Chapter 169

Chapter 174

"Come on."

Li Tianqing's expression turned extremely ugly. Since we met here, it means that Wenren already knew their intentions and planned to take them back, but if they were taken back, it would be a disaster this time. The father and son didn't know How many years do you have to stay in the bureau for this.

"Damn it, why did you come after me so quickly? Didn't this kid disappear?"

Li Yaoguang was very nervous. Earlier they heard that Lin Jun seemed to have evaporated from the world. Many people came out to look for her, but no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find her. They thought Lin Jun was given to her by someone. Killed, it turned out that they were tracking their father and son.

"I said to take the waterway, but you didn't listen. If we had taken the waterway last night, we would have gone far away."

Li Yaoguang complained about his father, but what his father meant was that it would cost 100 million yuan for one person to travel by water, so it was not worth it. It was better to take a plane. Therefore, the two of them did not manage to escape last night.

But now, Li Tianqing's heart is full of regret. If Lin Jun would follow him, he shouldn't have saved the 200 million.

The father and son walked very fast, and Lin Jun followed behind them neither fast nor slow, keeping a distance of 50 meters from them. There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Since he met him, the father and son would run away. I can't drop it, but Lin Jun is not in a hurry to catch the two of them.

One is because he wants the father and son to continue to feel the meaning of tools in their hearts. In addition, there are too many people here. If it is resolved, they may take hostages.

In addition, Lin Jun does not have any documents to prove that he is a special soldier, so he may be caught by the security guards at the airport as a bad guy if he makes the first move.

For these reasons, Lin Jun could only choose a more suitable place, such as a place with few people, a place with a blind spot for cameras, or a place with few people. In this way, the father and son walked towards the exit step by step. follow behind.

Soon, the two of them left the airport. At this time, Lin Jun's feet were on the ground a little bit, and his body rushed out like a flash of lightning. The speed was as fast as a shooting star in the sky.

"Not good, run separately."

Seeing Lin Jun's arrival, Li Yaoguang let out a lot of screams, and then the father and son separated and ran away. Lin Jun had a mocking smile on his lips. It would be whimsical to want to run away like this.

You know, the father and son don't have any background at all. His son has been lazy for so many years, and his physical fitness is not good, let alone Li Tianqing. After working in the office for so many years, his body is already very fat, and he is so bulky How can you run far with your body?

However, just to be on the safe side, Lin Jun, who was following the two, focused his attention on the two days when he was about to run to the taxi, with a wicked smile on his face, the so-called capture of the thief first, these things were actually done by Li Tianqing Yes, Li Yaoguang is just a helper, we must find the mastermind this time.

Lin Jun rushed towards Li Tianqing with a terrifying aura. While running, Li Tianqing turned his head to look behind him from time to time, and found that as the person chasing him got closer and closer to him, his face became even uglier. Unexpectedly, Lin Jun Jun can be so fast, he has not gone a few meters away, Lin Jun has shortened the distance by half.

No, I can't be caught up by him, or it's game over.

Li Tianqing suddenly saw someone in front of him, with evil thoughts in his eyes, and when he passed by one of the beauties, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed the man's arm, and pulled it hard, and then the beauties did not know what happened In the event of something, the body quickly reverses.

"Lin Jun Lin Jun, there is still this kind of operation!"

Lin Jun couldn't help frowning, his speed was so fast, it seemed that he was going to bump into this beauty, the next second, the beauty was directly put into Lin Jun's arms, Lin Jun wanted to relieve the impact of his body , hugged the beautiful woman's waist, turned around 360 degrees, and turned two times in a row before stopping her body.

"Ah, rascal."

Feeling being hugged by a man, the woman's face was full of horror, she didn't expect that someone would take advantage of her as soon as she got off the plane, she was really unlucky.

"Beauty, I didn't do it, it was that person who pulled your arm."

After Lin Jun responded briefly, he stopped paying attention to the woman in front of him, let go of his hand, and continued to chase after Li Tianqing. Because of Li Tianqing's fuss, the distance between Lin Jun and him was opened by 70 meters .

Well, the beauty didn't know what happened at the time, but after seeing the man who was hugging her chasing a fat man, after thinking about it carefully, she felt that Lin Jun was not to blame for this matter, it should be that the man ran too slowly I didn't want to be chased, so I chose such a method. It's not Lin Jun's fault.

Next, Li Tianqing still used the same method to hinder Lin Jun's pursuit. Lin Jun was also very helpless. Every time he was very close, a stranger would always hit him, but Lin Jun did not Don't want to hurt these innocent people, so they are always kept at a distance.

At this time, he was already on the road near the airport. At this time, there was no one to be seen on the road. The corner of Lin Jun's mouth could not help revealing a hint of sarcasm. It seemed that this guy would not be able to escape this time no matter what.

Surrounded by roads and grasslands, no one can be seen. In this vast place, the line of sight is also very good. In addition, the road is relatively flat, so it is perfect for chasing people.

Li Tianqing had already run almost one kilometer at this time. Because he didn't exercise much, he was already blushing and his neck was thick, and he couldn't breathe, and his own potential had been used up, so he was running at a very full speed at this time. , like a snail, any seven or eight-year-old kid can catch him.

"I said brother, don't run away, just stand where you are."

Lin Jun laughed loudly and didn't run away, but approached Li Tianqing step by step.

At this time, Li Tianqing seemed to know that he couldn't run anymore. In desperation, he could only stop and gasped for breath. He looked very tired, as if he had finished a [-]-meter sprint. Same, almost exhausted.

Lin Jun snorted coldly, then took a step forward, and lifted his foot straight out. As soon as his foot landed on Li Tianqing's butt, his body rushed out, flying five or six meters away, and rushed onto the lawn , eating a mouthful of grass.

" are too much!"

After getting up from the grass, Li Tianqing's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He originally thought that Lin Jun just chased him and brought him back, and he would not touch him, but he still didn't expect Lin Jun Jun actually knew how to make a move, and kicked his ass, unexpectedly still so hard.

"You let me chase you so badly."

Lin Jun was also very helpless in his heart. Along the way, Lin Jun had received cold looks from many people. Many people hated Lin Jun for gnashing their teeth, especially those women. Rang Rang was angry, but after being hugged by Lin Jun, it was the most embarrassing and irritating.

Therefore, Lin Jun intends to teach the guy in front of him a good lesson. He actually chased very hard.

"If you don't run away, follow me well, maybe I won't beat you."

While speaking, Lin Jun walked up to the man, stretched out his hand, and lifted the clothes in front of Li Tianqing's neck, as if he was carrying a chicken, and lifted it up easily.

"Lin Jun, even if I did something wrong, you don't have to treat me like this. If you hit me, I will sue you."

Li Tianqing was very dissatisfied in his heart. He had done something wrong and should be punished by the police and the law. But if Lin Jun insisted on doing something, his heart would be unbalanced. He felt that he did not deserve such an insult. Lin Jun shouldn't have come to do it.

With a snap, Lin Jun's arm suddenly waved, and there was a crisp sound in the air. When he looked at Li Tianqing in front of him again, he would definitely find that his left cheek flushed. It was a little swollen, and the sides of the face looked extremely asymmetrical.

"Ah, you still slap your face, you are not human."

Li Tianqing was even more dissatisfied in his heart. Although he no longer had the status and glory of the past, but now, he would not be slapped in the face. You must know that slapping the face is an extremely embarrassing thing. If someone saw it, Li Tianqing couldn't lift his head at all.

(End of this chapter)

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