Chapter 114
Chapter 115 I want you to sit in prison
After Xia Jinchun sneered, he said to the people behind him: "Paralyzed, you only have one mouth left, Brother Feng, it's up to you, just don't beat him to death or maim him, just let him stay in the hospital for a few months! I will take care of the matter and transfer 2 yuan to you after finishing it."

"Slow down, slow down." A slightly frightened voice sounded.

Lin Jun looked away, and he was immediately happy.

Holding a baseball bat and trembling, isn't he the 'Brother Feng' who collected protection money at the barbecue stand yesterday?

He and a few other Xu gangsters, when he went to Jiangbin Park to deal with those foreigners in the early morning, he saw them eating barbecue in the open-air barbecue area.

"Hey, you guys are gathering together to get revenge, right? You are quite courageous." Lin Jun hooked his fingers.

"No! It's not." Brother Feng immediately threw away the baseball bat, his head covered in cold sweat.

Brother Xu Hunfeng, who was wearing a metal necklace, didn't know what to say. What if this person got angry and killed him?This guy dares to kill foreigners with guns.

The rest of Xu Hun were also very flustered, their bodies trembling.

He hurriedly nodded and bowed to Lin Jun: "I'm sorry, sir, we recognized the wrong person, and we will leave immediately."

"You want to leave now? Is it too late?" Lin Jun shook his head.


Among the few Xu Huns holding baseball bats, someone collapsed to the ground in fright.

The people in front of them won't let them go?This is the rhythm of killing and silence, it's too scary.

"Brother, please, please spare us, we don't know anything! We haven't seen anything." Brother Feng bent at 90 degrees and bowed deeply there.

He even wondered if he had collided with Bodhisattvas and gods and Buddhas at some point, and had just run into the hands of the evil star just after he took over a big job.

Desperate with this guy?
Pull it down, people who are not even afraid of guns, can my gang of Xu Gang deal with it?

If this guy really wants to kill people to silence him, I'm afraid it will take a shorter time for everyone to wipe their necks and commit suicide.

Just as he was tremblingly waiting for the other party to pronounce the sentence, the answer finally came: "I mean, did you forget something and didn't do it?"

"Don't dare, dare not!" Brother Feng bowed like a chicken pecking at rice. Suddenly, he was so blessed that he straightened up, grabbed Xia Jinchun by the collar, slapped him on the face with his backhand, and shouted at the same time: "Brothers, work."

That's right, it was this bastard bastard who let himself and his younger brothers provoke the evil star.

There was a crackling sound.

Several Xu gangsters scrambled to rush over, and soon knocked down the bewildered Xia Jinchun to the ground, punching and kicking their employer mercilessly one by one.

The attacks like raindrops quickly hit Xia Jinchun who was curled up on the ground covered in bruises, holding his head there.

"Stop, what are you doing? I'm the police."

At this time, Zhou Tingting, who bought a new pair of shoes from the shoe store, finally appeared.

Brother Feng and the rest of Xu Hun stopped, but their eyes were all on Lin Jun.

"What are you looking at me for? You really don't understand it. Beating someone is against the law, don't you know?" Lin Jun spread his hands innocently at Zhou Tingting who was a little confused.

Zhou Tingting looked at the guy on the ground who was besieged by everyone, and when she found out that it was Xia Jinchun, she frowned.

"Comrade police officer, we surrender! This bastard on the ground drank too much my girlfriend a few days ago, do you think he should hit him?" Brother Feng carefully looked at Lin Jun's expression, he is also an old fritter, and immediately looked for him reason.

Lin Jun immediately slapped his hands: "It turns out that there is a reason for the incident. Hey, why does this person look so familiar? Isn't it Mr. Xia from Xinsheng Company? His girlfriend is wrong."

"Ouch..." Xia Jinchun spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were full of bewilderment, until now, he still hasn't figured out what happened!
With a puzzled expression, he glanced at Xu Hun next to him.

Zhou Tingting walked up to Xia Jinchun, looked at his injuries, and said, "Hey, are you okay? Shall I call you an ambulance?"

Maybe it's because in front of the policewoman I've pursued so hard, Xia Jinchun felt very humiliated by being wronged by the Xu gangsters against the other's girlfriend. Xia Jinchun, who was kicked and kicked and spit blood out of his mouth, actually endured the pain on his body , forced himself to straighten up and sit on the ground.

His face was blue and red, he pointed at Brother Feng, and then at Lin Jun, gnashing his teeth there and said: "I have never had his girlfriend, they are a group of people who deliberately bully me, Ting Ting, you have to trust me."

