I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 375 The Good Will Not Come

Chapter 375 The Good Will Not Come

Suddenly there were two big white ducks missing, which made the old customers of the big wine tank less talking. In the past, when queuing up, they would ask these two ducks with a smile, what good food did they eat today?Did the fat man and the others dislike the things they made again?
Hey, as a duck of Master Xiao Zhou, one should have the consciousness of being picky and picky. After tasting the delicacies made by Master Xiao Zhou, can you still eat the food made by others?We can't lower our standards just because we are ducks.
At this time, the two ducks will quack and agree, and you can tell by the look in their eyes.

For many guests, watching the two arrogant ducks and the doormat-like students of Mr. Zhou every day is a joy. Today, the joy suddenly disappeared, and they suddenly felt a little empty in their hearts.

"Mr. Qingtian, what are these Chinese people talking about?
What a shame. !You must know that in our big island country, people will keep absolute silence when queuing, which is the proper courtesy.

Is this the tavern opened by the gold medal winner of the Xiangjiang International Food Competition?If so, that's a big disappointment. "

The long queue has already lined up near the rockery screen wall at the entrance, and two well-dressed men are standing under the words "Food and Sex World". The beard was shaved clean, like an old onion from Lu Province that had just peeled off its outer skin.

Although the Chinese language is not good, he still knows the four Chinese characters for food, sex, and the world. One is related to his industry, and the other is related to his greatest hobby. .

"It's too frivolous for such a small tavern to hang such a signboard."

"Mr. Sasuke, these Chinese people are discussing two ducks,

It seems that these two ducks used to live in the nearby goldfish pond, and became good friends with many guests here, but today these two ducks suddenly disappeared
These people feel very sorry for this. "

"Sogou's death, it turned out to be like this, these Chinese people are really too idle."

Sasuke pointed to the wall clock on the wall with a sneer and said: "One thirty in the afternoon, if it is in our island country, even the elderly in their 60s are still busy, working hard for the family and the country. Only on weekend nights, they will have time to go to the izakaya for a while!

But in this country, what I see is a bunch of lazy guys who waste their time on pubs and ducks, and call it a slow life in a very shameless way?

What an injustice God has given these people with vast lands and unlimited resources, yet be so harsh on our hard-working islanders!

Qingtian, you young people must remember that as long as you have the opportunity, you must help the island country to take back these things that should belong to us!
This is not aggression, let alone plunder, this is the most holy war."

"Oh, is that so, Mr. Sasuke?"

Qingtian cursed in his heart, damn old guy, I’m just a reporter for Jingdong Daily,

What kind of holy war, if you want to fight, you old bastards who don't hesitate to spend millions of yen to eat 'jinkela' go to the battlefield. What does it matter to us young people?

Damn it, the editor-in-chief didn’t know if he was crazy, but he even arranged for me to accompany this old guy to China. Although the words just now were spoken in the island language, if they were heard by a Chinese who understands the island language, they would definitely Those who were beaten to death, can't you keep a low profile?
"Qingtian, do you have any questions?"

"No, no, Mr. Sasuke may have misunderstood. I agree with your point of view, but this is China after all. We should be more low-key."

Qingtian lowered his voice and said: "The purpose of our coming today is not to start a war, are you right Mr. Sasuke?"

"Oh, you're right, a little girl came over, haha, she's very beautiful!"

It was Wu Rongrong who walked over. Among the two guests, Qingtian's dress was quite international, and he couldn't tell he was an islander, but Sasuke's Rendanhu was too obvious. If he changed his clothes and carried a knife, He is like the Taijun who often appears in film and television dramas.

Although she doesn't like Sasuke's beard very much, Wu Rongrong is still very professional. She walked over and said with a sweet smile: "You two gentlemen, your table is ready, please follow me."

The two of them followed Wu Rongrong to a large wine tank, and Qing Tian first said in standard Chinese: "Hi, we are here this time mainly to try the fine wine brewed by Chef Zhou.

As for the appetizers, you can mix them up as you like. We will do it soon and won't occupy this table for too long. "

“The islanders are quite polite”

Wu Rongrong smiled and nodded: "Okay, the three bowls of Bugang and Jiangxianghe here are all brewed by Chef Zhou. According to the rules, each person can only order one kind, and it should not exceed two yuan. I suggest that you order it alone. One, so that they can be exchanged for drinking.”

