I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 377 Lucky Customer

Chapter 377 Lucky Customer
Looking at his younger sister who was worried about gains and losses, Gu Yacheng secretly smiled in his heart.

It seems that this girl is really lost?

But it's also understandable, that boy Zhou Dong is quite pleasing to the eye even as a big man, let alone a girl?And in his early twenties, he is already a famous chef in China and a young master. Although the chef is still a waiter after all, it doesn’t matter who he is, let’s say the chef of the private kitchen in Kyoto, is he still a simple cook? ?That is simply the same character as the 'White Dress Proud Prince'.Not for anything else, just to firmly grasp your stomach, if you want to eat good food, you have to give in!

If Zhou Dong goes one step further, he will be a top cook. 360 lines can produce the number one scholar, the number one among cooks is barely qualified to be his brother-in-law, and my father probably has no problem, who doesn't know that the chairman of Shangzhou Group is a big foodie?

In fact, Gu Yacheng had seen some signs earlier. At that time, he strongly opposed his sister's intentions. Who made Zhou Dong just a budding young chef at that time? No matter how greedy he is, it is impossible to wait for a little chef who has just graduated from a technical school.

Now it is completely different, Zhou Dong is full of geniuses, Zhou Mian Wang, Zhou Dionysus, the gold medal winner of the Xiangjiang Competition, and the young master. With countless honors and titles, Gu Yacheng's attitude has changed from opposition to support.

"Girl, there are various ways to conquer a man, some of them like leather whips the most, some like gentleness the most, Zhou Dong is obviously the latter.

What is tenderness?It's not just about laughing like pearls, but also letting him really feel your concern.

Is it really difficult to persuade him to participate in this special state banquet?I really don't believe it, you, a pretty girl, care more about his future than he does, think about him everywhere, silently pave the way for him, spend countless energy and time helping him pave the way, won't he be moved?
The most difficult to accept the beauty of grace ah!
You put your heart in your stomach, as long as you work hard, he will definitely fall."

"Screw you."

Gu Yanan's face turned red to the neck when he heard this: "What's the fall? It's all about girls, so it seems like I should be more active." The dead duck insisted that it was Gu Ya at the moment Nan, it's just that she's a pretty duck, she usually doesn't need to talk hard enough to get things done, but when she meets Zhou Dong, it's like meeting her nemesis.

Gu Yacheng laughed loudly: "Let's take a look at that kid, his luck has come!"

Gu Yanan gave him a blank look: "What are you looking at? Today he is not in the big wine tank, and he went to the breakfast department. It is already past eight o'clock, and it is too late to line up now?"

"Go to the early department?

He is now the head chef, and he is in charge of the big wine tank and the soon-to-open private room, so how can he still have time to go to the breakfast department? "Gu Yacheng was very puzzled. If he, the chairman of Shangzhou Group, was asked to be the supervisor of the commercial plaza below, he would definitely not do it.

"Remember the old days."

There was a smile in Gu Yanan's eyes: "He insisted on saying that he came from the breakfast department. The breakfast department is like his home. Even if he is the chef, he can't forget the breakfast department. Old customers.

So I have to go to the breakfast department every half a month, or launch new products, or bring easter eggs to old customers, let the guests choose the breakfast category, and he will do it on the spot.

In the past, it was still necessary to invite guests to participate on the official account a day or two in advance, so that he could prepare; the last two times have been great, and he has started to choose on-site cooking, but they are limited to ordinary categories, that is, only those who have ingredients in the department earlier OK. "

Gu Yacheng wondered: "Oh, this kid is so awesome now?

Cooking it on the spot is a test of the chef's skills, but yes, if we don't have this ability, we will spend our efforts to help him run it to the state banquet, and he can't handle it? "

He deliberately pushed Zhou Dong to take another step up, not only because of his sister's face, but because he heard from some young masters in the capital that the task of the white case at the National Banquet is still very big, and Zhou Dong is the face king of Huaxia. , With this foundation, it is possible to become a national banquet chef.

As for making Zhou Dong the chef of the state banquet?Even he felt that there was no possibility, not even the second chef dared to think about it.

"Didn't I say that Zhou Dong would not agree to this matter.

