super golden eye

Chapter 267 Money Tree

Chapter 267 Money Tree

Chapter 274 The Money Tree

"Let's tie them up with rope first." Lin Jun thought for a while, then said.

Although Lin Mo has gone through many things, he has never seen Lin Jun in such a scene. Since he said so, he followed suit. The father and son found a circle of hemp rope, and then put all the dozen strong men together. tied up.

After a while, Lin Fang came with the police from the police station.

Because their place is poor and remote, and the area under the jurisdiction of the police station is also large, only two policemen actually came but did not bring more people, not even a gun.

This is also the reason for the lack of grassroots police force.

Lin Fang brought the police over, pointed at a dozen strong men and said they were the ones making trouble.

But the police were a little confused. A dozen strong men came to the Lin family to downtown, but only two men, Lin Jun and Lin Mu, were there. It was a miracle that they were able to tidy up all these ten strong men. .

But it's strange, the things that should be done still have to be done, and the police asked about the situation of both parties in detail.

Then the dozen or so strong men were taken away, and Lin Jun was also called to the police station to make notes.

After a series of things were done, the police station determined that the main responsibility of the dozen strong men was due to Lin Jun's self-defense and did not cause any serious damage to the dozen strong men, so Lin Jun was released.

But Lin Jun just left here, and Diao Ba also received news that Lin Jun couldn't do anything to a dozen strong men, Diao Ba was shocked and angry.

The dear one is of course Lin Jun, who has such a powerful ability. He was just a weak and incompetent poor rural boy before.

However, now even more than a dozen strong men can't get close.

And what is angry is that this Lin Jun has lost another batch of the men he sent. Such successive failures, what face does he, a bully who is afraid of everywhere, have?
However, Diao Ba has been rampant in the village for so many years, and he has recruited some wonderful talents.

Among them was a rascal named Skinny Monkey.I don't have much skill in fighting, but I have a bad stomach.

It can be regarded as a think tank of Diao Ba.

Seeing Diao Ba on the bed, he was dizzy and exhausted because of Lin Jun's affairs.He felt it was time for him to come up with his own plan.

"Don't worry too much about that, it's easy for Lin Jun to take care of him." The thin monkey approached Diaoba's hospital bed with a smile.

Diao Ba raised his eyebrows, she was upset at the moment, but this thin monkey was smiling in front of him, as if showing off his might.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go if you have to fart, I am not in the mood to sing this hard-to-get play with you now!"

It's not polite to be bully under one's own subordinates.

Originally, he wanted to use airs to ask Diao Ba to beg him to present this strategy, but unexpectedly, he was scolded by Diao Ba angrily, which made the thin monkey feel embarrassed and afraid.

He didn't dare to put on airs any more, and quickly said the method he thought of.

In fact, Shouhou's idea is also simple. He thinks that the Lin family is about to prosper, and it is also because of the elixir that Lin Jun got from nowhere.

But he knew that Lin Jun's elixir must not have any authorization, and it definitely didn't seem like it could be produced according to the steps of regular drug production in the way of the Lin family.

So as long as we start from this aspect, let the health bureau find out where the Lin family's pills come from, and at worst, order the Lin family to stop producing such pills.

This broke the root of the Lin family's fortune.

This strategy can be said to be not malicious, Diao Ba was overjoyed to hear it.

And this trick doesn't cost much, you just need to find someone to send a report letter to the Health Bureau, it's not as troublesome as finding someone to blackmail the Lin family, and according to the after-sales service, as long as the Lin family If the pill does not have a production license, it must be sued.

"I can wait for you, and I have made a contribution to my elder brother today, so if the Lin family's pill is ordered to stop production by the health bureau, then I will reward you."

Diao Ba's temper comes and goes quickly, and he doesn't remember that he was glaring at the thin monkey just now.

Having his elder brother praise Shouhou, he also feels very radiant, but his strategy is not over yet.

"Brother, brother, I have another word. You said that the Lin family's pill is so miraculous, it must have a miraculous formula, so if they send it to the Health Bureau for testing, you always find someone to make a relationship and ask them to hand over the prescription to the Health Bureau. , and then buy it from the Health Bureau, wouldn't we just have an extra cash cow?"

After the operation, this plan also hit the bully's heart. If you want to say that he is a bully from all over the world, but his income is not stable, he relies on some dirty methods to gather money.But in this kind of backcountry, these villagers themselves don't have enough to eat, and this method can't blow up much oil and water on these villagers.

