I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 421 Will Drink (1 More)

Chapter 421 Will Drink (Part [-])
Many people would be extremely envious of Shang Qingxiong, a son of an aristocratic family, thinking that a lucky guy like him who was born with a five-six automatic rifle in his mouth is born to be a person who can walk sideways, eat while lying down, and dawdle casually, and have a bright future. ,This is actually a kind of misunderstanding.

As the contact with Shang Qingxiong deepened, Zhou Dong realized that this guy was actually much more miserable than himself.

Because the family status is too high, Shang Qingxiong has never even experienced the flying life of an 'ordinary' big courtyard boy. In his sunny days, there is no kind of Yuemin and no little bastard. Even in elementary school, he wore this The little guy in an old padded jacket is the most unremarkable one in the class.

After graduating from high school, his father threw his "ineffective" iron ore into the steelmaking furnace of "unspeakable organization" like steelmaking. From the point of relying on one's own efforts to enter the military academy for further studies, how many hardships and hardships there are in it, just look at the vertical line between Shang Qingxiong's eyebrows to get the answer.

This is a bitter man who has experienced great hardships but never enjoyed great blessings. He is clearly the seed of a pillar, but there are not many steel jumpers in his pocket. He has made steel through hard work. Father Shang is ruthless in his actions, from the day his son was born. From now on, there is no shortage of waving the sledgehammer in his hand.

Zhou Dong now understands why Shang Qingxiong, despite his extraordinary background, was just an outstanding idiot and failed to become a poisonous gourmet.

This is inseparable from the merchant's innocent family tradition of "simplicity and rejection of luxury". Therefore, in the way of food, the young man who seems to be the king is actually just a bronze.
If you think about it, you can understand. Even grandpa usually has four dishes and one soup. It is only possible to have a feast during the Chinese New Year. How much knowledge does this child have in the way of food?Even the chefs of various cuisines that he met by chance would get instructions from his grandfather in advance to simplify the various dishes as much as possible, which made Shang Qingxiong think that the eight major cuisines were nothing more than this
Like many people from the 'Unspeakable Organization', Shang Qingxiong doesn't know much about food, but he knows a little about wine, and he is still a heavy drinker.

Arriving at Fengqi Mountain, Shang Qingxiong simply came to heaven.

It turns out that goose meat is so delicious!And it's still stewed in an iron pot!
If Li Xiuchen's wife hadn't admired the chef Zhou Dong very much, and said with a humble face that this was an ordinary farm dish, Shang Qingxiong would have doubted that this fat, white farm woman with a smile on her face was an anonymous Qin Xing Gao Man, otherwise why is Lao Zhou nodding and praising her dishes?

"Village Chief Li, I'm really bothering you guys. I said I did it myself."

Zhou Dong was a little embarrassed, he was planning to do it himself.

There is one thing to say, when it comes to the big goose stewed in an iron pot, Li Xiuchen's wife is still a bit behind him. Of course, the goose raised by the Li family is really good, with extra points.

"That's what I said. I know that Chef Zhou is good at your craft, but no matter how good your craft is, you are still a guest here. How can you let the guest do it yourself?"

Li Xiuchen laughed and said, "Also, when your parents left, they told me to take care of you more.

This is the heart of parents all over the world, even if a child becomes a famous person in the world, he will always be a child."

Zhou's father and Zhou's mother are only envious of mandarin ducks and not immortals. Three days ago, they were very quiet and thought about moving. They said that they had never traveled when they got married, and they must make up for it!Now the two elders are probably in Europe.

During these days, the two old men and Li Xiuchen had been in constant contact, and they got along like a family. Before leaving, Zhou's parents and Zhou's mother really asked Li Xiuchen to take care of Zhou Dong.

Poor parents all over the world, when the wanderers are away, they worry about the children outside; when they are outside, they worry about the children at home.

