I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 351 Zhang Fei's Beef and Grass Cream

Chapter 351 Zhang Fei's Beef and Baicao Cream
"Xiao Er, cut two catties of high-quality beef, and serve a jar of good wine first! Twenty chickens, shelled and served!"

What book is the most satisfying?

Don't say it is "Water Margin", although there are many descriptions of drinking in big bowls and eating meat in large pieces, but when it comes to the most detailed description of the scenes of these reckless heroes eating Hesse, "Wu Song" is the most recommended This commentary has a length of 60 words. I am afraid that it will take up [-] to [-] words to describe the scene of Wu Erlang eating. It is simply the first food article in China.

In fact, it was not allowed to kill cattle indiscriminately in the Song Dynasty. There is only one reason why the authors described it this way. Braised beef with wine is a perfect match in the world. Even peanuts and pork head meat produced by Zhou Dong have to live behind.

Not to mention that pigs are too ruthless now, and the price of meat is so expensive that even the big wine vat with such an affordable price has to raise the price of pig head meat three times, which is already close to the price of beef.

And today's easter egg is Zhou Dong's Zhang Fei beef. Although a table number only provides half a catty of beef, there are still shouts in the big wine tank. It takes a big knife and a thick block!"

The person next to him laughed and said, "How can I sell you as much as two catties? Master Zhou's craftsmanship, you can be satisfied with half a catty.

And you don’t know how to eat it. The meat is cut too thick, and the taste will inevitably decrease. It’s better to have a large piece of meat, otherwise it will clog your teeth! "

Hehe, brother, you can say such a thing, which has already exposed the essence of being a stick.

Do you think Zhang Fei's beef is the ordinary sauced beef made by a chef with half a bottle of vinegar?To tell you the truth, brother, I just came back from Sichuan province last month, and when it comes to this piece of flying beef, I have the most say."

"Just blow it up, and someone has to believe it!"

All the drinkers burst out laughing, this man is also an old customer who came here earlier, a big idler, since he came to the big wine tank, he has exposed his nature of "embarrassing bragging", and he is often exposed because of bragging, But he is not annoyed, he will continue to blow it next time
The cow whisperer listened for a few times, but he didn't follow the crowd's laughter. He nodded slightly and said: "The skin is thick, the inner color is like blood, the meat is tender and slag-free, and it melts in the mouth. This man is not bragging, it is Langzhong Zhang Fei Beef specialty."

"Its skin is like ghosts, and its inner color is like blood?"

Wuting Zeqi said: "Isn't it?

I have also been to Langzhong, and I have eaten the so-called Zhang Fei beef, which is more tender and delicious than ordinary stewed beef, and has a strange fragrance, but it is not like what you said, third brother, right?
Could it be that this person and third brother you are eating authentic Zhang Fei beef, but I am not authentic enough? "

"That's not true. This guest has obviously been to Langzhong, otherwise he wouldn't be able to say such a thing."

The cow whisperer said with a smile: "Presumably he heard these words when he was eating Zhang Fei's beef in Langzhong.

However, if these criteria are followed, it is difficult to find 'authentic' Zhang Fei beef even in Langzhong now. Isn't this difficult for Chef Zhou? "

He is a master of stewed vegetables, among which he is best at marinating Zhang Fei beef, but even if he can't make 'authentic' Zhang Fei beef that meets these standards, what he said just now is an insider talking about ancient times, scaring laymen That's all.

This has nothing to do with talent or hard work. The key is that Zhang Fei’s beef recipe is known to all chefs and even has answers on Du Niang, but it’s one thing to know, and another to make it. , it is nothing more than because some details of the recipe of this famous dish are difficult to control, and even the "God Beggar's Food Does Not Talk" who passed on his craftsmanship back then said that he can only work hard to restore it to [-]%.

Wu Rongrong also said before that Zhou Dong went to Langzhong to learn how to make Zhang Fei's beef, and it only took a week, so he was considered a genius if he could make one. He never believed that Zhou Dong could make the most authentic beef. It's not that Zhang Fei has underestimated this young master.

Yan Xiang interjected: "Then according to what the third brother said, Zhou Dong's Easter eggs today are not colorful?
Haha, the majestic Zhou Mianwang, Zhou Dionysus, Zhentianguo, and the young master of Huaxia Qinxing took out an unauthentic Zhang Fei beef as an easter egg, which is interesting. "

He just lost face at Zhou Dong's pet duck, and he was depressed. Now that he heard that Zhou Dong couldn't make authentic Zhang Fei beef, he naturally gloated: "Third brother, are you sure no one can make authentic Zhang Fei beef?" Beef? Isn’t it just a stewed beef dish, is it really that difficult?”

"It's not difficult, but it's too cumbersome and the details are more difficult to control!"