I understand his character. If his alma mater hadn’t followed suit and persuaded by several elders when he went to Xiangjiang last time, he would definitely not have gone, let alone Kyoto. "

Gu Yanan shook her head, although she has limited contact with Zhou Dong, she has been silently watching him all the time, if a person who is interested in big cities and indulges in wealth, fame and fortune, will build another courtyard in Fengqi Village?And he ran to live for two days whenever he had the time?
A person's temperament and mind can be seen from these things.

It was precisely because of seeing these things that she became more and more unable to let go of Zhou Dong. She always felt that this handsome boy was like a hermit in modern society. He was unique and very attractive.

"Hehe, regardless of whether he will agree to our arrangement or not, it's been a long time since I tasted his cooking, and I really miss his green lotus root fat jade porridge.

Let's go, I, Chairman Gu, came all the way today, he always wants to open a back door, don't let me line up anymore, right? "

"Think beautifully."

Gu Yanan smiled and glared at him: "Why don't you leave?"

Speaking of which, I haven't eaten Zhou Dong's breakfast for a long time, Gu Yanan's heart is also very itchy.
Recently, Liu Changqing even walks lightly. It is the middle of winter, but it seems to be March in spring to him, and he seems to be wrapped in spring breeze wherever he goes.

I thought that after Zhou Dong was promoted to the head chef, the business of the breakfast department would plummet, but who would have thought that this was not the case at all.

A few days ago, an old tavern was opened across the street to compete with Zhou Dong. Even Suzhou's "Great Country" and the island country's "Jingdong Daily" were mixed in. The old tavern opposite was famous, but Zhou Dong's name was not expected. The head also became louder.

Now Liu Changqing's dislike for the islanders has eased a little. These guys seem to be more realistic. While reporting on Rose Fragrance, they didn't forget to hold a handful of fine wine brewed by Zhou Dong. Now new customers often come to Kyushu. Ding Shi asked about Chef Zhou, and whenever he met him, he would straighten up and tell him, 'Chef Zhou?Do you know that's the guy from our earlier department?

Let me also tell you that the easter eggs in the big wine tank are nothing, there are three times a week, but here we are, the chef Zhou only comes once in half a month, or launches new products, or cooks to order, If you become a lucky customer, you can appoint Chef Zhou to make a certain breakfast you like. Think about it, that is the young master of Huaxia Qinxing! '

Liu Changqing was right, there is a saying that rare things are the most precious, and once every half a month is even rarer, even in the new article of the Dragon God, it said, "The big wine tank makes me linger, but it can be done sooner." It is the place that haunts me the most. He walked out of Chudu from here, and walked into our hearts from here'

You can't imagine that such lyrical words will appear in an online novel called "I am Qinxing No. 1". If you don't read the title of the book, it is still a romance novel.

God Long really became popular because of this book. At the same time, the various anecdotes of Qinxing in the book, the legend of Qinxing's weapon spectrum, and the "battle" between Ajiehu Five Lakes Fish King and Zhou Dong also made Zhou Dong follow him. It became popular again. If Zhou Dong's fame was only spread among old customers and colleagues before, it has gradually become known to the public.

Recently, the business of the big wine tank has become more and more popular. Whenever Zhou Dong appears in the breakfast department, the line on the curb can be listed for a mile. The traffic police are now regular customers of the breakfast department. In the beginning, they were all here to maintain traffic order. After receiving the hot steamed buns handed over by the welcoming lady, Emma smells so delicious. Is there any more?The young lady smiled and said next time please come earlier in line.
As a result, Chudu had a group of people who maintained order for free earlier, and the welcoming ladies were relieved.

"Oh, Mr. Gu, Gu Dong, you two are here, why didn't Mr. Gu tell me earlier so that I can arrange a number for you in advance?"

Seeing the brothers and sisters of Gu Yanan at a glance, Liu Changqing rushed to say hello,
Now he is not the former second-level chef, but a real businessman. With Zhou Dong's spring breeze, his wife and children have all lived in a small villa. Now everyone seems to have seen rmb, so everyone is With a smile all over his face, the creases on his face deepened a lot.

Gu Yanan glanced at the familiar figure in the back kitchen, and said with a smile: "Manager Liu is really good at talking, you mean we have to queue up when we come, right? He's so polite, I have nothing to say Say, so say, no wonder you can get rich."

Liu Changqing laughed: "Haha, Mr. Gu is really good at joking. Isn't this relying on the name of Kyushu Dingshi and Xiao Zhou's ability? Me, this is meeting a nobleman."

