I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 457 Three are in one!

Chapter 457 Three talents in one!

Just as Zhou Dong guessed, Mr. Shang really didn't make any kung fu tea.

People who drink this kind of tea are either pretending to be X, or they are really good at tea ceremony. Mr. Shang is naturally not the former, and he is busy with many affairs on weekdays. How can he have time to study tea ceremony carefully?
But after all, he is an old merchant, and it is impossible for the old man to invite guests to drink tea with the whole glass, so the old man chooses the "Sancai Cup", which is commonly known as a bowl of tea, with the ground as the base, the sky as the lid, and the person as the cup.

Drinking tea in this kind of cup does not take too much time like Kung Fu tea, but it also looks ancient, simple but not simple, and it fits the identity of the old merchant.

"This is good tea."

Shang Qingxiong had no pressure in front of his grandfather, he sat next to the old man with a smile and said to Zhou Dong with a smile: "Old Zhou, you can cook and eat. I don't know if you have studied tea. If you can guess me Grandpa's tea, I really admire you."

"Xiaoxiong, you can't be so rude."

Old Shang criticized his grandson, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhou, sit down quickly, don't listen to this kid, drink tea as long as you drink, what's there to guess."

"That's not true. If you can tell the origin of the tea when drinking tea, not only will the host have face, but the guests will also be very happy, Mr. Shang, don't you think so?"

Zhou Dong sat down as promised, but did not touch the teacup.

Drinking tea is particular: the first invitation is to let you drink; the second invitation is to let you drink quickly, basically because you dislike your talkativeness; the third invitation is to see off guests.

It is very impolite to touch the teacup when the host has not asked for tea, let alone Shang Lao in front of him.

Tasting skills are naturally not only about eating, but also drinking. All kinds of information about the tea ceremony have been poured into Zhou Dong's mind, and now he is even more expert than an expert.

"Hehe, you don't have to be cautious when you come to my place, Xiao Zhou, come here, please have some tea"

As the master, Mr. Shang waved his hand and pointed five fingers in the direction of Zhou Dong. This is the ceremony for the elders to invite the younger generation to drink tea. If you have to wait for the elders to pick up the teacup, it would be rude.
Although many modern people don't pay attention to these things anymore, but Mr. Shang is from the last century after all, and his status is here, so he still uses the serious three-talent cup.

So Zhou Dong nodded quickly, turned half-turned to the old man, got off the rattan chair with his butt half-leaved, stretched out his left hand, clasped the sides of the cup holder with his index finger and ring finger, and connected the bottom of the cup with his middle finger. Lightly buckle the body of the cup, and put the cup holder, teacup and lid together in front of you.

This is the basic method of using the Sancai Cup, which is called 'three talents in one'.

Even in modern times, drinking tea with a Sancai cup must be mastered. If you directly pick up the lid of the cup and throw it on the table, pick up the cup from the cup holder and pour it into your mouth, it will not only be rude, but also make the host Thought you just walked out of the Sahara
"Good boy."

Old Shang nodded secretly, the more he looked at Zhou Dong, the more he liked it.

After Zhou Dong moved the Sancai cup to his mouth, he half-lifted the lid with his right hand, and gently stirred the tea surface twice. If there were tea leaves floating on it, he could use this step to move it aside, and then half-handled the tea surface. Cup cover, glanced at the tea noodles lightly, and said: "Good tea!"

This pie is so handsome!
It was so elegant that Shang Qingxiong was dumbfounded. It seemed simple to take a cup and stir the tea a few times, but it was too difficult for him to make that kind of taste!

This is the same as the movement of people wearing long robes and jackets when they sat down in the early Republic of China. When their buttocks are about to touch the chair, they put their hands on the front of the jacket and shake it back, 'pop! After sitting down, put the front piece of the mandarin jacket on the lap, "Snap! '

This handsomeness is nothing to mention, if it weren’t for years of practice, you wouldn’t be able to do it at all. If you don’t believe me, find someone on the street who has pulled a rickshaw for half his life, and ask him to try it in a mandarin jacket?He won't sit in an instant!

