I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 410 Sliced ​​Smoked Fish (2 more)

Chapter 410 Sliced ​​Smoked Fish (Part [-])
Hundreds of passengers were stunned for a while, and then cheered like a tsunami, not entirely because Zhou Dong caught a tuna, but because this fish gave them the hope of survival.

I have watched too many movies about surviving on a deserted island. When I learned that it is difficult for search and rescue personnel to find this island in the first place, everyone felt a little uneasy. The reason why some people responded when the thorny man made trouble was also a reason. This reason.

Chinese people don't make trouble when they are full. As long as they have food in their hands, hello, me, hello, everyone, even if they are oppressed, they will not resist. This tuna is undoubtedly like a sea god.

Only 10 minutes, this Chef Zhou can catch such a big fish?Immediately, everyone had the idea that it is not scary to live on the island, and the beach was suddenly enveloped in a peaceful, united, and friendly atmosphere. The tuner of the program group quickly opened the portable The stereo, at the expense of precious batteries, played 'Today is a good day, and everything you want can come true.'

"Chef Zhou, wipe your body quickly, don't freeze."

There was a burst of warbler calls, and the girls in the flight crew were excited to leave, regardless of whether the captain Wang Changliang was still nearby, they rushed forward one after another, some with dry towels, some waving fragrant handkerchiefs There was no one in his hand to scratch, so he just took off his silk stockings and wiped Zhou Dong's body in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Dong's wet body was wiped clean. Arms, thighs, neck, armpits, knees, heads, and heels all became battlegrounds for girls. Cheng Yuqi is in a hurry. I jumped outside a few times but failed to break through. I was almost kicked to the ground by a flight attendant girl. My eyes were red with anger. These girls did it on purpose, and they all wanted to eat my Zhou. Chef's tofu!

What made Cheng Meizi really unleash her prehistoric power was the coquettish operation from the purser. This middle-aged beautiful woman in her 30s, with a rich image and two dimples when she smiles, is definitely the top of the line when looking at things from different angles. Talent, at the moment when a group of young girls couldn't hold back the handsome hero in front of her, she quickly discovered the crux of the problem, quickly picked up the rechargeable hair dryer she was in charge of, and blew it to the Zhou Dong's wet place, the only sensitive area covered by a cloth.

When Cheng Yuqi saw this scene, she immediately became furious, and rushed over to snatch the hair dryer. The purser frowned: "Little girl, this is public property!"

"But you're holding it against personal belongings!"

Cheng Yuqi choked on a single sentence, so the purser had nothing to say, so he had to give up the great opportunity to show the handsome hero a fiery flair, and walked aside a little disappointed.

After the drying work was completed, Zhou Dong felt extremely comfortable.That layer of protective shield is actually just a feeling, it is effective, but it will not make him out of the human category. While isolating the water pressure and providing oxygen, his body should be wet as much as possible. Wetness is originally one of life experiences. What a pity it would be if we lacked this kind of experience.
But it's uncomfortable to be wet all the time, isn't it?After being blown dry by the hair dryer, I felt relieved, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Yuqi." However, seeing Cheng Meizi snorted at herself, she went away without even looking at herself, and she could only lament the woman Needle at the bottom of the heart, why do you have to lose your temper? Wasn't it very gentle before?
Without allowing him to think about it, Wang Changming, who felt uncomfortable, glared at the flight attendants, but when he came to Zhou Dong, he put on a smile: "Chef Zhou, it's amazing, it's amazing. I represent the flight crew and X Thank you on behalf of the airline company, on behalf of the motherland, you are our hero today!"

After Wang Changming finished speaking, he nodded and clapped vigorously. There was thunderous applause inside and outside the beach, until Cheng Yuqi, who was pouted, brought Zhou Dong's clothes and helped him put them on. The applause didn't stop.

"Everyone. You are too polite. Please stop for a while. The time wasted just now is not counted. I still have to fix this fish."

Zhou Dong took a look at the thorny man, and walked to the barbecue pit on the beach with the tuna in his arms.

This baking pit was explained by him when he was about to go into the water. He chose to dig it on the beach near the shore. After digging, he first burned the water in the sand with a lit wood, and then put in the half-dry and half-wet firewood. Ignite, there is as much of this kind of firewood as you want on the island, so there is no need to worry about not having enough.

Because firewood is obtained from some shrubs containing water, thick smoke billows after being ignited, but these are the small fruity fragrant woods in South Asia that Zhou Dong specially found. Feel very choking and unpleasant.

Holding the half-meter-long tuna in one hand, Zhou Dong stopped a meter away from the roasting pit, and said to Mr. He, "Mr. He, please pass me the knife."

Now Zhou Dong takes his precious kitchen knife with him wherever he goes. Even if he is boarding a plane, the program team negotiates with the airline. It is not checked in, but it is left to Mr. He for safekeeping.

The program team had already prepared according to Zhou Dong's arrangement before going into the water. Mr. He quickly took out the "Master Xiao Zhou's Kitchen Knife" from the box and sent it over. The two program team members also followed Zhou Dong's previous instructions. A stainless steel tray borrowed from the flight crew stood behind the roasting pit. They were also one meter away from the roasting pit, and just two meters away from Zhou Dong.

