Datang: It’s a showdown, I’m an all-around master

Chapter 60 What's the situation?

Chapter 60 What's the situation?
Think back to the conversation just now.

Zi Yan was so frightened that her heart would split.

"The young master won't really want to give me to the bandits, will he?"

Zi Yan took a look outside and saw that there were more than a dozen people.

Immediately became more scared.

"There are so many people, how can I bear it?"

I only heard Yi Yin continue to say: "You let him go, I will give you the maid, how about you take it back to be Mrs. Yazhai?"

Zi Yan was surprised: "Really?"

Unexpectedly, the big man said: "We are only asking for money, not women."

Zi Yan felt relieved immediately.

A hanging heart was finally let go.

Yi Yin complained in his heart when he heard the words.

This is not a good bandit!
You want country, but you need beauty.

I don't understand this truth, how come out to mess around?
I thought so in my heart, but said on my mouth: "Since this is the case, it will be easy to handle."

"Is it easy?"

All the bandits looked at Yi Yin in surprise.

I didn't look much just now, but now take a closer look.

Under the gray light in the dark night, I saw this young man was graceful and graceful.

They had never seen that kind of style.

This person is also amazing, facing so many robbers, he can still be so chic.

Rare, rare!
"How about this,"

Yi Yin looked at the big man carrying Lao Yang, and said, "You let my man go, and whatever you say is what you say, how about you?"

The big man looked at Yi Yin, hesitating.

"Look at my big manor, to be honest, you can get whatever you want, as long as you let my people go."

Yi Yin said again.

At this moment, the big fellow bandit spoke.

"We also came here just because we heard that there is such a manor on the outskirts of Chang'an City."

"Thieves don't go empty, we have already gone several times, and we must not go empty tonight."

"I won't let you go empty."

Yi Yin looked at the big man,
Obviously, he is the leader of this gang.

"Manly man, once a word is made, it is hard to follow. If you say that you will not let you go, you will not let you go."

Yi Yin knew that although the Tang Dynasty had gradually become rich in recent years,

But disasters have continued over the years.

In fact, many people still have no food to eat.

Some people have turned to thieves in order to survive.

But actually they're not particularly bad.

Of course, there are also some people who specialize in hygiene.

Such people exist in every era.

Even in a society where everyone had enough to eat before time travel, there was still stealing, robbery, and cheating.

This should come as no surprise.

Yi Yin didn't know which category these people belonged to.

However, this phenomenon must be changed.

When you meet them, you must influence them.

The big man was still suspicious.

Yi Yin lost his patience.

"Manly man, what are mothers-in-law and mothers doing, let me go quickly and tell me what you want?"

Lao Yang looked at his young master.

I thought the young master was so domineering!
No wonder Changsun Chong was about to be defeated by him.

Just rely on this momentum!
This aura!
Overwhelming a crowd!
Zi Yan was also deeply attracted by the aura of her young master.

"The young master is too domineering! So handsome!"

The big thief in the lead glanced at his companion, then put his hand down.

Lao Yang touched his neck and felt some light blood marks.

"You bastards, you are so bold!"

As Lao Yang said, he was about to make a move.

He galloped on the battlefield in his early years, so how could he experience such uselessness.

Just now when the knife rest was on his neck, he didn't dare to move around.

He kept in mind the young master's teaching:

A man can bend and stretch,
A hero does not suffer from immediate losses,
It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

But it is not being held by a knife now.

The face just now must be earned back.

Anyway, he is also a man.

If they hadn't been paying attention, the bandits couldn't just control Lao Yang like this.

Besides, in front of the young master.

Lao Yang also didn't want to show his fighting side on the battlefield.

Over the years, he had lost his killing heart and wanted a peaceful life.

Yi Medical Hall gave him peace.

Yi Heyuan gave him peace.

This is the life he wants.

He didn't want to break the comfort and tranquility here.

I don't even want the atmosphere of killing and blood in Yihe Garden!

Even now, he just wants to curse a few words to relieve his anger.

Then just after finishing the first sentence, he was about to continue cursing, but was stopped by the young master.

"Old Yang, we have just agreed that as long as he releases you, he will give them what they want. Now, you can't even say harsh words to them. To be a man, you must do what you say and keep what you say."

These words, the thieves heard, also moved.

This is the same as the popular saying in their industry, "There is also a way to steal".

"Zi Yan, make tea!"

Yi Yin looked at Ziyan and ordered.

Zi Yan was stunned for a moment.

"Master, what did you say?"

Zi Yan seriously doubted her ears.

Did you hear me wrong?
"I'll let you make tea."

Yi Yin looked at the eleven bandits headed by the big man, and said:
"Since this big brother released Lao Yang, as the host, I must respect the friendship of the landlord, and I must invite everyone to drink a cup of tea."

Zi Yan picked her ears.

This young master is right.

Lao Yang also looked shocked!
What happened to my young master?
Want to invite the robbers to drink tea?

The ones who were surprised were those eleven bandits.

They never expected that someone who was robbed would invite them to drink tea.

For the first time in my life.

Is this person okay?

However, what Yi Yin did next confused them even more.

"Everyone, it's so late, you've come a long way, and you're tired, so go ahead and have a rest and have a cup of tea."

The thieves were stunned for a moment.

Did you hear it right?

Immediately, the ten bandits looked at the big man in unison.

Obviously, they listened to the big man in everything.

The big man was also dumbfounded.

This is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

In the past, it was all about cutting through the mess quickly, grabbing things and leaving.

What happened this time.

What's the matter?
The big man was very contradictory, after thinking about it, he waved his hand, and led all the thieves into the house with Yi Yin.

Lao Yang followed behind with a dazed look on his face.

Ziyan came in carrying tea, muttering something in her mouth.

I can't figure it out.

Young master, this is not stupid, how can there be such a thing as inviting robbers to drink tea?

Yi Yin looked at the big man in the lead, and said, "Excuse me, brother Gao's name?"

The big man glanced at Yi Yin cautiously, and said, "Why are you asking this?"

Yi Yin laughed, and said: "Don't worry, brother, I just want to know who I gave all the things to. Don't worry, I'm a man of one mind. I won't embarrass you if I say it. I won't embarrass you. I'll finish drinking later." After tea, just ask what you want, and I will never let you go empty."

Hearing this, the big man said, "I'm not afraid to tell you, my name is Ma Sifang, and they are all my brothers."

Yi Yin laughed when he heard this.

"This name is so overbearing! No wonder it's the bandit leader!"

Ma Sifang laughed, and said: "You guessed it right, it is because of your name that I became the bandit leader, and they all listen to me."

Ma Sifang is very proud to say that!
Yi Yin pointed to the tea that Zi Yan had poured, and said, "Everyone, please drink tea!"

At this time, Ma Sifang saw the handsome Ziyan.

"This son, I don't know what to call you!"

Come and go without indecent!
Yi Yin looked at Ma Sifang and said, "My name is Yi Yin, and I am the owner of this manor."

Hearing this, Ma Sifang took a look at Zi Yan, then turned to look at Yi Yin, and said:

"Master Yi, do you mean that we can do whatever we want?"

"Of course," Yi Yin took a sip of tea, "A man has to keep his word, or what kind of man is he?"

"Okay!" Ma Sifang gave a thumbs up, "Master Yi is a real man!"

"That's needless to say?" Yi Yin was very proud.

"Master Yi, I don't want anything but this girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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