It’s really not a choreography of working people. The beauty of the working people in the old society is the soul, but they haven’t worn a mandarin jacket. He really doesn’t know how to do it.
Old Shang's eyes lit up slightly: "Xiao Zhou, it's not enough to just say it's good, you have to say what's good about it."

"This tea has a faint orchid fragrance, and the soup is yellow-orange, and will turn red after a long time. The only one that can meet these conditions is Dahongpao from Wuyi.

However, there are many kinds of Dahongpao now, and I have to taste which one it is. "

When drinking tea, the most important thing is to refresh the heart and spleen before commenting.
Especially for Dahongpao, there are mother trees and child trees, and later there are even 'relocated species', and there are even cheap 'hybrids'. You can find Dahongpao in any tea shop, and the cheapest one is only two. 30 yuan for one or two, just ask if it smells good or not?

It's not that Zhou Dong doesn't know the identity of Shang Lao, but how much tea can the mother trees Dahongpao on the rock wall of Nine Dragon Cave really produce in a year?

The best years are only a few hundred grams, just over a catty!

The whole of China produces about one catty a year!This is not something that can be described as having money and not being able to buy it. Even as an old Shang, it is hard to say whether he still has stock.

Speaking of this kind of top-notch Dahongpao, it is difficult for Mr. Shang, how many taels can he get in a year?Not to mention that now is the end of winter and spring, how much can he have left?

If Mr. Shang is the first batch of sub-tree Dahongpao, or even a later-transferred seed, then he has to taste it carefully before distinguishing it from the top-level mother tree Dahongpao. Zhou Dong has no choice but to look at it and smell it You can tell by the smell!

"Okay, then you can taste it carefully."

Old Shang was even more satisfied. If it was someone else, since he knew his identity, wouldn't he immediately flatter him that this was the top Dahongpao?
Even if it is wrong, it is flattering, and if it is right, it is a perfect shot. People who have a little bit of experience in accidents will do this without even thinking about it.

But this kid didn't give him this 'face', and insisted on tasting it.

What does this mean?It shows that he is principled, persistent, serious in doing things, and will not flatter others. This young man is like a gleaming piece of gold, which is rare!
Drinking tea with this kind of Sancai cup is also very particular. Huaxia pays attention to introversion, so when drinking, you should pinch the lid of the cup with your thumb and forefinger, first turn it twice, and then gently turn the lid outward, half covering the tea surface and half covering yourself mouth, and at the same time take a shallow sip, this is the etiquette in the tea ceremony.

In fact, it is really not pretending to be X, but it makes sense. First, it can prevent the tea aroma from leaking out quickly, which reduces a lot of the wonderful taste. Second, it can also avoid opening your mouth and showing your teeth in front of the owner. After all, it is unsightly, isn’t it?
"Hey, I admire you, I won't wait for Lao Zhou to guess the tea, I will be convinced first, how come I can't learn it just because of you?
Handsome, really handsome! "

Shang Qingxiong was extremely envious, thinking that if he could come here a few times, wouldn't this be much more advanced than some guys pretending to drink red wine?Those guys always love to show off in front of him!
"Well, in this day and age, there are not many young people who can understand tea etiquette like Xiao Zhou. Qingxiong, you need to hang out with Xiao Zhou more in the future."

What Shang Lao talked about was not the tea ceremony, but the etiquette in tea,
China has valued etiquette since ancient times. What is etiquette?It's the rules!Be polite first and then have ceremonies, and only those who have ceremonies will know shame and create morality.If the ritual collapses and the joy breaks down, it is true that no one dares to help the old man when he collapses!
"Thank you Shang Lao for your compliment, but I have to tell the truth."

Zhou Dong shook his head slightly and said: "Although your Dahongpao is not fake, it is not real enough, because it is not a few mother trees Dahongpao grown on the rock wall of Jiulongke, nor is it the first and second generation daughter tree Dahongpao.
If I'm not mistaken, this should be the seed of the backward shift, Mr. Shang, this is probably the batch of 85 seeds, right? "


Hearing what Zhou Dong said, Mr. Shang's face immediately changed slightly.

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Infinite Brilliance' and 'Human Heart Upward' for their support, and thanks to friends who support this book with subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets, thank you :)

(End of this chapter)

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