I control dreams in Marvel

Chapter 1 Peaceful Hell's Kitchen

Chapter 1 Peaceful Hell's Kitchen

Manhattan in the daytime is a glamorous place where dreamers who make the whole world yearn for the light of the beacon yearn for.

But at night, the brilliance fades away, and the filth in the darkness will smash those unknown dreams to the ground and ravage them.

Hell's Kitchen, a neighborhood in Manhattan, is a metropolitan slum formed due to historical issues, where crimes never stop happening.

No matter for the US police or the government, this place is a headache for them.

However, recently, the New York police suddenly discovered something that made them feel strange, strange, no, supernatural.

In the past week and a half, the crime rate across Hell's Kitchen has dropped to the lowest point on record.

Not only that, but in the past, at night, there were gang members wandering the streets everywhere, gangsters and speeding gangs, the kind that young girls dare not walk at night.

But now at night, when police cars are patrolling, it is difficult to see anyone.

It's as if those gangsters disappeared overnight.

But after the police learned about it through an informant, they found that there was no such thing.

Whether it's a gangster or a gang member, they still stay in this block, but now they don't have the time and energy to go out at night to fool around.

Because, they want to escape the poison!
"Drug run?"

The police officers who heard this word always thought that this might be a new way of crime, and they were eager to let the informant find out the specific crime process.

However, the informant told them that running drugs has nothing to do with eating drugs, let alone a crime, but atonement.

"It started about ten days ago."

Under the night, in a small car driving into Hell's Kitchen, the blond woman sitting in the co-pilot said while looking at the documents in her hand.

"Every night, those who have engaged in criminal activities in Hell's Kitchen will fall into a sleepy state, and once they can't hold on to sleep, they will start running drugs."

"So, what the hell is drug running?" asked the Asian man driving.

"Well, according to the informant's description, they will be divided into groups of 100 people, and then fight on a deserted island. During this period, there will be a shrinking poison circle on the island, and they will be killed or stay in the circle for too long. will be eliminated.”

"And they will get a point in the order of death in each game, and there will be ten drug running games every night."

"In the end, the top ranked ones are better. It's basically like having a nightmare. At most, they are lack of energy. Those who rank low will be very tired, more tired than a day's physical work."

"The bottom few are too tired to even get out of bed, let alone commit crimes."

"So exaggerated?" The man stopped the car and turned his head to ask.

The blond woman shook her head, "I'm not exaggerating at all."

"Sleeping is more tiring than doing physical work, so who wants to sleep." The man took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. Soon, the call was connected.

"Hi, Coulson, I'm Wu, No. 13 and I have arrived at the target location, the probe..."

Wu turned his head and glanced at No. 13 next to him. Seeing that the other party shook his head, he continued, "There is no energy response."

'Well, the absence of an energy response does not mean that it is not a supernatural phenomenon. After all, we still know too little about this universe. '

A deep man's voice came from the phone.

'But I'm here in Los Angeles now, Tony Stark has been kidnapped, I need to investigate some information here, Hell's Kitchen, I'll leave it to you two, you know, we don't have many people available. '

"Okay, I understand, if necessary, I will ask the above for help."

Wu put away the phone and looked at number 13 next to him.

"You heard it too, it's just the two of us for the time being, without support, do you have any plans?"

On the 13th, after thinking about it, he directly put away the information in his hands.

"Of course, I have a plan, sleep, let's sleep here first."

"Sleep, sleep?" Wu was startled by No. 13's bold plan. Shouldn't we carry out the mission first? Even if you want to sleep with me, you'd better change to another place...

Over there, No. 13 has put down the co-pilot's seat and found a comfortable position to lie down.

"Since those criminals run drugs in their dreams, if we want to find clues, the best way is to sleep, dream, and then get involved."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. It scared me." Wu sighed with regret, but he didn't lie down like No. 13.

After all, there were only the two of them here, if they were both asleep, in case of an accident, they would die without knowing how.

So since No. 13 proposed to go to bed to find clues, let her try it out by herself and leave one person on guard.

"Okay, then you..."

Wu Gang wanted to give some instructions, but when he turned around, he saw that No. 13 next to him had already fallen asleep and was snoring slightly.

"Sleep really fast."

"Hey, is it so amazing?"

After closing and opening No. 13's eyes, he realized that he was no longer in the car, but on a flying transport plane.

"This is what they call 'drug running', I want to take a closer look."

On the 13th, when he was excitedly preparing to participate in the "drug run", in a private house in the suburbs of Queens more than ten kilometers away from Hell's Kitchen, a tall and slightly thin Asian teenager lying on the bed with his eyes closed suddenly moved his eyelids. for a moment.

"Hey, who is that person who came in just now, he looks familiar."

Above the sky, Shang Wen was suspended in the clouds, overlooking the earth.

Below is a piece of sea. There are more than a dozen squares of the same size neatly arranged on the surface of the sea. In each square there is an island with exactly the same shape and appearance.

At this time, transport planes were flying over those islands, countless small black spots jumped off the transport planes, and finally turned into blossoming landing boxes in the air.

Shang Wen frowned, and then pulled one of the grids closer, and then the picture in that grid was enlarged as a whole, and he could clearly see the face of the person who just came in.

"This woman is... Sharon Carter?"

Sharon Carter, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., the niece of Captain America's old lover Peggy Carter, is the female nurse who lived opposite him when Captain America just woke up.

Shang Wen is a time traveler. When he was watching a movie before time travel, he was very interested in this blond haired long-legged ocean... the female agent from the other side who didn't make many appearances but was very attractive.

Therefore, the moment he saw her face, he immediately guessed her identity.

"It's only been ten days. Has SHIELD come to you so soon?"

His eyes followed Sharon Carter's whereabouts, and Shang Wen touched his chin and pondered.

"Although Coulson is not the one with the highest appearance rate, Sharon Carter is not insignificant. After all, she is Peggy Carter's niece. Both of them are very predictable... No, this Sharon seems to be going black in the later stage. Boss, what's the matter..."

(End of this chapter)

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