Chapter 27
Chapter 27 Prison
After driving on the highway for nearly half an hour, they finally arrived at the door of Fatty Zhang's house.

There was no one at the door, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong, and no one came to make trouble.

After Lin Jun parked the car, Lin Jun got out of the car and walked towards Fatty Zhang's house.Call Fatty Zhang at the door.

In the room, Fatty Zhang was still hugging Xiaowen, and Xiaowen was still a little dazed. The eyes that Fatty Zhang saw just now might just recover temporarily.It's still hard to get out of it now.

Lin Jun thought to himself that this group of people would not be doing the same thing in the open, but in fact bullying Xiaowen.It seems that Xiaowen was seriously injured by them.

It's been a long time, and Fatty Zhang has been comforting her, logically speaking, it should be time to come out.

At the same time, he also asked himself if he was being too kind to them, instead of just crippling his arms and legs.

Looking at Xiaowen's pear-blossoming little face, I couldn't help but think of my first love, Li Xiaoxin.

When I met Li Xiaoxin a few days ago, she looked helpless at the lottery point by herself.Could it be that there was a burst of distress in my heart.

"Fatty Zhang, are you okay? Go to the hospital for an examination and what the hospital said." After all, he was hit with a brick, but it was still on the head.Lin Jun is still worried about this fatty Zhang, after all, he has a good heart and loves him so much.

"It's all right. I had a brain examination. The doctor said there's nothing serious. Let me go back and have a rest. I'll be back after a bandage. Brother, don't worry about me. I'm rough-skinned and thick-skinned." Fatty Zhang replied .

Lin Jun thought to himself: "When I asked him for money, I should have asked for more. My brother forgot to ask for medical expenses."

Just as Lin Jun was questioning Fatty Zhang, the sound of a police car sounded outside the door.

It turned out that Xiazi Xiong brought the police to make trouble.

"Who is Lin Jun here? We came to arrest him under the order of the superior." A tall and burly policeman said.

Four or five policemen were followed by Xiazi Xiong. These people who followed Xiazi Xiong must be the policemen that Xiazi Xiong had found, and then said that the people from above came to arrest Lin Jun.

Lin Junxin thought: "It's not easy for me to shoot at the police. After all, the country still has very strict jurisdiction over law and order. If the police are injured, it is not easy to deal with it according to the laws and regulations. It is a bit troublesome."

Although these people are policemen recruited by Xiazi Xiong, the police are still formally organized. You must know that the country still severely punishes assaulting the police.

"What mistake did I make? There must be a basis for arresting people." Lin Jun smiled lightly.

Although Lin Jun couldn't do anything to these policemen, he had never been anywhere, let alone a small detention center.What's wrong with just going there.

"You rushed into the Jindu bathing center in broad daylight, beat up the boss, and extorted 300 million yuan afterwards. Our country is a society ruled by law, and people like you are not allowed to do evil." The policeman standing next to him said.

Lin Jun glanced at Blind Xiong, and Blind Xiong couldn't help but panic when he saw Lin Jun and looked at himself.But then he thought that now that he was next to the police, it would be impossible to beat him again in front of the police.

"You can't just say what you are a policeman without proof. As the saying goes, if you catch someone, you will get dirty, if you catch a traitor, you will get double. You just take me away with empty words, which is not in line with the rules," Lin Jun said.

But the policeman acted impartially and said, "This gentleman will come with us to make a statement first. We don't intend to detain this gentleman. When we arrive at the detention center, we will naturally produce evidence that satisfies him."

Lin Jun had nothing to say when he heard this, he just didn't want to make trouble.

He Lin Jun is not something a small guard can watch, let alone he has not committed any crime.

Just to save people, presumably this blind man would not dare to say that he has been extorted so much money, after all, the money is not clean.

Then go with them first and see what tricks they can play.

Fatty Zhang next to him said to the policeman, "My brother didn't come to rob me, but to rescue my sister, who was arrested by them and wanted her to be a prostitute."

The police didn't respond to what Fatty Zhang said, and they weren't the type to be tempted by such a small person.

It's natural to be humble, and there's nothing you can do about it.The same words have different effects for the president of Wenrenda.

"Xiao Lei, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling a little uncomfortable?" Seeing that Wang Xiaolei was a little strange, Jiang Ruoyi asked worriedly.

Jiang Ruoyi's voice woke Wang Xiaolei up from the phantom. He shook his head vigorously, and the phantom in front of him disappeared.

The moment the phantom disappeared, Wang Xiaolei felt as if his strength had been emptied, his legs softened, and he staggered and fell into Jiang Ruoyi's arms.

Jiang Ruoyi's chest was very soft and fragrant, as if it could make people forget all their troubles.

What was even worse was that when he fell into someone's arms, Wang Xiaolei's mouth was still pressed against Jiang Ruoyi's cheek.The fragrant face, the soft face, feels like a fragrant flower-flavored pastry.

Jiang Ruoyi was so nervous that her face turned red all of a sudden.She retreated reflexively, but Wang Xiaolei's body leaned forward following her, and the feeling brought by that hateful mouth became more intense!
"Xiao Lei, what are you doing?" Jiang Ruoyi panicked, feeling that her body was about to lose strength.

Wang Xiaolei tried his best to stand up, his face flushed with blood, "That... sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, it's just... I just stumbled and didn't stand firmly..."

"Didn't you do it on purpose? I think you did it on purpose, right? Xiaolei, tell me honestly, did you do it?" Jiang Ruoyi glared at Wang Xiaolei, with shyness in her eyes.