But if there is this prescription from the Lin family, it will be completely different.

Even the villagers in this poor country still need to take medicine. In the past two days, Diao Ba heard that the Lin family has earned nearly 1 yuan. In this era, 1 yuan is equivalent to a ten thousand yuan household. The representative of the money man.

If he can get this prescription and then partner with others, it will really be like what he said after the operation, he has found a cash cow, and it is the kind of cash cow that will never die.

Since this matter is related to the future of Diaoba, Diaoba is not ambiguous. It is not a problem to get to the clerk at the Health Bureau.

After just two or three drinks, the clerk understood what Diaoba wanted, and he patted his chest and promised to help Diaoba get back the prescription.

The Lin family drove away the dozen strong men, and it was still quiet for a few days. As for the patient brought by the dozen strong men, they inquired about it. It turned out that it was a widow from the next village. The brothers and sisters also have no parents, and the children are left alone in the family. No one cares about them. They were forcibly carried to the Lin family by this group a few days ago. They originally wanted to blackmail the Lin family.

However, Lin Jun and Lin Mo saw through it, and there was no blackmail.

Lin Jun also tried to use his own spiritual blood to save the patient, but it is true that manpower is sometimes poor, and spiritual blood is not a panacea. This patient has been too sick for a long time and seriously.

Even after eating Lin Jun's blood, he only recovered for a few days, and passed away as if returning to the light.

Lin Jun also knows about his own blood, and it doesn't mean that if it is really able to kill people, it just has therapeutic effects on most critical illnesses.

Therefore, Lin Jun completely gave up the idea of ​​making money by healing diseases with spiritual blood.

But on a quiet day, within a few days, the Lin family ushered in another clerk in black trousers, a white short-sleeved shirt, and shiny hair.

As soon as the clerk came in, he introduced himself as a member of the County Health Bureau, and received a report to investigate the illegal production of medicines by the Lin family.

The four members of the Lin family looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Lin Jun was afraid that the other party was a fake psychological worker, so he asked for the other party's work permit, and looked carefully, and found that he was indeed a genuine employee of the Health Bureau.

"I received a report that your Lin family is producing a kind of pill recently to treat people's diseases?"

The clerk has a businesslike face.

"The truth is that I'm the barefoot doctor in the village, so I should have the right to treat you, right?" Lin Mo said to the other party with a smile on his face. reported his identity.

Then he took out the barefoot doctor certificate he had obtained and showed it to the other party.

The clerk carefully looked at Lin Mo's barefoot doctor certificate, and nodded.

"That's right, you have a barefoot doctor's certificate, so you can treat common diseases, but the problem is that your current behavior is illegally making medicines. If you buy medicines in the county town and give them to the villagers, there is no problem. Yes, but if you want to make your own medicines, you need a license to manufacture medicines and a factory building."

In fact, Diao Ba had already sent someone to tell the staff about Lin Mo's barefoot doctor's certificate, and he had already made preparations.

Lin Mo can cure diseases, but he cannot make medicine.

This is also stipulated by law.

Because Lin Mo is a barefoot doctor, he has to go to the county to receive training every year, and he still remembers this regulation, but he always thought that what his son made could only be regarded as a folk remedy for fun, not a real remedy at all. drug.

But the clerk didn't agree with Lin Mo's explanation at all.

"If yours is not a drug, then what other main treatment drugs have you added besides these drugs?"

This question left Lin Mo speechless.

In order not to affect the efficacy of the pill made by Lin Jun, he really didn't add any medicine to other villagers.

"So you have been convicted of illegally manufacturing medicines, but now I need to make sure that the pills you made are harmful." The clerk saw that Lin Mo was a little panicked, so he started asking for a prescription The direction spoke out.

"Absolutely not. Many people have tried our pill, and the effect is indeed remarkable." Lin Mo quickly swore.

"It doesn't matter what you say. The details will not be known until after the test, so please give me the formula and samples of the medicine." The clerk said to Lin Mo with a serious face.

Speaking of prescriptions, where would Lin Mo have them?

He had to look at his son Lin Jun.

And as soon as the other party asked for a prescription, Lin Jun knew that the other party's actual purpose might not be so simple.

Although the clerk was full of legal crimes and so on, Lin Jun knew that the ultimate purpose of the other party was to come for the prescription.

(End of this chapter)

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