"That suggestion sounds good."

Qingtian smiled and nodded: "Then I will trouble you."

"OK, just a second."

Sasuke, who was sitting on the sidelines, did not make any radical remarks. He is a typical person without borders in front of food and wine, and he is full of respect for real food and wine.
Although on the surface he was very disdainful and even had a lot of criticism, the praise that the Huaxia brewer named Wu Tingze gave to Zhou Dong, and the importance that Lord Wu Gong and the Kojima family paid to Zhou Dong made him restrain himself a lot. It's still their territory, and it's Huaxia, which is famous for its gourmet food.

"Mr. Sasuke, I really don't understand. They are just two small taverns in Chudu. Are they worthy of our attention?"

The task Qingtian received was to ask Sasuke to help taste the fine wines of these two taverns in Chudu. The main target was the rose dew from the old tavern. The Daily will publish a column for it.

Qingtian couldn't figure out why the newspaper had to spend so much energy for a tavern in a "small town" in China, but he didn't ask too much. In the island country, his subordinates just do their jobs and are not qualified to ask too much.

However, after arriving in Chudu, Qingtian discovered that this matter was not as simple as he thought. If it was just tasting fine wine, Mr. Sasuke didn't seem to need to have a 'secret talk' with the winemaker named Wu Tingze for so long, right?
And when he was leaving, the Huaxia winemaker surnamed Wu held Mr. Sasuke's hand as affectionately as if he had been an old friend for many years.

I thought this was the end of the matter, but Mr. Sasuke refused to go back to the country immediately, but insisted on going to the big wine tank opposite, saying that he still wanted to taste the fine wine here.
As a food columnist reporter, Qingtian is no stranger to Zhou Dong. This Chinese famous chef not only won the Supreme Gold Award in the Xiangjiang Food Competition, but even won the "Devil May Cry" by Inuyang Jingzhai. After the news spread to the island country, it caused quite a shock in the chef circle of the island country. It is said that even Mr. Takemiya, the only "big chef" in the island country, was alarmed.

According to the information he has, Chef Zhou's big wine tank is fighting fiercely with the old tavern on the opposite side. Based on the harm that Chef Zhou has brought to the chef circle of the island country and the humiliation to the Quanyang family In other words, Jingdong Daily, which owns shares of the Kojima and Inuyang families behind it, adheres to the principle that the enemy of an enemy is a friend, and it is understandable to help the old tavern.

But what does it mean that Sasuke ran to the big wine tank again?
Could it be that a soft article positively praising Rose Fragrance is not enough, and an article negatively criticizing Chef Zhou is also needed?

Qingtian was somewhat disgusted by this. He was a food reporter, not a poisonous tongue in the food industry, and he didn't want to become an accomplice in the capital's assassination of a certain chef just because of a job, even if the chef was from China.

If Sasuke showed any intention of stepping on Chef Zhou, he would immediately walk away.

Isn't it just a job? Mr. Qingtian is a persistent and conscientious journalist.

Sasuke hesitated for a while before saying: "Well, anyway, Qingtian-kun will write a promotional article for this in the future, so it's okay to tell you now.

Maybe Mr. Qingtian will be very strange, why did we come to Chudu all the way, but only for the "rose dew" in a small tavern?
After all, our island nation's winemakers are the experts when it comes to making this low-alcohol dessert wine, and our ebony wine is world-renowned. "

"Yes, Mr. Sasuke, what is the reason?"

"First of all, because of Junko Kojima,

Even the patriarch of the Kojima family was amazed by her ability to appreciate fine wines, calling her a genius in the wine industry once in 50 years in the Kojima family. essence and fragrance."

"Oh, then it's no wonder the editor-in-chief wants to work on Mr. Sasuke.

Thank you very much Mr. Sasuke for your enlightenment!I know Miss Junko, if she says so, the rose dew in the old tavern is really amazing, and it really deserves the attention of our newspaper. "

If it's just like this, it doesn't count as touching Qingtian's bottom line, and he can still accept it.

"If it's just a few words from Miss Junko, it's not worth our fanfare.

Afterwards, the Xiaojima family investigated the five brothers in the old tavern, only to find out that their craftsmanship was passed down from a Chinese master chef, and the master chef is best at making wine."

"Oh, so it's a master chef of China, isn't that the same as the great chef of our country, just like Lord Wugong!"