Zhou Tingting shook her head very speechlessly, is she really that easy to deceive?
She knew very well that they didn't even know each other before Lin Jun and Xia Jinchun had a dispute because of her in the tea room!And after Lin Jun beat Xia Jinchun away, he has been drinking tea and snacks with this guy all the time.

Even if Lin Jun knew this group of Xu gangsters, he didn't have time to contact this group of people to chase and intercept Xia Jinchun.

Her former suitor must have a brain problem, she said with an unhappy expression: "Okay, if you don't want to call an ambulance to go to the hospital, then I will let the colleagues in the jurisdiction come over and take over. The dirty things between you should be handled by the police." Let the Bureau explain it clearly.”

Xia Jinchun's eyes lingered on Lin Jun and Brother Feng for a moment, and he said with a wry smile: "Okay, go to the police station and go to the police station, I must see what's going on between them? This matter is endless! They are waiting to go to the detention center Bar."

Xia Jinchun still hasn't figured out why the gangsters he found through a client suddenly started beating him after seeing Lin Jun.

Could it be that this guy is not only a driver, but also a gangster?

No matter, I was beaten twice in front of Zhou Tingting and lost all face. This is a great shame.

Brother Feng said awe-inspiringly: "You molested my girlfriend and dare to do it or not, it's just a dress! I don't believe that there is no reason in the world! Comrade police officer, we originally wanted to drag him to the police station, but he spoke too badly , We couldn't help but fight him."

He pointed to the injury on his face, and he still wanted to lift up his T-shirt, revealing the bruised and purple skin on his chest and back: "Here, he also made a move."

Zhou Tingting looked at the baseball bats scattered all over the ground, and then glanced at the Xu gangsters at the scene.

In addition to Xu Hun who was talking, there were indeed two guys with bruised noses and swollen faces.

However, how could Xia Jinchun have such a strong combat power!

Knowing that what the Xu gangsters said was not true, Zhou Tingting listened and called the police in the area.

Now her main task is to extract useful clues from Lin Jun, so that she can be rewarded for his meritorious deeds, and there is no need to deal with trivial matters such as fighting.

"These days, you really don't know your face, you don't know your heart. Aren't you the general manager of Xinsheng Company with an annual income of several million? Why don't you go to the club to be a young model when you have money, but to be his girlfriend, alas, there is something wrong with your character." Lin A trace of disdain appeared on Jun's face, "A person like you is ashamed to compete with me for a woman..."

After finishing speaking, he was about to leave the scene swaggeringly.

"No, you can't go! Tingting, he is the main messenger of this group of Xu gangsters, and he made these Xu gangsters beat me up." Xia Jinchun trembled angrily. Although he couldn't figure out the relationship between Xu gangsters and Lin Jun, this It's always right to climb and bite first, anyway, Lin Jun definitely has a problem.

Seeing Zhou Tingting's indifference, apparently ignoring her own words, Xia Jinchun became anxious.

Seeing that Lin Jun was about to go far away, he immediately yelled at Zhou Tingting: "Tingting, are you planning to cover him? Our Qingcheng Group gives so much sponsorship to the police station every year, how can we let the suspect go away? If you Let him go, and I will sue your superiors."

Lin Jun stopped in his tracks, turned around and said with a blunt smile, "Hey, you don't want me to go, are you sure?"

Xia Jinchun said fiercely: "Hmph, you let these gangsters hurt me. Do you think that I, the general manager of the Qingcheng Group, are just doing nothing? No matter how much money it costs, I will let you sit in prison!"

The smile on Lin Jun's face became stronger: "Why didn't I know that Qingcheng Group had your general manager? Aren't you the general manager of Xinsheng Company? Oh, I remembered, that fat woman seems to have said that Xin Sheng is one of the subsidiaries of Qingcheng Group, right?"

Without waiting for Xia Jinchun to reply, he had already taken out his mobile phone, and continued there, "Okay, you, the general manager, are at the end of your job. I saw that you were beaten up, so I didn't even plan to bother with you."

"Who do you think you are, my general manager has finished?" Xia Jinchun said firmly, but there was a hint of panic in his expression.

Because Lin Jun's expression was too calm, as if he had full confidence.

Soon, Lin Jun's voice reached his ears.

"Hey, Qingcheng, do you have any impression of Xia Jinchun, the general manager of Xinsheng Company, a subsidiary of Qingcheng Group? Not much, right? Well, I found out that he is playing the role of Qingcheng Group's banner outside and ruining the group's reputation. Why don't you fire him. Oh, let the HR department notify him right away? Okay, that's all, I hang up."

(End of this chapter)

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