I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 442 The strongest opponent (2 more)

Chapter 442 The Strongest Opponent (Part [-])
Cang Yanshan's estimate was correct. Although these opponents were all strong, except for the one surnamed Wang, their drinking capacity decreased to varying degrees after mixing with alcohol.

Cang Yun was indeed very proud. After the opening three combos, she was not in a hurry to make a move, but ate fennel beans slowly, as if she was just watching from the sidelines.

"Warehouse Leader"

The brewer surnamed Wang moved a box of old burning knives under his feet, and was about to open his mouth to invite a fight, but was blocked by Cang Yanshan; "Wait a minute, even if it turns clockwise, it won't be your turn to speak. Don't you know the drinking rules in Cang Yanshan?"

Cangjiuwang is famous for his drinking rules. No matter who his opponent is, he will start to turn clockwise after three rounds of drinking. When he encounters one, he overwhelms the other, and then the next one, unless the opponent directly confesses or is not good at drinking. , otherwise he will turn one by one and drink everyone down.

Or get down on your own.

Today, the banquet was arranged in Cang Yanshan's room. He is half the owner, and he put his mind into arranging the seats. He rotated clockwise, and Zhou Dong was the last one, which prevented a 'civil war' from happening. , the bottom two or three are Cang Yun and the winemaker surnamed Wang, and the top are three weaker opponents.

In the state of drinking, Cang Yanshan is confident that these three guys will be poured down. After winning three cities in a row, his momentum is already established, and he can enter the state of "drinking madness" smoothly. It may not be impossible to continue to win the surname Wang .

As for the last Cang Yun, if it wasn't for the wine leak, Cang Yanshan believes that Zhou Dong can handle it smoothly, otherwise, even if Zhou Dong loses, he will "fight" all the drunkards, and he will go to three or four cities in a row. Good story, both face and face.

"Hehe, I forgot your rules, Lao Cang. Today's seats are arranged thoughtfully?"

The winemaker surnamed Wang laughed dryly, knowing what Cang Yanshan was planning, but he had nothing to say.

Cang Yanshan was like a rainbow, and the three opponents in front couldn't even hold on to fifteen catties of liquor, so they started to talk about their ideals and life one by one. One surnamed Chen insisted on calling Cang Yun a big sister with straight eyes, and said he would Having a few drinks with her, Lao Wang was so angry that he almost swears.

But when it was Old Wang's turn, Cang Yanshan suddenly felt dizzy, and cried out in his heart that it was not good, because he just drank too fast just now.In less than 10 minutes, fifteen catties of high-grade baijiu was poured down, and after the alcohol was mixed, even he couldn't stand it anymore.

Old Wang smiled, knocked open the wine bottle, and dangled a bottle full of old burning knives in front of Cangyan Mountain: "Captain Cang, you are already very good at winning three cities in a row, do you want to continue?" ?"

"I can still bear a few more kilograms!"

Cang Yanshan sneered, opened two bottles of Old Shaodao and two bottles of Green Stick at the same time, squinted at Pharaoh: "Do you want to play double?"

Old Wang was stunned: "Captain Cang, are you playing too much?"

"Hehe, it's more fun to play bigger, I'm afraid you won't be able to play."

"Who is afraid of whom? Do it!"

The two glared at each other, put the mouths of the two bottles into their mouths at the same time, raised their necks, liquor and beer entered their mouths at the same time, and saw their throats moving up and down quickly, without a drop of wine leaking from their mouths.

In less than ten seconds, the two had already drank a bottle of white wine and a bottle of beer. They glanced at each other, picked up the bottles and put them in their mouths.

Blow double!The fastest way to get drunk!

Throwing the empty wine bottle on the table heavily, Cang Yanshan felt hazy in front of his eyes, and his stomach was overwhelmed, as if a whole river was about to rush up!Knowing that alcohol must never come out at this time, he gritted his teeth hard, retracted his tongue, tensed his throat, and forcefully forced back the liquid that came out of his mouth, and then he felt a little better.

"Team leader, amazing! But it's not over yet, let's continue?"

The winemaker surnamed Wang knows that with Cang Yanshan's terrifying hangover ability, if he is given a chance to breathe, he will be able to free up a few catties of alcohol in a short time. stop him!

Cang Yanshan sneered and said, "I really think I can't do it? It's hard to say who will win."

"It's hard to say, isn't there still me here?"

Zhou Dong said: "Three or four people pour one, I can't stand it anymore,
Brother Cang, I know you drink well, but you can't drink all of such good wine by yourself, right?Can you save some for my guest? "

Cang Yanshan laughed loudly: "That's true, this is not the way someone in Cang treats guests. That's fine, brother Zhou, you can just come next."

