Chapter 274 Shoot Wen Tai!

All the soldiers were waiting for Yi Yin's order.

They are eager to take Gaochang.

This is a thorny problem in front of them, and it must be solved quickly. Anyway, it must be solved!
Yi Yin also knew the mood of the soldiers.

Every soldier who left home felt urgent.They all hope to end the war as soon as possible and go home to spend time with their parents, wives and children.

The same is true for Yi Yin, he also doesn't want to leave Yi He Garden and those two beauties for a long time.

However, he didn't want to take them out to run around.

Even Zi Yan, his maidservant, was a bit reluctant to part with him, but the situation forced the medical team in the camp to become more and more indispensable.

Because only the existence of the medical team can guarantee the safety of the soldiers.

No one can guarantee that the soldiers will not be injured during the battle.

After resting for an afternoon, Yi Yin made a strategic plan that night. He was going to attack Gaochang King City.

When they got the news, all the soldiers were very excited.

"This time, we are attacking the capital of Gaochang. Everyone must be careful. It is possible that the Gaochang National Assembly will launch a fierce attack. The battle we face will be more intense. Our soldiers will be injured more. We will have soldiers sacrifice their lives, but no matter what, we must take Gaochang City."

Hou Junji said: "Under the leadership of the general, the soldiers are full of morale and full of confidence in taking Gaochang City. I believe that we will be able to capture Gaochang City and capture Wentai alive."

Xue Wanjun said: "Our soldiers fought the enemy bravely, and everyone is proud to follow the general to kill the enemy. In this atmosphere, we will definitely be able to win Gaochang City. I am also very confident."

Niu Jinda also said that the soldiers he leads will definitely take the lead, fight at the forefront, and strive to kill more Gaochang soldiers.

In this atmosphere, Xue Gu, Wu Ren, Jiang Xingben, Liu Demin, and Qi Heli all expressed their views that they would definitely kill more enemies and take down Gaochang City in one fell swoop.

Yi Yin looked at Hou Junji and others who were full of fighting spirit, and said, "Since everyone is so confident, we will be able to take Gaochang City smoothly. As your general, I will definitely take the lead and stand at the forefront!"

Xue Wanjun said: "The general is the God of War of the Tang Dynasty, so nothing can happen. You just command us to fight from the back, and you don't need to stand at the front."

Hou Junji said: "General, before leaving for the expedition, His Majesty has already told the last general, no matter what, you must ensure your safety. Even if these people can't go back to the Tang Dynasty, the general will go back to the Tang Dynasty."

What Hou Junji meant was that even if they tried their best, they must ensure his safety.

This moved Yi Yin very much.

Niu Jinda said: "The general is the treasure of the Tang Dynasty. Even if we sacrifice ourselves, we must ensure the safety of the general. The general still cannot stand at the forefront. The last general stands at the forefront to meet the enemy's attack."

Everyone is fighting to be at the front.

Yi Yin looked at the crowd and said, "Don't worry, everyone. I have done a thorough analysis. We will be fine in this battle. As long as we fight the enemy bravely, we will definitely win."

All the generals are full of confidence, and they are full of confidence in taking Gaochang City.

Yi Yin looked at the crowd and said, "Pass down the order, and we will attack Gaochang City tomorrow morning!"

Hou Junji and other generals immediately took orders and left to prepare for the attack on Gaochang City tomorrow.

All the soldiers were very excited all night.

Everyone is looking forward to the result tomorrow morning.

However, if the war can end after taking Gaochang, everyone is very willing.

Everyone listened carefully to the arrangements of the generals.

Excited, there are so many soldiers who can't wait, everyone is eager for the excitement on the battlefield, even hyperactivity.

In the early morning, just as the sun was rising from the horizon, Yi Yin marched towards Gaochang City with all his soldiers.

Standing on the wall of Gaochang City, the guards of Gaochang City watched the densely packed soldiers rushing towards Gaochang City.

The guards immediately reported.

"Your Majesty, a large number of enemy troops are rushing towards us!"

"A large number of people?" Wen Tai heard the words, looked at the guard in front of him and said, "How many people are there?"

"Huge crowds, Your Majesty!" said the guard.

Wen Tai slapped the guard and said angrily:

"So exaggerated!"

The soldier covered his face with his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I'm not exaggerating, I'm afraid you won't believe it!"

"Didn't the Tang Dynasty only have fifty thousand soldiers? Why did it suddenly become a sea of ​​people? You are growing the enemy's ambition and destroying our prestige. If you are not careful, this king will kill you!"

