I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 483 Hello Comrade Wu Anguo

Chapter 483 Hello Comrade Wu Anguo

With his precious grandson, there is no need to bring any security personnel to Shang Shang in the open. As for how many people are following secretly, even Shang Lao himself may not know, but the grandpa and grandson and Huang Sixia with a question mark on his head walked in. When the white case team was in the small courtyard, there were just three innocent people, who looked indifferent.

There must be no one in the Bai case team who doesn't know Mr. Shang and Shang Qingxiong, let alone Huang Sixia. Ordinarily, the three of them should go on a regular basis in this yard, but today there was an accident.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

Genius is often not limited to a certain industry. For example, the old man Masada Takemiya has a first-class talent in cooking, otherwise he would not be able to become a contemporary chef in the island country. I did not expect him to be quite talented in language.

When he communicated with Zhou Dong and others in the island country, he relied half on his unskilled Chinese language and half on translation. He had only been in the capital for a few days, and his level of Chinese language was gradually improving, but he still fell behind the island country. The root of the disease for people who learn Chinese language is that their grammar is not very good, so they always like to use some words and phrases.

Old Shang stared reflexively, staring coldly, and raised his hand to touch his waist, but his hand was empty. Then he remembered that the war had passed for many years, and now he didn't have a gun on his waist.

Where are the islanders from?
Old Shang looked at the old man from the island country who was also silver-haired and had a good temperament.

"You are, Mr. Shang. Old Mr. Shang? From Huaxia, the old Mr. Shang?"

After all, Takemiya Masada is also a man of the scene. Although he is an islander, he does not know people like Shang Lao,

After carefully looking at Mr. Shang, he quickly stretched out his hands and said, "Mine, Takemiya Masada's work,
In the last century, in the 80s, you once visited the island country, and mine was the chef at that time.

You have eaten the sushi I made and praised that it is very delicious! "

"Oh, is that you?"

Mr. Shang shook hands with him, but he still couldn't remember who this was in front of him; as for the old man who praised the island country back then, it was just casually saying that sushi is said to be graded, such as junior high school senior, Holding it in the front and holding it in the back, anyway, in his opinion, there is nothing delicious at all.

"Why, Your Excellency is the chief chef of the island country, Mr. Takemiya Masada known as the Light of Showa?
Strange, why are you here? "

Huang Sixia was slightly startled when she heard Takegong Masada self-reported her family name.

However, he is also a top chef in China, so it's not too much of a fuss, but he just wonders why this master chef from the island country appeared in the small courtyard of the white case team?

This is the residence of the chefs of the Guo·Yan Bai case team, and the security level is "super class".

"Don't say that, what big food master, Showa light, all have nothing to do with me now!"

Takemiya Masada repeatedly waved his hands and said, "Mine is now a small, small student!

It would be very bad if what this gentleman said just now was overheard. "

Old Wu Gong glared at Huang Sixia fiercely, what does this person want to do?In front of the door of the only God of Cooking in the world, what do you call him the Light of Showa, the Great Food Master?This is really too much, it's just hurting him!
Huang Sixia was taken aback by the old Wu Gong. Did this old devil take the wrong medicine? It’s fine if he doesn’t answer his own question, and he looks like he’s going to eat himself. Sure enough, he’s not of my race, his heart must be different. ', the ancients sincerely do not deceive me.

"It's Old Shang and Master Huang."

Perhaps hearing the commotion in the yard, Cang Yun opened the door and walked out.
Seeing that it was Mr. Shang who came in person, he was slightly startled at first, and then sighed secretly. This Zhou Dong is really amazing. He recruited the god of the kitchen world of the island country after going to the island country. He just came back two days ago. The old man came to the door himself, apparently also for him.

I was somewhat unconvinced when I lost to this kid before, but now I am really convinced. Not only is he a good cook, but he is also very popular. It is not 01:30 who is better than me!
"Mr. Wu Gong came back with Zhou Dong and the others, and he didn't want to leave when he came. He said that he would also participate in the Four Kingdoms Banquet anyway. Why not just follow the Huaxia team?"

Speaking of this, Cang Yun couldn't help but want to laugh, but thinking of the presence of Mr. Shang, she forcibly held back: "Mr. Wu Gong still said... still said"

Old Shang laughed and said, "Master Cang, please speak up if you have something to say, don't be restrained."

"Hey, that's fine."

Cang Yunxin said that I am not restrained, but I am afraid that you will not believe me when I say this.

"Mr. Wu Gong also said that he wants to worship Zhou Dong as his teacher, hehe. Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Shang, I really can't help it. He is so old, and Zhou Dong is only in his early twenties."

"What? How is this possible!

Takemiya-san, are you kidding me? "

Mr. Shang didn't react much to Cang Yun's words. He who has learned before and after is the first. Master Xiao Zhou's craftsmanship is good. It is understandable that Wugong wants to be a teacher, but Cang Yun is right, this The student is a bit old, so it is estimated that Master Zhou may not be willing to accept him.

But Huang Sixia couldn't believe her ears. Looking at Takemiya Masada for a long time, she wondered if this person was a fake?

Takemiya Masada, who is that?If it is placed in Huaxia Qinxing, it will be a generation of master chefs, that is, born in an island country with backward culinary skills, and I am aggrieved.

But the king among the monkeys is also the king, right?

The majestic god of the kitchen world in the island country, who is over 70 years old and his eyebrows are squeaky, yet he has not traveled thousands of miles to worship Zhou Dong as his teacher?How big is Zhou Dong?
Although a lotus leaf and lotus pod soup made him secretly admire Zhou Dong, but admiration is nothing but admiration, and he would not be completely convinced before there is a real contest of fighting vegetables, let alone apprenticeship!But this Takemiya Masada in front of him has a much higher status in the world of chefs than him.

Takemiya Masada said solemnly: "How could it be a joke, I am very serious! But Master Zhou has been refusing to accept me. In order to express my sincerity, I even gave myself a Chinese name!"

Now even Shang Lao became a little curious: "Oh? Mr. Wu Gong's Chinese name is."

"Wu Anguo."

Takemiya Masada raised his head and said: "You Huaxia have a very good saying, it's called 'Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish'. It can be seen that the chef also has the ambition to stabilize the country! Mr. Shang, does my name have sincerity? Does it sound good? "

Old Shang nodded: "It's really good! It's a very resounding name."

Huang Sixia also couldn't help nodding. She is an islander, and she still has some understanding of Chinese culture. She didn't go to China like some foreigners and named her "Fuguier", "Wangcai", and "Tiedaner" as her name. I don't know. Are these guys here to learn Chinese culture or to be funny.

Cang Yun was giggling non-stop, what Wu Anguo, why aren't you called Wu Zetian, that name is more resounding.

"Oh, that's right, Mr. Shang and this gentleman are here to visit Master Zhou, right?

I'll show you two the way, please please"

Even though Zhou Dong did not agree to accept him as an apprentice these days, Takemiya Masada has perfectly assumed the role of apprentice. Since someone came to visit the master, he, the apprentice, is naturally responsible for leading the way.

Huang Sixia hurriedly said: "Mr. Wu Anguo, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to call a visit. Mr. Shang should be regarded as an inspection. You have to continue learning your Huaxia Wen."

Old Shang waved his hand and said, "Why is it inappropriate? Your statement is inappropriate. I am here to visit Master Xiao Zhou today. Comrade Wu Anguo, I will trouble you."

"Hey, come on!"

As if to prove that his Chinese language is very authentic now, Masada Takemiya suddenly said something from Beijing: "You two, I invite you inside."

(End of this chapter)

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