Chapter 414
Bell shook his head with a smile: "Miss Cheng, you are so naive, big meat?
In China, big meat should refer to red meat, right?

Do you mean beef, lamb, or pork?Hahaha, you think I don't want to get a prime filet mignon here?It's a pity that this is just a beautiful dream on the island.

In fact, the giant clam meat is also very delicious, and these mushrooms are not bad. If I were you, I would drink a thick giant clam mushroom soup now, and then go to the plane to have a good sleep, maybe wake up tomorrow Search and rescue personnel will stand in front of you like angels, believe me, this is a veteran's advice. "

This old foreigner has a very keen sense of smell, and he has long seen that the relationship between Zhou Dong and Cheng Yuqi, a beautiful oriental girl, is very unusual, and the change in the relationship between the two was carried out under his nose, which made him very unhappy.

That kid's muscles are far less developed than his, his temperament is not as romantic as his, and his chest hair is not as thick as his. Why does this oriental beauty ignore his charm and lean on that kid's shoulder?He had to let this oriental beauty know that Bell was more reliable in such a place!
"Miss Cheng, listen to me, give up this unnecessary waiting, this big piece of giant clam meat is specially reserved for you and Miss Shu, I am actually"

"Pig! It's a pig!"

"Oh my god, it's really a pig!"

In primitive times, a man who can hunt enough prey is entitled to have the most beautiful woman in the tribe. On this isolated island, Bell believes that only he can give these two oriental beauties enough security and warmth. It's a pity that I was interrupted mercilessly after I had just spoken halfway through my courteous words, and I was furious in my heart. How could this be so unreasonable, these people dare to call me a pig?
"What a big wild boar, this should be called the Wild Boar King, right?"

Bell soon discovered that these people were not trying to ridicule him, but actually saw a pig, a huge wild boar!

Now this wild boar is weighing heavily on the shoulders of three relatively strong men, but even the three grown men are half-bent under the pressure of this giant pig, just like three hunched shrimps,
They carried the pig out of the rainforest step by step. Although they were sweating profusely, their eyes were as bright as stars, just like those who have experienced and are full of longing for life.

The three big men carried the pig shoulder, pig belly, and pig buttocks on their shoulders, and they were able to be crushed to the point where they could barely straighten up. And offal and so on, the remaining clean meat can be three to four hundred catties, enough for four or five meals for more than a hundred passengers!
Bell's face instantly became very ugly.

The British guy still has a heart, not because he was jealous of Zhou Dong catching such a big wild boar, but more out of shock,

He couldn't imagine that Zhou Dong and the others could deal with a giant wild boar king. He has been engaged in wild life for many years and he still knows that if there is no firearm, encountering a wild boar king of this level in the wild will not be worse than meeting tigers and lions. Be safe, even he will immediately choose to flee for his life!

Whenever they were about to run out of strength, the three of the 'Eagle Claw Kungfu' would secretly glance at Zhou Dong who was striding beside them, and then seemed to have received the power bestowed by Siri, and became alive and well.
Many people saw the adoring eyes of these three thorny heads, and they were all secretly amazed in their hearts. They couldn't figure out what kind of magic power Chef Zhou possessed to manage these three thorny heads so obediently.

Wu Jing looked at the wild boar king, then at Zhou Dong, a strange light flashed in his eyes, brother Zhou is definitely not simple!


The other younger brothers of 'Eagle Claw' rushed over and expressed their desire to help, but they were glared by 'Eagle Claw': "Get out of the way, don't interfere with my work.

Hehe, Chef Zhou, where do you think this pig should be placed? "

Zhou Dong chose a relatively thick palm tree, and asked for thick iron nails and ropes from the crew. Cai Yishun the precious kitchen knife in his hand, ready to peel the pig on the spot.

"Yuqi, your little chef Zhou is really a good man. He told you to eat big meat at night. It's wild pork. It must be very delicious, right?"

Shu Chang grinned and bit her ear with Cheng Yuqi. She has been trying to lose weight and keep fit, but now all she can think about is eating. I don't know if it is possible to eat stewed short ribs. This is one of her favorite meats.

"The taste of wild pork is actually much worse than that of domestic pigs, because it has not been 'marinated', and the meat is fishy and smelly. Even if it is suppressed with a lot of spices or peppers, it is difficult to eat. Don't look at how many people are asking for it now. Eat game, if you really let them eat wild meat, they will definitely vomit."

Teacher Huang said with a smile: "Generally speaking, wild boar is delicious, either because you have never eaten wild boar at all, or you have just eaten wild boar cubs, such a big wild boar king, I am afraid it is not delicious. "

"That's not necessarily the case, have you forgotten who is cooking this wild boar?"

Teacher He said: "In the hands of our Chef Zhou, will there be any bad food?"

"Although I said so, I still don't believe that Chef Zhou can handle this old wild boar well. Let's wait and see."

Teacher Huang shook his head with a smile. Although he admired Zhou Dong's craftsmanship, as one of the best cooks in the entertainment circle, he also had his own persistence.

