Datang: It’s a showdown, I’m an all-around master

Chapter 287 To Encourage Gaochang People to Study in Chang'an City

Chapter 287 To Encourage Gaochang People to Study in Chang'an City

Yi Yin reached out and hugged the two beautiful women, feeling very impulsive.

Long time no see, missed you.

For Li Feifei and Princess Changle, they have the same feelings as before.

And this scene made Zhisheng envious!

Li Feifei and Princess Changle don't care what kind of people are around them.

In short, they missed Yi Yin very much, so they naturally expressed their miss for Yi Yin in this way.

Feeling the tender skin of Li Feifei drinking Princess Changle, Yi Yin still feels so refreshed.

After hugging for a while, Yi Yin decisively let go of Li Feifei and Princess Changle.

Missing him, Yi Yin even wanted to carry his two beautiful wives into the boudoir to make a fuss.

However, now is not the time.

"Go and get the food ready in the restaurant. General Xue and the others are eating here today." Yi Yin said, looking at Li Feifei and Princess Changle.

As long as the restaurants in Yihe Garden were open before Yi Yin left for Gaochang.

With so many people in the manor, Yi Yin would naturally not let go of this opportunity to make money.

There are so many people here every day, and a lot of money is spent on food alone. It is quite impressive to be able to earn all this money back!

Although it was contracted to do it by others, the money from the contract was enough for Yi Yin to spend a period of time.

This is a business opportunity.

Yi Yin even admires his own ingenuity.

As a time traveler, in this ancient times, you can find ways to make money anytime, anywhere.

Xue Wanjun looked at Yi Yin and said, "General Yi, you are really lucky. Both wives are so beautiful! You are envious of others!"

Yi Yin laughed and said, "Generals, you can also be like me!"

Hou Junji said: "General Yi, I admit it myself, I don't have your skills! Besides, I can't find such a beautiful wife like General Yi!"

When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

Zhisheng is even more envious!

"General Yi, are all the girls in Chang'an City so beautiful?" Zhisheng asked.

"It's not just Chang'an City, there are many women in the city who are so beautiful!" Yi Yin said with a smile.

"Even the women in Gaochang are very beautiful. I think they look extraordinary, and they are typical temperamental beauties!" Yi Yin praised.

Zhisheng said: "Whenever I can be like the general, if I can hug the beauty back home, then that will be great!"

"This is for sure." Yi Yin said with a smile, "Every man here will embrace a beauty, and Zhisheng will not miss you."

Everyone discussed while visiting Yihe Garden.

Zhisheng felt that his choice was correct this time.

Datang is really powerful!
Fortunately, he chose to surrender to Datang, otherwise, now he finally understands that what Yi Yin said before will definitely come true.

In the future, the small countries around here will definitely be homogenized by the Great Tang, and even become part of the Great Tang.

That day, after eating in Yihe Garden, Yi Yin ordered Ma Sifang to take Zhisheng to the room outside Liangwai to rest.

Naturally, he couldn't let his own woman do these things for Zhisheng.

However, Yi Yinye made Zhisheng feel like living at home.

Princess Changle looked at Yi Yin and said, "This time, I heard that Ziyan went with you?"

Yi Yin nodded and said, "She's the captain of the medical team, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

Yi Yin looked at Princess Changle.

Princess Changle said: "If the maid is with you over there, I will feel relieved, but I always feel that it is very dangerous for the medical team to be in the camp with the soldiers!"

Yi Yin nodded and said: "It is indeed quite dangerous, but their role is no less than that of any soldier. Because of their existence, every injured soldier has the possibility to survive. Otherwise, under such conditions It is very likely that if a soldier is injured, he will not survive!"

"Compared to the previous situation, the current situation is indeed much better. With the medical team in the camp, the morale of the soldiers is greatly boosted, because even if they are slightly injured, they can recover quickly." Li Feifei looked at Yi Yin and said, "These are all thanks to you!"

Upon hearing this, Yi Yin said proudly, "That's right, your husband-in-law, I'm still very good!"

Princess Changle said: "A few days ago, I went to Datang Medical College."

