I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 427 The Correct Way to Eat Jajang Noodles

Chapter 427 The Correct Way to Eat Jajang Noodles
Xing Daoming's Zhajiang noodles must be worthy of his status as an 'veteran', not to mention making them for Zhou Mian Wang, so he will be more conscientious.

The noodles made of high-gluten flour and rich-strength flour are suitable in width, beautiful as white jade, and very good in appearance. When they were placed on the stone table under the grape trellis, they were still trembling under the aftershocks. very good.

Moreover, this bowl of noodles has been carefully copied by Xing Daoping. A large pile of noodles are piled up in the white porcelain basin, but they are properly elastic, so there is no need to worry about sticking together, let alone falling into a ball.

The three old sea bowls used to eat noodles are all bigger than a human head. If you put it directly on the head, it will be a helmet. This is the standard for eating fried noodles. You are a pretty girl It's such a big bowl to eat with my little daughter-in-law, and the store never cares about your mishandling.

Eight dish sizes are even more necessary. The kind of fried noodles with only two or three or three or four dishes is heresy.
And the dishes are all very particular, they must be fresh, crisp, with reasonable nutrition and good appearance, if the skill of cutting vegetables is not good enough, then the old foodies will point their noses and mock them, "Hi, your family Is this shredded radish good? It can be used as a door latch!"

The men in the old capital never hold back when they ridicule people. If someone sprays them like this, the chef probably has to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Zhou Dong looked at the dishes prepared by Xing Daoming, and nodded slightly: "That's right, Master Xing is really particular."

There are a total of 8 dishes placed on the stone table, namely bean sprouts, celery segments, green beans, shredded cucumbers, shredded radish, shredded cabbage, chopped green garlic, and peanuts.

Among them, the shredded cucumber and shredded radish are raw cut, not thick or thin, about the diameter of a matchstick, too thick will affect the taste, too thin and easy to break in the noodles, this size is just right.

The other six kinds of dishes are also staggeringly detailed.

There are two types of bean sprouts, namely boiled soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts, both of which have their sprout heads and roots removed, and are all cut into the essence of the stem belly of the same length.
Zhou Dong picked up one and looked at it, and found that the 'fishy silk' had been removed. The silk from the soybean sprouts had to be removed, otherwise there would be a strong beany smell.Pay attention!
Celery is cut into small pieces of organic celery. It is well handled after being soaked in water and heat. It looks green and pleasing, and looks like emerald jade. Qingdou is almost born by a mother. No matter how big or small it looks, it looks like a So, Lao Xing must have picked them out one by one.Pay attention!
The shredded cabbage is cut with three layers of Bangzi.What is important is that the outermost layer is not used, and then another layer is peeled off. The third layer is the one that has the hardness to maintain the taste, and the tenderness is closest to the core of cabbage.Pay attention!
The minced green garlic embodies Lao Xing's extraordinary knife skills. As the saying goes, "slice and cut into pieces without cutting the corners", the green garlic is not very regular, but he just cut it into small triangular minced garlic. If it breaks into your mouth, your tongue and cheeks will itch, and if you don’t bite your tongue a few times, it’s considered incompetent as a chef.Pay attention!
The last thing, peanuts, is the most delicious. Why is it not called peanuts here?Because Xing Daoming chose a kind of millet peanuts with round grains, each grain looks like a small pearl,

This kind of peanut is neither thin and pointed red rice peanut, nor oily fruit with big belly and two pointed ends. It is the best variety among peanuts. good material,

So those who know how to eat go to the store to order peanuts, and they will definitely say they want 'peanut beans'. Those who want peanuts are laymen, but don't blame the store for serving you big oily fruits. The aftertaste of those things is astringent, and they are not human at all. Things to eat!
Zhou Dong looked at it very carefully, nodded his head when he saw the same thing, smiled at Xing Daoming, and praised him for being exquisite!
Lao Xing is so beautiful. This is called a seller of goods. It's no mistake that he carefully prepared these dishes early in the morning.When I look back and see Shang Qingxiong, who is not stupefied, he will say, 'Oh, there are so many dishes?There are eight! ' I despise this 'poor child from a family' more and more in my heart.

Uncle Chun smiled and didn't speak. In fact, he didn't understand what Zhou Dong was looking at in the same way. What's so interesting about it?

But he is an old man after all, he doesn't open his mouth when he encounters things he doesn't understand, and he also has an inscrutable smile on his face, which makes Xing Daoming think that he is an expert.

"Haha, that's Zhou Mian Wang Gaoyan, it's not wasting my thoughts."

Xing Daoming laughed heartily, like a child busy offering treasures to adults, he ran into the kitchen in a hurry, and came back with a porcelain basin that was two sizes smaller than the basin.

"King Zhou, please look at my sauce!
This means that you are here. If it is someone else, I am reluctant to use this 30-year-old sauce! "

Speaking of lifting the lid of the pot, a strong fresh and salty aroma rushed over, with a faint smell of meat, but Zhou Dong knew that there was no meat in this bowl of sauce.

"Hehe, master Xing's kung fu for refining sauce is a rare master in Bai's case."

Zhou Dong nodded repeatedly.

