Chapter 182

Chapter 187 No one is there

After a full 5 minutes, the computer finally booted successfully.

After experiencing a series of advertisement prompts from anti-virus software, Tencent QQ advertisement pop-up windows, and the system’s built-in browser repeated freezes, finally, the computer finally ran successfully.

Both Zhou Tingting and Wang Chang were about to fall asleep, and as a very Lin Jun Lin Jun's female Lin Jun Lin Jun's voice came from the notebook, the two big men Wang Chang and Lin Jun were shocked.

It turned out that Lin Jun inadvertently clicked on an adult video shared by a gay friend who was abroad two days ago. Of course it is very embarrassing to watch this kind of thing here, but because the computer is too slow , after clicking on it, it can't be closed for a long time.

Looking at the blood-spitting picture on the computer screen, Lin Jun and Wang Chang were so energetic, it almost seemed as if the two of them were about to get into the computer screen!
Zhou Tingting couldn't sit still anymore, picked up the pistol on the table, and almost shot the notebook to death.Finally, after the wind and waves calmed down, Lin Jun opened the software and began to deal with the tape seriously.

That software is really powerful. In less than 3 minutes, it reproduced the previously erased images of the surveillance video.

In the middle of the screen, an old man in ragged clothes was walking staggeringly on the deserted street at midnight and early morning. There were no cars passing by, and the old man only had tightly closed shop doors and the quiet night in front of him.

Suddenly, a tall man of 1.8 meters five rushed out from an alley, took out a dagger from his arms, and stabbed at the old man...

Lin Jun was really shocked when he saw this!
He played this clip over and over again. When he saw it, he pressed the pause button on the video. Then, he magnified the screen thirteen times. He could clearly see the murderer's arm There is a strange totem, the exclusive totem of vampire organization members!

Lin Jun gasped, unexpectedly, this case is related to the vampire organization!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, how could Lin Jun associate such an important matter with the vampire organization?

If you really beat him to death, you wouldn't even think of it!

"Hehe, it turned out to be related to the vampire organization! Damn it, I really didn't expect it!" A sly smile appeared on the corner of Lin Jun's mouth.

Zhou Tingting's eyes were as big as eggs, and surprise was written all over her face.

"I want to intervene in this case, Zhou Tingting, now you and I go to the vampire's lair, I want to end it now! Find out what I want to investigate by the way!" Lin Jun turned and said to Zhou Tingting who was extremely surprised .

Without thinking, Zhou Tingting nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Wait!" Wang Chang blocked the progress of the two.

"Deputy Bureau Wang, what do you mean?" Lin Jun asked with vigilance.

"This case is taken over by me alone. As the deputy chief of the police station, I will not allow anyone to interfere!" Wang Chang's tone was very firm. He took off his glasses above the bridge of his nose and smiled confidently.

"Hehe, so, now I say I want to take over? Deputy Wang?" Lin Jun asked.

"You? You little comrade, let's save it. If you say take over, take over? Who do you think you are? Heavenly king? To tell you the truth, you are not very old, you are just a boy. My king Chang has been here for so many years, and no one has ever been able to go against my will!" Wang Chang said.

"Papapa" three loud bangs, Lin Jun applauded, and after a while, he said: "I must intervene in this case!"

Lin Jun and Wang Chang are in dire straits at the moment, refusing to give in to each other.

Wang Chang naturally has his own reasons, but Lin Jun is so stubborn and insists on intervening in this case. Wang Chang's attitude towards Lin Jun is getting worse and worse. When calling Lin Jun, he simply uses the word "little comrade" No more, just the four words 'little bastard'.

Zhou Tingting stood aside, looking very uneasy. In fact, she knew that Wang Chang had that kind of meaning for her, but she was always indifferent.

But her character is like this, words like love at first sight will never have any effect on her.

Even if she doesn't have any feelings for you at the beginning, if you treat her well for many years, her heart will open a door for you sooner or later.

