I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 339 I Don't Sell My Wine

Chapter 339 I Don't Sell My Wine

The winter in Ajie Valley is not cold. The geocentric hot spring keeps the valley at around [-] degrees Celsius in winter.
Moreover, the distribution of underground spring veins is reasonable, like a huge net. By raising the temperature of the ground, the temperature of the air is raised. Like the hot springs elsewhere, the mist swamps at every turn, making the air humid.

The microclimate of Ajie Valley should be formed in this way. The underground hot springs raise the temperature of the ground, and the hot spring water is fused and cooled by the local ordinary cold springs, and then the cooled hot spring water is slowly warmed up due to the influence of the surface temperature.

This kind of hot spring water is actually more suitable for Chinese people to soak in. The islanders who require the hot spring water temperature to exceed 50 degrees Celsius are all uncooked shrimp, which is called sick!

This special microclimate makes the Ajie Valley warm and not humid, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Old Zhou just knows how to find a place. No wonder he was willing to go to the Champs Elysees with me. Now the air in Paris is getting worse and worse. It is not as beautiful as the Chinese people imagined. Instead, it tends to follow in the footsteps of Kyoto.

Isn't such a place called the Paradise of Paradise among you monks?Not only the real bald head likes it, but your fake bald head also likes it very much, right? "

Sitting in the wine cellar, Huai Liang was bored in every possible way, so he began to joke about Yan Yi,
After staying in Huaxia for a long time, Chef Huai found that his "noble style" and gentlemanly demeanor flew away like a young bird, and now he often forgets to add "my God" when he speaks, so he seriously doubts I was sent to the ditch by Yan Yi, and under dissatisfaction, I had to make up a few words for him.

Zhou Dong's wine cellar is not the kind of cellar that simply digs out a space underground. Under Shen Cheng's careful arrangement, the construction team insisted on building this wine cellar beautifully, as if it was something in a fantasy novel. look.

The wine cellar of hundreds of square meters twists and turns, and there are quite a few winding paths. Every seven or eight meters, there is a dry and open space for stacking wine jars, and even for the owner to take a break when entering the cellar to inspect the wine. wooden seat.

This is because when building the wine cellar, we fully considered the underground hot spring water veins, not only to separate the water veins, but also to use the temperature of the water veins to ensure that the temperature in the wine cellar is constant and can remain unchanged throughout the seasons. The effect of driving away the cold wave in the cellar.

Under the light, one wall of the wine cellar can be seen completely made of thick tempered glass. The outside is dark, and there is a faint sound of water. It is the dark underground water and the endless hot spring water veins. .

Walking along the road, passing through several wine storage areas, is the space where these "drunkards" are located. The wide space of more than 200 square meters is like an underground square. The sky above the "square" is just under the center of Ajie Lake. Looking up, you will find many tropical fish species living in the hot springs swimming above your head, which is indescribably strange and magnificent, like a dream.

There are very few live fish in the hot springs, but the hot springs here are fused by the local cold springs. Both the temperature and the pH are very suitable for some fish species to survive. There are many precious species of these fish. I have to thank the previous developers. , although the development of Ajie Valley was suspended, these beautiful little things were left behind.

When Huailiang walked into this wine cellar for the first time, he almost suspected that he had come to some underwater world. Lao Zhou is too good at enjoying this?
No, Lao Zhou doesn't live in the wine cellar, so it's not justified to say that he likes to enjoy,

But such a good wine cellar, why are there so many big wine tanks?There should be some exquisite and beautiful wine racks filled with oak barrels exuding a faint woody fragrance, right?
"Old Zhou, do you know? Even if we are Chinese, we must recognize the value of red wine. That's nobles and gentlemen."

When Zhou Dong looked at him with a scrutinizing, condescending, and slightly disdainful gaze, Huailiang could not continue, hehe, the rice wine is the yellow bar, and besides, I like the rice wine you make too of it?
Huai Liang heaved a sigh of relief when Zhou Dong pulled his eyes away, subconsciously touched his beating little heart, and then fell into great confusion,

What's wrong with me? Why am I nervous in front of him? I'm afraid of what he will do?God, this is so ridiculous!
"Amitabha, people in the Samana will not reject the beautiful cave heaven and blessed land, let alone I am just a disciple of laymen, how can I avoid the layman?"

Zhou Dong's newly brewed 'Jiangxianghe' was piled up in the widest area. At this time, Zhou Dong was standing in front of a large wine jar, handing a half-foot-long silver needle to Cang Yanshan's hand.

The two had just had an argument. After learning about the entry time of 'Jiangxianghe', according to some data on the surface, Cang Yanshan insisted that the wine can already be released from the cellar. If it continues to be stored, then Should be called 'cellaring' rather than a necessary brewing process.

Zhou Dong shook his head and expressed that he was wrong, the wine is still two hours away, if it is released from the cellar and opened now, half of it will be useless.

Both of them are top brewers in China today. The reason why there is such a big difference is because of Zhou Dong's legendary brewing skills and the wine quotations exchanged in the system, both of which are beyond Cang Yanshan's comprehension.

Taking the silver needle from Zhou Dong's hand, Cang Yanshan nodded, lightly pierced the wax seal and the red silk cloth around the mouth of the wine jar, then quickly lifted it up, sealed the wine jar with wax, and sent the wine-stained silver needle to Zhou Dong. In the mouth, I licked it a few times with my tongue.

"This wine!"

Cang Yanshan suddenly looked up at Zhou Dong with a shocked expression on his face.

The so-called knowing the autumn by seeing a leaf, although it is just a little bit of wine stained by the silver needle, but it falls into Cang Yanshan's mouth, and the quality of the wine can be distinguished in an instant. Although it is impossible to see the whole picture, the feeling at that moment is like first love. , reminded him of the excitement when he drank the top wine for the first time.

"Would it take another two hours or so?"

Zhou Dong looked at Cang Yanshan with a smile, waiting for his answer.

"You're right. But even out of the cellar now, it's the best wine I've ever seen in my life."

Cang Yanshan sighed: "Are you sure the wine will be sold in a big wine vat after it leaves the cellar?"

"That's right, look at how much I've brewed."

Zhou Dong pointed to the large wine tanks in this area and said, "I brewed this batch of 'Jiangxianghe' for a total of [-] jin. If they are sold in the private room that will open in the future, when will they be sold?"

"It's a pity, no, Zhou Dionysus' realm is absolutely beyond my reach, it's my fault to say it's a pity just now.

But such a good wine, why worry about selling slowly? "

Cang Yanshan tentatively said: "I have something, I wonder if I can discuss it with Dionysus Zhou?"

Zhou Dong looked at him: "Other things may be fine, if you want to buy my wine, forget it, I don't sell my wine."

"I haven't said the price yet"

Cang Yanshan smiled wryly, this is really a turn of events, in the past when he brewed wine, the buyers would come to beg him, but this time it was his turn.

"It's not a matter of money. I don't have enough for myself, and this wine is not what I am most satisfied with. Now that I sell it, I'm afraid I'll ruin my brand."


Cang Yanshan was stunned and thought, brother Zhou, I think you are also a kind person, how could you say such a thing?My old warehouse is not a mallet. Although the wine has not yet come out of the cellar, I just tasted it with a silver needle, but my old warehouse can still tell the difference between good wine and bad wine.

You are not enough friends to prevaricate me with such words!
(End of this chapter)

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