Zhou Dong looked at Lao Wang: "Master Wang, do you think this is okay?"

"Okay, what can't be done!"

Old Wang looked at Zhou Dong, and thought that it really wasn't that the raptors couldn't cross the river, this kid looked like he could drink a lot,
But it's already at this time, even if you are the God of Dionysus, you can't scare me, Lao Wang!

"Hold on."

Cang Yun stopped him with a smile, then turned to Zhou Dong and said, "The King of Cangjiu has a great reputation, and he is also the leader of the wine management team. It's reasonable for several team members to take turns drinking with him.

You said that three or four people poured one, but they rushed out halfway to replace the warehouse wine king. Isn't this two people pouring one? "

This is about to start a liquor lawsuit. There are real and fake liquor lawsuits, and the fake ones are just to set off the atmosphere. Afterwards, everyone laughs and doesn't hurt feelings.

Judging by Cang Yun's appearance, it should be half-truth and half-false, more ironic.

"Hehe, Master Cang asked a good question. It is indeed unfair to Master Wang that I killed him halfway, so I choose this way of drinking."

Zhou Dong took three bottles of liquor and three bottles of beer slowly. First, he picked up one bottle with his left and right hands respectively, and opened the bottle caps at the same time with a light touch on the mouths of the two bottles. 'Gudong Gudong! 'In two seconds at most, a bottle of white wine and a bottle of beer bottomed out at the same time.

"I will accompany Master Wang for three times. If you drink one pair or two bottles, I will have three pairs and six bottles. Is this okay?"

Zhou Dong glanced at Cang Yun with a smile: "Turn around and wait for Master Wang to finish drinking, the two of us will continue, you are a woman, I will continue to drink with you three times, until you stop?"

Old Wang's eyes widened when he heard this, did the kid on the other side ignore him and Cang Yun at all?

Triple companion, you are triple companion, you?Do you still know who you are?After all, I am also a national-level bartender, and if I really want to go crazy, I can get a big top in the wine tank!
"Yo, isn't our little handsome guy a little mean?"

Cang Yun laughed softly, and even her voice became much softer: "Little friend, do you know why I learn Baian?

It's not because I like it. In fact, my favorite thing is brewing and drinking, but my father forced me to learn Baian, and I was not allowed to touch alcohol until I was 30 years old.

Is it strange?In fact, there is a reason for this, but it was when I graduated from junior high school, at the class gathering, more than 20 boys insisted on being heroes at the wine table, I was very unhappy, so I asked them to drink one by one, and finally they all went to the hospital to fight The bottle is gone.
Once I am a person who drinks alcohol, no one is afraid of me!
Children, are you afraid? "

Zhou Dong smiled lightly when he heard the words: "Coincidentally, once I start drinking, I'm even afraid of myself!"

"Interesting, really interesting."

Cang Yun turned sideways, pulled a box of white wine and a box of beer over, and put them directly beside her feet: "Look, what you said made my heart itch, how about the two of us start now?"

"That can't be done, you are a woman, drinking with you now is taking advantage of you, wait a moment, I will pour Master Wang first."

Zhou Dong picked up four bottles of wine and poured them down, smiled and raised his hand to Old Wang: "Please, Master Wang!"

"Yun Gu, there's no need for you to act anymore.

Three with one?Hehe, I will let brother Zhou understand that there is a price to be paid for talking big in the wine market! "

Lao Wang is worthy of being the No.1 below Cangyanshan in the liquor team. He had already fought with Cangyanshan for two rounds, but he insisted on blowing five bottles of liquor and five bottles of beer with Zhou Dong.

When he dropped the last wine bottle, he stared at Zhou Dong and said, "Niubi is your home, come back quickly."

Gudong!He slipped to the ground and fell asleep hugging the legs of the table.

Zhou Dong is very upset, who is this, why is he still cursing when he is drunk?

However, he still gave a very positive evaluation of Comrade Wang: "Sleep after drinking, the wine is really good."

Cang Yun looked at Zhou Dong with serious eyes.

This is a strong opponent!

Just at this moment, Zhou Dongsan accompanied Yi, but he drank a full [-] catties of liquor and [-] catties of beer, plus what he drank before, which was already equal to Cang Yanshan's drinking capacity in a non-crazy state; Cang Yanshan just now Rubbing his eyes while watching, he was obviously shocked.

"Is it the same kind?"

Cang Yun kept looking at Zhou Dong, but the more she looked, the more puzzled she became.

Not wet?He's not a wet man either.
Is the reason why the liver's hangover function is particularly powerful?

If it's just like this, even if his stomach is full of liver, it's impossible for him to drink more than himself!

(End of this chapter)

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