I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 306 Young Master

Chapter 306 Young Master
Opening the system interface, Zhou Dong began to inspect the harvest of this trip to Xiangjiang.

'The main mission, ask the host to win the gold medal in this year's Xiangjiang International Food Competition, has been completed.

The reward is [-] upgrade skill points!Can be used to upgrade any base skill. '

"These [-] upgrade skill points are hard-won."

Zhou Dong sighed in his heart, Huai Liangren, Yan Yi, these people can't see through him, they only think that he is a diligent talent, and he doesn't seem to have any weaknesses, but he knows his own affairs, but he knows that he is doing it for this Xiangjiang delicacy. The competition, how much effort has been put in.

At present, he is only at the master level in basic skills such as kneading noodles, ramen noodles, and pastry modeling in the white case. In addition to breaking through to the perfect level in the red case, his frying skills and cooking skills are only at the professional level.

As for the Perfect Tasting and Legendary Vegetable Washing skills, strictly speaking, one is more like a gourmet skill, and the other belongs to the water table category.

Everyone in the world thinks that Zhou Dong is a hard-working genius, and some of his peers treat him as a young master. Zhou Dong himself is really guilty.

Compared with Huai Liangren with more comprehensive skills, even Yan Yi and Lu Luxin, he can achieve today's achievements because of his perfect taste skills, learning and selling now, and countless hard work in the good fortune kitchen In exchange for practice,

In this world, no one can succeed casually!

"We must improve our true strength as soon as possible,
Soon after returning to Chudu, Zhou's private kitchen will open. If I am not strong enough, I am afraid that I will show my timidity sooner or later, let alone become the only chef in the world. "

Looking at the various data in the system interface, Zhou Dong broke out in a cold sweat. It's time to improve his basic abilities!
However, 1770 upgrade skill points are simply not enough. At present, the skill points of Bianbo and Chaogong are only at the specialization level, which are 3000/1980 and 3000/5 respectively. If you want to upgrade to the perfect level, you need more than [-] for these two items alone upgrade skill points!

Fortunately, the fire control in Huaxia cooking is not separate from the skill of turning the pot and frying. That is to say, if the skill of turning the pot and frying is improved, the ability to control the fire will naturally increase. Otherwise, just a perfect level of fire control will be smashed Go down to 3 upgrade skill points.

"Don't participate in this kind of competition in the future, it's a waste of time!
The Supreme Gold Award just sounds good, but no matter how top-notch food is made in the competition, because it is the content of the competition, it will not be appreciated by peers and diners.
Not to mention getting any upgrade points and skill books, and even no treasure chests. I haven't gotten many of these things.
It seems that it is still necessary to open a shop with a standing stove, which is the duty of a chef. "

The more Zhou Dong thinks about it, the more depressed he is. At present, some of the skill points in the pot and speculation are still earned by him in Chudu’s early department and the ideal life column. He co-authored such a big limelight in Xiangjiang. With the reward of [-] upgrade skill points, there is no other gain. "

"Hey, if you don't have a lot of money, you have to live on a tight schedule."

Zhou Dong thought for a while, although he bears the title of "Zhou Mian King", the most urgent task now is to improve his skills in the red case, and the stove head is the most important thing.

Among them, the perfect knife skills are already at the level of master chefs in the world, so there is no need to rush to break through, the most important thing is cooking and frying skills.

As for Bai An, his basic skills such as kneading noodles, ramen noodles, and pastry styling are already at the master level. In addition, he is assisted by legendary vegetable washing skills and perfect tasting skills to fill in the gaps. In fact, his comprehensive strength in Bai An It should not be far from the perfect level.

And looking at Yan Yi's meaning, it is true that he is "destined to be with him", and he is going to stay in Kyushu Dingshi to develop,

Yan Yi is famous for his vegetarian dishes, how could the chef who cooks the vegetarian dishes be so bad at his work?With his help, I wouldn't have many chances to make phone calls on the white case.

Compared with Chaogong, the latter is especially important. Zhou Dong took out 28020 upgrade skill points in one breath, and directly smashed Chaogong to the perfect level. He is already in a state of full skill points, unable to upgrade further, and needs to break through the legend.

