Douluo's opening random system, landing Wuhundian

Chapter 26 Thick-skinned, I would call you the strongest

Chapter 26 Thick-skinned, I would call you the strongest

On the ring, both sides stood still.

Xie Yun sneered: "Chen Mo, have you figured out how to get off stage?"

A group fight should look like a group fight, and it is impossible to kill him, but it is still possible to beat him until he can't get out of bed for half a month!
Chen Mo raised his eyebrows lightly: "Xie Yun, your dog is really sincere!"

"I am willing to put down my face and openly challenge a freshman!"

"To tell you the truth, I admire you quite a bit. I would call you the strongest with thick skin!"

Xie Yun's smile faded: "I hope your body is as strong as your mouth!"

Chen Mo glanced at the opposite side, and suddenly found an acquaintance: "Du Ke? I didn't expect you to come."

Du Ke's face was ugly, and he was reluctant: "I want you to take care of it!"

She is in the same class as Xie Yun, and she is also a member of the second class team, and the conflict between Xie Yun and Chen Mo has also heard a few words.

No matter how delicate and savage she is, she can't do such an open challenge!
Originally, I didn't want to come, but I didn't expect a guy to come to her personally...

Chen Mo didn't bother to talk to Du Ke, and continued to look at the others.

The team members of Class B of the third grade have a pretty good ratio, two attacking ones, two agility attacking ones, one auxiliary one, one healing one, and one control one.

The team members of Class A in the first grade are composed of Chen Mo, Tuo Bajun, and Luo Xing, three players from the offensive department, Gongsun Liyue, Zhou Kaimin from the offensive department, Qi Da from the auxiliary department, and Zhang He from the control department.

The comparison of strength is seven great soul masters against seven soul masters!

With the referee's order, the battle officially began!
The spirits of both sides appeared together, and the spirit rings lit up...

Tuo Bajun and Luo Xing stood at the front, followed by Chen Mo, Gongsun Liyue and Zhou Kai were outside the battlefield, Zhang He was in the middle, and Qi Da was last.

Chen Mo's figure rushed out suddenly, surrounded by a yellow soul ring on the way, the first soul skill: Wanxiang Sword Shadow.

Three hundred sword shadows shot out and turned into three hundred ferocious monsters.

An evil and cold aura instantly swept across the audience, and the soul-stirring cold seemed to freeze the soul.

Chen Mo integrated his huge spiritual power into the Vientiane Sword Shadow, carrying boundless fear to invade the souls of everyone on the opposite side.

Every soul ability being released was forcibly interrupted!

This mutated move is completely comparable to the most powerful control-type skills!
The phantoms of three hundred monsters rushed to the front of the seven people on the opposite side without any hindrance, and all of them showed expressions of horror involuntarily!

However, those monsters just passed through their bodies without causing any harm...

Xie Yun immediately shouted: "Concentrate, that guy's soul skills are all fake, don't worry!"

He had reminded him of this sentence countless times before the start of the war, but he was still tricked, and even he himself was not spared.

There is a big gap between understanding and overcoming!
How could it be so easy to decipher the first soul skill after adding spiritual power, Wanxiang Sword Shadow?

In a short period of time, Chen Mo has rushed over from his own camp, holding the Shadow Bearing Sword in his hand, and his eyes are shining brightly, which is the expression of the ultimate release of mental power.

How could it be that simple to frighten a group of great soul masters?
Almost half of the stored mental power was consumed!
"Tuoba Jun!" Chen Mo shouted.

"Here we come!" Tuoba Jun echoed loudly.

Immediately, the yellow soul ring surrounded the body, and a phantom of a layer of delicate white thin-scale armor turned into a white light and instantly merged into Chen Mo's body.

White Light Holy Armor!

Tuoba Jun's first soul skill!

On Chen Mo's walking body, the phantom of the white light armor with fine scales emerged, and the defense and strength doubled instantly.

At this time, Zhang He's auxiliary soul skills also fell on Chen Mo, and his strength skyrocketed!
Gongsun Liyue and Zhou Kai were wandering outside the battlefield, and at this moment, they found an opportunity to use their soul skills, and they all attacked the opponent's auxiliary soul master, Du Ke!
The members of Class B who came back to their senses, did not wait for Xie Yun to command, a soul master of the agility attack department fought alone.