The cow whisperer said with a smile: "It is impossible to say clearly in a few sentences. Wait for this piece of flying beef to be served later, and I will tell you the real thing, and you will understand why I said that."

Yan Xiang said with a smile: "Okay, this time it's up to you, brother. It seems that the face of the five brothers in Laoxionggou has to be found by you, brother three."

Xiong Buer frowned slightly and said, "Third son, if according to what you said, there is no more 'authentic' Zhang Fei beef even in Langzhong, then you can't criticize Chef Zhou.

As long as his Zhang Fei beef can reach the average level in Langzhong, it is authentic.
If you use some legendary "evaluation standards" to insist that others are not authentic enough, but you can't do it yourself, you will lose face in the end. "

"Don't worry big brother, I know what's going on in my heart, this is what we say between brothers at most.
After all, the standards I just mentioned have actually become legends.
The current Langzhong Zhangfei Beef is still a must in China's stewed beef, and it is authentic!
If Zhou Dong can reach the average level of Langzhong, that would be very remarkable. What qualifications do I have to criticize others? "

Xiong Buer nodded: "It's good if you can think about it this way. This time our brothers came to Chudu to fight against Chef Zhou. It's all because I owe the Fan family a huge favor, so I have to do it for you." , In fact, I was the one who got all the brothers involved.”

Several people hurriedly said: "Brother, how can you talk like that, our brothers have a life-threatening friendship, how can there be any trouble?"

"Well, my brother was wrong, but it is true that you brothers have worked hard for me, so I don't want you brothers to offend a diligent young master because of me, and even become a master chef in the future.

Since I have agreed to Mr. Fan's entrustment and loyalty, I will naturally try my best to deal with Chef Zhou. However, this is a fair contest between colleagues, and it does not involve personal grievances. No matter whether we win or lose, you and my brother I only want to be a gentleman, not a villain, and I hope everyone can remember it! "

The brothers nodded again and again: "Don't worry, brother, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, at most we don't know Chef Zhou without fighting, and we will never become enemies."

While the five brothers were chatting, the food and drink had already been served, and the first thing the five of them stared at with their ten pairs of eyes was the ten-cornered general and the lump of black meat placed in the center of the table.

This is the famous Zhang Fei Beef?

It shouldn't be, you can't say that Zhang Fei in the novel was born black, so you just make Zhang Fei's beef like this?What's more, Zhang Fei in history is not a black charcoal head, it is said that he is still a handsome guy with good handwriting.

This lump of meat is really black, 'Yasai is cold and iron, comparable to the ash at the bottom of the pot', about half a catty in weight, and there are faintly visible cut marks on it.

It is not uncommon to cut the meat first, and then stack it back to its original shape. This method of processing stewed vegetables is not uncommon, but it is rare in a place like a big wine tank.

"Brother, we brothers all listen to you and respect Chef Zhou, a diligent young master of Huaxia, but this plate of Zhang Fei's beef is so hard to complain about?
This black lacquer looks like a lump of coal. Is it also for people to eat? Is this the easter egg that many people are looking forward to? "

Yan Xiang laughed loudly: "Third brother, you are an expert, what do you say?"

The Cow Whisperer has been silent since the plate of Zhang Fei's beef was served, but just stared at the plate of beef with an extremely strange expression on his face.

Yan Xiang wondered: "Third brother, what's the matter with you, is it that the beef is so poor that you don't know how to criticize it?"

The cow whisperer didn't answer, and stretched out his hand to pull the beef in front of him, picked up the chopsticks and gently pulled it away.

Xiong Buer's eyes moved. He was sitting opposite the Niu Whisperer, and he could see very clearly. The third child's hand was always steady, but today the hand holding the chopsticks was shaking slightly.


As the cow whisperer pushed the beef away with his chopsticks, it was as if a round of red sun suddenly jumped out from the depths of the Montenegro, and what caught everyone's eyes was a dazzling bright red!

After being cut into slices by a fine knife, and then scattered by the re-stacked Zhang Fei beef, everyone could see clearly that the beef was only black as charcoal on the outside, but the cut beef noodles inside were as red as blood. First-class color!
"Its skin is dark and its color is like blood. This is the real Zhang Fei's beef!"

The chopsticks in Niu Whisperer's hands fell to the table, still unconsciously, his voice trembling slightly: "Just like the black Zhang Fei in the legend of Romance, although his face is black, he has a heart of daring and loyalty! Just like the master and his old man said Exactly the same!"

Speaking of the master, the five Laoxionggou brothers were all sad. Although this master who has the status of a Chinese master chef has a weird personality, even if he received their life-saving grace, he only passed on one of his unique skills to each of them, and then he left gracefully. But it really changed their wandering life.

