I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 358 Coming and not being indecent

Chapter 358 Coming and not being indecent

Zhou Dong's idea is simple and simple, that is to go to Xiong Buer's old tavern for a meal.

Anyway, it's also the 'neighbor' across the street. It's been a few days since they opened their doors. Isn't it right to hold a show in the past?What's more, the shopkeeper Xiong has successively promoted the breakfast department and the big wine tank, which is called indecent.

Huai Liang shook his head again and again: "Old Zhou, what are you doing here?
If you go to Xiong Buer’s old tavern to drink their rose dew, you know it’s you, Zhou Dionysus, who is open-minded and wants to guide the backward, but if you don’t know it, you can’t make this kind of wine, you’re stealing the teacher of it.

No, you are not afraid of losing face, Lao Yan and I are still afraid, we can't go! "

"What other people say, what do they think, what does it matter to me?

In fact, Mr. Gu gave me rose water to drink before, and it was really good. The winemaker named Wu Tingze is not simple. Anyway, it is your turn today. I will drink two glasses of free wine, which can be regarded as a return gift up. "

After drinking the rose dew brought by Gu Yanan that day, Zhou Dong felt that Wu Tingze had some tricks,

At least in the preparation of distiller's yeast, it is by no means comparable to ordinary winemakers. It already has the meaning of using superb techniques to inoculate the essence of the earth, but it is not like the two legendary skills of washing vegetables and wine making. A regular 'stupid way' can only be achieved.

But this so-called 'stupid method' is actually seen from the perspective of his contemporary Dionysus. The person who can figure out this method is already very remarkable. Judging from Wu Tingze's age and fame experience, it is probably not himself. The ability, but another teacher.

If calculated according to the level of Qinxing's "master" and "magic chef", most of the people who taught Wu Tingze how to brew wine back then were the latter.

This is also the reason why Zhou Dong wants to save food for the old tavern. Even if he brews this kind of "fragrant wine" on a whim in the future, at least at this stage, he should save some face for Wu Tingze, give him a meal, and let others There is also an opportunity to play.

This face is not only for Wu Tingze, but also for the senior behind him who is likely to be a "magic chef". Starting from the Chudu Mental Hospital, Zhou Dong is a good boy who knows how to respect the elderly
In fact, Lin Qing has nothing wrong with it. A professional food reporter should write articles objectively and impartially, but Cheng Yaojin, who came out halfway through the Kojima family and "Jingdong Daily", made Zhou Dong somewhat worried.

Once the island country is involved in anything, it must be treated with caution; it doesn't matter how fierce the big wine tank and the old tavern are fighting against each other. How can there be progress without competition? Isn't Huaxia Qinxing the one who benefits in the end?But if outsiders intervene, it is not what Zhou Dong wants to see.

He wants to go back to Xiong Buer's old tavern this time. It's really not because he's greedy for wine, let alone because he's afraid that the business will be robbed. He just wants to see Wu Tingze's talent and humanity. Since the old man behind Wu Tingze With the senior not around, he, the Chinese God of Dionysus, naturally has the responsibility to take care of the 'backwards'.

Unknowingly, now Zhou Dong has begun to have the consciousness and self-knowledge of a "great master". Wu Tingze, who is nearly fifty years old, is regarded as a "backward" by him, and he doesn't even blush at all.

Of course, these words cannot be said clearly to Huailiang. If Lao Huai knew that he was going to take care of his rivals, he would probably go crazy. mental hospital.

"You really are a psychopath!"

Watching Zhou Dong walk towards the old tavern opposite, Huai Liang stomped his feet, it was so embarrassing, I will not know you from now on, Huai Liang!
"Treasurer Xiong, how elegant is it?"

The days of snow melting are the most difficult for birds. Some food that was submerged under the snow was swept away by humans along with the snow, and the weather became colder. If there were no bears like Buer Good-hearted people, I really don't know how many people will be frozen to death and starved to death.

Zhou Dong came early, it was not yet ten o'clock in the morning, and restaurants that focus on "slow life" such as the big wine tank and the old tavern have not yet opened for business.Moreover, today's weather is colder than yesterday's. Although the old tavern is famous now, there will be no drinkers at this moment.

In fact, Huai Liang was just worried, and Zhou Dong also wanted to save face, so he would not go to a 'competitor''s tavern to drink during business hours and make people poke their spines and discuss.That is to say, young people are stubborn and say that they ignore other people's ideas, but they are actually nonsense.

Xiong Buer was wearing a thick mink fur and was feeding the sparrows in a bamboo basket in front of the door. The sparrows were eating and chirping non-stop, as if expressing their gratitude to this kind human being. When Zhou Dong came, he didn't feel afraid. He probably thought that this person was also here to feed them.

"Hehe, is Chef Zhou here?"

Xiong Buer dumped all the food in the bamboo basket on the ground, and let the birds peck at random. He looked at Zhou Dong and said with a smile, "You came early, I haven't opened for business yet."

"I've heard that shopkeeper Xiong is a kind person, and he still misses these little birds even though it's cold and snowy. It's really like this today. If it wasn't for being fed by you every day, how could these birds not be afraid of people?"

Zhou Dong smiled and said, "A businessman like you deserves to get rich!"