Wang Xiaolei waved his hands again and again, and said awkwardly: "No, no, that... I really didn't mean it, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

At this time, Wang Xiaolei knew very well that his right eye did have many incredible abilities, but using those abilities would consume a lot of physical strength and energy, so he felt exhausted and exhausted.

"Xiao Lei, you are acting strange today." Jiang Ruoyi was very dissatisfied with Wang Xiaolei's explanation, and looked at him with pouted lips.

"Well, Ruoyi, if there is nothing else, I'll go back. Uh, just call me next time I need to change the water." Wang Xiaolei didn't dare to stay for long, turned and left.

"Okay, Xiaolei, I don't blame you anymore, thank you this time." Jiang Ruo felt that Wang Xiaolei was also embarrassed, sighed, said, and got up to send him away.

Wang Xiaolei smiled and said: "It's nothing, you can go back, don't send me off, you and I have been friends for more than [-] years, what's the matter with you?"

Jiang Ruoyi also showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth: "Can't I be polite to you? Also, I wanted to tell you a long time ago, you should find a stable job instead of working at a construction site, not to mention the danger. It can’t be done forever.”

"I'll think about it!" Wang Xiaolei nodded with a smile, turned and left.

After leaving the door, Wang Xiaolei sighed heavily, who wouldn't want to live a better life in this world?Who doesn't want to drive a luxury car, live in a villa, and have a group of people flattering them wherever they go, and no matter what they do, they will be supported by people, and they will do it in a beautiful manner.

But those, all leave money and power.

Quan Wang Xiaolei is not very interested. Although he likes money, what he lacks most is money.

"Cheng Huwei paid [-] yuan for medical expenses, and I left the hospital early with [-] yuan. With this money and some savings on my person, it is almost enough to pay for my sister.

But she went to study in Gyeonggi, where the consumption is high, and she has to spend money for everything. Compared with the tuition fee, the daily expenses may be greater, so in the early stage, I have to prepare at least [-] yuan for her.How can I get this money now? "When thinking of money, Wang Xiaolei's head hurts.

Inadvertently, Wang Xiaolei left the community.

The sun was shining on him, the streets of Tianfeng City were full of traffic, strangers passed by, it was a busy scene.

"By the way, now that I have the ability to see through, do I still need to work on construction sites? Why don't I use my special ability to make money? With this magical ability, my sister and I will definitely have a better life! "Thinking of this, Wang Xiaolei couldn't help turning his head and looking towards the south of Tianfeng City, Hai'ao, which is separated from Yigang.

At this time, Wang Xiaolei already had a very bold plan in mind.

In the evening, as the sun went down, Tianfeng City finally became cooler after a hot day.

"What? Wang Xiaolei has been discharged from the hospital?" Ma Wanan, who came to visit Wang Xiaolei at the nurse station of the People's Hospital, widened his eyes.

"His eyesight is fine, but the beds in our People's Hospital are tight, so we let him leave the hospital." The nurse was obviously very impressed with Wang Xiaolei.

"His... His eyes are fine? How is this possible!" Ma Wanan said in disbelief.

"I said what's the matter with you?" The nurse was not happy, and said impatiently: "Aren't you his friend? If you have any questions, you can just ask him. I'm very busy here. If you have nothing to do You hurry up and don't delay my work."

"I'm sorry." Hearing the good news, Ma Wan'an didn't bother to argue with the nurse, and turned to leave.

As soon as he left the inpatient department, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Wang Xiaolei, but Wang Xiaolei's mobile phone was turned off.

Ma Wanan stopped by the elevator, scratched his head, and said to himself: "This kid, he didn't tell me when he got out of the hospital. I don't know what he's doing?"

The elevator door opened, and Ma Wanan was about to go in when he saw Cheng Huwei and several young people coming out of the elevator room.

Seeing Cheng Huwei, Ma Wan'an froze, turned around and wanted to run away, but several young people brought by Cheng Huwei immediately surrounded him.

"What... what do you want to do?" Ma Wanan's voice trembled a little.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Huwei said with a sinister smile, "Damn, you and Wang Xiaolei are quite courageous, and the money was stolen from me. Fortunately, I called the doctor and the doctor told me that Wang Xiaolei That kid’s eyes are completely fine, and he’s out of the hospital now. Well, that bastard not only burned my welding machine and a transformer, but also cheated me of [-] yuan in medical expenses. What do you think I’m thinking now? ?”

"This is a complete misunderstanding, a big misunderstanding!" Ma Wanan's feet were trembling.

"Go to your mother's misunderstanding!" Cheng Huwei said angrily: "Give me a hard beat up on this kid, and then let him take us to find Wang Xiaolei, I don't believe that he can run away!"

Several gangsters rushed forward, without any intention of holding back, and punched and kicked Ma Wan'an.

These guys hit very hard, they beat Ma Wan'an three or two times so that he couldn't get up and wailed, but they didn't intend to stop at all.

Ma Wanan hugged his head, curled up, and shouted, but a voice in his heart said, "Xiao Lei, run, don't stay at home..."

Wang Xiaolei is destined to have no way to see this scene, and he has no way of knowing Ma Wanan's warning.

At this time, he had just walked into the main hall of Haiao Pudong Casino.

Tianfeng City and Haiao are separated by water, so it is very convenient to come to Haiao from Tianfeng.Without a visa, it costs 200 yuan to ride a black boat.

Wang Xiaolei came here on a black boat this time. He didn't want anyone to know that he came to Hai'ao, so he turned off his mobile phone before coming here.

(End of this chapter)

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