, I don't blame her. Everyone has the right to pursue a better life."

Lin Jun turned his head in Meng Xiaowan's arms, looked at the door of the classroom, and sighed softly.

"I became like that, I asked for it, she left, it was her freedom."

"I don't blame her either." A sarcasm appeared on the corner of Meng Xiaowan's mouth, but this sarcasm disappeared quickly and turned into a slight smile.

She didn't blame Song Jiaxin, she even had to thank this ruthless woman.

Otherwise, she wouldn't get close to and get Lin Jun, and her image would be greatly improved under Song Jiaxin's comparison.

The two talked to each other, and the partnership drove Song Jiaxin out of the classroom, causing other people in the classroom to look at each other in dismay.

Today's Lin Jun is really annoying.

"Jingle Bell--"

The class bell finally rang, and the students went back to their seats.

Lin Jun also finally left Meng Xiaowan's warm and soft embrace that made him intoxicated.

It turns out that the feeling of being hugged by a girl is so beautiful, and I must let her hug more in the future.

Not long after, class teachers Xu Hai and Wei Dongyang returned to the classroom.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Wei Dongyang gave Lin Jun a provocative and disdainful look, but Lin Jun ignored it.

Xu Hai glanced at the classroom and frowned when he saw that Song Jiaxin's seat was empty.

"Where's Jiaxin?"

The whole class looked at each other, but most of them looked at Lin Jun.

Xu Hai's heart tightened suddenly, and he looked at Lin Jun with a gloomy expression.

"what happened?"

"Maybe I went to the toilet." As soon as Lin Jun finished speaking, a "report" came from the door of the classroom.

Song Jiaxin stood expressionlessly at the door of the classroom, her eyes were still a little red, obviously crying.

"Come in." Seeing her like this, Xu Hai's face became gloomy again.

Wei Dongyang told him what happened before with embellishment, and when he returned to the classroom, Song Jiaxin was made to cry by Lin Jun again.

Is Lin Jun crazy today?Start revenge on Wei Dongyang and Song Jiaxin?

Last year, he still had hope for Lin Jun, hoping that his brain would heal, recover some grades, and stop dragging the whole class down.

But over time, Lin Jun showed no sign of recovery, and his grades got worse and worse. His patience and expectation finally completely disappeared.

There were only [-] students in the class. Lin Jun often got extremely low scores in the exams after the injury, and every subject would lower the average score of the whole class by one or two points.

The accumulation of so many subjects resulted in the average score of the third class in each unified examination being the bottom of the grade.

His teaching bonus is directly linked to his teaching performance.

There is Lin Jun who is a laggard in the class, so his bonus is naturally the least among the class teachers.

The other teachers looked at him with mocking eyes.

After a long time, his attitude towards Lin Jun changed from pity to boredom.

(End of this chapter)

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