I control dreams in Marvel

Chapter 67 Director Fury's Stealth Attack

Chapter 67 Director Fury's Stealth Attack

Shang Wen actually has no idea how much money he has now on the 18th.

Although Bulma's profits can be roughly estimated, it is really difficult to estimate the profits of Team Wang after distribution.

Therefore, when the 18th looked at the ten-digit deposit in the account, he was somewhat surprised for a second or two.

Needless to say, just go all in, put all of them into the market, and buy into the stocks of Stark Industries.

Forbes once ranked the net worth of virtual characters. The net worth of Tony Stark given in it is 124 billion US dollars. I don’t care if he has money.

This is outrageous, an arms seller is not as good as a house seller?
The Osborne Group has a market value of 2000 billion. Stark Industries will never be lower than this. After all, Howard Stark was the star of the flying car that made a semi-finished flying car in the 40s Businessman.

And with Tony's attitude of not taking money as money, 100 billion worth is probably not enough for him to squander, so he asked how much it would cost to hold a steel suit firework show.

Anyway, according to Shang Wen's understanding, Tony in this world is worth at least ten times what Forbes said, which is more than [-] billion.

The market value of the entire Stark Industries is basically between 5000 billion and [-] trillion.

Of course, these were all before the stock price fell. After Tony's tossing, the stock price of Stark Industries has fallen by one-third, and it is even continuing to fall.

You should know that the stock price of such a large enterprise with a market capitalization of hundreds of billions or more generally does not fluctuate too much, because any one percentage point is a loss of tens of billions.

How else can you say that Obadiah Stan hates the bald head of the Ten Rings Gang? If Tony is killed directly, at most it will be a pain in the stock price, and it is not impossible to recover soon.

Well now, first it was kidnapping and extortion, and then the arms department was closed, not to mention the stock price fell, some major shareholders were a little shaken, and even seemed to want to withdraw their capital.

If things go on like this, Stark Industries won't have to wait until they change their surname to Stan and hang up directly.

In short, on the 18th, it was under such circumstances that they began to enter the stock market and began to buy Stark Industries stocks on a large scale.

With such a huge capital inflow, the stock price not only temporarily stabilized the decline, but even experienced a short-term stock price recovery.

However, on the 18th in the middle, when the stock price recovered, there was a sudden wave of reverse operations, and a small amount of cash was sold, and retail investors panicked instantly.

This guy is also here to cut leeks. Such a sunset stock has to be cut repeatedly. His character is too scumbag. If you don’t play with him, sell it, sell it all, stop the loss in time, and let this bad guy buy it back and lose money.

In this way, after some unimportant operations on the 18th, she quickly used her modest funds to buy back a large wave of Stark Industries stocks in the stock market.

He even bought part of it at a low price from several small shareholders.

After all the billions of dollars were spent, on the 18th, he already owned nearly [-]% of the shares of Stark Industries, and he will continue to acquire them in the future.

On the 18th, he became a shareholder of Stark Industries. Although he didn't hold many shares, he was noticed by many interested people.

During the interim period, Obadiah Stan, who already regarded Stark Industries as his own industry, and Tony Stark, who has been keeping Jarvis concerned about everything in the company, including changes in equity.

For Obadias Stein, he is actually quite happy. After all, Bulma is an emerging Internet company that is on the rise and has great development potential.

The 21st century is the era of the Internet, and being able to establish a relationship with such a sunrise industry, if it is announced, should be regarded as a positive stimulus for the stock price of Stark Industries.

Well, I just don't know how Obadiah Stein will feel when he finds out what this new Internet company is doing now and has nothing to do with the Internet.

On the other hand, after returning to Los Angeles for a few days, Tony, who was still angry on the 18th, was a little puzzled.

"It turns out that what that woman really wanted was the shares of Stark Industries. If that's the case, why didn't she just ask me to exchange the shares with her? Directly transfer 100 billion shares to her, which is no better than her own shares in the market. Is it much faster to collect from retail investors?"


Tony's eyes suddenly flashed brightly, "Is that woman actually thinking about me? She bought stocks from others, so she doesn't need me to reduce my shareholding, further reducing the right to speak in Stark Industries?"

Wanting to understand this, Tony leaned back in the chair with a smile, took a sip of green fresh-squeezed urine, "She said she was uncooperative, but her body was honest. This woman is not bad, but it's a pity... I There is a small pepper."

On the other hand, after Fury heard that Tony had a bad nose and went back directly from Bulma, the old black face turned black again.

"It seems that Tony is useless, so why not let..."

His eyes fell on the photo on the side, and Fury felt that it was time for him to attack.

The establishment of the Avengers Alliance has been proposed for a long time, but there has been no suitable person to carry the banner of the Avengers.

The Captain Marvel who is most suitable for this job has gone to maintain the peace of the universe. People don't pay much attention to this small temple on the earth.

Otherwise, if Thanos has made such a big noise in the universe, looking for infinite gems everywhere, will Captain Marvel never hear about it?

And the fact that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is on the earth, Captain Marvel also knows, and even she herself is a beneficiary of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube energy.

So why didn't Captain Marvel go back to Earth for so many years, and didn't even send any warning messages to Earth.

I really can't think of a better reason than the boundless love.

On Tony's side, if he can progress faster, he can be regarded as a good candidate for the flag bearer, but this guy is too good at ink, and he is still playing iron.

Afterwards, Fury turned his attention to a photo on the side. On it, a red and blue masked man was spraying someone's face on the street in broad daylight.

Maybe it's time to get in touch, Spider-Man and his sidekicks.

Pull the two of them in first. It would be too wasteful to let them do some trivial things such as catching thieves, finding cats and dogs, if such two good tools are not used quickly.

Moreover, this Lazi Ligero looks very similar to the 2B who is related to Spiderman, maybe he will make a breakthrough, killing two birds with one stone.

As soon as he said it, Fury got up directly, took advantage of the night, wearing his beloved black leather jacket, went out invisibly and got on the big black off-road outside the office building.

(There should be only one chapter today...)
(End of this chapter)

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