Xie Yun's eyes darkened slightly, the female soul master of the sensitive attack department was obviously very experienced in combat.

When fighting, he waited for the opportunity to stare at Du Ke, and would sneak attack if he caught the opportunity, so that the great soul master of the agility attack department had to be distracted.

While facing the battle and protecting them at the same time, Du Ke was also worried and had no energy to treat them at all!

Before he had time to think about it, Chen Mo took the lead and completely disrupted his arrangement. He really didn't expect that this guy would not follow the routine!

Chen Mo, who was wearing the white light armor, had already attacked with the Shadow Bearing Sword, and the target was Xie Yun and the other three great soul masters of the attack system.

The two sides collided instantly, and the soul power kept fluctuating.

Xie Yun used his first soul skill: Rock Gloves, and received Chen Mo's sword forcefully with his bare fists, without any injuries.

And Chen Mo retreated at the touch of a touch, his figure changed, and he drew his sword again, pointing directly at another great soul master of the attack system.

Obviously, it was blocked again.

The absolute difference in strength made Chen Mo's attack painless, and the three great soul masters of the attack system could resist it at will.

However, Chen Mo's goal is not to win in one hit, he keeps wandering between the three, retreating at the first touch, never willing to fight!
Xie Yun's face was gloomy: "Shoot together!"

This guy Chen Mo just entangles them and doesn't fight them at all!

The soul power of the three surged together and directly attacked Chen Mo who had just retreated.

In class B of the third grade, Du Ke, the auxiliary soul master, was restricted, a great soul master of the agility department was entangled by Gongsun Liyue and Zhou Kai, and Chen Mo entangled the other three great soul masters of the attack department alone.

However, there is still a great soul master of the agility attack system and a great soul master of the control system who have no one to deal with.

At this moment, seeing his teammates being entangled, the soul master of the agility attack department rushed straight to the rear with surging soul power.

As for Class A of the first grade, only Tuo Bajun who was out of strength, Zhang He, the soul master of the control system, Qi Da, the soul master of the auxiliary system, and Luo Xing of the attack system were left.

And Luo Xing's strength is too weak, the great soul master of the agility attack system is like entering the land of no one!
Tuo Bajun stood in front with a stern face, and the auxiliary soul skills behind him fell on him. Zhang He controlled the soul skills to try to stop them, but it didn't work!
The agility attack system is too flexible!

The situation of Gongsun Liyue and Zhou Kai was also not easy. After the soul master of the agility attack department found out that Zhou Kai was weak, he started to attack frantically!
And regardless of the exposed auxiliary system soul master Du Ke and control system soul master!
However, this also shows the combat literacy and situational judgment of the students in Class B of the third grade.

At this time, Chen Mo's side had no strength to attack. He focused his attack on Zhou Kai, and on the one hand, he also restrained Gongsun Liyue's attack.

The situation that originally had the upper hand due to Chen Mo's surprise suddenly reversed!

Just when the great soul master of the agility attack system was about to take the lead in dealing with the opponent's auxiliary system soul master and control system soul master, Tuo Bajun who stood in front of him spoke.

"Who is coming?"

The great soul master of the agility attack department was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said, "Yang Li."

The corner of Tuoba Jun's mouth twitched slightly: "As a third-year student and a twentieth-level great soul master, how can you bear to bully a first-year freshman and a tenth-level soul master?"

Yang Li was stunned: "This..." To be honest, he didn't want to come, but Xie Yun was the captain of this class competition, and even the monitor, so he had to come!
Tuo Bajun, who is seven or eight years old, suddenly had red eyes: "I am just a freshman, and I have to face the bullying of seniors two grades higher. If it leaves a shadow in my heart and I can't improve my cultivation, what should I do?" Yes~”

Yang Li was silent, feeling regretful in his heart, a little moved by persuasion!

That's right, he has to suffer such unfair treatment just after entering school, even he can't stand it anymore!

"Hey, little brother, don't blame me, I also have something to hide!" Yang Li sighed and slowed down his attack.

Du Ke, who was bored looking at the whole situation, was suddenly shocked by the scene in front of him. He saw that guy Yang Li sneaking away, and before he had time to attack, he stopped in place with a helpless expression.

