super golden eye

Chapter 156 News

Chapter 156 News
1 Chapter Sixty News
Wenren Qingcheng felt that Lin Jun should have used some method to bring the two of them here.

"My baby is in the grass. I picked it up. If you don't believe me, hit us. Although we rural people are not as rich as you, we can't tell lies."

An Ran, the peasant couple, was already prepared to be beaten, after all, she knew that she had provoked something she shouldn't have provoked.

"Are you being stubborn? Can this thing be picked up casually? It's ridiculous. Call me. If you can't tell the truth, you don't have to stay here."

Wen Renfang was about to ask someone to do it, the husband and wife hugged each other, closed their eyes, and looked very scared, but Wen Renqing raised his hand, signaling Wen Renfang not to do this

"Don't worry, just tell me slowly, where you picked it up. Tell me what happened and why. I won't let them beat you. But if you don't tell the truth, I can let you go." , and give you a sum of money.”

Wenren Qingcheng didn't want to make any mistakes, and finally found Lin Jun's whereabouts, and didn't want to have any accidents.

"Tianlong Village."

The rural couple looked at each other without saying anything else.

Zhou Ting heard this important clue and Wenren Qingcheng looked at each other. It happened that Zhou Tingting received a call from Wen Renping and went out to answer it. , but I want to come to Lin Jun in person.

"Someone saw Lin Jun in Tianlong Village."

Zhou Tingting gave Wen Renping the information she had obtained, thinking, how could Lin Jun be taken to such a remote town by someone?
"Okay, I'll take someone there right away, it happens to be very close to Tianlong Town."

Zhou Tingting told Wenren Qingcheng the conversations she had with Wen Renping one by one. After hearing it, her brows immediately relaxed. Wen Renping's ability to handle affairs is very strong, and Lin Jun should be able to find him.I was secretly happy in my heart, but my facial expression didn't show at all. It's hard to imagine a girl in her 20s who can do this.

A group of people here walked out of the back hall and sat on the sofa outside. The boss poured tea for the two of them and asked about some household matters, but Wenren Qingcheng was in no mood to answer.Just sit quietly.The boss didn't say much when he saw the situation.

On the other side, Wen Renping drove a jeep in a low-key manner, and led people outside Tianlong Village. He found the wheel marks, and asked professionals to compare it. It was indeed the car that kidnapped Lin Jun, the van.

Put away the measuring tools, get in the car, and drive into the village. People in the village are very surprised that such a place where the birds don’t shit, how can there be such a good car? Some people think, maybe some people come out to visit the mountains. Let's play with water.Little did they know they were the police.

After getting out of the car, Wen Renping held a picture in his hand and walked towards a young man on the side of the road with a smile on his face.

"Boy, have you seen this car?"

Wen Renping seldom talks like this with people in a humble way, but there is no way this time it is really necessary.

The group of people did not speak, and when Wen Renping was about to speak, an old man walked over and said, "I have seen it before."

Wen Renping was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly asked: "Grandpa, where did you meet them, and where did they drive? I hope you can tell me. We are the police."

After speaking, he took out the police officer's card and showed the old man a look.

The old man took a look and squinted.

"Walking for almost two hours, the direction seems to be the top of Tianlong Mountain! Are they bad people? Did you ask me for directions just now? I didn't tell them."

Halfway up the mountain, the bodyguards were eating dry food and drinking mineral water, standing halfway up the mountain, looking at the bottom of the mountain.Suddenly, a white off-road vehicle quickly drove towards the top of the mountain.

The bodyguard's eyes showed vigilance, watching the white off-road vehicle getting closer and closer to their current location.He hurriedly turned his head to look at Bai Feng behind him, and hurriedly walked in front of Bai Feng.

"Boss, a car is coming up, it seems to be driving here."

When the bodyguard said these words to Bai Feng, there was a hint of nervousness in his tone.

When Bai Feng heard what the bodyguard said to him, his expression suddenly became serious.

"Is it a police car?"

"The car is white, and it's a little hard to see what it is. It seems to be an off-road vehicle, but it is definitely not a police car, but the driver of that car has very good driving skills."

