Chapter 68 It's a Trend

Watching Yi Yin walk out of the court gracefully holding the princess' hand.

All the ministers stared in surprise.

This is the first time they have seen this situation.

Surprised by Yi Yin's boldness.

At the same time, I envy Yi Yin's boldness.

Li Shimin was still in a daze.

Watching Yi Yin take his princess away.

He felt a little lost, as if he had lost something precious.


Although Li Shimin is the emperor, he is also a father.

On the one hand, I hope to find an excellent husband for my daughter, but on the other hand, I feel a little bit reluctant.

Seeing Yi Yin take the princess away like this, he felt a little pain in his heart.

Not being able to give the princess a dowry is even more unbearable.

However, one or two of these ministers disagreed.

But Yi Yin doesn't want anything.

Yi Yin's performance in court.

He won the praise of the ministers.

They originally thought that Yi Yin must also want as much dowry as possible.

Unexpectedly, Yi Yin didn't want any dowry.

Just took away the princess.

This kind of demeanor, these ministers in the court.

Everyone is ashamed.

Just imagine.

Who would despise more gold and silver treasures?

Who would not wish to have as many gold and silver treasures as possible?
Faced with this great temptation.

Nobody can refuse.

As ministers, they opposed the emperor.

It's just because of this incident that it violated the etiquette system.

But if this kind of thing really happened to them, maybe they would also laugh smugly!

Yi Yin didn't.

This choice surprised the ministers present.

Even Changsun Wuji has refreshed his understanding of Yi Yin.

Although, in his heart, he still held grudges against Yi Yin.

At this moment, he felt that Yi Yin was a real man.

The future is limitless!
Yi Yin and the princess floated away from the court.

All the ministers left envious eyes.

In addition to admiring Yi Yinming's reasoning, they also envied this kind of life.

None of these ministers had experienced this kind of love.

Who does not yearn for?

When they were Yi Yin's age, they were bound by the system.

Suddenly, Yi Yin made them feel free.

This kind of love is what they yearn for.

Even the princess felt that kind of unfettered freedom.

She is so yearning.

"Yi Yin, what do you mean by traveling and getting married? Why don't I understand?"

Princess Changle looked at Yi Yin and asked curiously.

Yi Yin smiled, and said: "This means to take you to some fun places to play, and by the way, we will get married in the process, and we will become husband and wife."

Princess Changle suddenly became interested.

"That would be great fun."

"Since you like it, then we'll do it."

Yi Yin held Princess Changle's hand, feeling extremely excited.

You know, before time travel, Yi Yin was also unmarried.

Just talking about girlfriends.

As for marriage, he hadn't thought about it yet.

I didn't expect to come to ancient times in such a muddle.

Now look at the beautiful Princess Changle.

I wish I could marry such a beauty.

It is also a beautiful thing in the world.

"Princess, take your handmaid, Ruyan, to Yihe Garden with you!"

"It's natural." Princess Changle said happily, "Ruyan has been following me, and now I'm going to Yihe Garden with you. I really can't bear her. I wanted to tell you about this, but I was afraid that you would not agree. .”

Princess Changle said with gratitude in her eyes.

"How could I not agree?"

Yi Yin looked at Princess Changle and said gently, "After this, there will be another maidservant in my manor, so what's wrong with that?"

"I'm going to ask Ruyan to pack up."

The princess happily took Yi Yin's hand and went to her bedroom together.

I heard that the princess is going to follow Yi Yin to Yihe Garden.

From now on, we will be husband and wife.

Ru Yan looked terrified.

"What's wrong, Ruyan, the princess is getting married, aren't you happy?"

Princess Changle was startled by Ruyan's actions.

"No, it's not my princess." Ru Yan shook her head hastily.

"I'm very happy that the princess is married to a good husband! I just think that the princess and the son-in-law are doing this, is it against the rules?"

"Miss Ruyan, things like rituals are dead, but people are alive. As long as we like to do it, that's fine."

Yi Yin looked at Ruyan girl and said, "Perhaps, the way I marry the princess will become a trend. In the future, maybe more and more people will be like us."

Ru Yan smiled and said, "Okay, Lord Consort, I have no reason to refute you!"

Princess Changle smiled and took Ruyan's hand, and said: "Ruyan, you didn't see the whole scene in the hall when Yi Yin took my hand and walked out of the hall."

While cleaning up the princess's gold and silver, Ruyan said excitedly, "Princess, tell Ruyan what the situation was like at that time?"

"At that time, all the ministers were stunned. They just stood there in a daze, watching Yi Yin and I walk out of the court and into our world with wide eyes."

Ruyan stopped her hands and just looked at the princess.

"You don't know, father and emperor stood there at that time, watching us quietly."

"Really?" Ruyan looked at the princess and said in surprise, "Princess, I really didn't expect that the emperor would agree with you, that you don't need any dowry, and you can still be together so freely."

Yi Yin laughed, and said, "Ruyan, let me tell you, there is everything in my Yihe Garden. If that's the case, what do we need the dowry from the emperor?"

Ruyan nodded and said: "Indeed, there are all kinds of rare things in the son-in-law's manor."

Yi Yin proudly said: "That's right, but one thing to say, what I have there may not necessarily be in this palace."

"As for this way of getting married, it will become a clear trend, and it will eventually become popular in the Tang Dynasty."

Yi Yin gave an example, "Actually, there are many people who are very free now. For example, those women in romantic places can follow whoever they want."

Ruyan heard the words, and exclaimed: "My lord, how can you compare the princess to those people in the romantic place?"

Yi Yin heard the words and said, "Ruyan, how could you think that way? Of course I don't mean that. I just said that that way will also be a trend."

Ruyan still can't understand.

Yi Yin went on to say: "Look, the incident between General Li Jing of the Tang Dynasty and Hong Fu Nu is a good example."

The story of Li Jing and Zhang Chuchen, the red-haired girl, is well-known to every household.

In Datang, everyone knows the story of Li Jing and Hong Fu Nu.

The story of the Three Heroes is widely circulated.

It is precisely because of the Red Fu girl that there is a generation of famous generals in the Tang Dynasty.

If you hear the words like smoke, if you realize something.

"The matter between me and the princess is actually similar to the matter between Li Jing and Hong Fu Nu."

Ruyan just listened to Yi Yin's narration.

Forgot to pack things.

"Ruyan, don't listen to Yi Yin's nagging, pack up quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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