After a few words, I was stunned, I can do it, when did I become so talkative?If Grandpa He knew about this, he would definitely say that I was getting sicker, and I was so sick that I learned to speak like a normal person.
"Haha, whether you can make a fortune depends on whether Chef Zhou is willing to enjoy the meal.

The business has been better recently, but it is still much worse than the big wine tank, and I know that this is Chef Zhou deliberately leaving us a meal, otherwise if Chef Zhou is willing to brew this Lunalu Yes, how could the fourth child be your opponent? "

Xiong Buer chuckled: "I would like to thank Chef Zhou first, where is this today?"

"I drank the rose dew, the wine is really good, but it's a little too little, not satisfying.

In addition, I also know that the five Brothers, Shopkeeper Xiong, all have the unique skill of looking after the house. If you don't taste it, you still feel itchy, so why don't you come here to ask for food and drink before you open the door? "

Zhou Dong chuckled and said, "Shopkeeper Xiong must not publicize this matter? I am also a person who cares about face, and I am afraid of losing face."

Xiong Buer was taken aback, is this still the Zhou Dong shown in his profile?Young, sick, stubborn, very aggressive
The person in front of me is just like a quack old fritters?It seems that the Fan family has really failed all these years. Even the data collected can have such a big deviation?

But I don't know that although Zhou Dong's disease has not been cured, he only occasionally speaks indifferently and likes to hate others when he gets sick. And who can be called a master in this line of work, who isn't an old fritter that has gone back to the pot countless times?
"Haha, it's an honor for us brothers to have Chef Zhou here, please, please!"

Xiong Buer laughed loudly, grabbed Zhou Dong's hand, and led him into the old tavern,

With Zhou Dong's current status in Huaxia, what can he eat?Even some provincial food competitions, hotel star ratings, etc., are barely qualified to be judges.

If he really thought that Zhou Dong came to the old tavern early in the cold weather just to beg for food and drink, all these years were really wasted in the arena.

Like a mirror in his heart, he knew that Zhou Dong must have a reason for coming here, but Zhou Dong didn't say anything, and he wouldn't take the initiative to ask. This is called Jianghu experience. To put it more simply, it means that the emotional intelligence is high enough.

"Chef Zhou, please come inside!"

"Hehe, honored guests are coming, it seems that we brothers have to work hard today?"

"I know that Chef Zhou will come sooner or later, so don't come here to ruin our business?"

Hearing that Zhou Dong came to the old tavern, Huabiao, Niu Whisperer, Wu Tingze, and Yan Xiang came to the front desk one after another, and they all said welcome words, but the tone of their words varies from person to person.

Huabiao and Niu Whisperer are kind and prudent, while Yanxiang is slightly provocative. Wu Tingze just smiled and said nothing, but he was secretly proud. Zhou Dong's visit to the old tavern should be half for his rose dew. Who is Zhou Dong?That is the contemporary Chinese God of Dionysus!

At this time, the externally hired waiters hadn’t gone to work yet. Even after going to work, Zhou Dong, the “young gentleman”, arrived, and according to the rules, Huabiao had to personally receive him. He smiled and looked at Zhou Dong: “Chef Zhou, I don't know what wine to drink and what food to eat today?"

Zhou Dong glanced at Wu Tingze and Yan Xiang and said with a smile: "I want to eat something light today, so I can eat rose water and lard osmanthus cake, roses and osmanthus should be good?
You don’t need too much wine, just have a corner first, and I’ll try it first.”

The old man behind Wu Tingze is not around, and with him sitting in Chudu, he is obliged to take care of the younger generation, but Wu Tingze has to be convinced first, so Zhou Dong's words still mean to stretch Wu Tingze , Come to a corner, let me taste it first, and then I will pick and choose for you.

Wu Tingze heard it clearly, and sneered: "No problem, I have heard that the God of Dionysus Zhou is so powerful that even a generation of wine king Cang Yanshan can't drink you. A dime of wine is probably not enough. You can add as much as you want later. , anyway, we are not afraid that you will collapse in the store!"

Xiong Buer frowned, thinking that you are not fighting spirit?It's hard to blame my brother in front of Zhou Dong, so I quickly changed the topic and said, "Old Five, go and make a new lard osmanthus cake, show your strength!"

"Don't worry, brother!"

Yan Xiang turned around and left, subconsciously rolling up his sleeves before leaving.

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Xiong."

Zhou Dong smiled and nodded to Xiong Buer, and added: "Reporter Lin's article is actually good, but roses like spring and warm. According to this nature, rose dew is not suitable for cold suppression. I still drink it." Wen, please excuse me."

Xiong Buer smiled and said: "How do the islanders know this? Even if Chef Zhou doesn't say it, we can't give you Lengzhen's rose dew."

Zhou Dong smiled and nodded: "That's the reason, I'm afraid that some people always think that everything abroad is good, and some people say that the islanders are the most civilized, but they have retained our Chinese traditions. It would be a pity for culture to be confused by it.”

Xiong Buer glanced at Wu Tingze, smiled and said, "Chef Zhou, don't worry, I will personally warm this wine and keep it to your satisfaction!"

(End of this chapter)

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