I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 348 The Fire of the Perfect Realm

Chapter 348 The Fire of the Perfect Realm

When the long-lost Goubuli and Luzhuhuoshao appeared in front of them, starting from Long Dashen, one counted as one, and the old customers almost shed tears of excitement.

The taste is too authentic. Compared with the craftsmanship of Master Xiao Zhou, the fat man and those breakfast chefs are high imitation A goods, not to mention that today's breakfast department is particularly generous. Except that each type of food is still limited, there is no longer a restriction on the category.

In the past, if you bought Goubuli, you could no longer buy egg cakes. Firstly, it was to prevent waste. Secondly, Zhou Dong was really too busy. He didn’t want Xiangjiang to take a trip. The growth is gratifying, and he can already help him share a lot of work. Even if there is no limit to the types of breakfast each diner orders, it is enough to handle it.

Zhou Dong also specially canceled Goubuli's need to tie in other breakfasts. This is also the first "easter egg" he laid after returning to the breakfast department. Liu Changqing was very happy about this, and said with a thumb: "Chef Zhou , this egg was laid well, and such a meaningful egg was laid in our early department. I knew that you never forgot our early department!
However, the price of Goubuli has risen to 50 yuan per cage, and regular customers expressed their understanding!
However, in order to avoid waste, Zhou Dong still stipulates that each diner should not order more than two types of breakfast. If they eat more than all, they will be sent to the blacklist of the breakfast department and become unwelcome customers, and it is strictly forbidden to take away.

"It's the first time I've seen a breakfast department that doesn't allow takeout. This business is done with rules and accents, which is similar to that of my brother.

It seems that our brothers really came to the right place. If it weren't for our skills, few people would dare to do business like this. "

The second elder, Huabiao, looked at the breakfast list with a smile and said: "This list is exquisitely made, which breakfast items are made by other masters, and which ones are Zhou Dong's handicrafts, which are clearly marked.

It’s a pity. I’ve heard that Chudu Shuangtang Shuijianbao is a specialty of Chudu that you can’t miss, but it’s not made by Zhou Dong. Today Zhou Dong made three kinds of breakfast by himself, Goubuli, Luzhuhuo and Chudu. They are fried with pastry, and the soups that can be matched include double soup, hot porridge, and soy milk.
Let's take a look, what can we order? "

The third cow whisperer interjected: "It's fine to boil it in marinade. When my brothers came from Kyoto, they didn't eat less of this. Goubuli even Jinmen's has long lost its authentic taste. It's better not to eat it." Take the risk, I will light two fires, girl, I know soy milk, what is hot porridge? Is it porridge made from some kind of grain?"

The waitress smiled and said: "Sir, our hot porridge in Chudu is the only one in China. It is not simply boiled with various grains, but is made of soy milk that has been filtered out, and fried soybean flour and wheat flour are added. , corn flour, etc., the taste is delicious,
It is the best paired with deep-fried dough sticks, shortbread, and Chef Zhou's new product today. "

The hot porridge in Chudu is cumbersome and has a unique taste. It is really not found anywhere else. Even the five brothers of Laoxionggou heard of it for the first time. Hot porridge, the waitress said again: "Gentlemen, if you all order pastries, you may have to wait for nearly an hour, because this kind of food is too slow to cook, and now there are more than 100 people in line in front of you."

Yan Xiang was the most impatient, he frowned and said, "I have to wait for an hour, are you going to have breakfast or a big meal?"

The waitress smiled and said, "Gentlemen, this is the fried pastry made by Chef Zhou himself. Today, only [-] pieces are sold. If it weren't for the fact that the fried pastry is slow to cook, and Chef Zhou refused to cut corners and speed up the cooking process." Speed, I'm afraid you won't be able to rank up."

Xiong Buer nodded and said: "Don't talk about it, old five, but we brothers are ranked near the [-]th, and we are very lucky to be able to eat Chef Zhou's pastry.

Girl, we are willing to wait!In addition, I would like to ask, when Chef Zhou is cooking the pastry, can people be allowed to watch? "

"It's fine if a few gentlemen are interested. Our Chef Zhou is very generous."

"Brothers, let's go and see King Zhou's methods."

