I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 320 Boiling Peanuts Is So Difficult? (2 in 1)

Chapter 320 Boiling Peanuts Is So Difficult? (two in one)

Time flies like a girl's ever-changing thoughts. When the sycamore tree in front of Chudu's early department lost all its leaves and became bare, Long Dashen knew that the most beautiful moment was finally coming.

In the past two months, Zhou Dong would appear in the breakfast department from time to time. Every time he came, it became the biggest surprise for the diners. It almost turned into an Easter egg.

Long Dashen and some diner representatives once asked Zhou Dong, since you are here, Mr. Zhou, why can't you stay in the breakfast department?Just like the old days, how good would it be?

Knowing that Zhou Dong has been busy brewing wine for the past two months, coordinating the personnel arrangement of the large wine tank and the private hall, and setting the opening time and other matters, the diners were not only not disappointed, but were very excited and full of anticipation.

I have long heard that Master Xiao Zhou is now a feudal vassal of Kyushu Dingshi. I thought that he would sooner or later forget the old customers of our early department when he climbed a high branch. It also opened a 'big wine tank' in a dignified five-star hotel. Is this to take care of all ordinary people?

Among the diners in the breakfast department, there are naturally rich people. The popularity of Long Dashen has been rising recently, and his pockets have bulged a lot, but more of them are ordinary people. Doesn't the breakfast in the first-class hotel have breakfast?
But most of them still can't afford the private room. They thought that they would drift away from Master Zhou, but they didn't expect that Master Zhou had already made arrangements and never forgot everyone.

These days, I just count with my fingers and wait.

Chudu is also considered to be in the north, so of course I have heard of small restaurants with human feelings like the big wine tank. Think about it, it was winter when it opened, and there was cold rain and snow outside, but there was a lot of human kindness in the store, and everyone ate small wine. Chatting and knocking, enjoying a slow life while slightly drunk,
Who said that this kind of slow life can only be enjoyed by men in Sichuan Province and old-fashioned men in Kyoto?We Chudu men can enjoy it too!
Moreover, this tavern is opened by Chef Zhou. In the international competition, people say that if you win the prize, you will win the prize. Do you have such a conscientious chef in other places?
"President, tell me, when will Master Zhou's big wine tank open?
Look, the leaves are all gone. Last time, master Xiao Zhou said that the first batch of new wine after winter is almost ready, and the big wine tank will be opened. We are all anxiously waiting. "

Now the organization of diners has a tendency to transform into Zhou Dong's support club, and they affectionately call themselves "eat fans" and Zhou Dong "food masters". If it wasn't for these web writers, it wouldn't be so ridiculous!
God Long frowned slightly: "I've been waiting for two months, why are you so anxious? I'm more anxious than you, do you think I'm too anxious?"

He wiped away the saliva that was about to flow out casually: "Master Xiao Zhou is busy now, the big wine tank and the private room are about to open, so the manpower must be well equipped? Can't you arrange everything?
Also, I heard that Master Xiao Zhou has been busy teaching students recently, do you still remember Pan Xiaopang in the breakfast department?
Now he is also a student of Master Zhou!

You people, just keep your heart in your stomach, I am also the president of the Diner Support Association, when the time is almost up, Master Xiao Zhou will notify me as soon as possible, and I will notify you as soon as possible! "

All the diners laughed when they heard that: "That's great, Master Zhou should accept a few students, and the students he teaches must be very good-looking!"

God Long chuckled: "Needless to say, what's the latest news, Master Xiao Zhou has not only accepted students, but also has two other helpers,

The chef who used to come here often, that is, the one who slipped the fly on the leather shoes, has also joined Master Zhou's 'team'!

There is also a master chef from Shamen, who is said to be an expert who can make tofu taste like meat. Think about it, what you eat is like meat, but you spend money on tofu. How beautiful it is! "

"Haha, President Long, don't talk about it, it sounds like you're going to starve someone to death?"

The more people listened, the more excited they became. Good guy, everyone has never heard of the Shamen master. The man who is pregnant is said to be a Michelin three-star chef. I wonder if his craftsmanship can be tasted in the big wine tank?

This is so worth it, Master Xiao Zhou is called a conscience, if he can vote, he must be selected as the top ten young people in Chudu, and no one else will agree!
Boiled peanuts in salt water are the most wonderful accompaniment to wine. They are rich in business, cheap in price, more delicious as you eat them, and hard enough. A bowl of peanuts can drink half a catty of wine!
Now those magnificent restaurants don't like to provide these snacks, isn't it because the price can't be sold and the profit can't be guaranteed?But drinkers lack this peanut, they will always feel that they have lost their minds, and even the best wine will not taste good.

