super pupil

Chapter 196

Chapter 196
Yang Siyu fell down and Lin Yang stepped forward to support her. At this gap, a bright bright light shone on Ning Shuyu's face.

She has a melon-seeded face, although there is some dust on her face, but her fair skin cannot be concealed; her eyebrows are slender, like two lying silkworms; her nose is beautiful, her mouth is small, her lips are red and her teeth are white, she is really a porcelain doll.Especially her pair of eyes, black and shining, like the bright and dazzling stars in the sky, and like two clear springs, which can cleanse people's dirty heart and dirty soul.

The moment he saw the little girl, the fat man lost his mind: there is such a little doll in the world, it really is the wisdom of Zhong Tiandi.Such a little baby can grow up carefree and healthy only by her mother's side, right?Even if she is sold to those rich and powerful families, she will definitely not be happy, and she will definitely miss her mother.I really deserve to die for breaking up such a pair of mother and daughter, and doing such a thing that hurts nature, corrupts morals, and loses morality.No, no, I can't do this kind of thing again.

"Have you checked the goods? If there are no problems, give the money quickly! 3 yuan! If you give the money, you can take this little girl away!"

The fat man was stunned, but Wu Xiaobo was not happy.There, the big man urged the fat man to move faster.

"Damn! Over the years, I don't know how many babies and children I have handled. Yinde has already lost money. What do I think about this? If I sell her to a wealthy family, I'm afraid someone will pay hundreds of thousands. In this way, I can make some money. Letting her be the eldest lady of a wealthy family does not treat her badly, and her mother doesn't have to work hard. Maybe she can find a good man to marry. In this way, I What I did was a good thing, they should thank me instead."

Wu Xiaobo's shout brought back the fat man's thoughts. The fat man's face was gloomy and ferocious, and there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.Stretching out his hand, he said, "Little girl, come with me."

As she said that, her fat and chubby hands grabbed Ning Shuyu's head, but the little girl was so excited that she wanted to run to Lin Yang.

"Little girl, under my hands, where else can you escape?" The fat man sneered, took two steps forward, grabbed the back of Ning Shuyu's collar with his big hand, Ning Shuyu struggled , but can no longer run away.

"Big brother, save me!" Ning Shuyu cried.

This cry startled the fat man. When he came, he saw six men by the light of the flashlight.At that time, he guessed that one of them was Wu Xiaobo's classmate, and the other five should be his accomplices.

But when Wu Xiaobo was injured, only four people surrounded him to see him. When Wu Xiaobo called people back, they only called Aaron, Ahu, Abao, and Aniu.There is another person who has never moved.

Could it be that that guy is not Wu Xiaobo's accomplice?The helper he and the mother and daughter invited?If so, beware.

The fat man took out a dagger from his waist, swiped it, made a few false chops, and shouted in Lin Yang's direction: "Boy, weigh yourself, don't meddle in other people's business, stand out for others, take your little one If you lose your life, it will be very uneconomical."

The fat man spoke in a low voice, implying a warning and threat.In fact, he didn't dare to stab Lin Yang to death with a dagger. He bought and sold children just to ask for money, which really cost him his life, but he didn't dare.The reason for saying this is to scare Lin Yang and not let him act rashly.

He held the dagger in one hand and grabbed Ning Shuyu's collar with the other. After yelling, he squatted down and was about to hug Ning Shuyu.But as soon as he let go, Ning Shuyu ran away again.

The fat man cursed angrily and chased after him.Just two steps away, a black shadow suddenly flashed past, and a huge force directly hit his stomach. Before the fat man understood what was going on, he flew out lightly.

Like a scarecrow, the fat man drew an arc and fell heavily to the ground.Rubbles were everywhere here, when the fat man fell, his viscera were burning, his stomach was overwhelmed, he couldn't hold back all of a sudden, he took a bite, the undigested dinner mixed with the sour water in his stomach, and he vomited it out all at once.The dagger in his hand did not know where it fell.

The sudden change caught people off guard, and Wu Xiaobo, Fatty, and his two accomplices were all stunned.Zhang Huaqiang, Aaron and others were beaten up by Lin Yang before, so it is not too surprising now.

Yang Siyu couldn't see the situation clearly, but through the voice, she knew that Lin Yang must have made the move.When Lin Yang beat Zhang Huaqiang, she saw it.She knew that with Lin Yang's reaching out, the fat man would definitely not be able to resist.The one who fell heavily to the ground was definitely the fat man, without a doubt.

Her heart is full of gratitude!
"Brother, you are so amazing!" Lin Yang had already picked up the little girl, and Ning Shuyu's crisp voice sounded, reaching everyone's ears.

It wasn't until this time that Fatty's two accomplices realized it.Turn on the flashlight, holding a dagger in his hand, two beams of light shine on Lin Yang from different angles.They want to see clearly who dares to spoil their good deeds.

"Bang, bang, bang bang bang"



In the darkness, Lin Yang suddenly exploded into trouble. Although he was holding Ning Shuyu, his actions were extremely fast and he was hardly affected.Before Fatty's two accomplices could react, they were knocked to the ground by Lin Yang.

The two were moaning and chirping, each of them was seriously injured, and they couldn't get up if they wanted to get up.Lin Yang put Ning Shuyu down and asked Yang Siyu to take him.

He took out a few tissues from his pocket, threw them to Yang Siyu, and said, "Stuff her ears with paper balls, cover her eyes, and hold her head. It's better not to let her see the next thing." Forget it, you take her and go further away first."

Hearing Lin Yang's tone, he was quite angry.Knowing that Lin Yang was really angry, Yang Siyu didn't dare to speak too much, tore up the tissue, and plugged Ning Shuyu's ears regardless of Ning Shuyu's struggle and resistance, and then led her away.

But because she was worried that Lin Yang would be too impulsive and make some big mistakes, she didn't dare to go too far.After walking about 20 meters, she stopped.He squatted down, covered Ning Shuyu's ears with his hands, and hugged her head, preventing her from looking around.

Seeing them walking away, Lin Yang paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and said angrily, "I've never seen someone who sells children the most in my life. It's unlucky for you to bump into my hand! Tell me, this is the first time you have sold children." ?”

Fatty's two accomplices were just grunting and hawing, not daring to answer at all.The fat man was also frightened, and said submissively, "No, it's the first time. We, we, have never done such a thing before."

(End of this chapter)

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