"What is that guy doing?"

Immediately, Du Ke glanced at Chen Mo, who was retreating under the attack of the three and was in danger, and pouted slightly.

Then I glanced at Gongsun Liyue and Zhou Kai who were being pressed and beaten not far away, and said angrily: "Qin Yue, Qin Yue, for the sake of begging me once, I'm so shameless, don't give up!" Already!"

After all, the soul rings lit up one by one, and two auxiliary soul skills flew out back and forth, and landed on Gongsun Liyue and Zhou Kai unsteadily.

The great soul master of the fighting ground agility attack department immediately shouted: "Du Ke, what are you doing? Why did you give them the soul skills?"

Originally, they could fight against the two of them, but now with the help of Du Ke, the situation became stalemate again!
Du Ke let out an ah, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, my old eyes are too dim to see clearly, who made you go too fast?"

"You..." The great soul master of the agility attack department was dumb and ate coptis, and he couldn't tell what he was suffering.

Gongsun Liyue and Zhou Kai also looked blank, but they felt the increased strength in their bodies, and continued to attack without any nonsense.

Chen Mo was in danger, and seeing that the time had come, the white light armor instantly left his body and flew back into Tuoba Jun's body.

The Shadow Bearing Sword in his hand was shining brightly, and the world seemed to be darkened, only the white light of the sword was in full bloom, shining in the sky.

The sword breaks the night, the sword of dawn!
One ring and two skills that Chen Mo had hidden for a long time, the Sword of Dawn, the light condensed on the sword, and he gently handed it out in his hand.

The White Light Sacred Armor returned, and that layer of fine-scale armor emerged, and Tuo Bajun was straight and straight, suddenly gaining momentum.

Yang Li reacted, his soul power condensed, and his soul skills were released. At this moment, a skeleton warrior burning with blue flames, holding a bone knife in his hand, appeared behind him and fell high!

On the other side of Gongsun Liyue, a phantom of a demon with bull horns on its head appeared in the air, its claws condensed bloody fireworks, and shot directly at the great soul master of the agility attack system.

White light flashed in Chen Mo's eyes, and a foul-smelling corpse of a giant wolf appeared between Xie Yun and the three of them. Cooperating with the Sword of Dawn, he counterattacked instantly.

Gongsun Liyue shouted coquettishly: "Sword dance moves all directions!"

The Thousand Chance Umbrella seemed to turn into a sharp sword that radiated cold light. Maple leaves gathered in the sky, and a small tornado appeared immediately, surrounding the Thousand Chance Sword.

The umbrella comes out and the maple leaves follow, and the sword dances and moves in all directions!

With a sword dance, move all directions!

Tuoba Jun was wearing a white light armor, and clenched his fists tightly. Taking advantage of the sneak attack of the skeleton warrior, he suddenly moved forward and punched like a dragon.

The people around hadn't recovered from the sudden change on the field, the three of Chen Mo launched a counterattack in an instant, and the situation was reversed again!

Accompanied by layers of soul power fluctuations, the field was filled with smoke and dust, waiting to dissipate, but saw Xie Yun's seven people, five of them fell to the ground, all unconscious!

First Grade Class A, a big victory!
Chen Mo sat down on the ground, looked at Gongsun Liyue and Tuo Bajun, as well as Luo Xing, Qi Da, Zhou Kai, Zhang He, and laughed loudly: "We won!"

Luo Xing was so excited that he couldn't speak, although this battle had little to do with the four of them, basically it was Chen Mo and the three of them fighting, but he was still very excited.

The first grade defeated the third grade, and the soul master team defeated the great soul master team!

This is an unprecedented victory!
The audience in the audience shouted loudly, cheering for the winner!
Chen Mo lay on the stage, silently looking at the sky, won...

In fact, in his heart, he really wasn't sure at all, however, his spiritual power created a miracle again!

The sword shadow turned into a monster, and then added spiritual power, those monster phantoms seemed to have life and became real creatures, and all attacks contained mental damage.

The seven Xie Yun, who are talented in the realm of soul masters, naturally cannot withstand the mental attack!
No matter how much the audience cheered, Chen Mo's consciousness gradually fell asleep. The Niwan Palace was completely dried up due to the exhaustion of his mental power...

(End of this chapter)

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