Peanuts, salt-boiled bamboo shoots, and fennel beans are the three "hard dishes" necessary for the opening of a large wine tank. It is said to be very simple to make, but what Zhou Dong wants is the most simple in the simple.

Zhou Ji big wine tank, can it be an ordinary big wine tank?

The peanuts and fennel beans we have here, can they be ordinary peanuts and fennel beans?

After Zhou Dong set his goal, from Pan Ke, Zhou Aiguo to the Su Brothers, he has been scolded by the teacher a lot recently, and even ate three kinds of side dishes. The smell of salted bamboo shoots coming out of the nostrils, the smell of fennel beans coming out of the right nostril, and the taste coming out of the mouth is the most authentic, that is the proper salted peanuts, or the kind with shells
"When it comes to pairing with rice wine, these three vegetarian dishes are good things for 'fake vegetarian meat instead', that is to say, drinkers don't order meat dishes, and these three dishes alone can be enough to drink and satisfy their cravings!

It is most suitable with rice wine.

When the big wine tank opens in the future, these three dishes will also consume the most. If the teacher cooks them all, will you students feel ashamed? "

Pan Ke nodded heavily: "Teacher, then we will feel ashamed."

Zhou Aiguo and the Su brothers were amazed immediately, my good fellow, when it comes to flattering skills, we are not as good as Boss Pan, I heard that he used to call his teacher brothers and sisters, this role change is really fast, amazing!
Although Pan Ke started late, because of his 'special' status, he was the earliest student taught by Zhou Dong, so he is now a big brother and a senior!
If the fat man knew that these brothers regarded him as a sycophant and could be wronged to death, he would be sincere.

To worship Zhou Dong as a teacher is simply the wisest decision he has ever made in his life.
It's really strange, since he worshiped Zhou Dong as his teacher, the fat man felt as if the fog in his heart had been suddenly cleared away, and his whole body became enlightened. He could not master the cooking skills that he had practiced many times before, but now he practiced one It can be taken down in a few days, and the rapid progress is like a dream.

Fatty naturally wouldn't understand that this was the halo effect of the 'Great Master of Diligence', so he simply thought that he should be the boss' student in his life!If I had known that worshiping the boss as a teacher would be so effective, I wouldn't have wasted so much time!

Compared with Mingwu who seems to have fallen from the sky now, he was wasting his life before!

"In order to let you grasp the essence of these three dishes, I took you to Huang Shao, to Jiangnan, to the old restaurant, and to taste the old wine. Do you still remember the taste of these dishes in the old restaurant of Huang Shao?

The owner of the shop even agreed to let you go to the back kitchen to watch. How much face is this for me, but how many of you?It's been two months and I haven't grown enough!
Do you want me to serve these 'garbage' you made to customers when I open the shop! "

Zhou Dong walked to the stove, turned on the fire, and started to boil water: "I'll do it again, if you still can't learn it, you don't have to call me a teacher in the future, and I don't have such a student!
Remember, peanuts must be boiled with their shells on, otherwise they will lose their souls. We just use the shells of peanuts to wrap the aroma of peanuts.

But if it is overcooked, the peanut shell will burst open, and the taste will be lost. If it is not cooked enough, the peanuts in the shell will be hard to taste. To solve this problem, it is all about controlling the firepower and grasping the salt water noodle soup. .”

Boiled peanuts, or boiled peanuts, how simple is this?

But it was such a simple boiled peanut, but Zhou Dong did it very seriously, as if he was treating the lost ancient dish Tianti Duck's Feet in the Xiangjiang Competition that day.

Huai Liang stood with Yan Yi with his arms folded, and also looked at Zhou Dong very seriously. Chefs like them naturally know that the simpler the food, the more skilled the chef is.

However, the simplicity of salted peanuts, salted bamboo shoots, and fennel beans surprised the two chefs. To be honest, even they didn't put much effort into such simple snacks.

But Yan Yi is only interested, but Huai Liang wants to learn and sell now. Who told him to lose the bet? Zhou Dong said, let him take over the 'teacher' in the future, starting with these three simple snacks , there will be pork head meat, pickled salted duck eggs and so on in the future, all of which are close to the lives of ordinary people and full of positive energy.
In the eyes of Huai Liangren, Zhou Dong's method has infinite mystery.