Yi Yin heard the words and said, "Why are you going to medical school? If you have any health problems, can you find the smoke and show it to you?"

"You took your maid Ziyan to Gaochang, why can't I go and see our maid Ruyan?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Yin nodded and said, "That's great, that's great!"

"I was at Ruyan's place and heard a piece of news." Princess Changle said looking at Yi Yin.

Yi Yin asked, "What news?"

Princess Changle said bluntly: "I heard from Ruyan that this girl Ziyan is interested in you."

Yi Yin nodded, and said, "Well, I wanted to tell you two about this, but I didn't expect Ruyan to tell you first, so that's good, and save me a lot of effort."

Princess Changle said: "I'll tell you what you mean by taking Ziyan to Gaochang this time. I'm afraid you want to do something behind our backs!"

"How is that possible?" Yi Yin looked at Princess Changle and said, "In Gaochang, everyone is busy fighting, so there is no time for love!"

"Isn't it enough to just go to sleep?" Princess Changle said.

Yi Yin laughed when he heard the words, and said, "I didn't expect you to be so straightforward. Let me tell you, I'm not that irrational. It might be okay for other women, but for Zi Yan, the maid I get along with day and night, say I can't do anything!"

At this moment, Li Feifei looked at Yi Yin and said, "Brother Yin, since Ziyan likes you so much, why don't we bring her in, and our three sisters will be kind."

Princess Changle said: "It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. It's just that you didn't marry Princess Gaoyang back then. If you marry Ziyan now, I'm afraid you won't be able to justify it with the emperor!"

"Brother Yin just needs to say what the emperor said, and it shouldn't be a big problem." Li Feifei said.

Princess Changle glanced at Li Feifei and said, "Sister, can he be with any woman he likes in the future, or share him with us if any woman likes him?"

"You have to know that a man's energy is limited. If there are too many sisters, I'm afraid it's not enough!" Princess Changle said.

"You need to learn to share good things!" Li Feifei said.

Yi Yin almost burst out laughing!

This Li Feifei is too good!

If in modern society, there is such a wife who can let other women share their man, that would be great!
Princess Changle immediately said: "According to what you said, can he marry as many as he wants?"

Li Feifei said: "As long as Brother Yin has that kind of ability, I have no objection. My condition is that he can satisfy me." Li Feifei said, laughing.

Yi Yin immediately interrupted, saying: "You two don't discuss this issue, Zi Yan and I have nothing to do now, and you are discussing when we develop into that kind of relationship in the future.

Princess Changle and Li Feifei smiled, hugged Yi Yin and fell asleep.

Yi Yin held a wife in one hand, and she was very beautiful in her heart.

After all, before time travelling, he had never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

Now that I can do this every day, I still feel extremely satisfied.

The next day, Yi Yin got up very early.

After chatting with the birds in the garden for a while, and communicating with the flowers, Yi Yin was very proud of every plant and tree in the Yihe Garden.

These things were all cultivated by him, and now looking at this beautiful garden community, Yi Yin is naturally happy in his heart.

After playing in the garden for a while, Zhisheng came to Yi Yin under the leadership of Ma Sifang.

"Master, General Zhisheng wants to see you." Ma Sifang said.

Yi Yin looked at Zhisheng and said, "General, did you sleep well in Chang'an City last night?"

Zhisheng heard the words and said: "Thank you General Yi, I slept very well."

Yi Yin asked this mainly to see if Zhisheng felt homesick.

However, Zhisheng's answer is also very good.

This shows that he has integrated Gaochang into Datang without any distinction.

Speaking of which, it is the advantage of Zhisheng.

He fit in so fast!
"General Yi, I'm here to say goodbye to you." Zhisheng looked at Yi Yin and said.

Yi Yin was stunned for a moment after hearing the words, and said, "Farewell? Are you leaving?"

Zhisheng nodded and said, "Yes, General!"

Yi Yin heard the words and said, "Didn't I tell you to stay in Chang'an for a few more days before leaving? Why go back in such a hurry?"

Hearing this, Zhisheng said, "I appreciate the general's love! But, I have to go! Gaochang needs me there. If I go back as soon as possible, the people of Gaochang will feel at ease sooner."

