Chapter 328

Big wine tanks and old teahouses are all representative of slow life. A catty of rice wine is certainly not a small amount, but if you drink it slowly for two or three hours, and set up a dragon gate while drinking, you may not be able to get it.

What three bowls are not good enough? In the eyes of these modern people who have experienced a high degree of liquor training, this is a joke.

Wu Erlang just didn't live in the 21st century, otherwise he might not be much better than a club at the wine table.

No matter how powerful rice wine is, it is absolutely inferior to modern highly distilled baijiu. This concept has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Everyone, the 'Three Bowls But Gang' wine brewed by our chef Zhou himself is very strong. For the sake of everyone's health, we still have to supply it in a limited amount. Each person should not exceed [-] cents of wine, and each cent is [-] yuan."

It was Su Momo who spoke,
This girl was able to enter the seventeenth floor thanks to Fatty's relationship. Originally, her mind was in the private room, but she didn't expect that the private room didn't open, and she became the "lobby manager" of the big wine tank. Although she felt a little disappointed, she It is also much better than being scolded by Lu Luxin all day long in the back kitchen of Su Cai.

Not to mention that this girl is beautiful, and her temperament is stronger than Wu Rongrong and others, but she is very suitable for the requirements of this position. Her voice is gentle and gentle, which can give people a feeling of being at home.

Seeing this beautiful lobby manager, the old customers immediately regained their spirits. Master Xiao Zhou is better. Knowing that arranging a beautiful woman as the manager is simply to worry about what the brothers are anxious about and think about what the brothers think. Someone suddenly laughed and said: " Five yuan and a dime is not expensive. Are you afraid that we can't pay for the wine?
Of course we all know that this is the kindness of Mr. Zhou. We are afraid that everyone will be scolded by their daughter-in-law when they go back drunk.
Just be obedient, girl, one catty for each person first, and let's blow the bottle for you!See if you get drunk? "

Long Dashen also said with a smile: "This brother's words are not rough. Everyone can understand that Master Zhou restricts the sale of breakfast. After all, it is something to eat. Eating too much can really support bad people, but this rice wine is also restricted. It doesn't make sense anymore.

Master Xiao Zhou, you happen to be here too, why don't you give us old customers a face, if the wine is not enough to sell, why not limit the purchase to one catty, which is actually a bit less. "

Five yuan a dime, about 40 yuan a catty, this price can be accepted by ordinary people, and the quality of the 40 yuan produced by Master Xiao Zhou must be doubled at least, this cheapness must be taken advantage of.

Guo Yu and the two teachers also looked at Zhou Dong curiously. Any shop would not want customers to drink too much and cause trouble. No, is this too much?
And if it’s Moutai Wuliangye with a history of more than ten or 20 years, it’s fine. After all, rare things are more expensive, and one bottle is less than one bottle, but you are newly brewed rice wine, which costs five yuan a catty, and this is also subject to purchase restrictions. , aren't you afraid of being laughed at?
It's just that these two teachers are good people. Since they don't know what Zhou Dong's idea is, they won't rush to persuade them. They just look at Huai Liangren and Yan Yi. Both of them have joined Zhou Dong's big wine tank He and the private hall must know something inside.

Unexpectedly, Huai Liangren and Yan Yi also kept silent, Chef Huai even had a strange expression on his face, the two teachers were even more surprised, Guo Zhigang couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a smile: "Actually, I am also surprised, Why is there still a purchase restriction on this rice wine?"

Zhou Dong smiled slightly, looked at Guo Zhigang and these old customers: "Mr. Guo, you don't know, my wine is really strong, and if you drink too much, you will get drunk.

We don't have hills here, so it's called 'three bowls but no hills'. It may be difficult for everyone to understand, but it actually has another name called 'going out'.

I don't want everyone to drink too much and pour it out when they go out. This is not my original intention of opening a large wine tank. "

God Long laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Master Xiao Zhou, you look down on people too much!

Isn't it rice wine?Not to mention mere rice wine, even if it is 60% white wine, I will drink up a bottle for you to see, and I guarantee that I can walk home! "

Everyone rolled their eyes. Your house is in the opposite apartment. It doesn't seem like a big deal to drink a catty of wine and walk back, right?
Zhou Dong shook his head: "How much do you weigh?"

"One hundred and fifty, what's the matter?"

"Drink my drink, don't need much, you won't be able to go back if you exceed the triangle wine, and you are too heavy, but no one will carry you back."

The students who were sitting at the next table and gathered with the teacher subconsciously glanced at Pan Ke. The fat man knew the elegant meaning when he heard the string song, and said with a blushing face, "What are you looking at me for? I've lost weight!"

