Douluo: I am Emperor Nian

Chapter 57 Fusion of Ice and Fire

Chapter 57 Fusion of Ice and Fire
Star Anise Black Ice Grass and Blazing Fire Apricot Vegetable are both extreme products, and they are also highly poisonous.

If you grab it directly with your hands, then this ultimate force will instantly flood into your body, becoming a blind catalyst for toxins in your body.

Fortunately, this little difficulty did not bother him.

Surrounded by golden thoughts, the figures of the Golden Thunder Tiger and the Wind-Controlling Condor gradually appeared.


Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and patted the two comrades-in-arms, because he stayed next to the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, the toxin spread faster, and the indigo-colored toxin had already spread to the neck.

Jin Leihu and Fengying Condor looked at each other, nodded slowly, and then ran towards opposite directions, a golden thought power swaying behind them.

They had just been torn to pieces by Dugu Bo, so they were not particularly strong.

But this does not affect their actions.

Jin Leihu ran towards the star anise black ice grass, and the extreme cold breath slowly covered his whole body.


The Golden Thunder Tiger let out a roar, and golden thunder burst out, instantly shattering the ice layer!

The star anise ice grass is not ordinary, Jin Leihu's speed was forced to slow down, but for him who is not afraid of danger, this kind of obstacle is not an obstacle.

The same is true for the Wind Controlling Condor. He controls the wind, and several wind blades slash out with a wave of his wings, separating the oncoming blazing breath.

With a screaming eagle cry, he passed through the flames, as if a huge fire bird was reborn from nirvana, and several flames rose behind his head, like a huge phoenix.

The sharp eagle claws grabbed it down accurately, and immediately the whole plant of the fiery apricot vegetable rose from the ground.

The terrific eagle crowed and howled, and the ultimate fire spread rapidly. He didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly turned around and flew back towards the way he came from.

On the other side, Jin Leihu, who was holding the star anise black ice grass, was also covered with a layer of frost.

[The star anise ice grass is here, catch it! 】

[Angry Apricot and Vegetables are also here! 】

Two thoughts penetrated Gu Zheng's thoughts, he threw out the water mirror in his arms, and then stretched out his hands.

【Shui Jing, stay on it well. 】

Gu Zheng sent her a voice transmission and said, after all, she may not be able to withstand these two extreme forces.

Two clumps of grass jelly, one blue and one red, immediately fell into Gu Zheng's hands.


A loud shout came in from the forest in the distance, and then a powerful soul power surged over quickly!

But this soul power was half a step too late after all, Gu Zheng held two ice grasses in his hands, and stepped into the real range of the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye!

Immediately, extremely hot and extremely cold emerged together, without any accident, Gu Zheng's body turned into a half ice-like flame.


Gu Zheng roared angrily, and stuffed the two celestial grasses into his mouth.


The sound of a human body falling into the water was extremely clear.

Dugu Bo appeared here right after him, his face turned livid when he saw the Binghuo Liangyi with only two Nian beasts and one soul beast!
No matter why Gu Zheng appeared here, as long as Gu Zheng is doing nothing, then the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will definitely not let him go!
He was so angry that the veins on his face popped up, and he kept cursing at Gu Zheng in his heart.

Isn't this courting death? !That was a place that even he didn't dare to get too close to!

Big trouble now!

Dugu Bo rubbed his temples regretfully, and quietly made preparations in his heart to take his granddaughter away.

After all, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is really not something he can afford to be provoked by a titled Douluo.

The two mind beasts looked at Dugu Bo vigilantly, because he had torn his body apart and picked off the star anise black ice grass and raging fire apricot vegetable, which made their figures extremely illusory now.

But they still stopped in front of Binghuo Liangyiyan without hesitation, anyway, at most, they would just tear it up again!
The water cobra that landed next to it stared blankly at the Binghuo Liangyiyan, but finally obeyed its instinct and slowly crawled inside.

The flame burned off his skin, exposing the bloody flesh under the skin, but it became scorched black in an instant, and then the power of extreme cold covered his body with a layer of frost.


A look of pain appeared in the water cobra's eyes, and it slowly swam into the water.

A layer of pale golden thoughts emerged from his body, slowly enveloping him, which prevented him from dying suddenly on the spot.

The Ice and Fire Liangyiyan is a unique treasure place, and the thought power contained in it is also extremely strong.

Without him noticing, Nianli seemed to have found a vent, filling the body of the water cobra in an instant.

The call in his mind became stronger and stronger, guiding him to swim down.

The water cobra suppressed the sound, and he spent all his strength to swim towards the body in the center.

That body was naked, with half of its face scorched black and half of it frozen.

Two chaotic forces were rampaging in his body, including soul power and thought power, a total of four energies played mahjong in his body.

Gu Zheng greedily absorbed the mind power here, and the Golden Thunder Tiger and the Wind-riding Condor who guarded outside became solid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The toxins left in his body had already been swallowed up by the extreme power of the star anise black ice grass and the raging fire apricot vegetable, but what followed was even more violent power.

Restoring in destruction, being destroyed in restoration.

Gu Zheng's body was tempered again and again, and his consciousness took great pains to control the power in his body.

The absorption of thought power made his body swell rapidly, this is the rhythm of exploding to death!
At this most important moment, a familiar feeling wrapped around his waist.

It's a water cobra!

He jumped down too!

Gu Zheng recognized him instantly, and gritted his teeth fiercely, making Gu Zheng a little angry.

Obviously he threw the water cobra away a long time ago and specifically asked not to follow it!

Nianli seemed to have found a vent, rushing towards the water cobra.

I don't know how long it lasted like this, Gu Zheng's consciousness gradually blurred, and the two extreme forces made his body lose part of his consciousness.


He regrets his arrogance.

When I read novels before, I felt that it was such a simple matter for Tang San to subdue the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

But when it came to himself, he realized the danger!

Gu Zheng let out an unconscious murmur, only feeling his body getting heavier and heavier.

In the haze, he seemed to see a graceful figure swimming towards him.

Time seemed to stand still, and the ice water and lava around him gave off a faint gleam, making it difficult for him to see the faces of the people who came.

She stretched out her hands and gently held Gu Zheng's head, and then a cool and warm touch imprinted on Gu Zheng's lips.

It's strange... Even though he was in the extreme cold and heat, he could feel the slight coolness.

Then, a miraculous scene happened.

In Gu Zheng's body, the power and toxin belonging to the Mystic Star Anise Grass surged towards the man through physical contact, which relieved most of Gu Zheng's pressure in an instant.

"Don't think too much, quietly digest the ultimate fire in your body."

Although she kissed Gu Zheng, she made an ethereal and pleasant voice.

I don't know why, but Gu Zheng feels that she is so familiar... It's as if there is a feeling of being connected by flesh and blood, very kind.

(End of this chapter)

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