Chapter 229
Chapter 235 Meeting by Fate
It turns out that "Dugu Zhenqi" was actually written very far away, probably dating back to the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty.This book is written by Guo Jing, the hero of the Condor Shooting, exhaustively learned in his life.

At that time, before Guo Jing died, he entrusted this scripture to Yang Guo, the hero of the carving. Unfortunately, Yang Guo was dissolute by nature, and when he was traveling with Xiaolongnv, this scripture disappeared on the road.

At that time, the whole world was looking for the four scriptures, but unfortunately no one got it in the end.

As for its power, no one has seen it before, but for hundreds of years, it has been regarded as a fetish by everyone, and it has become the most admired in life.

During these hundreds of years, every once in a while, someone would appear in the market, saying that he would be really angry with Dugu. Of course, they were basically just bragging.

Lin Jun's master has been searching hard for "Dugu True Qi" all his life, but there is no result. In the end, even before he died, he repeatedly told his daughter and Lin Jun that they should be together. No matter what, I must find these four "Dugu Zhenqi" scriptures, even if I can't find them, I still have to complete them as a lifetime mission.

Of course Lin Jun searched desperately at the beginning, but where could he find it?

The old man's daughter, Zhang Xiaoxia, who is also Lin Jun's junior junior sister, has been looking for it all the time, but she hasn't found it until now.

She has said to herself countless times that she can't let her father feel regretful even under Jiuquan, absolutely not!

After so many years, talents have emerged from generation to generation in the rivers and lakes. Talented people are always emerging in endlessly, but everyone dare not say that they are the real number one master in the world, because before they get "Dugu Zhenqi", even if they are No matter how powerful you are, you dare not call yourself number one in the world in vain.

To be truly number one in the world, one should have Dugu Zhenqi.Lin Jun looked at these four scriptures, and was in a daze for a moment. Looking at them, the sun was setting, and tears poured out of his eyes.

He was so excited that he even choked up a little: "Master, I finally found Dugu Zhenqi through such a chance meeting, you can rest in peace under the Nine Springs!"

Lin Jun no longer has any fantasies about the title of No. [-] in the world, because for so many years since the old man died, he has sat on the throne of a master for too many years, and he is a little tired, a little tired, and now by chance After obtaining the four complete classics "Dugu Zhenqi", he was greatly moved, and the dysmenorrhea of ​​Wenren Qingcheng was saved!

Otherwise, in this uninhabited place, how on earth could he save Wenren Qingcheng?Thinking of this, he laughed heartily, smiled, and suddenly the smile stopped.

and many more……

No one has ever been to this place, so who put the four copies of "Dugu True Qi" in the belly of the white ape?
Is it placed by itself?Naturally it is impossible.

This is obviously unreasonable, but things are so real happening in front of your eyes.

This place is like a paradise, is it possible that there are other people who drifted here with the sea just like me and Wenren Qingcheng, and then were chased and killed by the wicked, and fled here in a hurry?

Is it possible...

Is it possible...

When Lin Jun followed her son back to the small nest, she saw that Ren Qingcheng had woken up, and she was sitting on the bank of the river, cooking the stored fish and rabbit meat that Lin Jun had ordered before.

Lin Jun ran up to her excitedly, extremely excited and happy.

"Lin Jun, what's wrong with you?" Wenren Qingcheng smiled, patted him on the back, and asked him.

"Wenren Qingcheng, your illness is cured. I got four scriptures just now. This is the famous "Dugu True Qi"." Lin Jun was very happy, and said to Wenren Qingcheng.

Wenren Qingcheng was dumbfounded, looked at the four scriptures in Lin Jun's hand, and said, "What? What is this "Dugu True Qi"? How can my illness be cured? Is it related to these four books?"

"Yes, it's saved, it's really saved!" Lin Jun danced happily.

"Hey, be careful not to fall into the river, you are my man now, if something happens to you, what should you do?" Wenren Qingcheng reminded him with a smile.

After Lin Jun and Wenren Qingcheng had dinner, they sat in front of the small nest and began to practice. He started to practice from the first book.