Xiong Buer smiled and got up and walked towards the back kitchen. The back kitchen in the breakfast department is different from ordinary restaurants and hotels. It is semi-open and only separated by a glass wall. The freshest and high-quality food, and the food hygiene problems that the people are most worried about will never appear here.

Zhou Dong is busy behind the glass wall, because the breakfast department has officially opened at this moment, and all the chefs in the breakfast department have to work on their own, only Pan Ke and other four students are left to watch, most of the diners are concerned about food The taste does not care about how the food is produced, so the five Laoxionggou brothers do not have to worry about the sight being blocked.

Seeing that Zhou Dong's hands were extremely fast, with his left hand holding and pressing, the dough became a long and thin sheet. At the same time, he picked up chopped green onions with his right hand and sprinkled them evenly on the dough. Dotted with some salt and lard in the middle, and rolled the dough to the left with one hand, and the dough did not stick to the panel at all, and it smoothly turned into a roll shape.

"It looks like a scallion noodle roll. This kind of noodle roll should be leavened, right?"

Wu Tingze is an expert in brewing wine, and he is a complete stick when it comes to Baian noodles. He has eaten this kind of green onion noodle rolls in Lu Province, but few people make them now. Even if women steam rolls at home, how many I will also put some shredded radish and tofu in it.

Moreover, the noodles used by Zhou Dong had never been baked before, so the taste might not be much better, and there was not even a trace of 'burning pastry'.

"Fourth brother, you can see clearly, these are not ordinary noodle rolls, they are made of oily noodles, and they are not the pastry noodles used for making crispy sesame seed cakes, etc.
He has completely kneaded the pasta into the regular flour, so you won't see an obvious layer of pastry, but this flour, if baked properly, tastes better than regular pastry. "

Old Wu Yanxiang is a master of white cases, so he is no stranger to pastry noodles that are 'crispy inside and outside'. He is especially curious about the stove used by Zhou Dong. He stares intently at the inner kitchen with great interest.

After Zhou Dong rolled the chopped green onion into the noodles, he held the two ends of the rolled noodles with both hands, and pressed lightly toward the middle, pressing the rolled chopped green onion into a thick circle, and then rolled it lightly with a short rolling pin. It becomes a rectangular shape, like a thickened biscuit. After smearing lard on both sides by hand, it is placed upright in a special oven.

On the top of the oven is a frying plate with a thickness of about half a centimeter. There is a handle at the end of the frying plate. When you pull it out, there is a burning hearth underneath, which is full of high-quality pine charcoal.

Around the hearth, there is a "back"-shaped space, which is the place where Zhou Dong used to place fires upright, and about twelve or three fires can be placed side by side on all sides.

And the fire is placed under the frying plate to "fire", which is the first step after the pastry is fired into the furnace.

Zhou Dong's technique was quick, and twelve fires were placed in the blink of an eye. At this time, because he pulled away the frying plate, a large amount of air poured in, and bursts of red flames rose in the hearth, which was hotter than the stove of biscuits. Let alone an ordinary person, let alone put it on the fire, as long as the hand is close to the fire, it will feel unbearably hot, but Zhou Dong seems to be unable to feel the terrifying heat. He stretches out his hands like a butterfly piercing a flower, Arrange the fire one by one in an orderly and even manner.

"The first step in the fire is to burn the fire for 15 seconds, so that the fire can be heated and formed quickly, otherwise it will not stand at all!

It doesn’t matter how long or short this time is. During the burning process, if the chopped green onion is raw, it will absorb part of the heat, resulting in uneven heating of the part of the surface that is in contact with the chopped green onion inside the fire. Even if the following procedures do 100% standard will also affect the final product”

Zhou Dong glanced at the five Laoxionggou brothers who were standing outside the glass wall, and did not stop explaining. Ever since he got the title of "Great Master of Diligence", he gradually had a master-like state of mind. The more seriously the five brothers watched, the more he On the contrary, the more I feel that "children can be taught".

"This is also the reason why I fry chopped scallions in advance. Don't underestimate this step. It seems irrelevant, but it actually determines whether you can make a perfect fried pastry!

It's the last three seconds!You guys see clearly! "

Zhou Dong flicked his hands and went directly through the layers of wood fires. In just three seconds, he turned over all twelve fires. Cover the frying pan.