His noble person did not only refer to Zhou Dong, he also praised Gu Yacheng and Gu Yanan, which made people feel very comfortable, Gu Yanan smiled and said: "Okay, then we will make a number. "

"All you have to do is arrange a number. Just arrange a number. Gu Dong and Mr. Gu are welcome to come to my office to drink tea and wait. How can you really let the two of you stand here and line up?"

Brother and sister Gu Yanan nodded with a smile. It was really outrageous that the chairman of Shangzhou Group and the president of Kyushu Dingshi stood in line outside, so they followed Liu Changqing into the office of the breakfast department.

Now that Liu Changqing is rich and powerful, he managed to build a high-end office with a small goldfish in the room, and Clivia beside the desk. You can clearly see the outside from the inside, but you can't see in from the outside. Gu Yanan looked at Liu Changqing with weird eyes, thinking that this old man is very bad, don't let Zhou Dong be led into trouble by him?

Looking through the glass window, I saw that there were already more 80-inch LCD TVs in the department earlier, hanging under the beams, and there were no movies and TV shows, but there were many names scrolling non-stop, Gu Yanan After a glance, he actually saw the names of himself and his brother, and among them was a man named Long Potian.

Gu Yanan is no stranger to this dragon god, and he is still reading his new book recently. The content of the book is not important, who made the protagonist Zhou Dong?Moreover, Long Dashen's writing style is also very humorous and unique!She has been quite addicted to chasing recently.

"What's the matter with this LCD TV? It didn't seem to be there when I came last time?"

Guyanan wondered.

"This was only recently added. Xiao Zhou only comes here every half a month. Just by drawing lucky customers on the official account, many elderly customers have expressed their opinions. In order to be fair, just and open, we still recommend everyone It is more intuitive to put the names on the TV.

Just now when Mr. Gu and Antique received their numbers, their names had already been entered into the system, so they would also be displayed and participate in the selection of lucky customers. "

Gu Yacheng glanced at Liu Changqing: "Call me the chairman in the future, don't call me an antique, it's easy to be misunderstood."

This title has made him depressed for a long time: "Also, if you are drawn, can you order any kind of food? This kid" suddenly saw his sister's eyes look unfriendly, and hurriedly changed his words: "Chef Zhou is so talented. Sure, can it be said that he can't cook all the delicacies in the world?"

"See what the chairman said, how can there be such a chef?

The currently limited and designated category is early, at least you must be able to find the ingredients. If you encounter something that Xiao Zhou has never done, you need the customer to tell you what you know. "

"Xiao Zhou? Zhou Dong is now the chef of Jiuzhou Dingshi, and his position is higher than yours. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to call him like this?"

Gu Yanan frowned, this title was too close, which made her very unhappy; it would be fine if she had never seen this single lens, but after seeing this thing, he would rather Zhou Dong keep a distance from this bad old man.

In fact, Liu Changqing is not very old, she just looks uncomfortable.

"Yes, Mr. Gu is right, I said the same thing, but Xiao Zhou just refused to let me call him Chef Zhou, and said that he was an intern in the breakfast department at the beginning, and I will always be his Teacher Liu .

Hey, this kid is kind. "

Gu Yacheng didn't care much about this, but continued to ask: "Hehe, I still need the guest to tell me how to understand it, so what if the guest can't tell me?"

"Then Xiao Zhou has to try it twice, but generally it doesn't take much time if it's breakfast. Sometimes I see him squinting for more than ten minutes, and after waking up, he can make delicious food that satisfies the guests. .”

Liu Changqing still hasn't figured out why Zhou Dong often wakes up from a short nap and feels like a god. Could it be that sleeping can inspire the chef?He also tried to imitate Zhou Dong's appearance, but he didn't feel that he could improve his cooking skills?

I guess this is the special feature of a genius, right?Liu Changqing, who often suffers from 'genius crit', is used to it now.

"I really don't believe it"

Gu Yacheng looked at the LCD TV outside with a smile and said: "Xiao Nan, you have to pray that I won't be selected as a lucky customer, otherwise, I will definitely give Zhou Dong a problem."

"Let's go out, you can't stop him anyway."

Gu Yanan seemed to take it for granted, ever since she saw Zhou Dong alone fighting Wang Haibin's master and apprentice in Quancheng last time, she had a kind of blind trust in Zhou Dong.

"Xiao Nan, aren't you right? I'm your own brother. Where do you belong?"

(End of this chapter)

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