The text on "Dugu Zhenqi" is indeed extremely uncommon, and people who don't understand it will seem to feel that these are the four heavenly books, but Lin Jun has actually studied this kind of text systematically.

It turns out that "Dugu Zhenqi" was first written by Guo Jing and Guo Daxia in a very rare Western Region script, and Lin Jun lived there for two years when he was in the army in the Western Regions.

It was only after he thought about it for a long time that he realized that the words on it had been studied systematically by him.

Only then did he feel the profoundness of "Dugu True Qi", and when he thought about it, it would really take some time to learn it clearly, thoroughly, and comprehensively.

But right now, as long as what he has learned can cure the illness on Hao Wenren Qingcheng's body, that's fine.

He placed the four "Dugu Zhenqi" scriptures in front of him one by one, closed his eyes and meditated, and began to learn.

According to the above records in "Dugu Zhenqi", this is actually a very superb and mysterious inner strength method, and those who have successfully learned it will probably have the ability to go to heaven and escape from earth.It is no wonder that countless people are so obsessed with it throughout the ages.

Anyone with two skills knows the meaning of the saying that there are tricks to win without tricks.In fact, among real masters, they often compete with each other, no matter how brilliant and superb their skills are, sometimes they will be dismantled.

But with strong internal strength as the support, it becomes much easier, no matter how clever the opponent is, he will definitely not succeed in dismantling the move.

That way, it will become a wonderful skill that turns decay into magic. The opponent is invincible, and it only takes two moves to defeat the opponent in an instant.Lu Ye started to practice from the first scripture, and he had completed all of them in less than two weeks.

After practicing the first scripture, he felt that his body was filled with countless abilities, and it was as warm as the sun shining on his body, which made him feel very good.

He himself really did not expect that this "Dugu True Qi" is so simple, and a whole scripture can be practiced in such a short period of time.

He was very happy in his heart, so he came to the small nest and said to Wenren Qingcheng: "I have already practiced the first book, and now I will start treating your dysmenorrhea."

Although Wenren Qingcheng didn't understand these kung fu and mental methods, she couldn't help raising her own doubts: "Is it so fast to learn Kung Fu? Didn't you say that what is called "Dugu Zhenqi" is the supreme inner power mental method? How did you learn it so quickly, you probably haven't finished it."

"Don't worry, how can I take my life as a trifling matter? If I say that I have practiced, then I have practiced. Sit down quickly, and I will start treating you now." Lin Jun said softly.

Wenren Qingcheng sat in front of him very obediently, Lin Jun put his hands on her back, held his breath, and began to circulate Dugu Zhenqi.

This Dugu true qi is an evolution of the most masculine force in the world. Wenren Qingcheng's stubborn disease is really yin, so using this kind of yang and strong true qi to treat it will have a very good effect.

Just enough to resist this cold air.

Sure enough, as soon as the zhenqi was transported into Wenren Qingcheng's body, Wenren Qingcheng was full of energy and felt refreshed, and as the zhenqi increased, Wenren Qingcheng's feeling became more and more intense. The better, and later, Wenren Qingcheng felt an unprecedented sense of comfort in her body.

This kind of comfort seems to have never been experienced before. She has been suffering from dysmenorrhea since she was 13 years old. For so many years, every time she has an attack, she feels like walking around the gate of hell. It is really uncomfortable.

Now that Lin Jun is continuously transmitting Dugu's true energy into her body, she is really very comfortable, and her body, which was extremely tense in the past, seems to have finally returned to normal from this moment.

It lasted for more than two hours, Lin Jun suddenly stopped, Wenren Qingcheng felt that there was only a little discomfort left in his body, but the warm air suddenly disappeared, so he turned back and asked Lin Jun : "Lin Jun, what's wrong with you? Why don't you continue to treat me?"

Lin Jun frowned, looked at his hands, and said, "It shouldn't be, how could there be a lack of true energy, and what is the reason for this?"

Wenren Qingcheng stayed aside.After thinking about it for a long time, I finally figured it out. The dysmenorrhea in Wenren Qingcheng's body can't be settled and solved with just one book of Dugu Zhenqi, and Dugu Zhenqi is divided into four books. Powerful, the first book is the weakest of the four.

(End of this chapter)

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