The bodyguard was also amazed that it was okay to drive so fast on this dirt road, not only because it was an off-road vehicle accident, but also because of the driver's skills.

"Stay in the car honestly, and when I get what I want, I will naturally let you go. But if you think about how to escape again, believe it or not, I will let you go right now. You killed it. Then, throw your body to the wilderness to feed the wolves!"

Bai Feng said viciously, then walked to the bodyguard's stand, looked towards the west, and sure enough, he saw it.

After hearing Bai Feng's words, Lin Jun didn't say anything, but he thought in his heart, did someone come and kill him?
Seeing that white off-road car getting closer and closer to Baifeng and the bodyguards.The bodyguard panicked a little.

Bai Feng watched his bodyguard's complexion getting worse and worse.I couldn't help but think in my heart, what a waste, just such a small thing scared him into such a dog, I invited such a waste bodyguard, it is really useless.

"Boss, did you come out to visit the mountains and rivers?"

The white off-road vehicle was getting closer and closer to Baifeng and the bodyguard.Bai Feng watched the white off-road vehicle driving towards him faster and faster, and Bai Feng became more and more uneasy.

Bai Feng also became more and more uneasy. It would be impossible for him to travel here. The place is in the wilderness, and there are no good-looking scenic spots.That's considered walking a car, the mountain road here is so trembling, who would come here to take a car when they are free!


Bai Feng has a feeling of uneasiness in his heart. He always feels that something bad will happen. The best plan at present is to leave here quickly and stay away from that off-road vehicle.

The car ran out of gas before driving for a while. After all, there were a lot of climbs and the fuel consumption was high. Baifeng and the bodyguards had to put the car in the middle of the road. Later, because Lin Jun couldn't walk fast, the bodyguards had to hike up the mountain with him on their backs.

After walking for a while, the bodyguard and Bai Feng found a place to hide, and after a while, they saw someone approaching with a gun, and they knew it was a policeman by looking at their clothes.

When Baifeng and the others saw the police coming, they ran up the mountain resolutely. After running for about half an hour, they were exhausted. When they turned their heads and looked behind them, there was no one, as if they hadn't noticed them.

Finally evading the police, Baifeng breathed a sigh of relief, the sky was also very hot, scorching the earth, he glanced around, saw a big tree, and planned to go to enjoy the shade, before walking a few steps, Baifeng let out a sound, and one of them was inattentive, He fell into a big pit.

"Boss, where are you?"

The bodyguard put Lin Jun down hastily with a worried look on his face, but wondered why the boss disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I'm here."

Bai Feng shouted in a somewhat unhappy tone, and then the bodyguard followed the sound source, crawled away from the weeds in front of him, and saw Bai Feng, who was actually in a pit.

"There is a cave here, come down and hide."

However, Bai Feng found that although there is a pit here, there are many plants busy on it. If he hides here, he should be able to escape the sight of the police, and then he can leave here after the police leave.

The bodyguard got the order and took Lin Jun to jump down. Because the pit was not deep and only more than one meter high, it was easy to go down.

However, before jumping down, Lin Jun fished his pocket, and all the remaining agate beads fell out.

On one side of the cave, there was an opening, it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

"Let's wait for a while and wait until the police leave before we go out."

Lin Jun's face was a bit ugly, and there were not many weeds on his head. I don't know if the police will search here.

After about ten minutes, Baifeng heard footsteps coming from the entrance of the cave.Immediately, a panicked expression appeared.

But when the police passed by this cave, they suddenly stopped in their tracks. They didn't want to be discovered by others, and the two of them, who were already very guilty, were very anxious. Could it be that the police had discovered their whereabouts?

Bai Feng pulled out a dagger from his waist, and leaned towards Lin Jun's neck, for fear that Lin Jun would yell later, and they would be discovered, and their work would be wasted.

The three of them were in the pit, very close to the police outside, for fear of being discovered by outsiders. At this time, the police were at the entrance of the cave, which brought them a lot of psychological burden and tension in their hearts.

At this moment, Bai Feng and the bodyguards frowned tightly, turning their brows into a plain word, only Lin Jun had nothing the same, just looking at them from the side, he vaguely felt that the people outside If one is more careful, one has probably discovered what one has left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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