I control dreams in Marvel

Chapter 29 Make money, make money, or special

Chapter 29 Make money, make money, or special

Although New York City's road monitoring system has always been hacked, it is one thing for the police not to pursue it, but if it is really serious, with their abilities, they can hardly find the location of the hacker.

This is the normal operating level of the New York police. After all, they are just ordinary people who are afraid of shaking their hands when they see a gun, or even kill them subconsciously. Too high-end operation is embarrassing for them.

As the Green Goblin said, in this city with a population of more than 800 million, there must always be some people who exist to set off the greatness of others.

The New York police are the doomed green leaves. One of their functions is to set off the greatness of superheroes, and the other is to show the cruelty of criminals.

It's just that this is the public's opinion of the New York police. In their own eyes, the law and order in New York City can only be maintained as it is now because of their hard work for decades.

Every now and then during the day, there will be a bank robbery, cash truck robbery, robbery and murder. The streets before 8 o'clock in the evening are basically safe, and the school shootings are so low that there are only a few cases every year.

These are all the results of the hard work of our New York police, otherwise it will only be worse here.

So, we are the ones who contribute the most to this city.

As for superheroes and the like, they are just clowns who hide their heads and show their tails, and dare not even show their true colors. Do you want to expect them to make more and greater contributions?

Such a person, even if he did some good deeds today, may do even greater bad deeds tomorrow.

Well, the New York police, represented by Sergeant George Stacy, think so and do the same.

For a long period of time to come, Parker, the new Spider-Man, will not only appear in time when the citizens need it most, but also guard against possible sneak attacks from the Green Goblin. Although the opponent wanted to recruit him at first, but after After the rescue on the 18th, it was predictable to become angry.

In addition, the biggest trouble for Spider-Man is actually the New York police.

Because Sheriff George is even ready to issue an order that Spider-Man can be killed on the spot.

Of course, all of this has little to do with Shang Wen directly. After all, he is just Abin, and it is enough to squat behind and watch a monitor report his coordinates, and there is almost no risk of exposure.

But seeing Parker being kicked out by the police like a dog every day, Shang Wen was also very upset.

Fortunately, it's just the most incompetent group of people competing now. If it's the FBI or something, or even the SHIELD, Parker won't be able to escape even if he really grows eight legs.

Once he was really caught, with Parker's character and background, he was waiting to be treated as a donkey of the production team and work hard for the rest of his life.

So, really the Avengers is the ultimate destination of superheroes? Only newspaper groups can be strong, and even challenge the government of the United States. Fighting alone can only be taken away by others.

Of course, if you want to be strong, you can't do it alone, you have to have money!
No matter when, only money is the kingly way, so that those politicians who are used to being superior can only use righteousness to persuade you, rather than directly suppressing it by force.

In this country, money is power!

Sergeant George thinks about the use of martial arts to ban criminals, but now, Shang Wen believes that the greatest heroes serve the country and the people. If this is the case, then why can't we have a certain right to speak in this country.

After all, we have also shed blood and sweat for the stability of society.

Then you are a fake dish cook, a double-standard dog, such an official government, sooner or later I will bring disaster to you.

After figuring this out, Shang Wen understood that there are only three primary tasks for him now, to make money, to make money, or to make money!
Where does the money come from?Shang Wen already had an idea in his mind.

Under the night, a tall woman wearing a hood is walking on the dark street. This is a blonde beauty who is extremely attractive both in height and curves. It is her gait that makes people suspicious. She may not have been a woman for long.

Of course, for LSP, this woman's figure is enough to make them desperate, even if it is a new woman, it doesn't matter, as long as there is no way out.

It's just that, this woman walked all the way, but she didn't meet a hooligan on the dark street. The street was clean, as if ghosts dressed in the main city.

Well, because it's Hell's Kitchen, a place of peace and tranquility.

Soon, the woman came to a small seemingly inconspicuous door, reached out and knocked rhythmically on the door a few times.

Squeak, the door was quickly opened, and an Asian man poked his head out and welcomed her in.

In the dim room, the woman sat in front of a table, under the light, a face that was so delicate that it fouled was exposed in the hood.

Apart from her, there were five or six other people in the room, one of whom was obviously a leader, an Asian man with a firm face and a cold expression was sitting at the other end of the table, the amazement on his face was fleeting.

"Hi, I'm Wang. I don't know what to call a lady?"

"number 18."

The woman said calmly, without any waves on her expression, she looked like a robot.

"Hello, Ms. 18."

Wang didn't feel any dissatisfaction with this fake name at first sight, but instead asked expectantly, "Did you bring something?"

"Of course," No. 18 directly took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, and then threw it directly at the opposite Wang.

Wang Mingming had also practiced before, catching the USB flash drive nimbly, and handing it over to a young man with glasses who looked like he was technically incapacitated.

"Yi Yi, take a look."

"Yes, Team Wang."

The young man inserted the USB flash drive into the laptop of the mobile phone, knocked it a few times, and then looked up.

"SB41 superalloy looks fine, but the specific performance needs to be verified."

"I can wait for you to verify before paying."

When No. 18 spoke, not only his expression, but also his body did not make any movements, which even made the strong-willed Wang once again have the idea that this is the robot.

"No, we can pay directly this time," Wang said directly.

After receiving Wang's signal, the bespectacled man named Yiyi was also unambiguous, and he was directly transferring money online.

Soon, the account message was received on the mobile phone on the 18th, and a bunch of people were dizzy.

"Happy cooperation." Wang got up and extended his hand to No. 18. "We have limited funds now, but it is not troublesome to mobilize funds. I look forward to our cooperation next time."

No. 18 didn't reach out, or even get up.

"No, there is no need for a next time."

As soon as these words came out, the people behind the king became tense instantly, and some even prepared to draw their guns, but Wang was very calm.

"How to say?"

On the 18th, he took out a mobile hard disk again and threw it away.

(End of this chapter)

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