"If it wasn't for the inheritance of a great food master, how could it possibly attract the attention of Lord Takemiya and the Kojima family? I'm not interested in coming all the way to taste the wine in a small tavern."

Sasuke nodded with a smile. The island country has always had a clear hierarchy, so it is said that in his capacity, he would not be kind to a small reporter.

But if this little reporter is actually the illegitimate son of an island chaebol, but he doesn't even know it, and he inadvertently discovers the secret of this chaebol, and his youngest daughter happens to have no boyfriend yet, he will change Become an amiable and talkative elder
"Mr. Wu from the old tavern seems to respect Mr. Sasuke very much. I think you have already got what you want?"

"It should be about the same. This Mr. Wu is a smart man. At least he knows how to seize opportunities better than that bear shopkeeper."

Thinking of the content of his private "deal" with Wu Tingze, Sasuke smiled smugly. After many years, the Chinese people are still so stupid, even though the winemaker surnamed Wu is a descendant of a "big food master" , Isn't it easy for him to handle it?

"Since Mr. Sasuke's goal has been achieved, why do you still have to come to the big wine tank?

Could it be said that the winemaker here also comes from the inheritance of a great chef? "

Qingtian's task did not investigate Zhou Dong and the contents of the big wine tank on the spot. This is Sasuke's own opinion; Still a little upset.

Like his mysterious father, Qingtian actually hides a very stubborn heart under his seemingly gentle appearance.

"Aota-kun, don't you think Kojima Junko missed something?
Even if this big wine tank faces the inheritance of a 'big food master', it can still firmly suppress the opponent, and the rose fragrance that the Xiaodao family covets does not have the slightest advantage.

This shows what?As professional sommeliers and food journalists, shouldn't we be doing something? "

Sasuke laughed loudly, pointed to the four corners of wine in front of him and said, "Now, it's time for us to uncover the mystery."

At first, the former emperor's sommelier still put on a good posture, first poured himself half a glass of wine, and saw that there was no taste and aroma of the wine, and felt disappointed. Hurry up, with a surprised expression on his face for an instant, Sasuke might get up and leave immediately.

"Is it really so bad that Mr. Qingtian showed such an expression?"

Sasuke frowned slightly, he is a man of status, if it is very bad wine, it is better not to pollute his mouth.

"No, Mr. Sasuke, this wine, this wine"

Qing Tian, ​​who was usually brilliant with his pen, widened his eyes, and was about to say something, when he suddenly saw the only four corners of wine on the table, he immediately closed his mouth, quickly pulled the two corners of wine in front of him, and looked at Sasuke like he was guarding against a thief.

"Dussi Masi Daga!"

Feeling that things might not be as he imagined, Sasuke glanced at Qingtian with some doubts, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and took a sip.

Qing Tian, ​​you are so cunning!

And that girl from the Xiaodao family, I really don't know if she concealed it on purpose, or if she is stupid! "

Sasuke grabbed the two drinking slots in front of him, as if he was looking at his favorite 'Jinkela' from an island girl.

"Mr. Sasuke, this wine is completely different from the ones I've had before."

Qingtian quickly drank his two horns of wine, his face was slightly flushed as he was used to drinking low-alcohol sake, and there were many fine beads of sweat on his forehead, he looked at the two horns of wine in front of Sasuke with some expectation: " You haven't finished your drink yet."

"Such fine wine, of course, should be poured lightly and slowly, how can you drink it like you?"

Sasuke pulled the two corners of wine to his side again, and suddenly laughed: "It seems that the luck of the Kojima family is not good enough.
Qingtian, guess what would happen if the Emperor gave such fine wine to the Prime Minister and asked him to take it to that special state banquet? "

"Mr. Sasuke, what do you mean?"

"Don't say any more."

If it wasn't for Qingtian's mysterious father, Sasuke wouldn't have said so much to him at all, but that's all.

"Qingtian, help me call that Huaxia girl over, I want to see Chef Zhou!"

At this moment, Zhou Dong was sitting in his private office on the [-]th floor of Kyushu Dingshi, looking at Yan Xiang opposite him with a smile.

"You mean, it was Wu Si brother who asked you to come to me?"

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Glory Unlimited' for their support, and thanks to friends who support light and darkness by subscription, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets:)
(End of this chapter)

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