Although the frying skills he showed on various occasions before were amazing, they either benefited from a single high skill, or he had practiced countless times in the good fortune kitchen in advance.

Even if a certain dish has been perfected, the dishes are different from each other. If you make Goubuli steamed stuffed buns well, the sugar triangle will definitely work?

If you are good at egg fried rice, fried rice noodles must also be good?

This is the difference between practicing a certain dish and fully improving the basic skills!
Now that the frying skills have reached the perfect level, even if you encounter a new dish that you have never seen before, you don't need to practice in advance, you can stir fry casually, and you can make ordinary chefs look up to you. This is the real ability!
More than half of the [-] upgrade skill points have been lost at once. Zhou Dong could not help shaking his head secretly as he looked at the remaining skill points.

He still has 21980 general upgrade skill points left. Even with the 1770 upgrade skill points accumulated by the Pot-Tipping skill, there is still a deficit of 6250 points. There is no way to smash the Pot-Tipping skill to the perfect level.

"It doesn't matter, let's smash it down first!"

Zhou Dong was cruel, and directly poured the rest of the upgrade skill points into the pot skill. Looking at the upgrade progress bar of 23750/30000 in the system interface, he felt very dissatisfied.

"In the system, it only takes 3000 upgrade skill points to upgrade to a master, and ten times to upgrade to a master. Is this too much?"

"Host, perfect-level skills correspond to the chef level in the real world, and 30000 upgrade skill points are not too many.

What's more, once the basic skills are improved to perfection, they are considered full-level,

Next, the host only needs to break through the legend, that is, it is a legend, and there is no need to upgrade skill points, so the system thinks this is fair. "

"Ha ha."

Zhou Dong hehe twice, what you said is very light, is it so easy to break through to the legendary level?

If I break through a vegetable washing skill, let me do 'intestine sashimi'. If I break through the skill of knife skills, I may not be able to tell what kind of moths will come out of it.

Just thinking about whether to complain a few times, after all, only children who can cry can have milk. Suddenly seeing the skill upgrade bar flickering, and there was a faint golden light. See an explanatory text appearing on the skill bar.

'The behind-the-scenes tasks of master and apprentice have points that can be exchanged, should they be used to exchange for upgrade skill points? '

"The behind-the-scenes mission of the master and apprentice is about Aiguo and the Su family brothers?"

After Zhou Dong confirmed, an interface jumped into his eyes, but it was the heads of three people.

One faintly is Zhou Aiguo, and the other two with funny eyebrows and twitchy mouths, as if they still don't forget to "spray" in the system, aren't they the second treasure of the Su family?
Zhou Aiguo, the senior, is still the hardest working one. The number behind his profile picture is 1500, and the second treasure of the Su family is a bit worse, one is 800, and the other is 500.

"This master-student behind-the-scenes system is very good, isn't it? In addition to getting appreciation points, there are also upgrade skill points that can be exchanged for?"

Zhou Dong was overjoyed. After reconfirmation, the 1500 on Zhou Aiguo's profile picture became 750, and the second treasure of the Su family changed from 800 to 300, and the other from 500 to 150. When the three students added up, it happened to be 1200, these 1200 skill points are general-purpose, very cost-effective.

"System, why is the conversion ratio of master-student behind-the-scenes points different?"

"The host should understand that even if the students have made progress, they can provide you with mentoring points, but they have different talents and different levels of effort, so the ratio of redeeming upgrade skill points will still vary.

Therefore, in addition to patiently teaching your students, please spur those students who are not correct in their learning attitude when necessary. This is also a teacher's obligation! "

It turned out to be the case.

Zhou Dong nodded secretly. It seems that Zhou Aiguo is a good student and he needs to be encouraged or even rewarded. The two boys from the Su family are poor students, so they must be encouraged!

A young master should look like a master!
 Thanks to Elmy, Xinxin Upward, \╳\"馫灬 is waiting for the bride every day, book friend 20190315124025206, book friend 20180828005409223 for their support, thank you for the subscription, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket support friends:)
(End of this chapter)

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