"Brother, what do you think this kid is doing?"

A thorn-headed man walked to the side of 'Eagle Claw Gong' and lowered his voice.

No one thought that Zhou Dong really only took a few minutes to catch a piece of tuna from the sea, and he had to cook it on the spot, but it didn't look like he wanted to grill and smoke the fish, otherwise why would he stand so far away?Not to mention these laymen, even if there is an expert here, it is estimated that they will be in a daze.

"Look, this kid is probably not simple."

'Eagle Claw Kung Fu' snorted coldly, and said to himself, how the hell do I know what he's going to do?But looking at this posture, I'm afraid I'm going to sprain today, and it would be embarrassing to apologize in public.
But the situation is stronger than others, this kid is really good at fishing and hunting, if you don't listen to him, I'm afraid you will have nothing to eat.Thinking of this and looking at Wu Jing who was standing aside and staring at him coldly, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly. If Wu Jing and Bell weren't there, maybe he could still use force, but with these two people, he had to consider the consequences if he wanted to use force.

Under the curious gazes of everyone, Zhou Dong held the fish in one hand and drew out the knife in the other, "嗖嗖嗖" I saw a blue light flying around the fish, suddenly wrapped half of the fish skin and threw it into the air, the tuna in his palm suddenly revealed half of the white The fish comes.

'Eagle Claw Skill' squinted his eyes, and suddenly felt chills all over his body, if this kind of sword skill was aimed at himself instead of fish, he suddenly thought of an old eunuch in the New Dragon Gate Inn.
'whoosh whoosh whoosh'

Zhou Dong's hand holding the knife vibrated repeatedly, and pieces of fish with thin cicada wings were wrapped by the light of the knife and flew away with the momentum of the knife, like butterflies wearing flowers or moths fluttering into flames, drawing beautiful lines. The arc took off from Zhou Dong's palm, passed directly through the billowing smoke column above the roasting pit, was slightly roasted by the fire, then flew over the roasting pit, and obediently landed on the stainless steel tray in the hands of two program staff.

The sun on the island at the end of winter is not scorching hot, but it is bright enough to shine on these fish fillets as thin as cicada wings. They are bright yellow, with a faint trace of smoke in them, and there is no repetition, and some are long and winding. It seems that the majestic green hills are hard to see; some of them are clustered like balls, but they are stretched out like octopus claws; some of them are scattered with several smoke clusters the size of castor leaves, but they are perfectly connected together by a trace of smoke; Some are like the old ink that has been melted away by someone's skillful hands, as deep as oil, as if it is still rolling gently on the fish fillet
The passengers' mouths were wide open, no one thought that Zhou Dong would actually use the technique of 'slicing noodles' to make a 'sliced ​​smoked fish'!
This is the chef, right?This is the chef!
The cameraman's high-definition lens quickly zoomed in. In the lens, he saw that the upper half of the tuna had been shaved to the point where only the root and the fish bone remained. Wrapped in blue light, it was directly cut off from the fish and landed gently on the ground. On the beach, Zhou Dong flipped the fish's hand gently, then peeled the skin and peeled the meat skillfully, and saw a ball of fish meat like snowflakes flying out of the blue knife skill, and after passing over the roasting pit, it was miraculously divided For two, put them into two stainless steel trays respectively.

The so-called miraculous skills are nothing more than that, right?

Teacher He clenched his fists tightly, and he was going crazy with joy in his heart. Mango Channel has made a lot of money this time. When we leave this island and broadcast this episode, the ratings will definitely become the No. [-] Chinese variety show. one!

A thorny man swallowed his saliva: "Brother, I'm afraid you are about to lose the bet."

"If you lose, you lose, isn't it embarrassing to lose to such a master?

Hehe, in fact, our buddies are lucky. We can still meet such a chef on the island in distress. At least we don’t have to worry about running out of food. "

"Haha, brother, you are right. No matter how good this kid is, he is also a chef, and the food he makes is not for us to eat?"

As soon as the knife was lighted, Zhou Dong threw the remaining half of the fish bone on the beach, his hand was not even stained with half a trace of fish blood, looked at the dumbfounded people and said with a smile: "This is the 'dao shaved noodles' that I evolved based on the knife sliced ​​noodles. Smoked fish fillet', everyone can taste it.

What I want everyone to know is that even if we live on a deserted island, we can still eat delicious food, and with food, there is hope in life.”

"Hahaha, what Chef Zhou said is good, I am the first to agree."

'Eagle Claw Skill' smiled and walked towards the two plates of fish fillets: "Since I made the bet, I should be the first to taste it, Chef Zhou, don't you think so?"

"Hehe, it seems okay for someone else to tell you the result after tasting it, and if hundreds of passengers are sure about my fish, you will also lose."

Zhou Dong shook his head and said, "The food I cook is not something everyone can eat, such as you, you, and you."

Pointing these restless thorns with their fingers, they slowly glanced at the 'Eagle Claw Skill' again: "If I were you, I would wait here obediently, and you still owe Captain Wang an apology! "

Before the words finished, Wu Jing already stopped in front of the 'Eagle Claw Kung Fu': "Chef Zhou, did you hear clearly?"

(End of this chapter)

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