I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 325 Eight Famous Huaxia Stores

Chapter 325 Huaxia Eighteen Famous Stores
The person came with a green shirt and cloth shoes, with a temperament that stood out from the group. Although he was a middle-aged uncle, as soon as he got off the taxi, he actually took away some of Zhou Dong's brilliance. Even Gu Yanan's eyes lit up slightly. He secretly praised in his heart: "What a refined and elegant person."

Standing at Zhou Dong's feet, the big white duck Yongyong and 'Sister-in-law Yong' who were tied with red silk around their necks by the fat man narrowed their eyes and shrank their necks to hide behind Zhou Dong. This human being is very dangerous. , unlike the smiling people just now, let them have the idea of ​​getting close.

This kind of danger has also been experienced by Zhou Dong, Huai Liangren and others. Because they are familiar with each other, the Yongyong couple will no longer be afraid, but when they meet Yuan Zidan, the chef among the chefs, the two ducks Immediately, he had the thought of running away.

"Oh, these two ducks are not simple. They are spiritual. If they are made into 'Weiting ducks', they will be very delicious."

Yuan Zidan's eyes lit up, and he stared at the two ducks non-stop.

With his ability to know countless chickens and ducks, he can tell at a glance that these two ducks are high-quality ingredients, and there are red silk tied around their necks. Could it be that Zhou Dong chose to serve them as a banquet?

Zhou Dong smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Yuan, these are two gourmet ducks I raised, and they are also pet ducks. They are not the ingredients you imagined. Please come, but today is not the opening of my private room, I am afraid I will wrong you to come Have a few drinks in the big wine tank."

Yuan Zidan is not willing to make friends with such an extremely smart person, but after all, he came all the way to congratulate him on his opening, although it seems that he came empty-handed, and even if he comes here, even if he counts his gourmet duck, he can't lose his etiquette.

"Oh, gourmet duck?

It is rumored that in the Southern Song Dynasty, Mrs. Liu, who was the fifth-rank official of Shangshi, raised a mynah, who was the most able to distinguish the types of rice in the world. You can tell good rice and bad rice as soon as you eat it. It is even more accurate than farmers who have grown rice for many years. Is it to imitate the sages of diligence? "

Yuan Zidan laughed, but he didn't continue to ask. Mynah is psychic, and he can tell the rice species. He would never believe that two stupid ducks can also taste delicious food, but he is a person who will leave three things behind. I will not break the casserole and ask the end, I glanced at Guo Zhigang and Teacher Yu, and immediately changed the subject: "The two teachers have invited me, and it is fate to meet you in Chudu this time. After returning to Kyoto, can you send Yuan some money?" How about a ticket? It’s hard to get a ticket for your virtue in the society.”

Guo Chenggang smiled and said, "Mr. Yuan's flattery is nothing to worry about."

While talking in his mouth, his eyes kept looking at Yuan Zidan, Yuan Zidan smiled and said: "Mr. Guo, don't look at it, this time Yuan came to congratulate brother Zhou, but it was all out of his heart, and he didn't bring any expensive gifts.

Brother Zhou, as the saying goes, 'The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water', you don't mind, do you? "

Pan Ke exchanged glances with a few senior brothers, did you see that, the more cultured people are, the less kind and thick-skinned they are, you ask the master if you mind if you don’t bring a gift, is there such a thing?
But the teacher didn't speak, so they could only sneer and look at Yuan Zidan with a look of foolishness.

Teacher Yu gave them a look, indicating that this should not be the case, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhou, don't believe it. The more Mr. Yuan says that, the heavier the gift he prepared, but it's just He deliberately said that because he was afraid of comparing us and making us look bad."

"Teacher Yu, you are an old Jianghu after all."

Yuan Zidan laughed out loud.

"Speaking of the old world, Suiyuan is the owner, right?
Even us old men may not be able to compare with you, can we? "

Amidst the loud laughter, several old men came together, namely Huang Mingju, the president of Chudu Cuisine and Food Association, Dong Qishen, the president of Jiangsu Province Association, Yi Zhiyu and Lu Zhiwei, the master of Shandong cuisine, who also came all the way from Kyoto. These four old men are now Zhou Dong's "elderly fans", how can such a big event be missed?
Not to mention that after hearing Huang Mingju go back and brag, the wine worms of the old men were all ticked off, and they have already counted the day with their fingers.

Fatty Pan Ke is the most clever, seeing a few veterans from Qinxing arrived, he immediately raised his voice and raised his voice: "Congratulations to Mr. Huang from the Chudu Cuisine and Food Association!
Congratulations from Mr. Dong of Suzhou Cuisine and Food Association!
The master of Cantonese cuisine and the supreme master of Kyoto cuisine.”

When Zhou Dong didn't go to Xiangjiang, he was in the early department. Naturally, he was clear about the identities of these seniors.

