Chapter 5 The Gap
There are a lot of ghosts hidden around the cemetery. Moriarty, who was afraid of being discovered, dared not approach them, so he hid in the forest and waited and watched!
He saw the few people who escaped from the zombie siege, and also saw the pirates who were surrounded by the zombies, or howling in despair, or yelling at each other.

What happened to these people!
Moriarty could guess what happened even with his toes!It's nothing more than a drama of betrayal and abandonment!

It's normal for this kind of drama between pirates and pirates, and not every pirate group pays attention to feelings like the Straw Hat Pirates!
Between life and friendship, the few pirates who ran out just now made such a choice, and Moriarty was not surprised at all.

It's just a pity!

Apparently, those already overwhelmed by zombies are out of luck with Moriarty!

Well, those guys who ran into the forest still have some hope, at least they are stronger and less likely to be captured alive.

Did they escape?Basically, they can't escape, but it's up to them whether they will be captured alive!
"Damn it, get the hell out of here!"

Sure enough, as expected, "Giant Scythe" Michael Leff and the others who had just run into the forest soon ran into new troubles.

Seven or eight negative ghosts are dancing a negative dance above their heads, and they also make the sound of "negative, negative".

Looks like you're taunting them!
But I have to say that this mocking effect is full!At least Michael Lev was so annoyed by these ghosts that he couldn't help roaring!
"Hee hee hee hee hee hee······"

Amidst a burst of strange laughter, these negative ghosts suddenly completely ignored the scythe in Michael Lev's hand, and passed through Michael Lev's body!

After being pierced by seven or eight negative ghosts, Michael Lev lay on the ground with a look of lovelessness!

"A scum like me who kills brothers and sisters-in-law is not worthy of living in this world. I should just quietly rot and stink in a corner like sludge..."

Michael Lev, who had no love in his life, was easily tied into a twist by the zombie generals who had been waiting in the woods for a long time without any resistance!
After a full one or two minutes, Michael Lev's will gradually returned to normal.

But by this time it was too late.

Michael Lev, who came to his senses, was soon knocked unconscious again, and then dragged into the dark castle.

During the period, you can still hear the voices of those zombie generals chatting!
"Hey, it's really boring. Before we even started, this guy was turned into a soft-legged shrimp by Lord Perona's negative ghost. He can't even handle the addiction. This is really boring. Speaking of the quality of this batch of fun It's too bad!"

"That's right! Now that the 'Night Raid' is over, we're going to sleep again. It's really boring. I heard Lord Absalom said that this guy's bounty is 800 million Baileys! It's really useless!"

"Cut, you two don't talk big there, okay, Mrs. Perona's negative ghost is completely incomprehensible, let alone him, even the pirates with a bounty of over [-] million can't survive this trick, say After all, Master Perona is too strong, and she is so beautiful, if only I can be transferred to Master Perona's subordinates!"

As soon as the zombie general's words came out, he was angered by the other two zombie generals.

"Ah bah! Just you, don't take a pee to see what you look like!"

"Hehe, you're done. I'll tell Master Absalom later that you look down on him and want to be transferred to Master Perona!"


Amidst the noise, the three zombie generals disappeared into the mist with "Scythe" Michael Lev.

And the other zombies in the forest, led by the negative ghost, chased after the fish that slipped through the net and ran in other directions just now!
After everyone disappeared, Moriarty dared to stick out from the tree trunk where he was hiding.

It's dangerous! !

After coming out, Moriarty didn't chase after the guys in the distance as he thought before.

Instead, he stayed in place cautiously and did not move.

As for why.

In fact, he was a little surprised by Michael Lev's strength.

The big tree Moriarty was hiding in happened to be on the escape route of Michael Leaf, and the distance between them was less than two meters at the shortest time, so Moriarty had a close contact with Michael Leaf !
Although Moriarty didn't fight Michael Lev, the energy and blood surging from Michael Lev alone was like a burning fire, and Moriarty subconsciously wanted to find a place to hide from the excitement.

This is still partially blocked by the tree trunk.

And Michael Leff, who had put a lot of pressure on Moriarty, was dealt with by Perona's negative ghost as easily as a dead dog.

What can be expected is how big the gap between Moriarty and Perona is!

It was also this huge gap in strength that dissuaded Moriarty from continuing to fish in troubled waters.

If you want to be a fisherman in troubled waters, you must have the strength to be a fisherman. With Moriarty's current strength, he can only be a small shrimp who feeds the big fish.

After the risk was not proportional to the benefit, Moriarty decisively gave up the previous plan.

After waiting in place for almost two hours, after the entire "night attack" was over, Moriarty took advantage of the darkness and floated out of the forest.

Since the impromptu plan to fish in troubled waters won't work, let's find those half-dead guys from the Victims' Association to fight the autumn breeze!

Relatively speaking, those who have not seen the sun all year round and lack nutrition are the easiest targets for Moriarty.

However, the development of many things in this world is often unexpected.

Surprises are often caught off guard.

Although most of the members of the Scythe Pirates were captured into the castle by Moonlight Moriah's men, waiting to be taken away by Moriah, their bodies will become the tragic fate of Hogbak's test subjects.

Those pirates with bounties on their bodies were the most important targets, and almost a lot of them were sent into the castle.

However, some young men who were neither strong nor weak did not even have the fate of reaching the castle alive, so they were beheaded or seriously injured by the chasing zombie generals.

Because their physical bodies were not strong enough and had no strength, they were seriously injured, alive and dead, and they were not even eligible to be taken into the castle, so they were randomly discarded where they were.

The fate waiting for them in the end may be to be dragged into the deep trench at the entrance as food by the zombie three-headed dog guarding the entrance and eaten as food!
Add bricks to the dead bones in the trenches!
But for Moriarty, the existence of these people was an unexpected surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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