The man looked at Wen Tai timidly, and said: "Your Majesty, there are indeed many, and the speed is extremely fast. I am afraid that they have already reached the outside of the tower."

Wen Tai quickly followed the guards to the city wall.

All the soldiers were excited to see Wen Tai coming to supervise the battle in person.

The soldiers guarding the city gate were all excited, and suddenly regained their energy.

The soldiers standing on the city wall were even more excited, because they were standing with His Majesty Wentai Gaochang, that kind of honor may only happen once in this life.

Wen Tai looked intently, only to see Tang Jun densely packed in front of him.

However, it is by no means a sea of ​​people.

The news is accurate, the number of Tang Jun is about [-].

Seeing this situation, Wen Tai immediately felt relieved. With such a small force, he wanted to take down me, Gaochang. How is this possible?

Wen Tai looked at Tang Jun in front of him, and said: "Everyone, keep them outside, exhaust their food and grass, let them stay outside, wait for them to weaken, and then we will attack them."

When everyone heard the words, they all cheered up.

Yi Yin led 300 soldiers to a place [-] meters outside Gaochang City.

In order to prevent Gaochang soldiers from being shot with bows and arrows, Yi Yin ordered the soldiers in front to install their shields.

Yi Yin looked at Hou Junji and said, "General Hou, go and persuade Wen Tai to see if he is willing to surrender. If he is willing to surrender, then my Tang Dynasty will accept his annual tribute, and this battle will not be fought."

As a modern person, Yi Yin still came up with the idea that peace is the most important thing at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, Gaochang Wang Wentai refused to surrender.

"What, you want me to surrender, it's completely impossible, with your Tang army's strength, this king will let you come and go."

After hearing Hou Junji's persuasion words, Wen Tai said directly.

Hou Junji's personality was rather impatient, and after hearing Wen Tai's words, he immediately felt uncomfortable, and said, "If that's the case, then there's nothing to talk about."

Hou Junji turned his horse's head and rode back directly to the team.

Wen Tai yelled at the city wall: "You, Datang, want me to surrender. Isn't this a dream?"

Wen Tai turned out to be a series of contemptuous and mocking words.

Moreover, Wen Tai looked at the soldiers and said: "Soldiers, the archers are ready to shoot them into holes."

Then, the arrows shot down one after another.

However, Tang Jun's shield blocked the arrow rain of Gaochang soldiers.

Yi Yin had already thought of this.

In order to protect the soldiers, they have already prepared shields.

The rain of arrows from the Gaochang soldiers did not hurt a single Tang soldier.

However, Wen Tai did not give up and still ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows.

Tang Jun still blocked the rain of arrows with his shield.

Yi Yin looked at Wen Tai on the city wall, feeling very angry.

Yi Yin raised his voice and said, "King Gaochang, if you don't surrender, don't blame me for being rude."

Wen Tai heard the words and said: "You are so polite, you are not welcome, but with such a small force, you want to take down my Gaochang country. You think I am so easy to bully Gaochang country?"

When Yi Yin heard the words, he suddenly became furious!
"Okay, since you, King Gaochang, don't know people, then I won't be polite to you anymore!"

Wen Tailang said: "Shoot the arrow!"

Suddenly, there was another rain of arrows!
Tang Jun continued to block with his shield.

Yi Yin looked at the soldiers and said, "Continue to block it, I want to see how King Gaochang can surround our army."

"King Gaochang, I am warning you for the last time, surrender quickly, otherwise, you will have no chance. This is your last chance."

"Come on if you have the ability!" Wen Tai said arrogantly.

Immediately, another rain of arrows came.

Yi Yin looked at Hou Junji beside him, and said, "Rear General, bring me a sniper rifle!"

Yi Yin carried a pistol with him, which didn't have such a long range.

Immediately, Hou Junji sent an order to go down.

After a while, some soldiers sent a sniper rifle.

Yi Yin pointed the sniper rifle at Wen Tai who was standing on the city wall.


Yi Yin took a sniper rifle and aimed directly at Wen Tai who was standing on the city wall.

At this time, Wen Tai was still standing on the city wall majesticly, completely ignoring the Tang army below.

He still despises Tang Jun's majesty in his heart.

With just such a small force, I want to take down my Gaochang country, what a shit!
Wen Tai didn't care about Tang Jun's little strength at all.

This cannot threaten Gao Changguo at all.

