I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 490 Get the Godly Chef!

Chapter 490 Get the Godly Chef!

The biggest difference between Laohuo porridge and thick porridge is the compatibility of rice and water.
Thick porridge is more like dry rice with too much water, rice is rice, water is water, but as far as soup and porridge are concerned, there is too little water, and it is sticky in the mouth after eating, it is just like paste.

Laohuo porridge is not the case. Although it is very viscous, it has a smooth taste after you eat it. You can even feel the unique texture of rice fat and rice oil rolling over the tip of your tongue, and it is fragrant. After the glutinous rice grains melt in the mouth, there should be no less moisture.

The fragrant and sticky Laohuo porridge can not only fill your hunger, but also has a nourishing effect, and it can also quench your thirst!
And when all kinds of fresh ingredients are put into Laohuo porridge, this pot of porridge becomes a feast.

Pig offal is an ingredient criticized by many people and even gourmets, simply because of high cholesterol and high purine value, eating too much is not good for your health.

But, isn't cholesterol what the body needs?It can not only help synthesize adrenal cortex hormones, etc., but also an important factor in the formation of cell membranes. Reasonable intake of cholesterol can delay the death of cells in the body, thereby achieving the purpose of anti-aging, health and longevity.

As for the purine value that many people are worried about, there is really no need to worry too much. In ancient times, gout was a sign of nobility, and it was not something anyone could get. It's so embarrassing to go out and meet people.

Although it is a joke, for healthy people, it is no problem to take in ingredients with high cholesterol and purine value such as pig offal reasonably. There is too little meat in the diet, and proper supplementation has a good nourishing effect.

Because of his eating habits in recent years, the first thing Shang Lao drank was porridge. When the textured rice fat and rice oil passed over the tip of his tongue, the first thing that passed over his heart was the pure and extremely fragrant rice fragrance. It's too far away. Mr. Shang remembers that when he was a teenager, his family was too poor to eat some rice until the Chinese New Year. Instead of extravagantly making these rice into dry rice, Mr. Shang added water to make porridge for the children. drink.

The rice porridge he had when he was a child had such an unforgettable taste, but after the war was won, he was never able to eat such a fragrant rice porridge in a high position.

It's not that the chef's level is not good, nor is it that the rice used by my mother is of the highest quality, but that the heat and sincerity are missing.

My mother is not a chef, but she only has one chance to cook rice porridge every year, but she has become the most sincere porridge cook.This sincerity is tied to poverty and to love for children.

Shang Lao never expected that he would see this kind of sincerity and the taste of memory again in a young man in his lifetime.

Gently stir the porridge surface with a spoon, cut pork cheeks into thin strips, pork liver and lungs in full bloom like small flowers, and pigs that have been cut into rings and strong bodies after removing the inner layer of fat The intestines float and sink faintly in the porridge.

These pig offals do not have deep pigmentation like stewed pork, because they are put into Laohuo porridge when they are fresh, and Laohuo porridge is different from boiling water, because the porridge is sticky, so heating up is a relatively slow process , all kinds of pig offal that were originally bright red now show a light earthy red color, which is particularly eye-catching in the white porridge, making people very appetizing when they look at it.

At the same time, because the maturation of pig offal is a gradual process, there will be no problem that the outer layer will be slightly hard after being stimulated by hot oil and hot water. Laohuo porridge not only moisturizes the body of diners, but also moisturizes these pigs. miscellaneous.

In the process of maturing the pig offal, the aroma of the meat will also be fed back into the porridge slowly and layered. In this warm and silent interaction and fusion process, the old fire porridge and the unique aroma of the pig offal are perfectly blended, and the porridge is completed. A perfect program from vegetarian to meat, but "eating like a vegetarian".

The so-called "feeding like a vegetarian" means that you are eating meat, but the taste of the food is similar to that of a vegetarian, and it will not feel very greasy.

Mr. Shang went down with the second spoon, and the target was Ben’s pig offal. He scooped it up lightly, and was surprised to find that there were pork cheeks, pork liver, pig lungs, and a small piece of pig intestines in the spoon.
Somewhat in disbelief, he poured the spoonful of porridge back into the bowl, and tried again, only to find that as long as he went for pig offal, he would have all kinds of pig offal when he scooped it up.

"Does Mr. Shang feel very strange?"

Others will inevitably be reluctant to let go in front of Mr. Shang, but Cai Bo, a great talent who has been unruly all his life, will not restrain himself. After swallowing a mouthful of porridge with a smile, he came over to explain Mr. Shang's doubts: "You just try a few more times, and the result is Still the same."

"Oh, this is really strange. Can Mr. Cai clear up my doubts?"

"It's a small thing, but it's actually very difficult to do this, and it's called 'juwei' in food.

Raw pork offal porridge, as the name suggests, has two flavors, the first is naturally porridge, and the second is pork offal.Although they need to borrow flavors from each other, they still need to maintain relative independence, that is, to allow diners to eat porridge with the taste of pig offal and pig offal with the fragrance of porridge, and at the same time make porridge porridge and pig offal Pork offal! "

Although he can only eat but not cook, when it comes to commenting on the same food, there is probably no one present who can surpass Cai Bo except Zhou Dong, who has started the legendary tasting.

When it comes to his major, Cai Bo's chatterbox is endless once he opens up: "That's why I say it's borrowing flavors, not messing them up.

Mr. Shang, think about it, if the pork offal in the porridge can't be relatively concentrated, but scattered everywhere, wouldn't the taste of this pot of porridge become messy? "

Scooping up a spoonful of porridge with all kinds of pig offal, blowing it lightly a few times and putting it into the mouth, Cai Bo mumbled while chewing: "But it is extremely difficult to do this. That everyone Please step aside, I'll have another bowl."

When he came back with the third bowl of porridge, Lao Cai still hadn’t forgotten to take a look into the pot. He typically looked into the pot while eating,

Seeing that there was still enough porridge in the pot, he felt relieved and continued to chat with Shang Lao: "This requires extremely good knife skills, not only to control the size of the pork offal cut out, but also to ensure that the capacity of a tablespoon can be everything. It is complete, and to be like Master Zhou, it is necessary to precisely control the placement of these offal, and even estimate how long it will take to cook after adding the offal. After all, the offal will move slightly during the cooking process.
People who can do all these things are no longer simple masters. In my opinion, Master Zhou is no longer a young master, but the youngest chef in China. "

"Oh, young chef? I think Master Zhou deserves this title!"

Veteran Shang put a spoonful of pig offal and porridge with various pig offal and fragrant porridge into his mouth, and chewed it lightly for a few times. Suddenly, the thick and glutinous porridge, the soft and hard pork cheek with excellent taste, melted in the mouth The pork liver, the pig intestines with a long aftertaste, all kinds of wonderful flavors lifted his spirits, and he felt that he should eat faster, and he felt that he could eat three big bowls!

Cai Bo's evaluation of Zhou Dong is also in line with his current thoughts. How can a mere young master be worthy of Master Zhou's cooking skills?

It would be fine if it was just Cai Bo who said that. Cai Cai is not a wise man, and he actually spends a lot of time talking, but Mr. Shang also said the same, but he was stunned by several masters present. If you are less than 30 years old, you have to be a chef!
But everyone was just surprised, including Cang Yun, no one was dissatisfied.

Shang Lao seemed to think that everyone was not surprised enough, so he added slowly: "I see, this raw pork porridge can be used as an appetizer for this state banquet. Do you think it is good?"

(End of this chapter)

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