After Zhou Dong took out the kitchen knife, he did not rush to use the knife. Instead, he turned his left hand and slapped the wild boar king. From the perspective of an expert like Mr. Huang, he wanted to further break up the blood coagulation in the wild boar and let the pig blood It can be released more smoothly. In fact, this is only one of the purposes. While patting, the legendary vegetable washing skills have been fully developed, and strange energy enters the pig body. While washing away the blood clots, it is also rapidly changing Look at the meat quality of this wild boar.
The pig's blood was drained into the bucket prepared in advance, and with a flash of blue light, Zhou Dong began to disembowel and disembowel the wild boar king. In a few blinks of an eye, he had picked all the pig's offal and put it on a stainless steel tray. ,

'Eagle Claw Skill' received Zhou Dong's instructions, and asked two younger brothers to take the pig into the water and run to the seaside to wash it. Zhou Dong called a few male passengers to put the wild boar on the temporary stone table.

After exiting the state of fishing and hunting, he no longer has superhuman strength. A pig weighing hundreds of catties must be helped to get it down from the tree. However, in the eyes of 'Eagle Claw Gong' and others, this is clearly a sign of Master Zhou's humility Keep a low profile, look at others and then look at yourself, ashamed, Master Zhou will be a role model for my buddies in the future!
The next step is to remove the bones and remove the meat, relying on pure knife skills. Zhou Dong's perfect level knife skills can handle a cow without any difficulty, let alone a mere wild boar. Suddenly, without stopping, there was no interruption from the time the knife was drawn to the time when the knife was withdrawn. A huge pig weighing hundreds of catties quickly turned into piles of pork and ribs, such as tenderloin, plum blossom pork, pork belly, Tendon meat, big stick bone, fat elbow, sweet spine steak, small ribs
According to different positions, these pork are also divided into piles, some positions are tender and juicy, some positions are fat and fatty, and some positions are tender and fat. It's really as thin as a hair, and only one knife was used from the beginning to the end, not to let the Pao Ding who untied the cow back then!

In the past, there was Pao Ding who cured cattle, and today there is Chef Zhou who cured pigs.

"Clap clap clap clap!"

The applause sounded like thunder, and everyone swallowed their saliva and applauded Zhou Dong desperately, with greedy smiles that only foodies could have on their faces.

Oh my god, there are hundreds of catties of pork here, and there is also a top chef who is famous in China, whoever thinks about those unpalatable plane meals at this time is a fool!

Zhou Dong washed his hands, smiled and said to everyone: "With these hundreds of catties of pork, everyone can have a full meal tonight. It seems that there is no need to worry about tomorrow's rations?"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, thanks to Chef Zhou!

Zhou Dong smiled and looked at Cheng Yuqi, who was looking forward to the crowd, and said, "I like to use local materials when I make things. At this moment, the most suitable dish is 'coconut-flavored roast pork'. I believe everyone will like it." .”

The golden sea under the setting sun and the subtropical climate, if it is not a hurricane, standing on the deck to enjoy the sunset sea view is still a very pleasant thing.

Shang Qingxiong is in a very bad mood at the moment.

No matter what he thought, he couldn't understand why grandpa and father valued a chef so much.

Isn't it just a young chef, it is said that he has won some international awards, he is known as the master of diligent young people, there are too many people in name only these days, he just cured the little girl of the Wu family by mistake, so he was called Grandpa paid attention?This guy's luck is really good.

Grandpa really made a fuss this time!He, Young Master Shang, is not some dandy who is surrounded by the red and the green, but he is in his early twenties and has already made great achievements in the frontier. Some people are now calling him "Future General Star", but it was just an air crash. It's just because there was this little chef surnamed Zhou on the plane who actually worked for his grandfather to intervene in person, not only tripled the number of search and rescue personnel, but also drove him to the front line in person. Comrade friends joke!
Taking the military binoculars off the bridge of his nose, Shang Qingxiong snorted coldly, feeling eighteen dissatisfied in his heart. He always felt that his trip to the South Pacific was a waste of time. It was obviously a good piece of steel, but it was used in On the back of the knife!

"Young man, it's getting dark, why don't you go back to the cabin and rest?"

The sound of footsteps behind her was broken, and at some point, a beautiful woman in military uniform came. She was in her early twenties, with a bulging figure and a pair of almond eyes like the brightest stars in the sky. Looking at the young man standing on the deck like a javelin, in her eyes Full of appreciation.

"Ruoxin, didn't you tell me, don't call me like that, call me Qingxiong. You and I are family friends. We were childhood sweethearts when we were young. How come we have grown up?"

"Now it's not in the 'unspeakable organization', don't call you a youth, why are you still called your job?"

The woman named Ruoxin smiled softly: "Not far ahead is the small island where the Americans built a temporary airport during World War II, but according to our speed, it is estimated that it will already be night when we arrive, so it may not be safe to land rashly. Should I say anchoring for the night and going to the island tomorrow?"

"What you said makes sense. By the way, Ruoxin, you are an expert. According to your analysis, is it possible for the people on the plane to survive?"

"Neither the GPS positioning system nor the satellite communication device responded, there are only two possible outcomes, one is that like the air crash two years ago, the plane has crashed on the seabed.
There is also a possibility that the plane encountered a serious failure and caused complete damage to the equipment during the forced landing. "

The woman smiled wryly and said: "And in the sea area where the plane lost contact, there are only three islands that are eligible for emergency landing. We have already searched for the first two, and this is the last one."

Shang Qingxiong nodded: "I understand, you mean if there is no trace of them on this island, we can give up the search?"

"That's right, although this answer is cruel, it is also the reality, and we can only..."

The woman suddenly paused, her eyes fixed on the sea in front of her: "Qingxiong, give me the telescope!"

(End of this chapter)

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