As long as you stick to the city gate and the city wall, Tang Jun has nothing to do.

At this time, Yi Yin had already aimed at Wen Tai.

Capture the thief first and capture the king. As long as Wen Tai is captured, the other soldiers will become headless chickens without knowing the direction.

At this moment, Yi Yin has already aimed at Wen Tai.

His index finger rested lightly on the trigger. He only needed to pull the trigger. He could be sure that Wen Tai would definitely die!

Seeing Wen Tai's arrogant appearance, Yi Yin couldn't bear it anymore.

It would not be enough to show the power of the Tang Dynasty without killing this king Gaochang who did not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. He must be made to know after his death how wrong it was to fight against the Tang Dynasty.

Finally, Yi Yin's index finger pulled the trigger.

There was a sound of fear.

A bullet flew towards Wen Tai on the city wall.

At this time, Wen Tai was still standing on the city wall and despised the Tang army below the city wall.

He was condescending, overlooking the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, with a haughty heart and a very proud expression on his face.

However, at this moment, the gunshot rang out, and only a moment later, Wen Tai's eyebrows were shot.

With a snap, Wen Tai fell down.

Until the moment he fell, his eyes were still wide open.

It is very possible that his expression is also showing contempt for Tang Jun, rather than shocking why he died like this.

Until his death, Wen Tai didn't know how he died.

Because he didn't know how powerful Yi Yin's weapon was.

He didn't know what weapon Yi Yin was using.

His body fell down!
The soldiers on the walls of Gaochang City were shocked when they saw this!

They didn't know why the distance was so far away, and His Majesty fell down so suddenly.

Moreover, what shot His Majesty was not a bow and arrow, Ye didn't know what it was.

I just saw a small hole between Majesty Wentai's eyebrows.

Blood was gurgling inside the small hole.

And at the back of His Majesty's head, there was also a small hole, from which bright red blood flowed out.

Blood stained the stone slabs of the city wall.

All the soldiers were shocked!
Also very scared.

This kind of thing is really incredible!
The walls of Gaochang suddenly became chaotic.

However, some guards immediately became alert.

General Qu Zhiyuan immediately ordered: "Soldiers, prepare your bows and arrows, and don't let the Tang army attack in. Also, don't be confused, and don't let the Tang army see our abnormality, otherwise, when the Tang army breaks through the city gate, we will be killed. It is our time of death."

Immediately, the archers aimed at the Tang army below.

Qu Zhiyuan immediately ordered the soldiers to take away Wentai's body, and immediately notified Prince Zhisheng.

The death of His Majesty, such a big event, must be notified to Prince Zhisheng.

The next battle will be presided over by the new prince and the new Majesty!

The gate of Gaochang City is still guarded by countless soldiers.

Bows and arrows came shooting densely, and Tang Jun could only block them with shields.

However, the range of the submachine gun may not necessarily reach the city wall.

Besides, with such a long distance, Yi Yin didn't want to waste bullets.

However, Yi Yin knew that his shot hit Wen Tai.

The current Wentai must be dead.

In this case, Gaochang soldiers will definitely become confused.

At that time, Gaochang City will definitely be taken.

But the strange thing is that Yi Yin looked at the soldiers on the wall of Gaochang City, and couldn't see any signs of confusion among them.

This made Yi Yin a little suspicious.

Could it be that his shot didn't kill Wen Tai?

But he felt absolutely impossible.

At this time, Wen Tai must have died.

In order not to hurt the soldiers, Yi Yin chose to retreat first.

"Rear General, pass on my order that the army retreat three miles, set up camp, and attack the city tomorrow."

In fact, Yi Yin wanted to see what was going on in Gaochang City.

Only by withdrawing successively can we know the specific situation in Gaochang City.

If Wen Tai is sure to be dead, it will be easy, and Gaochang City will definitely be able to break through.

In any case, Gaochang City will be breached, but in this way, the casualties of soldiers can be reduced.

Yi Yin didn't want to see the soldiers get hurt. What he wanted was to ensure that everyone returned home alive.

Hou Junji immediately sent an order for afternoon.

Generals Xue Wanjun, Niu Jinda, Xue Gu, Wu Ren, Jiang Xingben, Liu Demin and Qi Heli immediately retreated with their troops.

The army set up camp three miles away from Gaochang City, ready to attack Gaochang City anytime and anywhere.

In this confrontation, no soldiers of the Tang army were injured.

It was a very successful match!

(End of this chapter)

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