Shenhao's Daily Life of Ordinary People

Chapter 29 Do You Want To Come Up?

Chapter 29 Do You Want To Come Up?
The most troublesome thing about buying a Mercedes-Benz Big G is queuing up to make an appointment. The models that are relatively out of stock may wait for up to half a year and may not be able to get the car.

Chen Yu bought a black G500, not a special edition, so he picked up the car relatively quickly.

The reason why I bought this car instead of the collector's version G63 or G65 was the speed of picking up the car.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Chen Yu took the broken acoustic guitar and went to the store to pick up the car at the appointed time.

Shu Xi Bei Africa wanted to follow, and he couldn't even get rid of it.

After getting off the taxi, Shu Xibei took the initiative to hold Chen Yu's arm tightly, not allowing Chen Yu to refuse.

"Why are you like brown sugar?" Chen Yu said with a blush.

"Hehe, whatever you want." Shu Xibei bit his lower lip, grinning, and bent his big eyes to look at Chen Yu:

"Xiao Chen, what kind of Mercedes-Benz did you buy?"

Chen Yu's face was dark: "How old are you?"

"32+C, but I'm still growing." Shu Xibei smiled happily.

Chen Yu was speechless. Seeing her wretched smile, she knew it was intentional:

"Is it intentional? Is this what I'm asking?"

"Tch, I find you really boring." Shu Xibei said with contempt, "You're 19, why ask a girl's age casually?"

Chen Yu gave her a white look: "You are 19, I am 23, you call me Xiao Chen, do you think it is appropriate?"

What kind of plane, labor and capital are small?Chen Yu thought dissatisfied.

"My sister is called Xiao Chen like that. I think you are very happy to hear it." Shu Xibei was very dissatisfied with being treated differently. After speaking, his eyes rolled around, and he said meaningfully:
"You don't like me calling you Xiao Chen?"

Without waiting for Chen Yu to answer, she continued, "Then I'll call you from now on. Mmm. Old Chen?"

Chen Yu:.
"You don't like it either? Then, uncle?"

Chen Yu:.
"Uh, then Boss Chen?"

Chen Yu:.
"Don't like it either? No way, you don't want me to call you daddy?"

Chen Yu: ? ? ?
He looked at the strange eyes of the pedestrians on the left and right, and couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead:
"If you are my daughter, I will slap you to death."

Shu Xibei was not angry either, he smiled and held Chen Yu's arm: "Xiao Chen, what kind of car did you buy?"

Since my elder sister's name is 'Xiao Chen', I should also call her that. She thought stubbornly.

Chen Yu didn't want to discuss the address with her anymore, and he could tell that she called her 'Xiao Chen' on purpose, so just call her, and let her change her name sooner or later.

Walking into the fourth son's store, Chen Yu said: "There are only a few models in the exhibition hall. I like the ones with a large space. What do you think?"

Shu Xibei immediately saw the domineering off-road vehicle in the center: "It can't be the big G, right?"

As soon as the words came out, the salesmen next to them turned and walked away to cover up their embarrassment.

Chen Yu's mouth trembled a few times, and after confirming that Shu Xibei was not playing a prank, he smiled to relieve the embarrassment: "Say you don't bring G, just this G500."

Realizing that he was embarrassed, Shu Xibei bit his lower lip and gave a dry 'hehe' smile.

But when she heard that Chen Yu bought this big G, she immediately stopped being embarrassed. She let go of Chen Yu's arms and surrounded the big G, looking here and touching there.

With Chen Yu's financial resources, all the cars bought for her sister were more than 300 million yuan. It's a bit strange to buy a cheaper big G for myself.

But when she saw the big G, she still liked it very much.

The appearance is very rough, and the big Mercedes-Benz logo is very eye-catching; the whole body line is tough and straight, with an extremely hard style, and the design of the round headlights on the front is very retro.

The lines running through the entire body are very straight, and the lines at the rear are also angular. The rear-mounted spare tire shows a full off-road taste.

When the car drove out from the 4S shop, Shu Xibei was sitting in the passenger seat, still chattering and commenting.

"You like Big G so much?" Chen Yu asked.

This is rare, the G series off-road vehicles are sharp-edged, very rough, men are more likely to attract, and there are not many female fans.

"I like it." Shu Xibei said sternly, "Buy me one, Dad."

Chen Yu's scalp was numb.

After these two days of contact, he found that although Shu Xibei and her sister Shu Tingnan looked somewhat alike, they were actually very different.

Compared with Shu Tingnan's subtlety and aloofness, Shu Xibei is more daring to express himself and be himself.

Among other things, she has never concealed her desire for money, and she is not even ashamed to show it naked.

Of course, it is also more shameless, without bottom lines and rules.

Even my brother-in-law doesn't respect me.

"I'll take you back now, I have important things to do later." Chen Yu rolled her eyes.

"No, no."

Unexpectedly, Shu Xibei came over and hugged Chen Yu's leg: "I'll go with you, don't worry, I won't make trouble."

Like a naughty kid.

When she hugged Chen Yu's thigh like this, with the vibration of the car, her lotus root-like arm touched Brother Cengyu's body from time to time.

Chen Yu was taken aback by her action: "Hey, I'm driving, let go."

He even felt a tingling sensation.

"Not loose, unless you promise me."

Chen Yu said speechlessly: "Don't make trouble, I'm going to do business, a business worth several hundred million."

"I didn't make trouble." Shu Xibei didn't let go: "I'll just go and stay with you, and I promise I won't do anything."

Chen Yu:.
She is lying on her stomach in this movement, and when others see it from the outside, it is easy to associate it.

"You can follow along, but let's talk first, I have something to do and I don't have time to accompany you." Chen Yu said.

Hearing Chen Yu's compromise, and seeing Chen Yu appearing in the scene in Zhou Xingchi playing truant from school in Veyron, she let go of her hands and sat down in the passenger seat.

He couldn't hide his red face.

I feel a little proud in my heart.

The wild off-road vehicle drove out of the crowded urban road and galloped on the scenic Linjiang Avenue, with the breeze blowing, it was very pleasant.

"Drive slowly."

With a sweet smile on his face, Shu Xibei took off his seat belt and stood up.

Chen Yu concentrated on driving: "What are you doing?"

"There are no cameras on this road." Shu Xibei got up, opened the sunroof, stood on the middle platform, and leaned half of his body out of the car.

She stretched out her arms, posed in a pose of Ruth, and called out to Zhu Jiang.

"Do you want to come up? The wind is so comfortable." She called Chen Yu loudly.

Chen Yu rubbed the center of his eyebrows speechlessly, and reminded: "Take it easy."

He remembered that he and Shu Tingnan also came to Linjiang Road a few days ago.

The same road, the same self-driving, but a completely different scenery.

At that time, Shu Tingnan just lay quietly on the window sill, admiring the brilliance of the sun and the moon and the pleasant morning scenery of Zhujiang.

Now, the lively Shu Xibei wished he could sit on the roof of the car.

He looked up, but it was okay not to look at it, and his blood pressure soared when he saw it.

Shu Xibei wore a white T on his upper body, and a JK short skirt on his lower body, with two long legs dangling below.

… looming hollekitty.

Brother Cengyu loosened his Adam's apple, swallowed his saliva, and continued to "seriously" hold the steering wheel.

(End of this chapter)

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