Douluo: I am Emperor Nian

Chapter 78 Absorption, Chapter 4 Soul Ring

Chapter 78 Absorption, The Fourth Soul Ring

"Hey you."

With a melodious and ethereal sound, the body of the Lord of Light turned into dots of starlight and appeared directly in front of Gu Zheng.

Sword Douluo turned his head slowly, and looked at the Lord of Light beside him.

"Do you know a person named Nianxin?"


Gu Zheng was taken aback for a moment, a little confused.

Before he could reply, the Lord of Light in front of him suddenly shone brightly, and his body was shrouded in light.

When the light slowly dissipated, a petite girl appeared in their field of vision.

She exudes an aura of not being close to strangers all over her body, her hair is coiled into a bun on both sides, and she is wearing a cheongsam that is sideways.

The Lord of Light looked down at his toes, then nodded again in confirmation, "Well, that's probably how it is."

"This, this is..."

Gu Zheng couldn't believe it, because the Lord of Light in front of him suddenly appeared in the form of Emperor Nian!
"You know her?" The Lord of Light's eyes burst out with intense anticipation, and then continued: "That's right, your aura is very similar to her, you must know her."

Ning Fengzhi pulled La Guzheng, blocked his voice with his soul power and asked, "When did you know this girl?"

People who can be remembered by the Lord of Light shouldn't be ordinary people, but how did Gu Zheng know such people?

Ning Fengzhi's question made Gu Zheng smile wryly, he can't say that he met in the game, right?

"I'll explain to you later."

Gu Zheng turned his head and found that the Lord of Light was looking at him with those eyes that seemed to be able to speak.


I miss the concubine's prosperous face.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Zheng asked, "Sorry, may I know why you want to find her so much?"

"Why..." The corner of the Lord of Light's lips curled up, revealing a faint smile: "Of course I want to pursue her and marry her back home."


Gu Zheng was stunned, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin were also stunned.

Originally they thought that the couple Tang Hao and A Yin were amazing enough, but they didn't expect the reverse.

"I, my mind is a bit confused." Gu Zheng turned his head and said to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi nodded, "Me too."

"Wait, Gu Zheng's aura is very similar to hers?"

Ning Fengzhi recovered from the shock, looked at the Lord of Light and asked imposingly.

"Could it be that she is also a Noumenon Martial Soul?"

Gu Zheng knew that the reason why her breath was very similar to his own was actually the power of thought.

"No, it's not." The Lord of Light shook his head, "Her martial spirit is a lotus flower."

The light condensed in his hands, slowly forming a lotus flower in bloom.

"It's like this."

With a light grip of the palm, the light particles will be scattered in all directions.

"I owe her a promise. When I meet someone who has the same breath as her in the future, I will make a sacrifice to become his soul ring."

The Lord of Light looked at Gu Zheng, and whispered persistently.

"But even if she doesn't say that, I will do it, because she once said that only people with the same aura as her can find her."

He glanced at Chen Xin who stood silently at the side, among these people, only Chen Xin gave him the most pressure.

Immediately afterwards, before their eyes, the Lord of Light returned to his original form.

A ray of light floated in front of everyone, illuminating the surroundings. This was the appearance of the Lord of Light, a soul beast formed from the purest elements.

As a pure elemental soul beast, he was asexual 10 years ago.

He made up his mind to fulfill the agreement with Nian Xin, and asked: "You are only level [-], so you should be able to bear my strength?!"

He didn't want to blow up someone who had the same aura as her because of him.

Gu Zheng took a deep breath, and replied solemnly: "Yes."

Nian Xin may also be a time traveler, and it seems that he has long been expected to appear, so there is an agreement with the Lord of Light.

"Actually, I'm a little curious, why didn't she choose you as the soul ring?"

As a collection of light elements, the Lord of Light is also the rarest soul beast. It is also very suitable for mind power, so there is no reason why she would miss it.

"Because of the age limit, when I met her hundreds of years ago, she was already the sixth-ring soul emperor and was hunting for the seventh soul ring. At that time, I was just a thousand-year-old soul beast."

"Hundreds of years ago?" Chen Xin frowned, stopping Ning Fengzhi who wanted to speak.

Just kidding, if I told him that Nianxin might have died long ago, how about this guy just regret it later?
"Will I become the same existence as them after I sacrifice to become your soul ring?"

Although it was just a ball of light, Gu Zheng could feel that he was looking at the Golden Thunder Tiger and the Wind-riding Condor not far away.

Gu Zheng showed a gentle smile: "Yes, they are my Nian Beasts, formed after I absorbed their soul rings."

"I see." The Lord of Light nodded calmly, "Get ready."


Hearing this, Gu Zheng sat cross-legged, and adjusted his soul power and mind power to the best state.

"bring it on."

After some adjustments, the Lord of Light slowly moved up and down, turning into strands of light and floating into Gu Zheng's body.

A black soul ring rose slowly, and then it was put on Gu Zheng's body.

Gu Zheng was already prepared to be washed away by the powerful and tyrannical soul power, but the power of the Lord of Light was not tyrannical, on the contrary, he was very gentle.

Although it is powerful and has a large volume, it is like a gurgling water, nourishing everything.

Light is the breath of life of all things, and the development and origin of all things in the world. It is the mildest element among all elements, making people feel like returning to their mother's arms.

The meridians all over his body were expanded by the huge soul power, and his body was like a sponge, greedily absorbing this soul power.

But this soul power was too huge, and soon reached the limit he could absorb.

Fortunately, his physical fitness is very strong, he can't absorb all his soul power, and then he continues to expand his soul power capacity.


Gu Zheng groaned in pain, and frowned. At this moment, his body swelled up like an inflated balloon.

"Zheng'er will be fine, right?" Ning Fengzhi looked at Gu Zheng and said worriedly.

After all, this is his default son-in-law, and the years of companionship have made the relationship between them very deep, and he doesn't want Qibao Glazed Tile School to lose such a genius.


Chen Xin's eyes are vicious, and he can tell at a glance that he is far from reaching his limit.

The rhythm of the soul ring became faster and faster, and more and more soul power poured into Gu Zheng's body.

Gu Zheng only felt that every bone and every cell in his body was filled with soul power.

He seemed to hear the wailing of his body, and under the infusion of this soul power, his body even cracked.

Gu Zheng remained unmoved, and exhausted all his strength to absorb this soul power, and the mind power in his body was constantly repairing his body.

But at this moment, the mutation happened!

The extreme fire in his body wrapped by thought power was squeezed by this soul power, and a small crack appeared in an instant, and traces of flames shot out from it.

(End of this chapter)

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