Seeing that he first boiled the water until it was about to boil, that is, when it was about to boil, and when the surface of the water began to appear slightly bony, he poured the shelled peanuts that he had scrubbed earlier into the water.

"Old Zhou, the way you scrubbed and washed the peanuts was very particular, didn't you?"

Ordinary taverns make this kind of salted peanuts with shells. It is very responsible to change the water several times to remove the mud from the peanut shells. Some even wash it with water several times without removing the mud. Just put it in the pot to cook,
However, Zhou Dong, after washing the dirt from the shell of the peanut, replaced it with new water and rubbed it in the basin. .

After the peanut shells are rubbed against each other, the thicker parts are thinned first, and the "strings" in the shells are also worn off by the way. It is also easier to taste.

In order to achieve what Zhou Dong said is delicious and ensure that the peanut shells will not burst, in addition to controlling the firepower and the height of the noodle soup, the hand-washing method is also very important. Huai Liang was amazed and surprised. Unexpectedly, Zhou Dong has advanced to such a state, and he has already used the characteristics of the ingredients themselves to take advantage of the situation.

After the shelled peanuts are poured into the water, they are not 'floating' on the water, but 'stacked' in the water. This is what Zhou Dong said about the control of the water volume of the noodle soup.

Ordinary people can’t control putting in too much water when cooking peanuts, because this is the most labor-saving way. Put more water and cook under pressure, and you won’t be afraid of dry pot even if you leave people.

The amount of water that Zhou Dong poured in was just enough to soak each peanut, and at the same time, he had to rely on the size of the peanuts to "force" the water surface, because the amount of water was not much, and the amount of peanuts poured in was larger than the average person, and the peanuts were not big enough. Fitting together, but absolutely impossible to float.

Under such an amount of water, the scrubbed peanuts stick to each other and transfer heat to each other. They roll gently in the hot water, but they will never rise and fall violently, which ensures that each peanut is heated evenly.

Also because of the small amount of water, Zhou Dong has to observe the amount of water all the time, and add some new hot water from time to time. Each time the water is added very little, the frequency is high.

Huailiangren and Yanyi sighed in their hearts. With their eyesight, it is not difficult to find that Zhou Dong has added water to the extreme. With his addition, the soup in the pot has always remained the same, not one centimeter higher, and even less. Subtract one percent.

This person is so precise in cooking a peanut, and he has been doing everything since washing. Is this still a human being?

How did the two of them know that Zhou Dong had been cooking peanuts for a month in Good Fortune's kitchen, how could anyone succeed casually?
The four students are even more stupid after reading it once. The teacher is definitely not human, and this is not something that humans can do!Ah, why is it so difficult to cook peanuts, when can we learn how to cook big dishes
It’s enough just this kind of almost abnormal precise water adding method, and at the same time, you have to distract yourself from controlling the firepower!

Cooking peanuts is a bit like stewing goose in an iron pot. The fire must be the most even. For this reason, Zhou Dong asked Kyushu Dingshi to install a smoke filter environmental protection system for the back kitchen to ensure that burning wood will not pollute the air.

But the wood fire is uniform, but it is much more difficult to control than a gas stove. Li Xiuchen's wife does not need to control the firepower at any time when stewing a big goose, but Zhou Dong cooks a peanut, but he has to switch between high and medium heat several times, and a low fire for half an hour. Remove the open fire and cook for another half an hour with the temperature of embers!
The switch between raging fire and medium fire depends entirely on the observation of the fire in the furnace and the judgment of the firewood. It also needs to be adjusted from time to time according to the size and firmness of each pot of peanuts. The characteristic is that it really tests the understanding of the students. Even under the halo of the "Grand Master of Diligence", the fat and other talents have qualitatively improved their understanding, but they still feel dizzy, their hearts tremble, and their limbs feel cold.
Teacher, it's not that the students are careless, it's that boiling peanuts is too difficult!

The four wanted to cry but had no tears.

After Zhou Dong changed the firepower to residual temperature fire, he looked away from the pot and looked at the four students with serious eyes: "Do you still remember how you all didn't care when I asked you to learn how to cook peanuts?

Think it's easy, don't you?

So let me make this simple delicacy satisfy me today. I will cook this pot of peanuts in half an hour, and I will show it to you. When will you be able to cook such peanuts, and when can you eat them? One day If you can't cook it, just give me your bad peanuts for a day!

Lao Huai, I will trouble you to supervise and teach them, are you okay? "

"Uh, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, what problems can I have. Hehe"

Huailiang laughed dryly twice, laughing uglier than crying.

(End of this chapter)

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