super golden eye

Chapter 197 stunned

Chapter 197 stunned

Chapter 2 and Three

This group of people is already middle-aged. They have been in the urban society for many years, and they will inevitably do many wrong things. These people among them may have their criminal records in the police station On the record!
Today, what they did, they can't know it very well. Right now the police are outside, and they are really anxious and frightened, so no matter what they do, it will be wrong!

At this moment, Wang Chang yelled: "Listen to the people inside! Raise your hands!"

The 24 people raised their hands neatly and squatted on the ground, not daring to move at all. Several of them even fainted from fright.Wang Chang at the door gestured to the policemen under him, and everyone rushed in.

Wang Chang looked at the door viciously, and he thought to himself: Lin Jun, you bastard, I can tell from the text message Zhou Tingting sent you today that the two of you must have a relationship. If you die, you have to die, if you don't die, you have to die, you ****!Wait to do it!

He had just finished thinking, and before he could recover, a black shadow rushed out from the warehouse, catching Wang Chang and the policemen behind him by surprise. Among them, five policemen fell to the ground instantly. Chang himself was almost hit by these two punches!
Fortunately, he had excellent reflexes and dodged aside in time.Immediately afterwards, a burst of yellow sand rushed towards the face.I was so fascinated by Wang Chang and the others that I couldn't even open my eyes!
It just so happened that it was raining heavily at this moment, and there was nowhere to hide. There was heavy rain behind him, and there was yellow sand in front of him. Wang Chang ate a mouthful of sand.Wang Chang had never seen this kind of skill before!

He and the policemen behind him were all panicked. After all, they had never seen such a battle before, and seeing this sudden change, they were so frightened that they almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Wang Chang stood on the spot, baring his teeth and claws for a long time, until the yellow sand in front of him gradually stopped, and then he opened his eyes again with peace of mind.

But it was strange, when Wang Chang opened his eyes again, he found that there was nothing in front of him!
As if nothing had happened!Zhou Tingting immediately took out the pistol from her waist, put it in front of her, and pointed the gun at the door.

Wang Chang stopped Zhou Tingting, and he yelled inside: "The gangsters inside, listen to me! We are the police. I saw everything you did just now. Quickly raise your hands and surrender. , Stop doing fearless resistance!

Standing at the door, Wang Chang could tell that he was also very nervous.

After all, the sudden change just now simply exceeded his own ability to bear. He used to be a policeman, and now he can sit in the position of deputy chief, so his ability to withstand pressure must be very high.

But it was a pity that after experiencing what happened today, he realized that in front of some things, he would never be as good as an ordinary person.

For example, Lin Jun.After a while, there was still no movement inside the door.

He finally couldn't stand up anymore. As soon as his rogue nature broke out, he took out the pistol in his waist and said to it: "Brothers, follow me and rush in! Damn it, shoot everyone you see!"

Zhou Tingting was stunned when she heard Wang Chang say this.Where is such a case handled?Seeing that everyone shoots, the gangsters can't be executed casually. Besides, there must be good people in the warehouse!

But immediately, she felt Wang Chang's own fear and panic. When the sudden change happened just now, she was standing beside Wang Chang. I believe she knows better than anyone else what Wang Chang's panic has become. .

She has followed Wang Chang for such a long time, two and a half years if not three years, and has handled some large and small cases. It seems that Wang Chang has never been so nervous. In fact, if conditions permit, she even Everyone wanted to ask Deputy Bureau Wang, what happened today?
He is not like this usually!

But there was no time to think about it, the gate was right in front of us at this moment, and since the deputy director had already spoken, and in order to avoid long nights and dreams, the police rushed in.

When Wang Chang, Zhou Tingting and others rushed into the abandoned warehouse, they took a closer look, they were both stunned, and all the police were stunned, and then put down their pistols.

The sudden change just now was like a dream. In front of him, there were only 24 middle-aged men squatting on the ground with their hands behind their heads!Besides the 24 of them, there was another familiar face, Li Yaoguang, fainted on the ground.

Wang Chang frowned, and rushed over, seeing that Li Yaoguang was already in a coma, and the bits and pieces of the past flooded into his mind at once.

In the past, Li Yaoguang, as his wife's nephew, invited him to drink in a big restaurant and go to a high-end club for health care. These things are still vivid when I think about them. Today, Li Yaoguang has encountered such a big thing. As his little uncle , not only didn't feel the urgency, but almost ignored it.

Thinking about it at the moment, I really felt a little guilty, so I tried to lean on Li Yaoguang's body, but Li Yaoguang still couldn't wake up.

"Arrogance! Send Comrade Li to the police car quickly, he has passed out now!"

"Yes, Deputy Director Wang!"

The police officer Xiao Zhang trotted up to Li Yaoguang, helped Li Yaoguang up from the ground, and carried him out.Wang Chang looked around and found that there was no figure of Lin Jun at all in front of him, so he asked Bancunnan to come over suspiciously.

Bancunnan was trembling with fright, and Wang Chang asked with a cold face: "Just now we received a report from Comrade Li Yaoguang Li, saying that there is a criminal full of crimes here, right?"

When Bancunnan heard Wang Chang say this, his heart immediately relaxed, so he said: "Uh, yes, yes."

Wang Chang nodded and asked, "So, this gangster named Lin Jun, what about others?"

"Um..." Bancun Nan turned his head and looked near a bucket in the northeast corner.

Wang Chang followed the man's line of sight to look over, and his heart became clear immediately, so he stared at the bucket suspiciously.

Seeing that the police were only arresting Lin Jun, everyone relaxed.

Wang Chang looked at Bancunnan and walked towards the bucket. He looked at Bancunnan's face seriously and said, "Tell me the story of the case honestly!"

Bancunnan said: "Okay police officer, things are like this, today..."

Bancunnan told Wang Chang about the cause and result of what happened today, Wang Chang nodded seriously, and the distance to the bucket was getting closer and closer...

When Ban Cunnan finished telling the story, just in time, the bucket was already in front of him!
Wang Chang nodded and said: "Oh, so the matter is like this. Don't worry, I will definitely get justice for your boss's son. Hehe, speaking of your boss's son, he can be regarded as a very important person in this society. Good citizens who abide by the law, what happened today..."

Pop, pop, three shots.Before Wang Chang finished speaking, he shot three times at the bucket in front of him with a serious expression on his face!

The bancun man standing next to him was still listening to Wang Chang's words intently one second ago, but in the next second, before he could react, he didn't expect that he would shoot three times in a row towards the bucket. gun!How could this ordinary person withstand such a big blow?

Bancunnan fell down and sat on the ground, ouching, almost scared his soul out!

After three shots, Wang Chang continued to pretend to be calm and said: "Hehe, hey, it seems that this gangster is really cunning, and he doesn't know where he has gone! Otherwise, all personnel should evacuate now. It's a matter, think about it in the long run."

There was nothing unusual about the quiet bucket.

Zhou Tingting stood at the door, her heart was extremely complicated!
When she heard Wang Chang say the word Lin Jun, her heart almost didn't jump out.

How could she have thought that today's case was actually related to Lin Jun?If he had known early on that this case was related to Lin Jun, then he would have sent a text message to Lin Jun on the way here following Wang Chang!
Now, what to do?

"Comrade, don't worry, there is a great motherland behind the people!" As soon as Wang Chang finished speaking, he turned around sharply and fired six shots at the bucket!

Three shots before, plus six shots after that!

The bucket was already riddled with holes, and the stagnant water inside kept leaking out!Wang Chang yelled: "Close the gate! There is only one exit from the gate, even if the gangster Lin Jun has wings, he will never run out!"

(End of this chapter)

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