Sure enough, after Wang Chang's long-term efforts, Zhou Tingting has opened some doors to Wang Chang at this time.

Zhou Tingting looked at Wang Chang, who was so angry with Lin Jun, and felt a little distressed in her heart. Out of a little acceptance of Wang Chang's favor, she naturally stood by Wang Chang's side.

She said to Lin Jun: "Lin Jun! Let me tell you, you must not be ignorant of flattery. Do you know how patient Wang and I are with you here? Although I know your ability , but don’t forget, this place is a police station, if you really need to do something, I’m afraid you will be too busy to walk around!”

Zhou Tingting stood on Wang Chang's side with a protective attitude.

Hearing what Zhou Tingting said, Lin Jun really couldn't laugh or cry, but he was quite speechless. He turned his head and glanced at Wang Chang, and said, "Deputy Bureau Wang, although I don't know you well, judging from your style of handling things today, I can also see what kind of person you are! I really don't understand how a guy like you with a small stomach and a big heart can sit in such a high position as the deputy director!"

Wang Chang was in a hurry. Regardless of 21, he took off the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, clenched his fists and greeted Lin Jun's nose. He said, "Little bastard! What the hell are you talking about here? What? Believe it or not, if I punch you now, your whole face will bloom! Don’t be shameless, don’t eat or drink a toast, and don’t look where this is. If I want to touch you, now I can ask someone to drive you out!"

Wang Chang's punch originally hit Lin Jun firmly on the nose, but Lin Jun stretched out his hand lightly, and grabbed Wang Chang's fist.

Wang Chang frowned, and he found that no matter how hard he tried, his fists couldn't move any further.

Lin Jun's power is so great, and Wang Chang, who is in a tight situation, is very embarrassed. As a dignified deputy director, Lin Jun had already successfully aroused his anger in his heart today, but now he finally broke out, but found that, It is very likely that I am not the opponent of the little brat in my mouth at all!
Zhou Tingting hurried over and pointed at Lin Jun: "Lin Jun, I warn you, you should take your dirty hands off our Deputy Director Wang's right now, otherwise, you will see me!"

Wang Chang shook his head at her: "Tingting, don't worry about this matter, this little bastard seems to be shameless, today I must teach him a good lesson!"

Wang Chang's right leg moved a step forward. Even Zhou Tingting could see this move. Wang Chang wanted to break free from Lin Jun's hand, but unfortunately, Lin Jun's hand was like an iron fist. Wang Chang was helpless at all!
Zhou Tingting stood aside and watched, she could only be in a hurry, and there was nothing she could do.

Of course Zhou Tingting knows Lin Jun's methods!Now, the scene is so embarrassing, if Wang Chang, who is pursuing him so hard, is really beaten back by Lin Jun, how can Wang Chang hang around in the police station in the future?
Even, will this matter leave a shadow in Wang Chang's heart?This is all unknown, and the most deadly thing is that Wang Chang didn't allow himself to intervene in this matter at all.

Zhou Tingting stood where she was, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, spinning around in a hurry.

Lin Jun faced Wang Chang's flustered appearance, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Deputy Bureau Wang, this is your territory, I know exactly what you want to do to me just now, your This punch probably used up all my strength, and I caught it easily, but you have nothing to do!"

Lin Jun's words were so loud that Wang Chang's complexion was ashen, and he stood there stupidly, his eyes glazed over.

Now, there are two embarrassments before Wang Chang.First, this is in his own territory, being so humiliated by a little bastard, he can't get down because of emotion and reason.

Second, Zhou Tingting is standing on the sidelines. Zhou Tingting has seen all this matter. She has always admired Zhou Tingting. There was some limelight in his eyes, but now that he was so humiliated, how should he behave in front of Zhou Tingting in the future?
These two embarrassments really made Wang Chang feel confused.This lasted for more than five minutes, and Lin Jun held Wang Chang's fist tightly all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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