I control dreams in Marvel

Chapter 343 New Game: Ultron's Space Era

Chapter 343 New Game: Ultron's Space Era

Venom and Riot are the same kind, but hostile.

To make a comparison, Venom is like Optimus Prime in Transformers, similar, it is the kind that after coming to the earth, makes friends with the earthlings, and wants to maintain this situation.

The riot is Megatron, what it wants is not peaceful coexistence, but aggression and conquest. How can human beings, these incompetent and weak bugs, be equal to us.

Compared with Megatron punching a group of earthlings, the ability to riot is a little bit worse. Not to mention the fatal weakness of being afraid of sound waves, they must be attached to living organisms to achieve symbiosis in order to exert their powerful strength.

So Megatron treats humans like crap, and Riot treats them like pets.

It feels different, but in fact it is aggression in essence.

Unless there is a deep relationship or bond between races, it is basically impossible to coexist peacefully, because space and resources are limited, and for the better development of the race, more space and resources must be obtained.

These things are not obtained for no reason, and wars are needed to fight for them.

So from this point of view, whether it is riots or Megatron, they are actually the pride of their own people, fighting for the continuation of the race.

On the contrary, Venom and Optimus Prime have their own butts crooked, and they may be called rape and racial sinners among their clansmen.

This is from a general point of view, each race has its own position, no one is right or wrong, war is the law of the jungle, you win and you should take more, but if you say it, you can be beaten or killed, You have to admit it.

But as long as it is life, it basically has a position.

Except for those heavenly gods who are high above and regard everything as a dog, or observers who stand on the sidelines no matter what happens, all living beings in this universe, who have groups and have interests, will be for the survival of their own groups. and fight.

There are also villains who are just for themselves or who don't distinguish between justice and standpoints. There are also outstanding ability but not staying in their own ethnic group and like to go all over the universe to be a vigilante policeman. There are also idiots who don't know that their hometown has been stolen.

But this is a minority, and it is also an existence that does not conform to the values ​​of the general public.

From the standpoint of people on earth, those alien life forms that invaded the earth for the sake of their race, even if you are regarded as a savior by your own race, enshrined in the Jiansheng Temple, and worshiped by countless people, you are also an enemy here.

An enemy is not worthy of sympathy, the enemy must die.

But the likes of Venom and Optimus Prime, we love it.

This is the position, P shares decide the head.

The process of finding a riot is not complicated, and the process of subduing it is also simple.

Gul'dan first met Dr. Drake, and he had already launched an investigation to confirm that the riot was in this person's body.

In the movie too.

Then, the two met without saying much, and Gul'dan directly attacked with a sonic wave, forcing the riot out of Dr. Drake's body.

The rest is simple.

Without the host symbiosis, the riot symbiosis is no different from a puddle of mud. Gul'dan directly controlled the object with a mental force, fixing it in mid-air, and there was no way to escape.

Then with a shock of mental power, the rioting consciousness was instantly torn apart.

Gul'dan didn't even give it a chance to argue, and directly killed him, that's how hasty it was.

Originally, he's hero, my enemy, treat the enemy, don't you kill it and save it for the New Year?
In fact, in addition to directly killing the killer, using the mind stone to control the riot is actually an option. Maybe you can also create a superhero, or even directly upper body, becoming a hero who can beat venom and not die.

However, Gul'dan was unwilling.

Some people may say that the appearance of venom possessing a body may actually be quite handsome if you look at it with a curious eye, especially for some perverts who prefer dark winds.

The dark color scheme, the greasy skin, and the big tongue that protrudes tens of centimeters like a frog monster. Anyway, some people like this one.

However, for Gul'dan, he couldn't accept this appearance.

Not to mention, after the venom has possessed the body, it is a bad habit of biting people's heads at every turn, swallowing them without washing them, or chewing them without chewing them.

Biting someone’s head and eating it is right or wrong, let’s not talk about it, this involves some things that use violence to control violence, which is definitely not allowed by the laws of modern society, but it is really exciting to do it, and it is easy to scratch the audience’s cool .

What Gul'dan dislikes the most is that it is unhygienic.

We have to wash every pig's head before we eat it, what kind of pig hair, pig snot, pig saliva and so on.

It's so good, it's like swallowing it all at once, it's not like eating all the mess.

What the hell, vomit!
I don't know how Thompson usually builds his heart. Anyway, if Gul'dan came, he would definitely not choose to let the venom get on his body.

Therefore, it is okay for Gul'dan to accept that there is a venom by his side, but if he is allowed to become a venom himself, he will not be willing to kill him.

Just kill it and save trouble.

Arriving here, Gul'dan's trip to San Francisco is over.

The main purpose of his original coming here was to rush for the riots. Originally, this was a matter between Venom and Eddie Brock. Before they can become a qualified anti-hero on Earth, they need to clean up the mess that came to Earth with Venom .

This can be regarded as a certificate of honor. When Optimus Prime came, didn't he do the same thing? It also became a friend of the earth people after defeating Megatron.

And even so, the people on earth did not stop their defense against the Autobots, and even persecuted them later.

This is all done by the rice country that advertises its own dishes.

There is no more disgusting and hypocritical double-standard dog than them. They are professionals in doing this.

However, because an actor Tom Hardy, who did not want to be named, was suspected, no, not suspected, but of using insulting words to call Chinese people on the show, the role of Eddie Brock was directly rejected by Shang Wen. removed.

There may still be this person in this world, but he will definitely not become Venom, nor will he appear in front of the public in any form. When Venom is mentioned here, there will only be Thompson.

