Douluo: I am Emperor Nian

Chapter 29 Nian Beast: Golden Thunder Tiger of Judgment

Chapter 29 Nian Beast: Golden Thunder Tiger of Judgment

A circle of purple soul rings condensed above the sacrificial fire, Jin Leihu's body slowly lost its strength, and the tiger's paw on Gu Zheng's body fell down feebly.

The purple soul ring slowly wrapped around Gu Zheng's body, moving slowly.

The pure and impurity-free power is like a river, but as time goes by, the flow of soul power keeps getting faster and stronger!
If it was a small river before, then it is now developing towards the Pentium River!

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Gu Zheng's forehead, and he tried his best to use his soul power to bring it into his body.

But this soul power didn't mean to decrease at all, on the contrary, it increased more and more.


Gu Zheng boring

above the snow.

Violent Killer looked at the little spider sucking the blood of the dragon clan in the distance, his eyes were mixed with light and dark, and the surging blood in his palm flickered.

Because the dragon blood in the three-color dragon crocodile is too scarce, the little spider needs to be refined before it can eat the best dragon blood.

It's not easy to eat well.

But this rhythm did not continue to expand. After finding a relatively peaceful speed, the flow of soul power did not speed up.

It is Jin Leihu's soul that is controlling these soul powers, and this is helping him!
Gu Zheng understood everything instantly, just as he imagined.

There was no obstacle in absorbing the spirit ring, and it continued in an orderly manner.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the blond-haired Golden Thunder Tiger stood majestically on it, domineering and majestic.

A miniature version of Gu Zheng appeared in front of it, and nodded towards it.

The latter nodded in the same way, but he could understand the meaning of the other party instantly without communicating.

Gu Zheng divided a part of his mind to control his thoughts, and it flowed into Jin Leihu's soul.

If he condenses the Golden Thunder Tiger by himself, he may not be able to do it, but if he lets the thought power flow into the Golden Thunder Tiger's body, it will be much simpler.

And the effect is one day at a time.

The former is the condensed form of Gu Zheng, with Jin Leihu as the spiritual intelligence, it cannot exist for a long time, and it will be subject to many restrictions by Gu Zheng.

But the latter has no such problem, it is equivalent to Jin Leihu controlling the mind power by himself, and compared with his life, it is just that the power comes from Gu Zheng.

Although it has lost its control to a large extent, it has retained its freedom, strength and independence to the greatest extent, and it will become a real beast.

Jin Leihu believed in him so much, he had to treat it with the greatest sincerity.

Forcible control and forced affiliation are not the way Gu Zheng wants to get along, because he firmly believes that as long as he treats him with sincerity, even beasts can understand human nature.

At that time, what he will gain will not be a subordinate battle pet, but a comrade who can fight side by side.


When night fell, Gu Zheng slowly opened his eyes, and the pale golden thought force dissipated with the wind.


When Tyranny came over, Gu Zheng's second spirit ring absorbed the millennium spirit ring, why is it not difficult at all?

Could it be that the Millennium Soul Ring is so easy?
"Well, with great luck, it was successfully completed."

Gu Zheng stood up, Nianhuang Wuhun appeared behind him, and the two spirit rings, one yellow and one purple, were particularly dazzling.

Level 23 soul power.

Gu Zheng shook hands and felt his current strength.

The improvement that Jin Leihu's spirit ring brought him was huge, if he didn't suppress it, he could completely rise to level 25 and sixth.

"What is your second soul skill?"

Tyrannosaurus asked curiously, the thousand-year soul ring... a little bit of anticipation.


Gu Zheng smiled confidently, and the second soul ring behind him lit up.

Immediately afterwards, the golden soul power condensed on Gu Zheng's hands, forming the shape of a tiger's head roaring.

Gu Zheng threw out a few punches casually, and the roar of the tiger on the fist became more and more violent, and the sound of piercing through the air was endless.

"My second soul skill is called Tiger Roar, and every attack will have the tendency of Tiger Roar to bite."

Gu Zheng put away his martial soul and said calmly.

Nianhuang has a skill called Dragon and Tiger Roar, which is similar to his current skill.

Perhaps it was because the second soul ring came from the Golden Thunder Tiger, one dragon was missing, but he will reproduce the roar of the dragon and tiger in the future.

The roar of the tiger is soul power, so the chant of the dragon is naturally the power of thought. When the two forces are driven together, the roar of the dragon and the roar of the tiger must be extremely powerful.

This also suddenly gave him an inspiration, why can't the mind power and soul power be fused together?Wouldn't the new power generated by the fusion of the two powers be even more terrifying?
Tyrannical Killer nodded thoughtfully: "Tiger Roar, that's really good."

"It's more than that."

Gu Zheng smiled mysteriously and made a fool of himself.The little spider in his arms rolled her eyes, and she, who communicated with Gu Zheng, naturally knew what Gu Zheng was going to say.

"Nian Beast: The Golden Thunder Tiger of Judgment!"

Gu Zheng let out a low cry, his body covered in dazzling blond hair, and a giant golden tiger as tall as a man slowly appeared.


The domineering growl shows the aura of a king, and the golden thunder that surrounds him is like the thunder of arbitration that judges the world. The golden hair flutters in the wind, and the pale golden eyes are extremely majestic.

"This, this is the Golden Thunder Tiger?"

Tyrannosaurus was stunned for a moment, then said in astonishment.

She had never heard of a soul beast being absorbed into a soul ring and still survive.

No, no, strictly speaking, it is not that it survived, but that it survived in another way.

It is the kind of energy like the breath of nature, and the tyrannical killing eyes flicker.

"Yes, it survived in another way."

Gu Zheng patted Jin Leihu's body beside him, smiled and said, "It will be my partner from now on."


Jin Leihu looked down at Gu Zheng, he could feel that Gu Zheng had completely let go of his control, this was 100% trust.

【thanks. 】

Jin Leihu moved around and said sincerely to Gu Zheng.

He found that the body at this moment is the same as it was in life, except that one is a physical body, and he is now an energy body.

This caused it to not be beaten to death again, at most it could only be broken up, and after being broken up, he could condense in Gu Zheng's body.

It is equivalent to a different kind of immortal body.

The only thing that can threaten it is Gu Zheng's life. He can feel that there is a very close connection between himself and Gu Zheng.

If Gu Zheng died, then his origin in Gu Zheng's body would also dissipate, leading to his death again.

Gu Zheng also smiled at it, and patted its body vigorously: "Let's fight in all directions together, and leave behind an insurmountable myth."

【Um. 】

Jin Leihu also responded with a chuckle, obviously it was just what a seven-year-old child said, but it could make him believe it from the bottom of his heart.

"Myth...?" Tyrannical Killer muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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