Chapter 29
Chapter 29 Reasons why youth go to jail
Why does Lin Jun care so much about this young man with bad hair?

Maybe it's because he has too much gossip in the officialdom, so I can't help but feel sympathy for this poor-haired young man.

It is said that Lin Jun has been in prison for two days, and the president of the National People's Congress should have also got the news, why hasn't he come to release Lin Jun on bail?

Just when Lin Jun was thinking about this, the door of the detention center opened.

I saw the president of Wenrenda coming in with the detention center staff, and Xiaowen and Fatty Zhang were also at his side.

"Which name is Lin Jun? Your friend came to bail you out, come out." The guard said.

Lin Jun stood up when he heard the sound, and went out after saying goodbye to Brother Hu and Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun and Brother Hu looked at this cheap brother. "Brother, don't come in again after you go out. This is not a good place."

Lin Jun turned his head to look at the two of them, I will never come in this kind of place again.

Lin Jun followed the guards, Fatty Zhang, Xiaowen, and the president of the National People's Congress after they came out, and said to the president, "You know how to come and bail me out, and let me stay in this detention center all night."

"You dare to say it! If you weren't really innocent, I definitely wouldn't come here to release you on bail." said the president of Wenrenda.

"You have only been my personal bodyguard for one day and you have caused me such trouble. You have the nerve to say that I will bail you out."

No matter what this famous president of the National People's Congress said, he finally came back and released me on bail.Lin Jun grinned.

"Police, this man is really wronged. This man beat Xiong Xiazi and others to save me. He didn't rush to beat Xiong Xiazi on purpose."

Not to mention that he smashed the store to grab money for no reason, after all, this blind man is just a boss with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

As for the 300 million I saw him, he didn't dare to say it. After all, he also thought Xiaowen was bullied, and he didn't dare to save Lin Jun who had been wronged and imprisoned by him in the future.

The guards heard what Xiaowen said, "So this man was wronged, and he is still a good man, a man who stabbed his friend?"

Lin Jun said: "Do I look like a bad guy? Do you think I would be caught by you so easily if I was really a bad guy?"

Wenren Qingcheng said: "Let's say a few words, the guards can take this person away now, he didn't make any mistakes, on the contrary, he saved my assistant."

"I think the people in the detention center should pay more attention to Jindu Bathing Center. This place is not a good place. There are mixed fish and dragons. Maybe they are doing something." Wenren said sarcastically.

"My little girl was quite frightened by them when she went in, and she didn't recover for a while after she came out. Until now, she is still a little dazed."

In fact, the assistant Xiaowen was not bullied by them after entering, it was just that Xiaowen was thinking a little too much and scared himself, thinking that he might be sold in the future.

I might be an escort girl in the future, and the more I think about it, the more afraid I become. Only those who know how to scare people will scare people to death. In fact, this blind man has not had much contact with this Xiaowen.

Since this Lin Jun is not someone who made mistakes, then there is nothing wrong, you ask this assistant Xiaowen to follow me.You can leave after making a confession.

Assistant Xiaowen followed the guards to the back room, leaving Fatty Zhang, Wenren Qingcheng and Lin Jun outside.

Fatty Zhang said: "Brother, you haven't been bullied in there. I heard that the detention center is not peaceful."

"Fatty, you look down on me, Lin Jun. My strength is something these little guys can bully?" Lin Jun glanced at Fatty Zhang.

Fatty Zhang thought to himself that Lin Jun is such a powerful person, if he can be bullied in this detention center, then this detention center is too crouching.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, the assistant Xiaowen and the guards came out.The guard told Lin Jun that he could go.

Lin Jun thought to himself that he was really talking on his strength now. At the beginning, Fatty Zhang begged the police desperately to prevent the police from taking him away.

It seems that the president of Wenrenda also paid some money, and it is impossible to pull himself out just by coming over with a word. After all, Qingcheng International and Jindu Bathing Center cannot be compared.

Lin Jun took over the conversation and said, "I don't know if you know the guards, but there is a crazy young man in this detention center. Why was he arrested and detained for so long?"

The guard said: "I know, this person has indeed been locked up here for a while, what's the matter, what is your relationship with this person, and how does he have anything to do with you?"

From the words of the detention center staff, it can be confirmed that what Zhou Yun said in the prison is true, and that it was indeed the previous leader who locked this person in.

Lin Jun thought to himself that this person didn't seem to know the affairs of this crazy young man, and it was not easy for him to interfere in these matters, so he let it go.

It would be better not to appeal for this person, and it will be more difficult to survive after helping him out.Maybe it would be a sad thing to go out and starve to death on the street.

At least this person can still live in this detention center, after all, life is better than death.

He just wanted to test whether the guard knew this was a thing, and to see if it was really done by the staff in the previous detention center.

It depends on whether the staff of the detention center really didn't know, or the staff of the detention center clearly knew this was a matter but deliberately refused to release this person.

Now that Lin Jun got the answer, the guard may not know that this person was wronged, and there are reasons to be forgiven. After all, those who don't know are not guilty.

It's not that this person doesn't know that the former guard was arrested and sent to prison because of corruption and bribery.

Lin Jun, Wenren Qingcheng, Fatty Zhang and Xiaowen left the detention center.

Lin Jun and the President of the National People's Congress said: "Have the rough stones we bought from Yunnan and Guizhou Province been sent back now?"

"Why are you still worried that I have swallowed these rough stones privately, not to mention that you bought so many rough stones, and not all of them will be opened to jade." The president of Wenrenda said with a slight smile.

Lin Jun thought to himself, my eyes can see through the rough stone, and I don't know what's in it.

If it weren't for knowing that all the stones contained materials, and all of them were good materials.I will be so anxious to ask you if your things are back?

I still clearly remember that there is a stone inside that I can't even see through the perspective. It may be a treasure.And the jade pendant I won back, my eyes are all because he can extend the use of clairvoyance ability.

These treasures cannot be opened by outsiders, because others may be able to open these stones because of jealousy.Maybe they swallowed everything in a bad mood, and then lied that nothing was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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