God Long really doesn't believe it, respect to Master Xiao Zhou is nothing more than respect, you can't insult my drinking capacity?Besides, can 150 catties be considered heavy?

Stiffing his neck, he said, "Don't worry, I said I'll walk back by myself, so how about a little master Zhou, how about we make a bet? There's not enough three-corner wine, so I'll use four-corner wine. If I don't drink it, I can still walk by myself. Don't engage in restricted sales in the future!
If I fall down, fellow foodies, we will all follow the rules of Master Zhou from now on, no one is allowed to have any opinions, okay, can I represent everyone? "

"Of course, if the 'Guild Dragon' cannot represent everyone, then no one is qualified to represent everyone!"

"Hehe, you really miscalculated this time, Mr. Zhou, our 'Food Friends Support Club' also held several dinner parties,
I'm not afraid to tell you, although the 'President Long' is not huge, he can't get drunk with just a catty of high-grade liquor. At most, he is just talking nonsense, you are doomed this time! "

At this time, Wu Rongrong had already served various side dishes to Zhou Dong's table, and each person had two cents of wine. After asking Zhou Dong in a low voice, he brought the wine to the side and put it on top of the water.

Several old men were sitting in the big wine vat next to Zhou Dong and the others. Huang Ming nodded and said, "Girl, don't ask, just warm it up."

The aroma of the wine was blocked by the special structure of the wine slot, and it didn't come out for a while. Huang Mingju was the worst, and he didn't remind the old men, and said with a smile: "Old Dong, Lao Yi, and Lao Lu, let's make a bet as well. Let's bet on whether Zhou Dong will win, or this dragon boy will win?"

Several old men were distracted by him, and with preconceived ideas, they inevitably made mistakes in judgment. Dong Qishen frowned and said: "After all, rice wine is mild in nature, and even if it is strong wine, it may be difficult to surpass high-grade liquor. This young man surnamed Long Since there is a catty of white wine, how could the mere four corners of rice wine make him drunk?

I think Xiao Zhou is going to lose this time, right? "

Yi Zhiyu and Lu Zhiwei also nodded their heads repeatedly. As for the three bowls that don't come out of the oven, they don't take these words to heart. There are a lot of such "exaggerated" content in the rice wine culture. Is there really a champion in the family?
"Haha, let's make a bet, I bet Zhou Dong will win!"

"It can add to the fun, but what can we bet on? Our brothers are experts in fighting each other, but amateurs betting on each other?"

"Just bet on everyone's two cents of wine. If you lose, all your wine will belong to me."

Lu Zhiwei shook his head and said, "Old Huang, aren't you contradicting yourself? Since you believe that Zhou Dong's wine can make you intoxicated if you drink more than two cents, what are you doing so much? Are you Wu Erlang?"

"Hehe, can't I walk around if I can't drink?"

Huang Mingju hit his waist to untie a butter-skinned wine gourd, and put it on the table.

"This old Huang, actually prepared for it long ago?"

The three old men suddenly felt bad, but they still didn't believe it if they said that four corners of rice wine could make a big man drunk.

Zhou Dong looked at God Long, nodded and said, "You don't need the four-corner wine, just the three-corner wine.

Rong Rong, bring him an extra dime of wine, and the friend who is sitting next to Lao Long, when he is drunk, help him and stop bumping him.

Old dragon, take it easy, eat a few more bites of vegetables to fill your stomach. "

Long Potian sneered and said, "Sanjiaojiu, Mr. Zhou, you look down on people too much!
The dishes are delicious. I have been to Huangshao City, but even in the old taverns in Huangshao City, it is difficult to eat such authentic peanuts and fennel beans.

It's a pity that it's not your Master Zhou's craftsmanship. I always feel that something is wrong. After I finish drinking, let's taste Master Zhou's craftsmanship! "

He and some old customers are all good eaters. Today is the opening of the big wine tank, so I don't believe that we can't taste Zhou Dong's craftsmanship. Although the dishes in front of us are from the hands of Zhou Dong and Huai Liangren's "high disciples" , the taste is also very good, but I still want to save the stomach to eat the best.

Zhou Dong smiled. I am afraid that Long Potian and the others will be disappointed today. The big wine tank will definitely have delicious food made by himself in the future. Huai Liangren and Yan Yi will not completely stand still, but considering the supply here, It is still necessary to use a few students as the main force, and the three of them are responsible for occasionally painting a few finishing touches.

At least it will not be on the stove today, and it is still planned to add stir-fried vegetables or snacks to the big wine tank in the future.

"Good wine!"

Since ancient times, literati have opened their doors, and poetry and wine have never been separated.