Since the master left without saying goodbye, the five brothers have not missed a single day. Today, they suddenly heard the master's evaluation of Zhang Fei's beef in the past, and they felt very cordial. They even felt close to Zhou Dong. Yan Xiang said in a low voice: " So this kid is really so powerful? Let me try this beef."

The Zhang Fei beef made by Zhou Dong is bright in color, which makes people particularly appetizing.

The so-called "melt in the mouth" does not melt away instantly like cotton candy. The chewiness and tenderness of the beef will not be missing at all, but the ribs and toughness in the meat have long been removed by skillful hands. Once you bite, the gravy overflows immediately, and it melts in the mouth until the end, and there will be no annoying things like stuffing your teeth.

In addition, the aroma of this beef is very unique, and it does not have the "strong smell" that is unique to cattle and sheep. In a trance, I always feel that I have turned into a happy calf, raising all four hooves, and running hard on the endless prairie
What patterns are the same as Wagyu, Kobe beef, and marble?The ingredients used by Zhou Dong may not be so noble, but the taste of this piece of flying beef fascinates people, forcibly relying on superb cooking skills, the distance between the ingredients has been shortened.

A plate of beef was silently eaten by five people. All five of them didn't speak for a while, and they were surprised and questioned: "How did he do it?"

Sighs sounded one after another in the big wine vat, one after another, but all the diners who ate this piece of flying beef all sighed, why is such delicious beef just an 'easter egg'?And Master Zhou may not lay the same 'egg' every time.
"Third brother, you should also know how to make this piece of flying beef, right? Can you make it?"

Xiong Buer's calm temperament was also aroused by this piece of flying beef.

The brothers are also taught by the master chef, and the youngest is proficient in stewed vegetables. He is known as the "Beef King" in the three northern provinces. He doesn't believe that Zhou Dong just went to Langzhong, and after a week of learning, he can pass Zhang Flying Beef can achieve this level, but the third child can't do it?
"Chef Zhou's trip to Langzhong, apart from tasting the Zhang Fei beef from various restaurants, should be more to prove, to prove his genius idea of ​​restoring this ancient dish!"

The cow whisperer sighed: "Zhang Fei's beef recipe is not a secret, but before Master Xiao Zhou, no chef can completely restore this dish."

As he spoke, he pointed at the empty dish and said, "Brother, brothers, do you know why the skin of Zhang Fei's beef is black?
Because this beef is different from ordinary sauced beef and braised beef, not only the method of using marinated sauce, but also the process of marinating and adding foreign ingredients,
And the most important ingredient is not any spices, but 'Baicao Cream'! "

"Baicao Cream?"

Wu Tingze frowned and said: "Third brother, although I don't know braised pork, I also know that Baicao Shuang is another name for pot bottom ash.

You don't mean to say that you need to use ash from the bottom of the pot to make this flying beef? "

"Hehe, the ancients used to cook pots with hundreds of herbs, so the ash at the bottom of the pot has the nickname 'Baicao Cream'. Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Fei's beef to use some ash at the bottom of the pot, but the real cream of Baicao."

The cow whisperer sighed: "The production process of Zhang Fei's beef is ten times more complicated than that of ordinary stewed beef?
First of all, the beef must be cleaned with extremely clever vegetable washing techniques. It must be rubbed repeatedly to squeeze out the blood and water to loosen the meat, and the strength must be controlled so as not to damage the meat. It must also be sealed and marinated in the tank. Also use Baicao cream to repeatedly rub on the surface of the meat. After putting into the pot, carefully control the firepower and switch between civil and military fires 18 times.
Among these procedures, the most difficult thing is to make this Baicao cream.

Baicao Cream is made by burning the essence of Baicao with fire, and then smoked beef is formed on the surface of the beef, but what kind of herbs should be used?Even if the formula is given to you, how should you match the dosage?When burning, which ones are on the surface and which ones are on the inside?
A hundred kinds of grass are changing each other, how many kinds of changes should there be?And it also needs to be combined with the specific situation of the ingredients.

You need to know that cows are like people, whether the temperament, living environment, growth process, and reproduction period of each cow can fulfill their wishes, and whether the cow is happy enough?It will make the meat quality of the beef slightly deviated.

Also, when making this piece of flying beef, the region where it is located, the temperature and humidity are different, and the water quality is different. Are these not changes?

Therefore, for a Zhangfei beef, not only the changes in herbs must be considered, but also the "customer changes" of this kind, and therefore the types and proportions of herbs should be adjusted frequently. Do you think it is difficult? "

Wu Tingze shook his head when he heard this: "Third brother, you should stop talking about it. Why does it sound like I have to work harder than brewing wine?"

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Old Guo 003' for their reward and support, and thanks to friends who support light and darkness by subscription, monthly pass, and recommendation ticket:)
(End of this chapter)

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