I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 310 The Top Water Source

Chapter 310 The Top Water Source

Huailiang is a typical person who remembers to eat but not to fight. He lost to Zhou Dong in the last bet. As a result, during the Xiangjiang competition, he became a free laborer teaching the three babies. It didn't take long. The possibility of losing your body, and it is very likely to change from a short-term worker to a long-term worker.

Seeing the bet between the two, Yan Yi laughed from the sidelines, anyway, he would never fall into this evil trick.

King Zhou Mian, according to what the master said, is too mysterious to be understood.

Ajie Valley is not the kind of uninhabited valley that has been abandoned all year round. Because there are hot springs, it was also one of the scenic spots developed at that time. Although the development was suspended later, those hot spring pools and various resort facilities that were half built were not completely hidden in it. in the weeds,
It's a pity that the villagers of Fengqi Village will spontaneously clear the weeds and maintain these unfinished buildings every once in a while, thinking that the villagers also have a place to take their children to play. These unfinished buildings are grown under the maintenance of the villagers A pearl that is getting brighter and brighter.

"It's really a crime, if you say develop, then develop, if you say stop, stop!

Brother Zhou, take a look, how about this half-built small resort?
According to the design at the time, there were not only tennis courts, basketball courts, hot spring pools and other venues for various activities, but also a five-star hotel that could accommodate [-] guests. Fortunately, the development of the hotel was stopped before it was built, otherwise it would be a waste. .”

Li Xiuchen pointed to a piece of unfinished buildings on the north shore of Ajie Lake, and sighed: "Although the development has been suspended, this geomantic treasure land has been repaired with great effort, and the various venues originally planned for construction are also planned. And the initial processing,

Brother Zhou, take a look, this place is more than enough to build a winery, right? "

Not only is it superfluous, it is simply luxurious!

Zhou Dong's eyes lit up.

The last time I entered the valley to fetch lotus root, I actually went to the east half of the valley.
Ajie Lake is very big, lying quietly in the valley, the shape is like a fat leather valley, divided into two parts along the hip line, east and west.
The rocky mountains near the east half of the lake are even more wild, which is where the lotus root was taken last time; the west half of the lake may be due to the development of the year, the roads around the lake are much flatter, and the vegetation is more orderly and orderly, with artificial planting finishing traces.

There is a hanging waterfall above where Li Xiuchen pointed. The waterfall slammed down into Ajie Lake from a height of more than [-] meters, stirring up water mist and reflecting several rainbows in the sun.

"There is a hot spring under Ajie Lake, but the waterfall flowing down the cliff is cold, so the hot spring in Ajie Lake is not only close to the ground, but not too hot. Brother Zhou, if you want to make wine, why don't you consider using it here? water?"

Li Xiuchen's words moved Zhou Dong's heart. That's right, I only went to Dongban Lake last time, and when I was picking lotus root, I hadn't acquired the legendary brewing skills and the ability to distinguish water sources. According to the records of "Said", hastily denied the water source here?
"According to Ma Shiqing's records, the capital of Chu is located in a place of heavy water, and the boiled water has thick dirt, which is not conducive to wine making. Moreover, the arguments in his book are full and convincing.

But after all, it is impossible for him to visit all the places in the world and taste all the water sources in the world. It should be generalized. How do you know that there is no good water in this Ajie Valley?
There are waterfalls flowing into the hot spring water here, but it may not be an ordinary hot spring that cannot be used? "

"The old people in the village say that the water in Ajie Lake is so sweet, Brother Zhou, what is it?"

Seeing Zhou Dong rushed to the shore with a few strides, took up the water and poured it into his mouth, Li Xiuchen closed his eyes immediately.

Young people like to be in a hurry. This location happens to be a lake bay, with shallow water reaching the shore, neither hot nor cold. The boys in the village often like to play in the water here, and sometimes they are in a hurry.

Although it is said that 'flowing water does not rot', watching Zhou Dong drink the water here is still a bit of a response, and I feel sorry for this brother.

"Good water!"

As soon as the water entered, Zhou Dong's spirit immediately lifted.

"Sure enough, it is better to have no books than to believe in books!"

Huaxia winemaking never takes hot springs.

This is because the particularity of hot springs makes it either too acidic or too alkaline, which is not conducive to winemaking.

Although the mineral richness of hot spring water is no less than that of river water, because of this fatal weakness, it has never been noticed by restaurants. Ma Shiqing mentioned in "Shui Shuo" that hot springs should not be used for brewing wine, which is actually not wrong.

However, the hot springs in Ajie Lake are different.