"Don't shout, our brothers are all poor people, and they are no match for the two teachers"

Not in the same circle, Huang Mingju told Guo Yu that he was an official teacher, and said with a smile: "I heard that the two of you gave Zhou Dong a white jade screen as soon as we came here. We can't compare with this, but Zhou Dong, you can take this." , turn back and hang up."

As he spoke, he handed the rectangular object he had been holding to Zhou Dong, and took a look at the red cloth wrapped outside. It was a golden copper sign with the words 'Famous Huaxia Store' on it, and the inscription below was Huaxia Cuisine. association! "

Zhou Dong was taken aback: "This?"

There are many small shops like this brand, but they are some famous snacks in a certain place, excellent restaurants in a certain place, etc. They are not distributed by authoritative departments at all. To put it bluntly, you can get them with money, maybe you As soon as you open a store, someone will call you every day, just like spending 1 yuan on the Chinese Celebrity Dictionary, it is a transaction.

But this brand is different. There are no more than ten brands of famous stores in various places in China. Every year, the ranking of the best and the weakest must be re-ranked. Among them, there are three levels, the lowest certified by local associations, the middle certified by provincial associations, and the national and national. Certification is a big deal, there are more than 30 provinces and autonomous regions in China, and the signboards of famous stores with national certification like this have been unshakeable at 18 yuan for many years!

Zhou Dong got a piece here, which means that a famous restaurant in Huaxia has been taken off its brand!Because this is a radish and a hole, if one is planted, one must be pulled out!
"Old Yi did a little favor in the capital, and several of us old guys jointly recommended it, so we won it.

It's also your luck, there just happened to be a restaurant this year. I won't mention the name, they no longer meet the standards of famous Chinese restaurants, so ah, this brand belongs to you. "

Dong Qishen was happier than anyone else when he saw that his 'little junior brother' won this 'gold medal'. This is the honor of Zhou Dong, his master, and the honor of Suzhou Province and Chudu. Everyone wants it, but everyone wants it. I dare not say that I can keep it forever, I will leave it to my junior brother, he will rest assured!

Zhou Dong smiled wryly, he naturally understood the kindness of the old men, but isn't this a trick for himself?The whole Huaxia is only 18 yuan, which means that there are only [-] famous stores of this level in the whole Huaxia, and then I got one here, which is too eye-catching.

A burst of drum music suddenly came, this time it was not the aunts of the military band playing today is a good day, the tune is high-pitched and exciting, inspiring, and my Chinese man is martial, with the music, two golden lions come from a distance Shaking their heads and tails, they danced over, looking at the tough legs and feet of the lion dancers, it was obvious that all of them were practitioners.

The two lions shook their heads and swayed their tails, and followed the suona team. They came to the front in a blink of an eye, and saw two golden lions rolling on the ground. Suddenly, people stood up, opened their mouths, and spit out a colorful banner. I just pulled the tail and unfolded the banner, and saw that it said—'Yellow River Group wishes Yanping sincere congratulations to Zhou Xiaoyou for opening! '

The two teachers Guo Yu and Yuan Zidan took a deep look at Zhou Dong, it's amazing, who in Huaxia doesn't know the Yellow River Group, and even Mr. Zhu would call him "Zhou Xiaoyou"?
This kind of network is not something that ordinary chefs can have.

The lion dancer removed the lion's head, walked up to Zhou Dong, and handed over a post saying, "Chef Zhou, Mr. Zhu asked me to give this to you."


Zhou Dong opened the post and saw a line of brush writing written on it: "Brother Zhou's new store opened, but brother Yu was in a foreign land and couldn't return in time. It's a pity, it's a pity, I will return to Chudu soon, and discuss with my brother. The great event of China's diligent work! It is not well-known."

"A major event in Huaxia Qinxing?"

Zhou Dong shook his head. He didn't want to be involved in any major events, but he had long planned to retire after earning enough experience and appreciation points in Kyushu Dingshi and becoming a chef.

Yesterday my mother also said that she fell in love with Fengqi Mountain after seeing the photos and videos he brought back.

My father didn't object any more, and since he became the chef of Kyushu Dingshi and won the Supreme Gold Award at the Xiangjiang International Food Competition, the two elders are not as eager to force marriage as before. They said before that he is not engaged He is absolutely worried about going to Fengqi Mountain for the elderly.

Now that I think about it, I understand that parents in this world actually want their children to get married soon and be happy, so they let go of a big concern, but if their children perform very well, it is a sweet pastry that attracts people's attention as soon as it comes out Now, the parents won't be in a hurry to urge the marriage. Anyway, they can already foresee the happy life of their children in the future, so what else is there to worry about?

Since the second elder likes Fengqi Mountain, he, as his son, of course has to accompany him, not to mention Zhou Dong is liking Fengqi Mountain more and more now, he likes the people there, and also likes the mountains and rivers there.

The appearance of Zhu Yanping's lion dance team seemed to open the floodgates, and guests that Zhou Dong couldn't even imagine appeared one after another.

Fatty Pan Ke was overjoyed, he deserved to show his face in front of the old master, he knew all these people!