This set of stoves specially used for making Chudu pastry fire has a unique design. The upper frying plate is covered tightly, which completely blocks the upper and lower air passages, and the previous fierce flames will be instantly suppressed. Around it, some holes the size of rice grains were opened to ensure that the wind path would not be completely blocked, causing the fire to go out.

When the frying plate is covered, it changes from 'burning' to 'roasting'. This is the second step of Chudu pastry fire. Adding the last step of frying, it can be described as roasting, roasting, and frying. Looking at all kinds of countries in the East and West, North and South China, Those who can spend so much time on a dish of pasta are probably Chudu people who know how to eat and can eat.

"Fifth, you are also an expert in Bai's case, how do you evaluate Chef Zhou?"

The second son, Huabiao, observed carefully for a long time before asking Yanxiang.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being the king of Zhou Mian."

Yan Xiang's face was extremely serious, and right now he didn't have the time to look at the beautiful ladies in the earlier department.

"'Taking chestnuts from the fire' is actually a technique that is practiced and perfected. Even street vendors who sell biscuits all the year round can do it, but even a master biscuit chef who has been working for decades is impossible on a high-heat stove. Pasting the biscuits so neatly, after all, this method relies on the word "quick", and the radish is too fast to wash away the mud.

But Zhou Dong is different, just now he arranged the dozen fires neatly, with almost the same distance between each other, which already made me feel a little incredible, the most amazing thing is "

"The most astonishing thing is that before covering the frying plate, he not only turned all these fires over, but also took no more than three seconds. I have observed carefully that even though the time is so short, these fires are still placed by him. Neatly, even the distance between each other has not changed!"

Looking at Zhou Dong behind the glass wall, Huabiao had deep expectations in his eyes: "Baked first, then baked, and finally fried? It turns out that this is Chudu's pastry fire. It is really cumbersome to make. It seems that this time We're on to something!"

The five brothers are all from the Northland, so they naturally like pasta, but how could they have imagined that the Chudu people would be so good at eating?This is called fire, it can make outsiders starve to death!

"Not only is it cumbersome, but the details of Chudu's pastry burning will become more difficult from now on. If he can still achieve perfection, I will admit that he is the enemy I have encountered in my life!"

Project Yan lightened slightly, and pointed at Zhou Dong behind the glass wall: "This batch of pastry is about to be put on the frying plate, and the grilling positions around the stove below cannot be left empty."

A good fire master will not burn continuously, this is because charcoal is used below, and charcoal ashes and charcoal must be added every five furnaces or so. Zhou Dong just added charcoal before making this furnace and is currently grilling. The fire at the position is the first batch after changing the charcoal, and the frying plate is still empty at this time.

As soon as Yan Xiang's words fell, Zhou Dong had already pulled away the frying plate, and the five brothers saw palm shadows flying behind the glass wall, and one by one the flames were turned out of the furnace and neatly arranged on the frying plate. The fire was quickly placed by Zhou Dong around the furnace on the lower floor.

15 seconds!
Zhou Dong just opened the frying plate like this, and using the residual heat on the plate, he slowly baked the fire that had gone through the two procedures of roasting and roasting. After calculating that the time was up, he quickly closed the frying plate, changed the fire below to roasting, and started cooking at the same time. Use a wooden spatula to keep turning the fire on the frying plate to make it evenly heated.

After going through the first two procedures, the fire originally showed a bright yellow color, and after being fried by Zhou Dong more than a dozen times, it gradually turned red, and the outer puff pastry bulged and became thicker. , it seems that you can feel the crispy fragrance and onion fragrance from the fire.

"It's really powerful, the name of King Zhou Mian is not in vain."

Yan Xiang was secretly vigilant, after all, he was an expert in Bai's case, so he naturally knew all the tricks. Although he had never cooked Chudu pastry, he could still see that Zhou Dong's methods were astonishing.

For pasta that has been roasted, roasted, and fried like this, no matter how good the chef is, the color of the burnt skin will never be completely uniform. It is more common to have a few black marks on it. But it is full of color and luster, seamless, without any blemishes.

He had to admit that Zhou Dong's fried pastry had reached the perfection of this kind of pasta.

"It seems delicious."

Looking at the burning incense in the bamboo basket, the slightly raised skin looks like a transparent red agate, the five Laoxionggou brothers suddenly felt their appetite increased, and their stomachs began to growl .

(End of this chapter)

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