The hot spring water here should be acidic water that has flowed through countless provinces in the underground river. It is difficult to neutralize it, but there is a flying spring in the Ajie Valley, and the local alkaline heavy water in Chudu just neutralizes each other.

That is to say, the water in Chudu is alkaline enough.
People in Chudu boil water, and within half a month, there will be a thick layer of scale in the kettle. If you do not pay attention to cleaning the kettle, you may suffer from kidney stones at any time.
After the acidic hot spring water is neutralized with the local water source in Chudu, the water is moderate and gentle, neither warm nor dry. When you turn it around in your mouth, you will feel your tongue is slippery, and a ray of sweetness blooms from the tip of your tongue, which makes you very refreshed , even if there were any troublesome things, they were all washed away by this spring water.

"The water here can already be used as the 'main water' for winemaking.

In addition, I asked Mr. Gu to airlift the water from the best water sources of the Wuming Spring, the Yangtze River, and the Yellow River. If the ratio is right, I can have the top water source in the world. How many people are so drunk that they have to pass out without going out! "

Now Zhou Dong even began to worry that it is better to drink less alcohol, and drinking too much is harmful. When this "three bowls but no gang" is formed in the future, it is really necessary to limit three bowls per person, and it is best Use a small bowl.

This is also the unshirkable social responsibility of a winemaker. If it is well controlled, the wine is a good wine for people to enjoy. If it is not well controlled, it will be poisonous!

"Is the water here really that good?

Lao Zhou praised him well, that's absolutely right!
You have to try it, otherwise what a pity? "

Huai Liangren and Yan looked at each other, and the two guys scrambled to Zhou Dong's side, where he just took the water, poured the water into his mouth.

"Good water, really sweet in the mouth!"

"It's more than sweet, it should be fragrant!"

"Old Zhou, if you use the water here to make wine, I will look forward to it, even if I lose to you, I will admit it!
No, how can I get drunk with just a few bowls of rice wine with my drinking capacity! "

Li Xiuchen grinned at the sight, why did these three chefs get involved with this lake bay?
I'm too embarrassed to speak out to dissuade me, I can only try my best to comfort myself, running water doesn't rot, running water doesn't rot,
Although those boys made urine alkali on the big bluestone on the shore, it shouldn't affect the water quality, right?

Well, it must be like this, what kind of tongues are these three?People didn't drink anything wrong, which means it's good enough!

Zhou Dong drank two more handfuls of water to confirm that his judgment was absolutely correct. Huai Liangren and Yan Yi drank it even more excitedly, and finally even washed their face with the water here, feeling that the skin on the face was better than the one just done. The spa is more tender.

What is Evian in France, compared to the water here, it is scum!
Huailiang secretly decided that when he leaves here, he must bring back some spring water from Ajie Lake!

By the way, can the hot spring water be drunk without testing?

Oh my god, why did you lose your head when you saw Zhou Dong drinking just now, without even common sense?
After hearing the worries of the two, Zhou Dong laughed loudly: "Don't worry, you can't drink the hot spring water in other places, and there is absolutely no problem here.

By the way, Brother Li, the mountain and forest land in Ajie Valley is now collectively owned by the villagers, right? "

According to the laws of Huaxia, the ownership of urban land is owned by the state, while rural forest land is collectively owned.

However, Fengqi Mountain had experienced development before, although it was shelved later, Zhou Dong still had to figure out the nature of the land here.

"Don't worry, brother Zhou. During the previous development, we talked about learning the Jiuzhai model. During the development period, as long as the farm houses and cultivated land are not occupied, no compensation will be paid. After the scenic spot is developed, the villagers can directly buy from the scenic spot on an annual basis, just like the people of Jiuzhaigou. Receive subsidies.

Later, when the development was stopped, the land was returned to the villagers' committee, so it doesn't matter how much you want to use the land in Ajie Valley! "

Li Xiuchen slapped his chest loudly, don't take the village chief as a cadre, brother has great power!
"That would be great. In fact, besides building a wine shop here, I also want to get more land. To tell you the truth, Brother Li, this is for my personal use."

 I have a back pain, and I have already applied pain-relieving plaster, but I still can't sit for a long time today, and I think it will be relieved tomorrow.

  So it's just an update today, sorry.When my father-in-law was in the hospital, I owed two more chapters and hadn't paid it back. I didn't forget the light and dark. In addition to today's debt, I owed a total of three chapters, and I have to pay them all next week :)

  Thanks to ''Elmy'' book friends for their rewards, and thanks to friends who subscribe to the monthly ticket recommendation ticket for support, thank you :)

(End of this chapter)

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