Chapter 64 Gifts
Standing in front of the mirror, Nai Yuan looked at herself in the mirror, and there was a gleam of light in her beautiful eyes.

Although he was not completely healed, he could still see that he was much better.

"Nai Yuan, let's go."

Ning Rongrong's urging voice came from outside the door, she quickly put on her clothes, and responded softly.


What she wore today was the same as before, a white kendo uniform, simple and clean.

"Let's go."

She went out and said softly, it could be seen that she was still a little uncomfortable.

Before going out, she hesitated for two seconds, and finally put on the mask.


Gu Zheng yawned, Nai Yuan slept for a full day and two nights, but luckily woke up this morning, otherwise he would not be able to go to this auction.

After a brief greeting, the three of them walked out of the school gate.

Occasionally saw students training in class on the road, Gu Zheng just remembered...

He doesn't seem to have been to school once.

First, Yu Huanzhou competed, lay down for a week, then competed with Dugu Yan and the other three, and then was kidnapped by Dugu Bo again. When he came back, he woke up and it has been more than a month.

Today's Tiandou City is extremely lively, both sides of the street are full of various street stalls, perhaps because of today's auction day, these merchants want to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

What they sell are some therapeutic drugs or some relatively rare ores and iron ores.

It's just that people in this world have martial souls, and the demand for this kind of iron weapon is not high. After all, this is not the era of soul tools after ten thousand years.

"There is still a little time before the auction starts, let's go shopping first."

Ning Rongrong took out the ticket, glanced at the time and said.

"No comment."

Since the auction started in the afternoon, there was enough time.

Along the way, Gu Zheng looked at the iron mines on the side of the road, and regretted that he didn't learn more about firearms in his previous life, otherwise he could have Barrett, Sand Eagle, and Gatling come out to play.

My lord, eat poop.

Judging from the firearms in the previous life, even the Title Douluo could be killed by sniping as long as he was caught by surprise.

Gu Zheng, who was daydreaming, suddenly felt that the corner of his clothes was being torn. When he looked back, Ning Rongrong pointed to the not far behind.

"Gu Zheng, look at that."

Nai Yuan seemed to be attracted by something, and stood there in a daze, lost in thought.

It was a hairpin made of red jade, and the workmanship was very fine.

Gu Zheng understood, crossed his hands in his sleeves, and walked back.

"Buy it if you like it."

Nai Yuan, who was in a trance, didn't notice Gu Zheng's arrival, so she was taken aback.

"Really, don't appear suddenly!"

Nai Yuan said slightly dissatisfied.

"Yes, it's my fault." Gu Zheng apologized a little funny.

After the Blood Dragon King was temporarily shielded by the spider, her strength seemed to have dropped a lot, at least her vigilance had dropped a lot compared to before.

But on the contrary, the feelings are also enriched, Gu Zheng likes her now more than the cold and taciturn her before.

Gu Zheng pushed her twice with his arm, "So what? Go buy it if you like it."

Nai Yuan curled her falling red hair, and said with some embarrassment: "I have no money."

Her situation was similar to that of Gu Zheng. After being brought back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School by Gu Zheng, the only places she went were Bone Douluo and the Hunting Soul Forest.

The memory of Qian only stays before the martial soul is awakened.

And a character like Sword Douluo usually wouldn't touch things like soul coins, so he didn't give her any pocket money, as long as she had a sword to accompany her all the time.

This is Chen Xin's teaching method.

Gu Zheng smiled, and held the black card given by Gu Rong between his fingers, "What's the point, I'll buy it for you."

"This, this is not good." Nai Yuan looked a little embarrassed.

"Stop talking nonsense, why are you two with whom?"

How expensive can a jade ornament be?No matter how expensive it was, could it be more expensive than the one hundred thousand gold soul coins in his hand?
Gu Zheng directly grabbed her little hand and dragged her to the small stall.

Holding his hand, Nai Yuan felt a mass of warmth enveloping her, as if any difficulty could be blocked by the man in front of her.

The owner of the small stall was an old man, a soul master of the second ring, he yelled, and when he saw Gu Zheng and Nai Yuan walking towards him, they suddenly showed bright smiles.

"Hey, guest officer, what do you want? These are all good things!"

There are about twenty items on the small red cloth, half medicinal herbs, half iron ore jade, and some ready-made accessories like hairpins.

Gu Zheng knelt down, picked up the red hairpin, weighed it, and asked, "Boss, how much does this hairpin cost?"

"Hey, guest officer, this thing is made of red flame jade, and wearing it on the body of a fire-type soul master has the miraculous effect of speeding up the practice!"

The old man rubbed his hands and introduced enthusiastically.

Gu Zheng knew that these people's tactics were nothing more than bragging about how good their products were, in order to raise the price.

As for speeding up the practice?

If this is true, this thing will not appear here but will appear at the finale of the auction.

"Tell me the number."

Gu Zheng waved his hands directly, acting like a local tyrant.

The old man smiled and stretched out five fingers.

"Five gold soul coins?"

The old man shook his head.

"Fifty gold soul coins!"

"Fifty gold soul coins?!" Gu Zheng was startled, he believed that something with a substantial effect was worth the price, but why should it be worth the price just for an accessory?

Even for low-level soul masters, it takes about a month to earn fifty gold soul coins, which is not a small sum of money.

The old man rubbed his hands and smiled flatteringly.

"Hey hey, my lord, at first glance, you are the master of great wealth and wealth. This red hairpin is perfect to match your partner."


Under the mask, Nai Yuan's face turned red, and she appeared as a shy little girl.

But Gu Zheng didn't eat his sugar-coated cannonball, and said with a cold face: "Twenty gold soul coins, no matter how valuable this thing is, it is only a few gold soul coins, twenty is enough for you to earn."


The old man was a little embarrassed to be hit, but he also knew that what Gu Zheng said was the truth.

"Okay, twenty gold soul coins are twenty gold soul coins."

He was afraid that Gu Zheng would lower the price again, so he said hastily.

Twenty golden soul coins fell from Gu Zheng's hand into the old man's bag, and the golden light made the old man in the next booth straighten his eyes and quickly waved and shouted: "Master, look at this side, the ones over here Good stuff too!"

Gu Zheng ignored them, took Nai Yuan's hand, and put the hairpin into her hand.

"Is there anything else you want?"

Nai Yuan shook her head, clenched the red hairpin in her hand, and said softly, "No more."

"Let's go."

Meeting Ning Rongrong, she puffed her face and said jealously: "Eh? The gift, it's really nice, it seems that I haven't received a gift from someone before~"

Gu Zheng heard the jealous words, and said angrily: "Your gifts can fill a whole room."

"Hmph!" Ning Rongrong snorted coldly, regretting why he reminded Gu Zheng just now.

(End of this chapter)

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