"Master Hu, the 'Bai An Zhi Hua' from the three provinces outside the customs, came to congratulate and presented a 50-year-old ginseng plant!
Master Zhang came to congratulate Guanxi Mian Wang, and presented four big Yellow River carp. Master Zhang has a heart, the fish is still alive, and it has four whiskers!

'Bai An Xiao Lang Jun' Zhong Buhui congratulates, what is this?
Oh, it's a pair of glazed beauties, said to be decorations!

It’s so beautiful, but at first glance, you can’t tell the difference between the male and the female, so you can tell that they are two Liuli people.”

This time, the voice was loud and loud, not only the voice was loud, but also able to grasp the key points, and sometimes it was humorous, which immediately caught Guo Zhigang's eyes straight.

What a voice!The mouth is broken enough, he is a talent in cross talk!
If you learn to sing Jingyun Dagu for a few years, practice Taiping lyrics, Lu Xingkuaishu, and then throw it to Lao Gao to learn the basic skills, and take it for another two or three years, then you will be a role!
Xiao Yueyue looked at the fat man with a sense of crisis in his heart. Fortunately, this is a student of 'Master Zhou', otherwise, looking at the master's eyes, he might have to take another apprentice back. Hey, the master doesn't care about eating or beating. !

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Yueyue looked at Zhou Dong with gratitude, and even Zhou Dong was a bit confused by a monk who was two feet tall, wondering what kind of way Yueyue was, could it be that I was born to be destined for fat people?
The guests who came to congratulate these people one after another are all on the white case. Zhou Dong is the king of Huaxia noodles, so they naturally want to come, not only the few who came when they cracked the Bazhen noodles that day, but many of them are the first time When we met, even Lao Hang, who sells wontons in the alley opposite Kyushu Dingshi, came here.
What Lao Hang said is good, no matter what, they are neighbors, and they have eaten breakfast from Mr. Zhou before. Can I not come when there is such a happy event as the opening?

I didn't bring any good things either. This is the old rooster sent by my relatives yesterday. It was ruined in our hands. Let's give it to Master Xiao Zhou as a congratulatory gift.

Seeing this rooster, the great white duck and Yongyong couple were so moved, they could be regarded as encountering birds, otherwise they would feel insecure standing between these two ducks.

Anyway, there are hundreds of people who come to congratulate, it is also a heartfelt wish for those who have names and surnames to give expensive gifts, and those who have no names and surnames to seal a 100 yuan red envelope. "Is this what you said coldly?"

Gu Yanan panicked a little bit, Kyushu Dingshi didn't help Zhou Dong to open the big wine tank, he came to stand and cheer because he couldn't bear it, he thought it was a timely gift, but it was icing on the cake, look at that kid You're so busy, you didn't bother to greet yourself from the beginning!

Hmph, Huaxia Famous Store, Zhou Mian Wang, is it amazing?

It's really amazing. She is also the CEO of a five-star hotel, so she naturally understands the high gold content of this brand. Let's put it this way, why is the capital "Hua Cui Ju" and the magic capital "Hua Xia Banquet Palace" so famous? Can attract many chefs to join?It is because of this brand!
Now that this brand has arrived at Kyushu Dingshi, it is like a pie falling from the sky to her. The only regret is that this brand is not obtained because of her good management, but by Zhou Dong. My heart felt a little sour.

I hope this guy can cherish this sign and hang it in the 'Zhou's private room hall', this is also a collective honor.

Seeing her silent for a long time, Lu Luxin said, "Nan Nan, what are you thinking?"

"I didn't think about anything, let's go, it's so lively here, how can we care about us?"

"Hey, how sour it is to hear your words, this is not like our vigorous and resolute President Gu."

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you. If you don't leave, I'll leave. In the big wine tank, there are only peanuts and pork heads. Is there anything delicious? I'll go back and make oatmeal and drink it."

"Come on, I haven't had 'Three Bowls But Gang' yet! Hey, okay, I'll go with you, and I'll settle the score with that kid later."

Lu Luxin looked at Gu Yanan, who had a calm face and pouted mouth, feeling a little worried in her heart, didn't she say that she had figured it out, I looked at you as if you still didn't really figured it out, that silly boy was even more stupid, he even I don't understand anything!
Zhou Dong was so busy that he didn't see Gu Yanan who left in a fit of anger. He was busy calling the guests to go to the big wine tank at the moment.

Instead, the Su brothers exchanged glances, and Su Jianwen said: "Wu'er, there is a saying, that is, men are most afraid of owing women something. Look at my brain, I can't remember to pay it back."

"What do you owe a woman? I know!"

Su Jianwu suddenly realized: "I owe you a kiss, can I? Of course I can't!" After thinking for a long time, I still remembered the lyrics wrongly.

"Go away, vulgar!
I thought of it, it's 'the most unbearable beauty'! "

Su Jianwen smiled smugly, and he had to say that he was a man of culture by nature!
(End of this chapter)

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