I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 467 Embarrassing Dishes

Chapter 467 Embarrassing Dishes

"Zhou Dong."

Since everyone has stretched out their hands, it's not good to be too shameless, so Zhou Dong had to shake hands with her.

"Hello Zhou Jun, can I have the qualifications to buy you a drink?"

Eiko Takemiya is a very delicate girl, with a soft voice, it makes people feel that she should be soft from head to toe,

Such a girl is born to be cared for by men, and it is said that no matter where she goes, she will not be able to pay the bill, but now she said that she wanted to treat her, which immediately made Cang Yanshan and others sigh with emotion.

This is a world where handsome guys run rampant, middle-aged uncles can't live anymore!
Zhou Dong looked at the island girl, shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't have money, why should I ask you to hire me?
Besides, today is my friend's treat, so you're welcome. "

After speaking, he pointed to Cang Yanshan, who was extremely astonished, and Lao Cang felt bitter for a while, when did I say I was going to treat him?

You kid rejects the kindness of a nine-point girl like this, you deserve to be single for the rest of your life!

"Ha Yi, Mr. Zhou is such a big man, he is so charming."

Hideko Takemiya smiled sweetly, as well-behaved as a harmless little white rabbit, with a flushed face.

Zhou Dong frowned, obviously disliked this sudden strike-up, picked up the menu and began to order, not looking at Takemiya Eiko.

According to the rules in China, the four of them had to order a dish first. This was to try the taste before deciding whether to continue ordering.
The recipes are all in the island language, and I can’t understand anything. Fortunately, there are pictures. Ling Zhenfeng ordered a grilled skewer, which seemed to be beef. Zhou Dong ordered a plate of cold meat, and Cang Yanshan ordered a portion. stew.

Hao Aiguo hesitated, and ordered octopus balls.

He obviously didn't have much hope for the food in the island country, and he looked a little bit lacking in interest. He came here mainly to accompany Zhou Dong and the other three, and he was thinking about the legendary chef Masada Takemiya in the island country.

It is no wonder that he will be under a lot of pressure. This time, the first battle of chefs from the four countries is cold dishes. If he, who claims to be a master of cold dishes, loses in the first round, he will be ashamed to face Jiangdong's elders, and he will feel natural It can't be compared with Cang Yanshan, a guy who stays out of the matter.

The diet of a country can basically reflect the spirit of the country. If you only look at the pictures on the menu, you will feel that the dishes are very rich, and you even have to worry about whether four people can finish it?

For this reason, Cang Yanshan also urged everyone to order beer. It is said that the beer in the island country is much better than the tasteless sake, and you must try it; among the four, Zhou Dong is the most alcoholic, but the most drinking He was not interested, so he rejected Cang Yanshan's proposal and ordered a glass of pineapple-flavored fruit wine.

The waiter brought wine first, and then Hideko Takemiya, who was sitting next to Zhou Dong, jumped up and clapped excitedly.

Zhou Dong stared blankly, wondering what's wrong with this girl?
Cang Yanshan explained bitterly: "Brother Zhou, don't be like a log, can you?

The wine you ordered collided with the little girl's, they are all the same!

Know what this is called at an izakaya?It's called 'Jiu Yuan'!Usually, if men and women of similar age encounter this kind of thing, they will toast each other. If a girl is drunk, you are obliged to send her home!if she refuses"

Ling Zhenfeng asked curiously, "What will happen then?"

"Hehe, that's a blessing, you can take him back to your home or hotel."

"Hey, small country with few people, old customs and bad habits!"

Zhou Dong secretly groaned in his heart, how could such a thing happen?Eiko Takemiya next to him looks very wrong now, his almond eyes are watery, his face turns red before drinking, and he is still screaming, and the girl on the opposite side is also laughing , keep clapping
"Zhou Jun, according to the custom of izakaya, when the first dish is served, we should drink this cup."

Wugong Yingzi seemed to muster up her courage, her small chest was still straight when she spoke, which made Cang Yanshan extremely envious.