Although Long Dashen writes online articles, he must be regarded as a semi-La literati. He still has the ability to taste fine wine. Once the wine is tasted, it feels different from the rice wine he drank before. The new brewed wine can be so delicious. ?

The entrance is like a clear stream, wandering around in the mouth, wherever it goes, the alluring aroma of the wine will be distributed, and there is a trace of sweetness hidden in the slightly spicy, the most wonderful thing is that after spreading in the stomach, not only In this cold winter, it warms the tired stomach and warms the tired body and mind. This is called wine.

Relieve fatigue first, then eliminate sorrow, and then bring people infinite happiness. Holding this glass of wine, we do not respect death, but only freedom!

What else do you use to pour into a bowl?
The unique opening of the wine slot is most suitable for people to drink with their necks up, without fear of being choked by the wine, which is more scientific than modern glass wine bottles.

Long Dashen drank happily, and in a blink of an eye he was down a dime of the wine. He really didn't even take a sip of the food. He picked up the second dime of wine that Wu Rongrong had just warmed up and put it in his mouth. After drinking half a dime, he talked more .

"Good wine can comfort my lonely heart.
My heart is colder than this winter.

Boom boom boom. "

The old customers looked at each other in blank dismay, good guy, are you getting drunk?

President Long is worth a catty. Master Zhou's wine is really so powerful.

"President Long, drink slowly, drinking too quickly will hurt your health and make you more likely to get drunk."

"Urgent? What's the hurry? No matter how anxious I am, I will still be able to seal it quickly, grandma, if you say it, seal it!"

It seems that he is really drunk. This is all nonsense. The old customers and Long Dashen are not in the same circle, so I really don't understand.

Third corner wine.

"It's all sealed, and there is only one left. Get drunk, and I can dream of the moment when the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, a great moment."

After all, before he finished what he wanted to say, Long Dashen kept his eyes fixed, his pupils out of focus, swayed wildly, and fell headfirst onto the table.
A catty of alcohol is not in vain, at least people still know that they have to fall forward, and they don't fall straight backward.

Two old customers of the Food Aid Association frantically supported Long Dashen, and one of them smiled wryly: "It's so powerful that you're going out, now we can believe that Master Xiao Zhou is really good for us.

Master Zhou, I'm sorry. "

Zhou Dong smiled and said: "It's nothing. The taste of this rice wine is softer than that of white wine. It is easy to drink too quickly, and the strength of the wine is also fast. Let him rest for an hour, and he will probably be able to walk home by himself. "

Everyone laughed, and then poured and drank slowly one by one, eating vegetables and drinking, chatting and farting, all praised Master Zhou for his good grasp of the amount of wine, not too much, not too much, if you meet a lady with a light drinker Ah, it would be better to limit the sale to a dime.

Guo Tinggang was very uninhibited at first, seeing the bet between Master Long and Zhou Dong, he had already drank three or four cups with Teacher Yu. Persuading Mr. Yu to eat vegetables, he also summed up a set of theories. If you drink and don’t eat vegetables, it’s called eating poor wine. If you drink more and eat vegetables, you will be rich and honorable.
Even Huai Liangren, who has a weird temperament, wants to laugh. You say that you are afraid of getting drunk because you are afraid of getting drunk. This can also form a theory. You are indeed a master.

Dong Qishen knew that the three Yu Laos were completely dumbfounded. Just now, they tasted a cup and went out to pour it. The wine was really good. It fell into the mouths of experts like them, and the feeling was deeper than that of Long Dashen, a semi-expert.

In fact, the young man surnamed Long just drank too eagerly. The wine is strong enough, but if you pour it lightly and drink it slowly, half chatting and half drinking, two horns of wine are really not enough.
Take your time, take your time, good wine is hard to come by again, only two cents a day
It was the love of cherishing it, and suddenly saw a big thin and yellow hand suddenly stretched out from the side, took the wine dime in front of everyone to his own, and poured it into a butter-skinned wine gourd.

"Old Huang, you're being unkind! We only had a drink or two, and you'd like to take it away?"

Yi Zhiyu was suddenly furious. When he was in Kyoto, he liked to eat marinated stew in the morning, and whenever he was free at noon and evening, he liked to soak it in a big wine tank. This wine was also famous!

They are old ones, they are masters who can eat and drink, and it is very easy to encounter this kind of fine wine that has not been seen in many years, as if the husband who has been tossing and turning has finally hoped for the young lady who jumped the pink wall, since the marrow knows the taste , how could it be easy to let go?

Huang Ming raised his face: "Why, gambling is like character, do you still want to renege on your debt?"

(End of this chapter)

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