Zhou Dong felt warm in his heart, but at the same time he blamed himself a little. It is said that when his parents are traveling far away, he should accompany the two elders to enjoy the family relationship, but he has to be busy all day long. Although the two elders are not old, they should be children It is only right to be more filial while they are free from illness and disaster.

Forget it, as soon as the contract with Kyushu Dingshi arrives, I will resign as the head chef of Lao Shizi, and I will not accept anything. When the time comes, I will ask Cheng Yuqi to accompany the two elders to travel around the world directly. This is the life of a person!
Seeing that Zhou Dong was silent, the members of Li Xiuchen's family took the words of the head of the family and said: "Everyone in the village is grateful to Zhou Dong. Without you, the bachelors in Fengqi Village would have to continue to be bachelors, and the girls would also It won’t become a sweet pastry in the eyes of young men from all over the world. So, this is what uncles and aunts should do. Oh, boy, is your surname Shang? Don’t just look at Zhou Dong, eat quickly.”

Now that she and Zhou's mother are sisters, the seniority of uncle and aunt is considered solid, and Li Xiuchen's family feels very honorable for being able to become Zhou Dong's elder. Chef Zhou of the economic development of Qicun?
"I know why you built a villa here. I'm envious of such a day."

Shang Qingxiong was almost dying of envy, sitting on the platform of Tingtao Bieyuan, looking down at a lake like emerald jade, listening to the sound of the waves, tasting big geese. How often has he enjoyed such a fairy-like life?I feel like a bitter child who grew up in the 'cold kiln'!
"It's a courtyard, not a villa."

Zhou Dong shook his head, he was very dissatisfied with the name of the villa, the nouveau riche lived in the villa.Shang Qingxiong said with a smile: "You are being hypocritical, by the way, Lao Zhou, what's the point of eating without wine? I'm almost full."

It's true that this welcome banquet was held in Zhou's other courtyard, but it was Li Xiuchen and his wife who prepared the dishes to welcome the guests. The dishes were good and the tea was delicious. What puzzled him was that he hadn't seen any wine until now, because it was Li Xiuchen's family who was entertaining guests, and this girl had never had the nerve to argue, so he couldn't help it now.

Zhou Dong looked at him and smiled, "What are you doing here?"


Shang Qingxiong originally wanted to say that of course I came here to eat and drink, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that it would be inappropriate and would damage his reputation as a teenager, so he quickly changed his mind and said: "Of course I am here to taste wine for the country, and at the same time to protect you With the safety of 'Yuhuchun'."

Zhou Dong flattened his mouth: "Thank you for your hard work?"

"Don't work hard, serve the people!"

"That's all right, young man, just say that you are greedy for wine. To tell you the truth, the business of our big wine tank will be even better after the shopkeeper Xiong on the opposite side is gone. Jiangxianghe' are almost sold out, and the remaining ones are also shipped to Kyushu Dingshi."

Li Xiuchen also smiled and said: "Yes, there is rice wine brewed locally at home, but I am too embarrassed to take it out to entertain distant guests."

"Is that so, old Zhou, isn't it right?"

Shang Qingxiong widened his eyes and said: "I can only drink tea and eat meat together, isn't this suitable?"

What's the rush? Zhou Dong took out his phone and looked at the time: "In half an hour, it will be time for Yuhuchun to come out of the cellar. I'm afraid you haven't seen the lively scene when the wine is out of the cellar? This time You are lucky to catch up!"


Shang Qingxiong's eyes brightened when he heard the words, and he pushed the teacup aside: "Thank you, Village Chief Li, I won't drink the tea anymore."

Zhou Dong laughed and said: "You should drink. After eating so much meat, you are not thirsty, are you? Besides, the quantity of my first batch of Yuhuchun is limited, not to mention the large wine tank and the private room. Brother Cang I have to give some at the same time. The masters and girls involved in wine making should taste this new wine according to the rules. How much do you think I can leave you?

Let me tell you first, don't worry about the taste!Don't blame me for being stingy then."

(End of this chapter)

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