Zhou Dong was noncommittal, his attention was completely attracted by the first dish brought by the waiter.

What is this?

roast potatoes and beef?Has the communism of the Soviet Union been realized?

Cang Yanshan was also in a daze for a while.

This dish was ordered by him. It looks bold in the picture. It is a big stew pot with thick pork belly beef, potato cubes and carrot cubes. He was even a little worried that such a small dining table would become crowded with this big stew pot?
It turns out that Nima is a stew pot the size of a cricket pot, with a few pieces of potatoes and carrots in it, and the beef should not exceed five pieces!This is a very small portion of goulash
Cang Yanshan rubbed his eyes, took the menu and confirmed again, 2288 island national currency, 150 yuan in Huaxia currency.
Just as he was about to scold him for being too dishonest, Zhou Dong’s cold meat was also brought to the table. It was a very delicate long porcelain plate with six or seven slices of beef on the bottom of the plate. This dish was slightly cheaper. 1588 Island Country currency.

Hao Aiguo also ordered six octopus balls on a plate, and Ling Zhenfeng's meat skewers were rather bad. Although there were four people, there were only three skewers.
Everyone looked at Cang Yanshan with a very strange look, Lao Cang's face was red to the neck,
Because he really doesn't have a good opinion of this country, this is his first time here, and he wants to pretend to be an expert, so he has to bring everyone to some izakaya.

Fortunately, the amount of wine is still enough, each of them is a two-jin glass, which can be regarded as saving some face for him.

"Drink, drink, and leave after eating!

I will never come to a place like Nima next time, this small table and small bench makes me feel aggrieved sitting on it!
And the amount of food, if it is changed, it will be smashed by customers in Huaxia, it is simply a black shop!

Hey, don't you look at me like that?It's my first time too."

Cang Yanshan's embarrassment is needless to mention, none of the people here are short of money, but spending seven or eight hundred Huaxia coins for such a meal, no matter how he thinks or feels aggrieved, the key is that he feels very humiliated.

The wine was still good. Zhou Dong tasted the pineapple-flavored fruit wine and felt that the alcohol taste was not strong, but the taste of pineapple was very pure. It was obviously not something blended.
But the dishes were very embarrassing. There was no way to separate the three skewers. I ate a mouthful of roast beef with potatoes and I didn’t know what it was called.

Chinese people's first reaction after drinking cold wine is to eat hot dishes, unless cold dishes are served first according to Chinese rules. Now that there is this potato-roasted beef dish, Ling Zhenfeng and the others are also the first to put their chopsticks on it. Hao Aiguo is an honest person. People, took a bite and didn't say anything, but Ling Zhenfeng shook his head and said: "It's too ordinary."

Cang Yanshan's face turned even redder.

"Gentlemen may not know much about izakayas. Drinking is the main thing here, and the dishes are not that important."

Eiko Takemiya suddenly interjected: "Mr. Zhou, in fact, you have all neglected the most delicious dish, which is this 'cold cut beef'."

He pointed to the six or seven slices of beef on the long porcelain plate and said, "This is Wagyu beef, and the cooking method is similar to Chinese five-spice beef, and it also hides a secret."


Cang Yanshan was immediately refreshed, this girl from the island country was so caring, she simply came to rescue her.

"Yes, a secret.

It uses the method of 'chilling' to lock the taste, so if you don't eat it, you won't feel its deliciousness.

In fact, the price of this izakaya is relatively high in Hot Kyoto, because of the existence of this dish, Zhou Jun really knows how to order. "

"Cold suppression method?"

Zhou Dong's heart moved: "You seem to be very clear, do you often come to eat?"

"I don't come here often, but the creator of this dish is my grandfather, of course I know it very well."

Eiko Takemiya covered her mouth with a smile: "Jun Zhou, my grandfather is Masada Takemiya, you must have heard his name before?"

Takemiya Masada?

Cang Yanshan and the others suddenly changed their expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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