Yi Yin felt that what Zhisheng said was very reasonable.

Indeed, the current Gaochang needs Zhisheng to go back.

Zhisheng's return will stabilize the mood of the people of Gaochang.

Yi Yin nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Since you are determined to go back immediately, I won't keep you either."

"General Yi, please bid farewell to the emperor for me!" Zhisheng looked at Yi Yin and said.

Yi Yin nodded and said, "Don't worry, you can go back anyway. If the emperor knows that you are in such a hurry to go back to stabilize Gaochang, he will definitely reward you."

"I don't want the reward." Zhisheng looked at Yi Yin and said, "Our Gaochang is now a part of Datang. No matter what Datang does, the Gaochang area will enjoy the policies of Datang together with Chang'an. As long as Gaochang can Development, reward me or not, doesn't matter."

Yi Yin greatly appreciated Zhisheng's words.

There are very few people who can understand as thoroughly as Zhisheng.

Yi Yin admired him from the bottom of his heart.

Zhisheng looked at Yi Yin and said: "The general's kindness to me, I can only report it in the Gaochang area, and strive to make more contributions to Datang."

"This is the best way to repay me." Yi Yin looked at Zhisheng and said.

Zhisheng looked at Yi Yin, as if he wanted to speak, but he didn't know how to say it, and looked a little embarrassed.

Still, he seemed compelled to say something about it.

Seeing Zhisheng's appearance, Yi Yin asked, "Do you have anything else to say?"

"Yes, General." Zhisheng looked at Yi Yin, blushing, and said, "But, General, it's hard for me to speak."

"There's nothing wrong with that, just say whatever you want." Yi Yin looked at Zhisheng and said.

Zhisheng scratched his head and said: "General, I want to get something from you, I hope the general can give it to me."

Yi Yin heard the words, and said boldly: "You just say, whatever I can give, I will give you as appropriate, how about it?"

Hearing this, Zhisheng said happily, "It's really great for the general to say that."

"General, I want to find some of your underwear, cotton-padded clothes and trousers, some medicines, some snacks, and daily necessities. I hope the general can give me some of the same."

Speaking of which, this is not a small number.

However, Yi Yin gave it generously!
"General, thank you so much!" Zhisheng even bowed to Yi Yinxing!

To Yi Yin, this was simply too unexpected!
"I can give you everything, but can you tell me what you do with these things when you arrive in Gaochang?"

After Yi Yin finished speaking, he looked at Zhisheng, and he needed a satisfactory answer.

Zhisheng heard the words and said: "General, to be honest, I brought these things to Gaochang, and the people of Gaochang will yearn for Chang'an City after seeing these things. At that time, don't need me to say, take the initiative to apply to come to Chang'an City to study There are quite a lot of people here. I took these things to Gaochang to encourage people to come to Chang’an City to learn advanced technology.”

Yi Yin nodded after hearing the words.

This is indeed a good way.

Only in this way can the people of Gaochang yearn for Chang'an City.

And Yi Yin is naturally willing to do this kind of thing.

As long as people from Gaochang come to study, after returning to Gaochang, they will open a medical school, and the more patients they treat, the more rewards they will get.

This kind of thing is naturally a good thing, why not do it!
Yi Yin also admired Zhisheng's ideas.

This kid is actually a very intelligent person.

Even speaking, he is smarter than his father, Wen Tai.

Yi Yin even felt that Zhisheng's ability to grasp the current situation was very strong.

Yi Yin looked at Zhisheng and said, "Your idea is very good, I will try my best to bring you enough things to Gaochang."

Zhisheng shyly said: "General, I have no money."

"This is your reward for convincing those 20+ cities to submit to the Tang Dynasty!"

Zhisheng smiled and said: "So, I would like to thank the general for the reward!"

"Gaochang, it is very important to promote the surrender of the Western Regions to the Tang Dynasty. I also hope that after you go back, you can vigorously promote it and strive to let more small countries integrate into the Tang Dynasty."

Yi Yin looked at Zhisheng and said.

(End of this chapter)

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