In this way, rioting here is a hidden danger. What if this guy really takes a spaceship and returns to his home planet to pick up more symbiotes?

At that time, the earth here was still in chaos.

It may not be possible for the whole world to be occupied by symbionts, at least not so easy, but it will definitely be messed up by them. I am afraid that I will hide in the Kingdom of Xia to start another story line and enjoy the beautiful and happy life. Shangwu, will be implicated.

In that case, it would be too fast.

So those who can do their best, Gul'dan will come directly to clean up this hidden danger.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he came here, he would encounter an unexpected joy, that is, Shang Qi, who not only completed the task, but also hugged the grass and beat a rabbit.

After leaving San Francisco, Gul'dan once again returned to the role of a shit-stirring stick in his own world. The villains in this world are too weak. Before Thanos came, there was no one who could fight, which is not good.

Since there is nothing here to fight, let's make one.

The dead villains who failed before have been reactivated by the dream space in various ways.

Abomination, Iron Overlord, Whiplash, Extremis Killian, and more.

In addition, the Maximov brothers and sisters who appeared as villains in the early stage also entered the urn, and the strength of his subordinates can already form a strong team lineup.

Of course, compared with the Avengers Alliance and the Spider Boys Alliance, these are still not enough.

Therefore, he will continue to collect power.

Or, create new powers.

For example, Ultron.

It's already reached this time, if Ultron doesn't play again, maybe he won't have a chance to play.

In the movie, Ultron was created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

After a battle against Hydra in Sokovia, the Avengers captured the spiritual scepter that was lost from Loki during the New York War.

At the same time, the Avengers also fell under the magic of the Scarlet Witch Wanda, and each saw a vision about the past or the future.

In Tony's vision, he saw the hordes of aliens behind the space gate of the Battle of New York, and saw the scene where all the Avengers were defeated and died under the attack of aliens.

Captain America, who thought he was dead but suddenly cheated on his body, pulled Tony and said, a little bit regretful and a little bit angry.

"You... could have... saved us..."

After saying this sentence, the US team died with regret.

This scene deeply touched Tony, and deepened the mental illness he had been suffering since the Battle of New York.

So, after returning to New York, Tony and Dr. Banner hit it off, and they launched the Ultron project at that time.

The aliens have an army of intelligent cyborgs under the control of the master brain, there is no reason why we can't.

Isn't it just to imitate the worm nest model, make a worm mother overview the whole situation, and then create a group of worms to attack the battlefield with Wuyang Wuyang, forming a sea of ​​soldiers tactics, what's so difficult about it.

Just build a robot that runs super fast, has super intelligence, has a lot of knowledge, and is super capable of fighting.

So, based on Jarvis, with the data similar to artificial intelligence found in the spiritual scepter as an extension, a powerful artificial intelligence life that can help the earth perform its guard duties and control the steel army to prevent alien invasion began to start from fantasy. Shift to reality.

Ultron was created, a self-aware artificial intelligence life, which is undoubtedly an epoch-making event in the history of human science and technology.

However, unfortunately, there was a small problem when the information was exchanged.

This Ultron was implanted with the core values ​​of maintaining world peace, and after big data analysis, it came to a conclusion by itself.

If we want to maintain world peace, we must eradicate all uneasy factors, and the existence of human beings happens to be the biggest uneasy factor.

The world peace machine made by human beings, the first thing it wants to do after its birth is to destroy all human beings.

This is simply ironic.

What's worse is that this artificial intelligence does not have a back door in the traditional sense. Even Tony, the manufacturer, has no way to close it, and can only find a way to prevent it from continuing its plan.

So, what Avengers 2 wants to express may be a sentence of "you can't live without doing your own crimes"?
Now, Gul'dan thought he needed a powerful helper, so the appearance of Ultron was put on his agenda.

But Ultron is a mechanical life after all. Its ideology is different from that of human beings. It can exist in network cables and hard disks. I don’t know if this kind of network consciousness and the ability of dream space will work.

Most likely it won't work.

Gul'dan didn't want to challenge in this regard, so the Ultron he proposed was not the same thing as Tony's Ultron.

Tony's Ultron is an artificial intelligence, and Gul'dan's Ultron will be a dream consciousness pretending to be an artificial intelligence.

In the way of consciousness projection, a super robot that looks like the host is created. As long as the energy in the dream space continues, this robot will never die.

Then, there is the construction of the robot army.

Gul'dan had already had an idea in mind for these robot armies.

What could be more appropriate than letting players role-play these robot armies?

Players are all guys who are afraid of chaos in the world, let them lie at home, command the robot to roam around the world, even if they attack Xiaobailou, they can get excited to high C...

Just coming up to interact with reality and virtual reality on the earth is a bit too exciting, and Gul'dan is afraid that the earth will not be able to bear it, so it is best to try it in other places first.

Like, on Xandar?

This is actually a good choice.

Xandar is too far away from the earth. Even if the consciousness of the players on the earth is projected here, those sand sculpture players will probably not believe that this place is really a real part of the universe.

Instead, they would think that it was just Bulma's new game setting.

'Bulma finally stopped competing with New York, ready to extend its tentacles into space? '

I believe that by then, such complaints and barrages will definitely fill the entire screen.

Bulma's games have always been known for their authenticity. The alien world is too real. Even the history, text, and language are self-proclaimed systems, which can stand scrutiny and refinement. Is this too much?

Not at all excessive.

Therefore, the next step is to let Ultron show up in the sky first, and take the sand sculpture players to familiarize themselves with the space environment by the way.

The name of this new game is "Ultron's Space Era".

(End of this chapter)

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