This bowl of soy sauce is black and shiny, but there is no trace of oil on the outside of the saucepan. This is the deep-fried fried sauce. It can be seen that Xing Daoming has really worked hard.

On the other hand, the ordinary fried sauce masters, even the sauce made by several time-honored brands in Kyoto, will make people see the oil. The dish code is also difficult to suppress.

The real top-notch noodles must not make people feel greasy when eating, but after eating the thick and greasy sauce, it is a rare enjoyment to wash the stomach with a cup of tea at this time.

"Why do you do this, shouldn't the fried sauce be oily?"

But Shang Qingxiong shook his head again and again, thinking what kind of sauce is this? It's a small half pot of black lumps. It doesn't look good at all. How can this old Zhou still boast?
Xing Daoming looked at him, he didn't bother to talk to him, he, like Uncle Chun, was an old man next to Mr. Shang, so naturally he didn't need to give this younger generation too much face.

"Forget it, I'm hungry anyway, let's eat! Uncle Chun, would you please go first?"

Shang Qingxiong paused for his chopsticks. He grew up in the team, so he didn't pay much attention. After greeting Uncle Chun, he put down his chopsticks.

Seeing that the sauce was "light and oily", I scooped up a large lump with chopsticks and threw it into the big bowl of noodles. I felt that it was not enough, so I added another chopstick.

"Young baby, you!"

Xing Daoming felt a pain in his chest, as if being pierced by thousands of steel needles, he stared at Shang Qingxiong for a long time speechless.

Have pity on my 30-year-old sauce!
"Oh, Uncle Xing, what's the matter?"

Shang Qingxiong felt strange, how can there be any reason why a shop owner is afraid of a big belly man?Are you afraid that I will eat too much?The chopsticks didn't stop, before Zhou Dong and Xing Daoming could stop them, several chopsticks went down in a row, and eight dishes piled up in his bowl, like a hill.


Zhou Dong looked at him speechlessly, and finally shook his head: "Forget it, you can eat whatever you like, it's like a cow chewing on peony!"

"The taste is not bad, but it is a little salty, it seems that there is too much salt!"

Shang Qingxiong took chopsticks and messed around in the bowl for a while, the good noodles and dishes all turned into a pitch-black mass, he picked up a large chopstick and stuffed it into his mouth, and he finished it in two or three mouthfuls, frowning Xing Daoming said: "It seems that you have to eat fresh sauce, it's too salty!

Uncle Xing, do you have soup? "

If it wasn't for the grandson of the old chief, Xing Daoming would have rushed to strangle him to death, and it took him a long time to say through his teeth: "There is noodle soup in the kitchen, serve it yourself!"

"Hey, that's good. To eat such salty noodles, you have to drink soup. This is called 'original soup into original food'."

Zhou Dong and Xing Daoming were speechless for a while, yes, he quite understands, they all know that the original soup turns into the original food?
When Shang Qingxiong came out of the kitchen happily with a bowl of noodle soup, he found that Zhou Dong and Chun Bo were making noodles. To be precise, it should be Zhou Dong who was making noodles, and Chun Bo followed step by step.

Zhou Dong used a small spoon to scoop up four spoonfuls of sauce and put them into the bowl. Now he used the bottom of the spoon to gently spread the fried sauce, then picked up the chopsticks and shook them slowly, turning left and right,
Strange to say, the black and dry fried sauce gradually melted away in the noodles, and the white jade-like noodles gradually turned into a beautiful red-yellow color, almost like a magic trick.

And Zhou Dong is also very particular when he puts in the dishes. Green beans, chopped green garlic, and peanuts are the three things that are put in first. After stirring clockwise, the bowl of noodles is evenly distributed from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside. These three crispy and flavorful vegetables are distributed, and then the bean sprouts, celery segments, gherkin shreds, Xinmei radish shreds, and cabbage Bangzi shreds are put into the bowl in order.

Shang Qingxiong is a practitioner, so his eyesight is naturally excellent. Zhou Dong picked up a chopsticks of noodles with fried sauce. Inside the attractive red and yellow noodles, there are green, white, red, yellow, colorful, and unexpectedly There is nothing missing, and inside the fluffy noodles, green beans, chopped green garlic, and peanuts are evenly distributed. The positions and distances are as if someone has carefully measured them.

After that, Zhou Dong put the fried noodles with chopsticks into his mouth, chewed them gently, and slowly aftertaste, with an expression of great enjoyment on his face, Shang Qingxiong suddenly felt that he was at a big loss.

"Hey, it turns out that fried noodles have to be mixed like this?

Lao Zhou, you are not kind, and you didn't say to remind me?
I'll try it."

This guy was not particular about it, he took a pair of clean chopsticks and put them directly into Zhou Dong's bowl, and took a big bite.

Tilting your head, you can see that blue, white, red, and yellow chopsticks are evenly distributed, just like Zhou Dong's previous chopsticks!

After stuffing it into his mouth and chewing it a few times, Shang Qingxiong's eyes widened.

It's so delicious!
Lao Zhou really knows how to eat, take it!
 Tomorrow, I will go to the starting point annual meeting. I will be able to code words in the hotel in the car, but the update time may change. Let me tell you in advance:)

(End of this chapter)

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