Chapter 102
Harry's appearance was a surprise to everyone, including Shang Wen.

But unexpectedly, it is also reasonable.

Due to his own reasons, Norman Osborn has completely given up the idea of ​​continuing to do things, and has given everything to his son, and even had the idea of ​​fighting his son with Richard, the dead subordinate.

Why can you, the son of a poor researcher, be a hero of the world? My net worth is huge, and my son is so handsome, but he can only be a follower or even a villain?

My life is over, and my son is absolutely not.

So the special training Norman Osborn gave Harry was very strict, coupled with the batch reduction of physical strength enhancers, while Harry's body was strengthened to a certain extent, his will was not too negatively affected .

This is nothing short of a miracle!
What the Green Goblin doesn't know is that the strong will can produce a certain amount of mental resistance to physical enhancers, reducing the probability of the user going crazy.

He played a lot with the hammer, and his will must have improved a lot. He didn't become more rational, but he didn't become crazier either, which explained the problem.

And the handsome boy standing on the hoverboard now, there is absolutely no way you can connect him with the infamous Green Goblin.

He'll be New York Rise's second superhero, Spider-Man's best friend, the Green Hood... er, the Green Helmet... no, Greenface.

In fact, Lao Mei doesn’t pay much attention to this. They have no prejudice against green, and the matter of whether it is green or not is itself a superposition state. It depends on how you open it.

For example, in Marvel comics, all the heroes and villains are written on a wall, and then the words that have a relationship with each other are crossed. In the end, it may be more chaotic than Parker's spider web.

To give a brief example, in the comics, Gwen has been with Harry and Thompson in addition to Parker. What is this?
I slept all over my boyfriend's bedroom?
What's even more outrageous is that in a certain version, Gwen gave birth to twins, and the father of the child turned out to be Norman Osborn, can you believe it?

American culture is a capital, fuck.

So from this point of view, there seems to be a theoretical basis for the American vassal Canadians to go to China to sleep with girls?

After all, where is the national condition of the family? The education we receive is different, and the values ​​and outlook on life are naturally different.

The 5000-year civilization of China has finally taught the people of the country to learn etiquette, righteousness, integrity and a sense of shame, making people fundamentally different from animals that only know how to mate and reproduce.

Then this group of real foreign devils and fake foreign devils took us all back in less than 20 years.

Forget it, I'm the one driving, what are you talking about.

Today is Harry's first appearance, he doesn't care if he can get more fans or not.

All Harry knew was that today was the first time he and Parker truly stood side by side to fight a powerful evil, not like Shang Wen, who could only wave flags to the monitor in the car in the distance.

There is a feeling that I can finally stand on the stage and listen to cross talk for free.

In a word, Stimba is comfortable and refreshing!

Facts have also proved that Harry's appearance is really a good boost for Parker.

Parker's advantage lies in his flexibility and powerful control ability, but he lacks the necessary means of powerful lethality.

After all, he is a warm man who is full of strange strength but never confronts others, and no matter what the reason, subjectively, he does not want to kill people.

But Harry is different, he is domineering, ruthless and full of offensive power, and his equipment is also in the same line as that old lunatic Green Goblin, without non-lethal weapons.

The most important thing is that, as a rich second-generation capitalist who always pays the bill when he goes to a nightclub, Harry doesn't feel much burdened by killing people, not to mention that he is facing a villain with amazing destructive power.


The hatred that had been rampant for most of the night finally started to suffer bad luck.

Parker's entanglement is better, the spider silk can only hinder his actions, and there is no way to completely control it.

But Harry was different here, his swarm of bees-like flying devil pumpkins with knives kept circling around the loathsome body, and picked some key positions to strike.

Like the Achilles tendon, the tailbone, the armpit, the back of the head, the crotch protector, whatever it is, it’s just like Ling Chi.

Hatred has a strong recovery ability, but no matter how strong the recovery is, it will always take time, and the recovery of the injury needs to consume the energy in the body. He is not a perpetual motion machine. In the end, he can only exhaust his energy and let others slaughter him.

These two people are also really disgusting. They don't give them a chance to get close at all. They rely on kite tactics to consume their hatred to death.

In this regard, Spider-Man and Green-faced Man said that it is obvious that there are powerful long-range attack methods, and idiots will choose melee combat.

Tony, who had already put on the steel suit in Los Angeles, but later took it off, said that he felt offended.

An unknown number of light-years away, in the gorgeous golden palace, the handsome young man holding the Spear of Eternity also gently rubbed his nose.

"I don't know how that idiot's brother is doing on Earth, do you want to meet him?"

Just when the young man was feeling emotional, a bright light suddenly flew out from the end of the rainbow-like long bridge, piercing into the endless void of the universe in the distance.

The Eternal Spear stomped fiercely on the ground, and the young man showed a fierce expression on his face.

"Hmph! How dare you disobey my order, you are looking for your own death!"

In the next second, the Gun of Eternity turned into a flash of lightning, shot towards the Rainbow Bridge, and plunged into the spherical bridgehead. The light flying towards the universe at the bridgehead produced a slight tremor at this moment.

On the streets of Harlem, everything had settled down, and Hate was lying on the ground like a dead dog because of exhaustion of energy, excessive blood loss, and the addition of tranquilizers. Spider silk, and even the metal clamp Harry specially prepared and the gag ball used to prevent him from biting through the binding...

Make sure nothing goes wrong.

Then, just as General Ross ordered the soldiers to put the Abomination in the car and take it back for custody, while trying to find a breakthrough for mass-producing the Hulk from him, a black commercial vehicle suddenly drove over.

"Captain, don't shoot! One of your own."

Parker restrained the impulse of the soldiers, and then threw the abomination directly into the carriage with Harry. General Ross didn't understand one thing until the carriage drove away.

I seem to have been cut off?
The daughter ran away, the Hulk was lost, and he smashed a street to finally get the abomination, and then he was dragged away like a dead pig in a truck, losing his daughter and losing his army!
"Wait a minute, give me..."

Just as General Ross was about to order someone to stop the commercial vehicle, a stream of colorful light suddenly pierced through the dark clouds and descended from the sky. The beam of light almost brushed against the edge of the helicopter where General Ross was sitting. Fortunately, the captain was from the Raksha Kingdom. , otherwise the whole machine will be explained here.

The commercial vehicle took the opportunity to have sex, while Parker and Harry stayed behind, looking nervously at the beam of light in front of them.

After the light dissipated, four men and women in medieval costumes came out.

Everyone in the audience was stunned for an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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